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What is up, daddy gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with call her daddy, Chase Crawford. Welcome to call her daddy.


Thank you for having me, Alex. Yeah.


I am so excited to meet you. Okay. You have to tell a little bit of the backstory, though, because you were just telling me downstairs that you kind of were a fan and, like, I need to hype myself.


I was. Listen, I'm a little bit nervous right now because I'm so excited. Alex. No, I was telling you, I'm like, maybe I should save it for the podcast. But I'm an OG daddy fan.


Let's fucking do it.


I'd be like, you know, I'd be like, walking my dog. I always listen to podcasts. I was like, who are these? You guys are giving insane advice. And it was amazing because you weren't giving, like, just this cliche wrote advice to women. You're like, fuck it. This is how we're seeing. This is what the guys we're seeing in New York or whatever, right? And I lived in New York, obviously, so. But. But, yeah, but you guys are like, this is how we're seeing it. This is the real stuff we're gonna give, give out. This is how you play it. This is our advice. This is what works for us. And I thought it was the best thing. I laughed. I thought it was amazing. I would listen to, like, full, full, like, podcasts.


Oh, so you've really.


I was entertained by the whole thing. Yeah, I'm OG. I love your new stuff. I love all the stuff.


Oh, you were all the way back in, like, the blowjob tips, like, you were.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. All this stuff, I couldn't turn it off. I'm like, this is amazing. This is great.


Really. You're giving everyone that, like, the information that the world needs. It's the hard hitting facts. I appreciate you sharing that. Also picturing you, like, walking your dog, being like, that was, like, the funniest shit in the OG days when it was so graphic that people would be like, my AirPods got disconnected. I'm at work and it's like, you have to suck the living shit out.


And she's like, fucking shit connects to Bluetooth.




I'd be like, walking my dog just very, like, thinking very, like, wow. Oh, my God.


What a great point.


This is awesome.


I'm really interested because every time I meet people, I have no idea what to expect, like, with you, I was interested to know, like, is he going to be extroverted? Is he going to be introverted? Like, would you say in your life you're an extroverted person?


I'm weird. I'm weird. I am. I'm both. I know that's like a lame answer.


But, like, it's a normal.


I'm very much, like. I compartmentalize things. I can really, like, go out and, like, let loose and I'm very social and I can be loud and have fun, but I like my alone time, you know, I like my own bed and like, I'm sort of a closet reader and a nerd and, like, my dog. I like my alone time. So. Yeah.


What kind of dog do you have?


He's like a little rescue. He's like a little. They lied to us at the rescue place. It was like I share him with an ex girlfriend, actually.


So you're one of those?


I'm one of those. I'm one of those.


Oh, my. Chase, I'm judging you so hard.


I know.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


It's all about him, though. All about the dog.


No, that's fucking bullshit. Wait, that's like a full problem when you meet someone new and you have to be like, this is like our child.


I know. It's not even. I mean, she's got a fiance. It's not even like. I know. I don't think it's a weird thing at all. People think it's the funniest thing. I'm like, it actually is the only way to have a dog. In fact.


No, no.


Being a cast member recently, she wore a dog. I'm like, you wanna get a dog together? I know how this goes.


That is actually mentally insane.


It's insane.


So you have to see her constantly.


We, you know, not as often as you think. She does have a key to my house. And so a lot of times, I know it's getting more. Listen, it's not that big of a deal. A lot of times I'll just like, I flew out last week to go work in Toronto. I'm like, hey, shine. His name's Shiner after a Texas beer. Very stupid. I'm like, shiner's in the house. Just go in there and take him. And she just goes and picks him up. I'm not even there. But sometimes, yeah, we're still like friends and cordial. It's great.


So you're. Imagine you're like in there on a date with the dog and she comes to pick it up and has the key. Like, you just. You have to describe that to new women. Like, listen, it's nothing other than just for the dog's happiness. Like, we share her.


Right? Right. I never let that happen. I guess I drop him off sometimes. She lives close by me and whatnot.


What if a girl said, like, I can't do this unless you guys give up the dog?


Oh, this girl's gone. I mean, this dog takes precedent. I think I might love that dog more than my future child.




Oh, my God. I'm not even kidding. I will die for that dog.


I'm a dog monster.


That's how that happens. They get you like that. They really.


I get it. I get it. How would your friends describe you to, like, someone that they wanted to set you up with? Like, how are your friends describing you?


Ooh, I don't know. That's a very good question. Outgoing, funny. Hopefully. You know, I like to think I can cook a little bit, but if they were being honest, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe, you know, he's a bad texter. Maybe I'm not that grunting honest. I'm not that great. You know?


I think that's a good sign, though. I think if you treat a woman really well in person and then sometimes you're not a bad texture, but you're open about it.




Like, that's okay. Like, Matt, my partner, is like, my husband is, like, not. He is not a good texter at all. In the beginning days, I was like, does he fucking hate me?


Yeah, totally. Totally.


Now I know. I, like, appreciated that he's not on his phone 24/7 being one of those freaks, like, are you on your phone, though, 24/7 you're just not texting back?


I'm not, no, no. I like to leave it. It's always on vibrate. I like to. I still like to be always attached to it. Okay, so. But then I'll overthink. I have a little anxiety. I'm like, I don't know what to do. So sometimes I, like. I literally forget to, like, form a response, you know? I'm like, I gotta get back to that, so I'll forget about it. And it's terrible. And I'm just. That's kind of how I am. I'm a little scattered with the texting.


But do you think that's your biggest red flag? Like, you're just a bad texter? What else?


What's another red flag? I'd like to think I got green flags. No, I got. Let me think. You know, my ex is maybe my 20 might say I'm bad at communicating, so that kind of ties in but I've learned.


I've learned you've gotten better.


Late thirties now. Gotten better. So I'm more vulnerable.


We love a vulnerable man that can, like, tap into his emotions and his feelings.




What are you doing on a Saturday night with your friends?


Oh, that's a good question. Usually. What did I do last weekend? Like, my buddy, like, this next Saturday, he does, like, 60. He does these big, like, lunches at Jelena in Venice. We all bring a bottle of wine, but it's like 6 hours, so. And he prefaced it with that. I was like, I don't know if I'm gonna make it 6 hours. And it went by like that. So we do this. We do these little, like, lunches with random different people. He's kind of in the food industry as a chef, so we kind of, like, have these interesting.


Are you getting, like, annoyed when you're out? Like, are you getting noticed all the time, everywhere you go?


No. No. It depends. I'm not, like, you know, I'm not, like, dicaprio level where it's like this. I kind of have a nice pocket where it's. It's fun to get recognized for the gossip girl thing still, which is, like, still been this, like, three. Three different waves of Netflix. I don't know how it keeps. Keeps coming around, but it's the same age, you know, female is always, like, so excited. So it's. So I do get it sometimes in more touristy spots like Venice or in New York or somewhere kind of. There's more people from all over the place.


Yeah, but it's fun that you have, like, a good attitude about it because I can imagine, like, I've talked to people before on my show about, like, people that are. Have done so much in their career, but there's this one thing that people are like, we just can't get past it. Like, for you, it's Gossip girl. For, like, oh, my God. For other people, it's like the OC. Like, I know you've talked and, like, Rachel Bilson, like, totally.




It's like, she's done so much in her career, but there's the one thing that people are like, can we just talk about this for 19 hours? And it's like, you can either just be positive about it or, like, fucking hate it, but, like, it's what made you super famous.




And it's kind of fun for all of us to, like, indulge a little bit.


I mean, when you're young, in your twenties, it's like, I'm like, you try. Everything's so precious that I want to be like Marlon Brando. Like, I was so annoyed by Gossip girl, right? And, like, even the name, I hate it, dude. It's like, it's the great. It's great. It's the greatest thing. Yeah, it's like, it's this weird cultural thing of the zeitgeist of that time too. Like, pre instagram, pre, all these things. Like, the first iPhone had just come out. Like, it was such a weird, amazing time in New York.


Fucking amazing.


When were you in New York? Were you in New York?


I was in New York, right? I'm, like, a little younger, so I was like, New York for me was just as crazy, but, like, I had my fucking iPhone and it wasn't as fun. Like, I remember college more when I was watching Gossip girl and high school. I was, like, obsessed with it because I grew up on the east coast. I, like, knew the nature of New York City, but I was not. I didn't come from, like, a wealthy family. So, like, the con, I was, like, with the fucking humphreys, I would have been down in, like, even the Humphries.


Are in this, like, loft space. It's like a $20 million. Like, that's all B's.


Like, that's like, that's what I can't afford. What the fuck? My first apartment in New York City was quite literally a shoebox. And I'm like, yeah, it's not looking so glamorous, but you still go out and you can still go to the similar places. That's what I love about New York is like, yeah, you can go to where DiCaprio is or whoever the fuck, and New York is cool like that, where LA is a little bit more snooty, where it's like, you can't get in here. Where New York, it's like, anyone can get in anywhere and they'll treat me.


Like, it's kind of nice because everyone is, like, way too cool for school. They don't give a shit about anything at all. Won't even, like, look at me, like, at the thing. I'm like, okay, listen. I can't even get lakers tickets to save my life. Everyone wants it, but the Knicks, they would always give me Knicks tickets. And rangers, baby. So, yeah, that was it.


Fucking amazing.


Shout out to them.


We're gonna talk a little bit more, obviously, about gossip girl at some point, but I do want to talk to you about your childhood because obviously you're this, like, you became this heartthrob. Your life changed? I think around, like, 22 ish was gossip girl.


Yeah. 21, 22. You're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So, like, before that, like, how would you describe your childhood?


It was interesting. I was born in Lubbock, small town Texas. Not much going on out there. I kind of woke up. I was in Oklahoma City first memories. So random. Parents are from there. Dad's from there. My parents met there at a small, very small, like, religious college there. So Oklahoma City very enlisted. My parents had me when they were, like, 20 and 21. So that's, you know, a very southern thing. Yeah. I mean, they were still growing up as we were. I can't imagine having, like, a 15 year old right now. So, um. So they were young. My dad was in med school. What. What happened? We moved to Minnesota for four years for his med school, and then we moved back to Texas when I was, like, nine or ten years old in Dallas. I'm from Dallas. Like, north, north Dallas. Little bit suburbia, a little bit out there in the sticks, but more suburbia, you know? Yeah.


Were you raised religious?


Yeah. Yeah, basically, yeah. Were you?


Oh, my God. It was. It was tough because obviously, I can't imagine being from the south and being raised religious. Like, I was raised Catholic every single Sunday going to church. And I was from Pennsylvania, so it wasn't, like, probably as intense, maybe as, like, adding on the south, but it was just confusing because I always felt more, like, pulled to the arts and pulled to these things that just, like, weren't as traditional.


Me too.






And so you just kind of feel like a fucking weirdo, and you feel like art naturally, like, pushes the boundaries on conversations.




And when you're raised religious, it's a little bit like, what are you doing here? Like, you're, like, coloring outside the lines. And if you were raised in Los Angeles, it's like, go, sweetie. You're doing great. So it's like. It's just a matter of where you were raised. Like, was it hard for you with, like, when did you know you wanted to get into the arts?


I was. I was, like, an artistic kid, actually. I was always drawing and stuff. I never wanted to be an actor. I had no idea about acting or any of it. I know. It's like that shitty story that's like no one wants to hear. I'd like.


No, that's good. That's good.


Yeah, yeah. Like, I was very naive about. About the acting thing. I just. Yeah. When there was, like, this, like, this, like, secular world. Right. That's like, you know, even I was sort of a bit policed on what music I was listening to. And, you know, all these other things. It kind of makes you feel just claustrophobic in a way. Right. I remember, like, always really wanting to just travel or just get out of the bubble and meet new people and go out and do that. But I was a pretty good drawer in, like, charcoal and, like, a little bit of painting when I was, like, you know, like, middle school, I started kind of. I'm not grad. I was good for, like, a 6th grader. Okay, good for, like, a kid. Yeah, good for, like, 100 kids in my grade. Okay. I was, like, the best artist out of, like, 100 kids in Dallas.


Right, right.


No, no. But so my parents did kind of, like, foster that a little bit. They let me, you know, I went into, like, photography classes and those are my favorite, favorite stuff.


Did you ever have an awkward face?


Oh, yeah, totally. Oh, my God, I should have. Yeah. I wish I had a picture of me in, like, 6th grade with the Abercrombie and the puka and, like, oh, I'm talking full highlight cap. Like, my mom highlighting my hair through the noodle cap.


But wasn't that, like, low key hot at the time?


Yeah, I mean, we all thought so.


The puka shell was like, if a guy was wearing a puka shell, I'm like, you were the fucking shit. Like, you had confidence. Wait, why were you awkward?


I just was awkward. I wasn't good at talking to girls. I had no idea. Like, you know, you think. You think, like, one plus one equals two at that time, you like a girl. They're supposed to like you back. And when the first girl did not like me back at all, I was like, oh, shit. Like, I was like, okay. I guess I didn't even really come into my personality until, like, middle of high school, I would say, yeah, I.


Think that's kind of normal, though. I feel like boys either are just, like, so outgoing and loud and, like, kind of annoying as shit, or there's, like, the little artsy guys that, like, blossom eventually.


I was a little bit more in that. You know what I mean?


What were your friends like?


So I had some good friends. They were kind of geeky, you know, outdoorsy, you know, like, go karts and bikes and, like, just little, like, all, you know, outside doing, you know, sports was. Sports is a big, like, for, you know, Texas thing. So, like, everyone, it's gotten even worse. Like, every weekend is, like, sports for kids, and it's just this whole.


And you didn't play football.


I did, but not like, not like Friday night lights football. Wasn't like the Panthers. I love kids. He's a buddy. But, you know, I actually auditioned for that. For that show and didn't. Didn't get the quarterback, and I was devastated at the time. Yeah, yeah.


Oh, my God. And you must have been, like, wanting that, too, because being from Texas, that kind of wouldn't, like, a full circle fun moment.


Oh, devastated. Yeah. I was like, oh, my God, that's so bad. But. But it didn't. It didn't work out.


So you didn't get it in real life and you didn't get an acting.


No. Yeah, yeah. Scarred forever. Yeah, yeah. I was definitely not my dad. Like, you're not. You're not gonna. You're probably not gonna go over six foot. So let's. He was like, let's maybe stick to golf and something easy.


Yeah, golf. Tell me about golf, because I'm gonna be honest. When I think back to high school and I think about the guys, I'm. I'm not. You know, I'm not gravitating toward the golfers. However, I feel like they figured, no, listen. Now, in hindsight, if I have a son one day and be like, get your fucking ass into golf.


Right, right.


Those are the guys that, like, get the scholarships and are smart and have their life figured out and just, like, look put together where, like, the meatheads, like, God bless them, but, like, where are they?


I know you can keep. You can keep playing golf throughout your life, and I'm not even, like, I feel like I. It seems like I play in these little charity things that they invite me to, and, like, so I. Yeah. So I'm like. But I'm not that big of a golfer. I played growing up because there was. Because I wasn't gonna be big enough for football. So that was sort of the impetus there.


Can you imagine if you had gotten Friday night lights?


That is totally different, because the next year, I got. I got the gossip girl thing. So would have been totally.


Oh, my God. Either, like, you playing football or you being like, trust fund Mister swab in New York City.


Yeah. Yeah.


I feel like that fit you. Well, not that you could have done football. Okay. I want you to know I would have accepted that role, too, but I think it was meant to be. It was meant to be. Okay, wait, so you got denied by a girl? Did you ever go to prom?


I did go to prom, yeah. Yeah.


How did you do a promposal? Come on.


Oh, my God. I actually ended up going. One of my best friends in high school was this girl Alyssa. Alyssa Weldon. Lover. We called her whoopi. So we used to, like, go to prom together just because I had think I had a girlfriend from a different. That's right, a girlfriend from a different school. And there was, like, a thing where the girls didn't want you. It was just like, if you. You can't bring a girl from school. So I want to bring my friend Whoopi. And we'll be. Tore it up. Yeah.


Oh, good for you.


So that was it.


Do you remember the first time you drank?


Yeah, I do, actually. I do. I do. It was back of a Honda Prius. No, Mike's hard lemonade or. No, it was a. It was a. No, it was a grab bag. It was Mike's hard lemonade and Smirnoff. Don't say Smirnoff or, like, Smirnoff or something like that. But it was Mike's hard lemonade and Smirnoff. I think I had one of each. Oh, but it was one of those things where you, like, you don't know if you're drunk and you don't know how to act. You act drunker than you are. I think. I think I'm feeling. I'm feeling great. Like, you, like, try and, like, dude, it's just water. We, like, we fucked with you. It's just water.


But you're not even, like, fucking tipsy, but you're like, no, guys, things are really starting to feel different. Nothing is different. We're just driving and it's, like, moving a little bit. Okay, calm the fuck down.




Wow. Okay. So, like, you had, like, an okay experience. Cause I feel like, to say that you had that for your first drink. Like, I was, like, going into my parents liquor cabinet and, like, grabbing, like, a disgusting brandy and, like, holding my nose and, like, vomiting back into the bottle and just trying to get, like, a couple steps. You had a nice little mike.


No, no, I had a bad moment with vanilla. It was. I think was vanilla coke or vanilla sky. It was like, vanilla. Some vanilla flavored. Ruined it forever.


That'll do it.


That'll do it.


So that's your drink.


That was my bad moment. Was like, coke and some vanilla. Like, vanilla coke, some mixed with vodka. Bad night.


You can never now not drink that and think of that.


No, it was great. Because then I just kind of would, like, switch the beer. As you one dozen texts, you switch to some beer.


So Abercrombie and fetch. What the fuck? What the fuck? Like, I was so awkward. You were an Abercrombie and Fitch boy?


No, I worked there. I worked behind the counter. I was, like, doing the numbers.


You still had to be hot. You still had to be hot and cool. Like, you still had to have a thing.


Lied about my age too, because they're like, I thought it was, like, cool to be picked. Like, would you work here? I was like, yeah, maybe. Like, yeah, give me an application. And I was, like, lying on the application.


How? Okay. To all the Gen Z people that are listening that may have, like, no idea about the two thousands Abercrombie craze, can you just describe what it was like to work there?


You have no idea. First of all, okay, you get to the mall, you walk in, you can smell that store from any. Any entrance point in the mall, right? Woods cologne. Never. I can smell it and I can taste it right now. Thinking about it.


It's kind of disgusting.


Probably still have it. God. Yep. And then as I'm getting closer, I can hear the same fucking mix that they've been playing on repeat for 48 hours. I can, like, know this song and now I probably love every song on there, but, like, it's the same thing. You get in there. There's, like, greeters standing there, sometimes shirtless. Back in the day.


You were never one of those.


I was never one of those. They tried to actually. I had enough, at least self dignity, respect back. And they were like, I'm a math guy. Like, put me behind the register. So. And I actually. Time went by way faster. I was not a greeter, but you get there. You might be introduced by some shirtless guys and then. And there's always photographs. He's like, those Bruce Weber, like, black and white photographs. You know, those were kind of the iconic thing that made it so. Yeah, at the time, that was very, like, racy and, like, silly.


Oh, it was because we got, like, a little bit of penis lines going on, like, the boy's side and, like, the girl side was like, these abs that I was like, I literally don't even have tits right now.


They're like 25 years old, right? School kids.


And the smell. I was thinking about it, though, like, Hollister was ten times worse because you had to walk in there with a flashlight. They turned all the lights off and it was like a madhouse, like. And you're literally, like, grabbing clothes and you're just checking out. It was awful.


Yeah. Yeah, I worked at both. I worked at Hollister too, for a summer. What terrible. It was awful. It was awful.


Chase you had. You are like that guy, the guy that just, like, worked at Abercrombie and Hollister.


Yeah, I know.


I kind of love it, though. Yeah, it was cool back then.


Embarrassing. It was cool. Yeah, it was cool.


It's not embarrassing. It's cool. It's cool. Because back at the. In the day, like, I feel like half the time I would walk in that store, and that was, like, maybe my sexual awakening, being like, whoa. Like, these boys are, like, so gorgeous. Again, like you said, 25 year old men. And it was. I think it was, like, a whole experience in the day. Like, that was the coolest thing going. Now we don't even have malls anymore.


No, there's no malls. The Bev center is great. It's empty. It's, like, kind of nice. You can walk my dog. It's kind of nice in there. It is a ghost town, so.


Okay, we're talking about gossip girl again.


Okay. Okay.


The audition process, I think it's fascinating to think about. Like, you obviously don't get Friday night lights, and then you go for this. Like, what does that even entail? Like, how long was it? Did you even know what the show really was gonna be like?


No, I had no idea. I mean, I like a lot of kids I watch. I grew up in the OC in high school and into my college. The best show in my college year was the best show. Loved it. But it was weird. I went in there. It was like a process of, like, a six, six hoops to jump through. It was actually kind of a wild process, but I knew that Josh and Steph needed the OC. They're phenomenal. And I knew it could have this potential to be cool. And I'm like, oh, they're definitely going to change the name. That name's never going to stick. You know, it's based on these books. Whatever. But I went in, and then right away, if I remember correct, I wore, like, my most New Yorky jacket possible, like, my preppiest, you know, whatever.


Oh, obsessed.


And. But at the same time, I was a little bit, like, again, I'm, like, younger. I was a little, like, eye roll. Like, this is kind of not beneath me, but I want to. I wanted Friday Night live.


Yeah, right?


So I'm like. I kind of went in there with, like, a very kind of blase, like, whatever, which probably worked in my favor, as those things kind of do, but they want to do, like, a test, you know, thing right away, which I thought, great, there's gonna be one more. One more audition or whatever. But then it was, like, back with producers and then, like, producers and director, and then it was like, it's different. It's all different now. Now you. Now it's all self tapes and you just kind of put yourself out there.




You know? But. But back then, it was like, it was CW, so it was CB's and Warner brothers who had to go to, like, the top of, like, the Warner Brothers building. And I remember one of the final, maybe fourth or fifth times I walk into this big, like, 40 row conference room, you know, and I think I tested with a few actresses, a few girls for, like, blair or whatever, and I remember thinking, like, I'm like, that's a really great part. Like, she's got some great chunks of dialog. It's, like, funny and, you know, no. No offense. They didn't really. I was like, that's. I just don't really see it with these girls. And I got this big conference room, and there was just this one girl kind of sitting with her back turned. I walked all around like, hi. Nice to meet you. And it was like, Leighton turned around, and before she even said, I'm like, that's. She's, like, so perfect. She was like, hi, nice to meet you. I like, that's the girl. So we both were, like, super nervous and we had to, like, go in and test. It's silly.


It was like a theater seating, dark room, one stool, like lights. And it was like, you go in and it's, like, the silliest scenes ever. You're doing, like, in front of, like, all these people. I'm, like, talking about Nathaniel's Paxil and all this stupid stuff. And so anyway, so I did that. I was like, I don't know if it went well. And I guess I got the call. So that I got it.


So that is. I love also how you just, like, knew Layton also. She was so fucking perfect for that part. Like, no one else could have the.


Headband on the audition. She flipped around like, and I think I'm in love with you. Literally.


You're like, I love you. And then America was like, I love you, too.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Did you always know you were going in for Nate?


Yeah, always for Nate. Yeah. I think they. They switched around some of the roles, kind of like the play. I remember going in and reading with Blake and a few other guys. They were trying to fit the pen to the Dan role.


So, yeah, I think it's just so fascinating because I've heard some people go in for someone, and they get switched. But, like, when I think of Nate, your character, like, had a very different upbringing than, like, what you were used to. Like, when you first started filming, could you relate to anything about this person?


No. Like, nothing. No, absolutely nothing. I had no idea. I didn't really know any northeastern people. I had no idea, like, the whole thing. I was. It was all new to me. Did you have an money? I had. I had a, like, a subtle. I kind of lost it in California when I went to college for, like, four years. But I get drunk. I have a little accent.


Yeah, yeah.


But I had. I did think about that, though. I'm like, how do these, you know, what is that New York thing? You know, what is that preppy thing? Right.


Because you went to Pepperdine for one year.


I did, yeah. For about a year and a half. Yeah, exactly.


Did your family think you were losing your mind that you dropped out?


Kind of. I mean, they, like, I kind of freaked out. I didn't know what I wanted to do, like, with my life. I kind of had a freak out moment and just. They were supportive. I graduated high school a bit younger. I was, like, 17. So they were like, take a year off, like, do whatever. And of course, I found this acting class. I'm like, I want to be an actor. So, you know. But they were somehow supportive. They. Shockingly, because I didn't think they would be my dad being a doctor and whatnot.


So I was going to say. Cause I remember Pepperdine when I was picking schools. I remember looking it up. Cause I was so fascinated with California. And I look up Pepperdine, I'm like, this looks like the most magical place on earth. And then I was reading, and my mom was like, sweetie, you can't drink if you go to the school. Why am I bringing that up? I don't know.


Didn't know that, by the way, till I got there, I didn't know how strict it was. I'm like, guess I'm joining a fraternity. Which I didn't necessarily want to do.


But, yeah, that is, like, notoriously one of the strictest schools. Like, you can't drink.


Oh, yeah.


You can't have co ed past, like.


11:00 p.m. you can't have any girl in your room. Vice versa. Yeah.


Did you do anything that, like, broke the rules your freshman year?


Oh, yeah, we did. Yeah, quite a bit, somehow. Yeah, we get. We could have gotten a lot of trouble, actually. I think we, like, skinny dipped in, like, the president's, like, pool or something. Crazy while he was not there. Like, something crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


So you had a good time? I love it.


We had a good time. Yeah, yeah.


They're not gonna invite you back?


No, that was, like, a one time thing. But it was like, we kind of, like, felt like I met some really. Actually three of my best friends. They ended up all being from Texas, and they were, like, from Austin, and one was from, like, amarillo, Texas. And somehow we became instant good friends. Yeah. Yeah.


So it's so fascinating to think about you in college doing one year and then dropping out and going to gossip girl. Do you think that, like, anyone in your hometown was surprised to see that success or was everyone, like, oh, guaranteed they were.


So everyone was probably super left field surprised.




Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


They had no clue you'd be doing that.


No, I never wanted to be an actor. And I also wasn't that guy. I wasn't like Johnny, like, you know, heartthrob on the tv show. I just wasn't right. I mean, I was a late bloomer by the time I was 21. I kind of started to come. Come more into my own. Right. And have, you know, real confidence.


Confidence. Did you have, like, random people reach out? I feel like all those people start kind of, like, crawling.


It does happen. Yeah. You probably speak that, like, yeah, he's like, it's weird. Like, certain things happen. People act weird around that kind of stuff.


You're like, wait a second. We did go to high school together, and you never talked to me. Why are you texting me?




How do you actually have my number?


Yeah, there was that a little bit, actually.


Isn't that weird?


Yeah, it was weird. It was weird. Yeah.


Zachary, when did it get, like, really big? After season one? It kind of just popped. Right.


I remember the fall of 2007. Like, right when it started airing, it became big, like, right away. Yeah. It was really insane.


Do you have a moment that you remember that you were like, oh, my God, my life has, like, forever changed?


I don't really. I guess there wasn't that one moment. There was me and. Me and Ed Westwick, who played Chuck on the show.




You know, he was, like, 18 year old kid from, like, outside of London. He thought he was, like, Pete. Pete Doherty. Right.


Love obsessed.


And we. I'm from Texas. I'm just in college. I don't know how expensive New York is. It was insane. I'm like, my dad had to, like, give us the, like, security deposit in first month's and last month's rent until we got our first paycheck. It was, like, hilarious. So I'm like, ed, you want to, like, room together? Like, this is crazy. Like this. Rents, I'm looking at this. He's like, oh, yeah, sure, man. You know, he had no idea. And I. And we had, like, first summer, we, like, moving in July, like, probably just turned 21 or 22, and we were like, the summer series in Central Park. I don't know if you remember any of that, but they had, like, big concerts out there, and it was like the black keys, arctic monkeys. I might be dating myself, but it was awesome. It's awesome. Sun's out, beers, and the show hadn't even come out. We'd shot the pilot. We just moved there, and we're having a blast. Just him and I just exploring the city. And these girls did come up to us, and it was kind of freaked us out a little bit because we didn't know.


He kind of looked at me. He's like, I think we're fucked, mate. He's like, show hasn't even come out yet, man. He's like, this whole thing. And that was. That. That moment is pretty crystallized in my mind. Cause it was all like, the black keys were playing. It was just like.


You're just being, like, normal dudes. Like, sitting, chilling, and then it's like, hello.


That was the very first time I think anyone ever asked for any type of picture. So that was that. I do remember that as being, like, a defining, like, oh, interesting. That's a weird feeling.


As it, like, really started to pop off. Like, how did you initially handle that? Like, fame and attention?


Not. Well, actually. It kind of made me paranoid, to be honest.




Slightly. I'm not gonna say it was, like, this terrible thing. It was.


No, but I.


It was fun. It was fun. But like you said, people come out of the woodwork, like, think people start acting weird around fame, and you start realizing all these things that you can only realize from that, see? Yeah, but, I mean, I don't want to act like it was this thing. It was. We had a blast. For me, it was all about having fun. Like, I had so much fun, but it was. You just are always kind of, like, you can't. Like, you kind of aren't present all the time. Like, you kind of just kind of, like, unwary about people or phones. Like, a little bit, like, not.


You know, I think that's okay to say. Like, and I get what you're saying. Like, that doesn't mean you're not so grateful for everything that came, right. But it's like a very odd experience as a human being to be like, oh, all those people are staring at me right now and watching me and they know who I am. And I have no idea who these people are.


They say they know you're like, I'm.


Not Nate Archibald as much as you want me to be. I am not. My name is Chase. I'm from Texas.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. And New York's interesting because it's like you get all this influx of people and tourists and you're not only. You're that character in that city. So it's like Mickey Mouse in Disneyland. They all want to see, like, take a photo with, like, mickeys. You feel like they just come up and hug you and it's like you're in this costume.


We just kind of weird. Can we talk about that for a minute? Because I didn't even think about that. Most shows that are, like, even movies if they're, like, set in New York, spoiler, they're not fucking shot in New York. Most of them are shot in Canada.




Toronto, yes. And you guys actually were living, breathing, filming, shooting in New York City. The show was set in New York City. So, like, you're walking then to get breakfast and you're not working but you're, like, walking wherever you're walking and someone sees you. Like, were people calling you nate on.


The street all the time? That was it. That was always. It was always the character's name. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was crazy and also fun, but, like, it was. It blurs the lines a lot, you know? And it was just weird. It was like a really weird. Like, if we were shooting exactly in Toronto, it's a different thing. But people are visiting New York and it was its own character in the show, you know? And people are like, you know, fans of the show and when they see you actually in that environment, it's like this whole, like, their mind is blown, you know? So it was a doubly interesting thing.


And it's also weird to be in New York City as you like. I think it's interesting because I just asked you at the beginning of this, like, oh, could you relate to anything? You're from Texas, this character, and you're like, no. And then all of a sudden, you went from not being able to relate to anything about this character to, like, you almost were becoming a part of this character was right, like that.


Yeah. Yeah.


You're like, I live in New York City. I am getting paparazzi. People want to know who I'm dating. And so I started off being like, I can't relate to this fucking kid at all. And now it's like, yeah, yeah.


And I think it was like Perez Hilton or whatever the gossip girly thing was at that time was really, I always thought was, like, funny stuff, but it was the same thing happening, you know what I mean? And. And I thought I wouldn't even like new york. I visited in, like, high school, and of course we went to all the tourists, the awful spots.




And I was there for a month. I'm like, oh, God, I love this. Love this place.


That's the thing about new york. Don't you feel like when you visit new york, it's so overwhelming? You get sent to the touristy spots where you're like, times square, and it's like, all the places that if you live there, you would never go. Then when you live there, you, like, find the pockets, and you're like, this is the best place. This is the best place ever.


Yeah, we kind of had the keys to the city, and it's like your twenties in new york, as you know. It's just. There's nothing better. So it was like. It was so great.


So you're friends with ed. You guys live together? Like, I'm obsessed that you guys were roommates. I didn't know that until I was, like, doing research for this, where I'm like, I didn't really live together. That's epic. What was ed's best and worst quality as a roommate?


Oh, God.


What was Ed's best and worst quality as a roommate?


Oh, God. He had a lot of bad ones, let me tell you that much. We lived in this little. I think it was like. They call it, like, a junior one where there was, like, a real bedroom, right? And then there was, like, an office you could put in a closed wall. And I was like, we'll just switch. Like, and I'll pay a little bit more. Of course, we never switch. And I'm glad we did. Cause Ed's room was like, you know, it was like a lunch pail with, like, overflowing cigarettes and, like, I mean, you thought, like, the joker lived there. It was insane. I'm not even kidding. I should be calling him out like this. But I love it.


I love it.


But he's 819. I'm 21, like you, you know, and he was just messy. I'm a little OCD. I mean, I'm not OCD, but I'm, like, a little bit on that side of like, I need things put in the right places and stuff, so.


Oh, so him. He's literally, like an ashtray walking around. You're like, clean up, clean up, clean up.


Like, shoving the stuff in his room, shoving the door, and, like. And then it was like. And he's, you know, at the time, like, ripping cigs. I was like, stop that. You know, so that was probably. I didn't like the cigs, but we had an absolute blast in that place. We had, like, a roof dot. Roof deck. Yeah, we have to go down the elevator and to the thing. But no one was ever up there on, like, 26th and 10th or 11th and 26th and 10th.


What is that? Like, it was just, like, not midtown.


Built Chelsea, I guess, technically. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But was kind of close to the water. Had, like, this amazing view on this roof deck, and we just called it roof deck. And he would, like, invite a bunch of people. We bring a bose speaker and some, like, you know, big bottle of vodka, whatever, and just, like, have, like, a party up there all the time.


Okay, so, first of all, to think about the two of you throwing a party on your roof deck. What was the difference between chase and Ed's parties versus Nate and Chuck's parties?


Not much, except the money involved. We didn't put much money behind ours. We weren't making quite that, you know? I know I ended up being, like, the president of the world at the end of the show, but it was ridiculous. And he was owning hotel chains. His was very much skewed, more like, like, british underground rock scene, you know? And I had, like, like, the beers going, and. But they did turn out to be pretty, like, fun, kind of well known parties. Like, people would, like, show up from all over the place and, like, we city.


I mean, is it true that you lived in the same building as the chain smokers?


Oh, it's a great story. Yeah. No, next door, actually. Jessica Zoro. I love the death. She's getting married in August, and I can't wait to see her. She played Vanessa on the show, and we'd all hang out, and then she'd play guys, and she lived in five five, five. We were, like, five three, five. So it was. She was literally. We were next door, and she'd always be like, my. My roommate, my. This guy down the hall, like, play Alex. Like, plays.


What is this accent you're doing?


I'm trying to. A Wisconsin accent. It's terrible. It's terrible.


You have the dog with.


She's from Wisconsin. No, no, no, no.


Oh, my God. I was like, this is too full circle.


No, we've all been, like, great friends.


This is your Wisconsin. Do that again.


No, she's like, from. From was. Cat, Wisconsin. She's terrible. I can't do it. Do it. She's like, guys, Alec, my friend Alex is playing. He's, like, a DJ. And then it's terrible.


I'm not gonna call you and be like, why did you sit? Why did you act like I speak like that on that show?


I love her. But she'd be like, yo. And it was like, three in the morning. I mean, you know, New York goes very late. So we'd be out. She'd be like, come back over. Like, we're gonna go to Alex's house. Apartment. His own house. Like a little tiny apartment.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And it was Alex from chain smokers. And he would. He just liked playing. He's the best. I still see him out and about, and we would just sit there and rip and, like, just, like, chop it up, talking. And he's, like, djing, playing music and.


Yeah, what a small world. That's crazy to think that, like, you guys as, like, young guys and. Cause they weren't even formed yet, were they?


No, they weren't.


They weren't because he hadn't met Drew yet.


Exactly. He hadn't met Drew yet. That's right. So I think there was someone else involved, but he hadn't met Drew. And our mutual friend with. With Jessica was this guy will mount. He's still my best friend. I met him through her, but he worked in nightclubs kind of. Or hospitality. Right. So Alex was like, hey, can you get me into these places? And he did. Well, I hooked him up and got him into these, like, clips of DJ and stuff like that.


They're the best.


Yeah, yeah.


They're so fun. I had them on, and I was like, that's right.


You did have him on.


Yes. I won't ask if you and, um, Ed have had a threesome together. But I did ask them that.


What they say, what was their answer?


Absolutely. They literally go, which one? And we were like. I was like, what? And they're like, which time? And I was like, I don't know. Tell me about them all. And Alex at the time was like, stop, Drew. And Drew was like, okay. So the first time I'm like, oh, my God. Okay. This is quite fun. Yeah. Who would you guys invite to these parties? Because at the time where you, like, hanging out with industry people, were you meeting, like, chicks at, like, nyu sometimes?


Yeah, like, so I don't know exactly who would we bring up there? We'd bring good friends, but then sometimes they'd get really out of hand and it'd be like, you know, like, it'd be insane. I remember one time, I want, this is very, like, early two thousands story, but like, we would have, you know, it got a lot of hand, but that. But the doormen loved us and they would, like, kind of let us do anything. They would just say, like, do this or that, don't do that. And so he called, I think a doorman called me. He's like, yo, there's, you gotta come down. There's some commotion going on down here. And I'm like, what's going on? And I go down the elevator and you could see, you could see like, all the way down. And there was just floor to ceiling windows at the front of the building, right? And I look, and it was like Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson, they were dating at the time. It's very 2000. Were like walking down and there was just a wall of photographers in the window.


I was like, whoa, you're like, no, we made it. Did they ever come up?


Of course they came up and it was great. And I think we had met before, kind of. And they're amazing. Like, Sam's great, and I haven't seen them in ages, but, like, they came up and it was like a very early two thousands. Yeah. Stories I haven't ever told. And then, and then, and then we, like, you know, raged up there.


Did Paris ever come to a party?


She did not. But I saw, I saw Paris recently, actually.




And I did at this, like, fancy, you know, some Oscar thing. And, and she said, hey. I went up to her and said, hey. And we were, I'm like, I'm like, you remember the first time you ever met? We ever met, right? And she was like, I think she said, I think so. And I was like, I was in college. I hadn't done anything yet, acting wise, but I was living. I just moved to LA. My sister was in town with the buddy, and we were at, like, Teddy's, that nightclub back in the day, which was like the best. And I was like, and like, you were so nice to us. You hung out with us and invited us to your birthday party and we all went, and it was amazing. She was like, no way. And I was like, yes.


She's literally like, I don't remember this at all.


She doesn't remember any of it. She. I think she did. She's amazing. And so I always. We always say what's up? When I see her. But that was, like, my other, you know, early two thousands story.


I'm obsessed because you. Paris is, like, the nicest fucking human.


The nicest human.


When you meet her, you're like, oh, my God. You're even better in person. Like, she's lovely, but I love how, like, for Paris, like, that probably meant, like, nothing at the time to her. She's like, got Leo at her parties, and she's got everyone, and she's like. And meanwhile, you're like, my life is made.


My sister was in, like, college. I was, like, barely out of college. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? Fights us to her birthday, but she's being so nice. I'm like, yeah, we'll go. It was great at our house. It was a blast. It was really, really cool.


That is fucking epic.


2005 or six, probably. Who knows?


Did any of your rooftop parties ever get shut down?


They never did, actually. Why never did? There was no one really. Like, the noise didn't travel because it was.


So that's you being. Having it in with, like, the doorman.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. But no one ever used it either. Like, it was really wild. I don't know how we got to have a rooftop. Yeah.


And to have a one junior suite thing that's, like, a one bedroom.




That's pretty insane. That's a great little gig.


It's a great deal for me. I got the main room, so. Yeah.


Sorry. Okay. What would he say your worst quality as a roommate is?


Oh. Oh. I don't know what he would say. What would he say my worst quality would be? Probably. Probably falling asleep so easily when we're. When he was, like, trying to tell a story, we'd be watching, like, just, like, cds of entourage just playing. He was like, look at that. I'd be, like, passed out. But, like, I don't know what my worst quality was. I was a great. I'm a great roommate. I'll never have another roommate, so help.


Me, I need to have ad on now. And he watch him be like, come with a list.




Number one. No, it seems like if you're the one that's, like, cleaner, like, you're. Maybe he'd be like. He was annoying as shit. He was constantly cleaning my shit. Like, leave my shit alone.


Yeah. When I had to, like, move out, I think he was, like, heartbroken. I think he was a little bit mad at me.


He built in May after, like, two years.


I'm like, all right, buddy? Like, I need my own. We're successful, the show's gone. We gotta, like, just have our own place. And he stayed in that place and, like, knocked the wall down and, like, made it his own.


He did?


Yeah, with, like, an ax. He, like, knocked his little wall down. It was very dramatic. Yeah.


Wait, were you, like, are you insane that you're staying?


A little bit.


Yeah, actually, bro, we got the paycheck.


Like, we got the thing. Yeah, it was like, two. Two years. We had two good years.


Right? Let's go. Um. Okay. Have you ever hooking up with a co star?


It's just such a night. You just did it, so, you know.


And then you go for the water. So casually acting like I'm gonna forget what I just asked, hoping I'll go on to a next question.


Yeah, listen, I would say. I would say those things are inevitable, you know, when you're in your twenties, like, or whatever. Could be for anything, like, workplace. But. But, you know, the thing is. The thing is, you're on these things. It's not like people would probably think it's, like, these sexy scenes or whatever. They kind of. It's like. That's, like, the worst part of it. It's, like, 60 people watching. It's like, the downtime. You're doing this show, you're on set for, like, 1214 hours a day, and usually there's some pretty interesting people from all walks of life. And. And. And the danger is. The danger is if you have. If you connect right away with, like, sense of humor, at least for me. Like, if you have a good. If you, like, have, like, have a rapport and can I kind of banter and give each other shit?




For me, I'm like, oh, I gotta, like, watch out. Watch it for myself. So I'm like, I'm gonna, like, start.


You know, liking them. Yeah, well, and I bet it's like, yeah, that's a good point. You're spending so much time with these people that obviously, the minute, if you're, like, emotionally connecting with someone that can be your person, like, while you're, like. Like, sitting in between scenes, like, you start to just get closer and then naturally. Okay, so you're gonna leave it to all of us to guess who it was.


I mean, listen, I've done, like, other shows and stuff, but. But, yeah, you know, it's.


Oh, yeah. But, like, I love how you had to take a pause, take a sip of water, and you got really centered with yourself, and then you, like, made eye contact with me. And you gave me the most perfect pr answer. Like, sometimes when things get heated and the emotions are there, it's inevitable. But, you know, we've all moved on. No, it's fine. It's fine. Did you ever know if co stars at the time were, like, hooking up and then you kept their secret for them?


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. And by the way, there's a lot of, like, actors and people coming on to the show, so they're, like, over the years. And then I had. I was fortunate enough to have, like, friends in the city. There were actors, but they were outside the show. And I had a really good, like, friend group. And then, like, they. Everyone else has their little friend group. And so, you know, you meet people in those. In that wider circle. It's not just like, you know, that tiny little, like, circle.


Everyone's, like, putting a map together, like.


So, you know, it's a lot of people involved. But, you know, again, it was like our college experience, you know, exactly one.


Year at Pepperdine, three years at Gossip Girl University. Can I ask, though, if you weren't dating, let's say, someone in your cast, what was your dating life like during Gossip Girl? Cause now you're famous. People know you. You're in a city.




What was it like?


It was. I mean, in the sense of, like, dating life, it was kind of non existent. I didn't really, like, I was never, like, doing the, well, I never liked doing, like, the interview. Like, sit down, like, go on dates. It was like I was meeting a lot of people out all the time. And it was very, like, it was very much like, meet and meet people through your friends. And, like, for me, I guess it was. I don't know, I guess it was experience based. Like, you kind of do something or you go off and meet people through a crazy experience. I would kind of connect with them and then we would date.


And you're so young, like, being 22, 23 in New York City. Like, at that point, I'm assuming you were not looking for a relationship. Like, you're having fun, you're meeting people, you're hooking up, you're going to work. Like, you're starting to make your first real life, like, paycheck, like, fun.


Yeah. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Yeah, we had a lot of fun. And in high school, I kinda had, like, one girlfriend, and it was very, like, kind of that thing. And so I was kind of, you know, wanted to. Wanted to get out there, so.


Okay, how did you feel when we found out that Dan was fucking gossip girl.


I felt happy that it wasn't me. I was just really happy that it wasn't Nate. Cause then they told me they were probably. They were thinking about. I'm like, why would even be me? I'm like.


Your character was, like, too, like, laissez faire. Like, you wouldn't have time to, like, get on your computer and type away.


No. Yeah. He's in politics now. He's a senator now, right? Yeah. Like, 26 year old senator.


So, yeah, I kind of always thought of Nate as just kind of, like, go with the flow. Like, although I hate when you hooked up with that older woman. I didn't like, like, that era. I didn't love that, and. But I liked. You and Serena were together. Yeah. Yeah. The white party, the kiss to make everyone jealous.






You're a fan of it. Okay. You know, you don't even want to.


Know how much of a fan I am when it ends. I think I've talked a lot about with people when they're actors of, like, understandably, there's this fan base that is like, don't you fucking dare say you weren't sad to see it end. But most people are like, I got to move on with my fucking life. It's time to go. Like, right. How did you feel when it all was ending? Were you like, let's fucking go?




Or tears?


I had. I went through, like, a major depression. I feel like, looking back. Not really, but I wasn't, like, prepared for it to end. I guess I thought I was, but it was more like New York. It's your family. It's like you wake up and you. And even the driver's like, you. You know what I mean? It's like the hair, makeup, girls, like, they're awesome. And that's your whole day. That's, like, your whole identity. It's like a young. I was ready for it to be done, but, I mean, me and Ed would talk about all the time and say, this is the greatest job we'll ever have. It was so. It was easy. It was an easy thing. It was fun. And we would laugh about that, but more, I was just mad. I had to, like. I was like, I guess I gotta go back to LA.


And, like, you know, you're like, I really liked it.


I liked it.


New York.


I should have stayed for a little bit.


Why didn't you?


I don't know. In hindsight, with real estate, I should have just bought in a place, and I kept it. Like, what was I thinking?


You should have gone back and gotten the place that Ed had been renting out and, like, bought a whole floor.


And renovated the whole thing, defumigated the whole thing.


Yeah, but you went back to LA.


I went back to LA, yes. Yes. And had to, you know.


So talk to me about your state of depression. I can imagine. It's, like, kind of an identity crisis, right?


It was. Yeah, it was an identity crisis. It was just a weird. It was a weird thing. It was. It didn't last very long, but it was, like, a few months of, like, it was just a daunting thing of, like, it's auditions now and, like, going back and how do I. And you're putting a box a little bit. You know what I mean? You're kind of the guy that a CW show who looks a certain way. It's definitely like, okay, I gotta. I gotta find something to kind of break out of that. So there was. There was that. Yeah.


And I feel like also, I mean, wait, how long was Gossip girl? How many years?


Six years. About six years.


That's, like, a long ass time to be in something. Like, at what? Like, towards the end of the last year, you guys knew it was ending, right?


Yeah. Yeah, we knew. Yeah.


But you still have to start to. It doesn't probably feel real until it's over, and it's almost like a college experience, plus more to be with people, and then, like, do you keep in touch with anyone?


Kind of. You know how it goes. I mean. Yeah, like, I. Yeah, we're on text sometimes, and, like, you make loose plans and then. Yeah, Penn text me out of the blue the other day, actually, because he was shooting, I think, his final season of you in our old sound stages, so he was, like, texting me. We're kind of, like, catching up, and that's sweet. So I'll see Penn every now and again, and Leighton in town, and, you know, Blake's like, I think in Westchester. We'll text sometimes, actually. And I saw ed in Europe recently, kind of.


That's awesome.




That's awesome.


So. Yeah. Yeah. But it was more. It wasn't, like, the material. I was really ready to move on to different material.




In a different role, but, like, New York, I guess I wasn't really ready to leave New York.


Do you think you'd ever go back?


I'm too old. I mean, I. I think the way to do it is to have one in both.


I know place there. I have thought about it, but, yeah, it's weird because, like, you're right. You hit a certain point where, like, New York is so beautiful when you're in your twenties. And it's even when I look back, like, I had the, like, this shitty ass apartment where there were, like, fucking rats. And I had. I had the Ed room where, like, my two roommates got to have, like, the normal rooms. And then we, like, there was, like, a built wall for me, and I'm, like, just putting a mattress and I could barely fit. And it was some of the best years of my life.




But now when I think about going back to New York, like, I, like, like, a backyard and, like, being relaxed and, like, not having to, like, walk outside and get, like, hit in the head and, like, push to the ground and, like, screaming people. I'm like, yeah, I like to go for a trip and then get the fuck out.


Totally. Yes. You know, and the winters are kind of brutal, right? I like my car to go to the grocery store with my dog and, like, cook and have space. And, yes, the dog spoiled with the sun now, too.


The ex girlfriend with the dog. Still not over that. Let's talk about your love life.




Are you in a relationship? Let's talk about your love life. Yeah, are you in a relationship?


No, it's a dumpster fire, Alex.




It'S all dumpster fire.


What's going on? What is your time?


2024. It's just times are tough out there.


It is fucking tough. It is tough. Okay, what's going on? You're very single. Are you going on any dates? What are we doing?


I joined Raya, like, a week ago.


How's it going?




It's really teasing.


Scary. I.


Kicked off.


I actually enjoy it. I. Oh, really? No, I actually enjoy it because, like, people. Everyone told me not to do it, and so I had, like, think I had a few drinks on one night. I'm doing it, and I just did it. I mean, this is great. I haven't met on one day. No, don't. Don't get me wrong. I'm, like, haven't engaged at all. I'm a total creep. I'm Creeper face. Figuring this thing out. What is this thing? It's intimidating.


Oh, my God. Yes. I was on riots. But the problem for, like, a lot of. I feel like the women is, like, the guys are very. I don't know, like, a lot of them are DJ's. And I don't. I'm not looking for, like, I wasn't looking for a spin the beats guy, right? A lot of them, like, lived in Australia or it would be like, UK. And I'm like, can I set my settings closer? Like, I don't want to go. My first day across the fucking world.




It was a little bit of, like, a proximity thing. A little bit of, like, a intimidation thing, too, because, like, the other dating apps is like, oh, this is, like, a nice, normal person. This is like, who are you? And, like, what do you do for a living? And, like, everyone's net worth it. And you're like, I'm just. It's overwhelming.




I could see why you, like, have a hard time getting off the app for that.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. It's definitely weird, and I definitely have no expectation. I'm not, like, I don't even know really what I want. I'm just trying to, you know, it's just, like, another avenue to maybe meet somebody. Right. But, yeah. The only connection I've had is, like. Like, oh, cool. Oh, indonesia. Yeah. Okay, great. What am I. We're gonna go to Bali. Never. Okay.


I remember there was this one guy that I remember I, like, randomly matched with, and I think he was on, like, he was a. He was on. What was it called? Oh, vampire diaries. And I remember being like, I'm a big fan of vampire diaries. And so I'm like, oh. And it's like, he's shooting in Toronto. And I was like, well, I live in New York City. But you're still like, am I getting on a plane to see this man?


Yes. No.


Yes. No.


You're like, yeah, no, maybe, but, yeah, barrier.


I'm like, you ever in New York? He's like, you ever in Toronto? Like, no. Unmatched by. But I'll watch next season.


Great talk.


It sucks. It sucks. You're gonna figure it out. I know you're gonna figure out.




Do you consider yourself a romantic?


I do a little bit, yeah. Yeah. What would you consider romantic?


I think someone that, like, when you're in a relationship, you're, like, very, like. You like to set it up for this, like, very romantic setting of, like, you're not just, like, do, like, walking through the process. It's candles and roses and you want to, like, make time together and you're very, like, I don't know, sweet and cute and.


Yeah, I think. I think. I think I am. I'm not. I like to cook, so I do like to cook for girls. I like to. And I'm a homebody, so I like to. When I'm in, and I do. I really do like to focus and, like, do the thing and, like, be very thoughtful. I feel like I'm a thoughtful person. So. Yeah.


How are your first dates? Are you good at first dates, bad at first dates?


I think I'm okay. I mean. I mean, everyone, they're awful, though, right? But it's like, I generally met people through friends of friends or through kind of indirect ways. Yep. So the first. The first dates are always, like, interview process campaigning. You know what I mean? So. But when, you know, you know, kind of, like, right away, I could still get through a first that's like, you don't. You know, it's like, okay, we're gonna be friends, maybe, but that's a good point.


I feel like first dates, you know, that you like the person. If it feels less like an interview, and you're like, oh, we're making, like, headway. Like, no first date is gonna be like, this is, like, the fucking best thing ever. Like, I would hope there's room to grow and get better. Some first dates. You're like, ten minutes in and I'm like, I gotta fucking go.


Yeah. And then becomes, I've definitely been awkward on first date.


Do you just say the whole time?


Yeah, you know, you can't. What, are you gonna ghost out the back? And like, oh, I left my keys.


And then, no, that would be fucked. And then someone would, like, write online about you being like, he's the biggest fucking douche.


Like, if people do that, though, I've had friend buddies that, like, girls just lean that. Yeah.


Well, because part of it is, like, you could be respectful and be like, you're. I literally. I know this is not right. Let's just, like, not waste each other's time. But some people would be like, you fucking piece of shit. Yeah, fuck you. And then you're like, oh, I don't want to be a dick.




Have you been in love before?


Absolutely. Yeah.


Oh, how many times?


That's a good question. Probably at least two. At least two.


Cause have you had those where you're like, was that love? Or. It was love in the moment, but now that I've grown up, maybe you, like, redefine it a little bit, right?


One was pretty instantaneous, and then another one was over time. Over time. So I've kind of experienced both. And I don't really subscribe to the idea that there's, like, one soul mate for you. I think there's a handful, maybe however you want to. But it's definitely once in a blue moon that you meet very rarely. You're going to meet someone that you really connect with. And what you do with that is a timing thing, and then maybe it can work out or it doesn't, but we all have those things that might not have closure. You know what I mean? And that's okay. So you don't have to have, like, closure, but there's those open ended things. You think, like, maybe if I'd been more evolved or, like, I've been, like, five. Five years older in a different place in my life, there's a few times where I definitely not regret, but I'm like, I wish I'd been in a different place in my life.


That is interesting. Where you like, oh, that's such a good point. Where you look back at it and you recognize who you were compared to who you are in the reflection stage, where you're like, oh, man, imagine how different I would have been even if I was me in that relationship now. I probably would have been fucking prospering and happy.


Amazing. Yeah. I could have had it all picky blinders. But. But. But, yeah, I've, like, been. And I'm like, I was such a. I was such a head case back then. Why couldn't I have, like, just, like, not been an asshole, you know? Like, I was just. You know. You know, whatever you call mental health stuff. It was just like, I was in a bad place, not dealing with it.




You know what I mean? I was, like. Like, just. Just avoiding.


Oh, that's a really interesting topic. Because that means you're growing, obviously.




But I think that when you have your own shit going on, there's no fucking way that you can be, like, 100% present for a partner. That's hard to do, even when you're in a fucking healthy relationship.


Of course. Exactly. Like, when I moved back from New York and I was in that kind of funk, I met a girl who was, like, incredible and went on to be very, very success, very successful.


But is that the one with the dog?


No, I'm trying to figure out who.


The fuck is the one with the dog?


It's a girl I worked with on. It was a bad tv show, but it was, like, in 2015 maybe or something.




We're still good friends. She's great. She's very grateful. Yeah. And we both travels. We both have to do with the dog. I'm defending myself.


No, it's okay. It's okay. I'm just fascinated, like, oh, how would that work?


It works. Telling you. Oh, but so you.


You kind of fell for a girl after that, like, weird moment, and then it just didn't work because you weren't in a good headspace.


She wasn't in a good space, and I just kind of let it slide. I let it kind of float away, and she was, like, would be in town and reaching out, and we kind of. Of had, you know, hooked up, had a thing in New York when we're both there, and then. And then, yeah, I just. I think about some of those things. Like, if I just been in a different. You can't help that, though. You're.




You get what you get, and it's a timely thing, and it's just life. But I do think about those, of course, kind of missed moments from time to time.


But I think it also allows you, like, into going into this next chapter of, like, whoever you're gonna find, like, that allows you then to, like, reflect and be like, I know I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna be more present, like, whatever, you know, you fucked up on, then you take that, like, move on.


No, totally. Yes.


How long has been your, like, longest relationship?


About three, four years, probably. Yeah.


What are the top, like, three qualities right now that you would be saying you're, like, looking in for a partner? We can put this on your riot profile, too. Like, just clip this and put this.


My rifle file. I think. I think every photo is cut. Like, cut off. Like, I'm like, eyeball. I'm like, I'm not screwing with it. I don't even care. I'm like, whatever. You know what I mean?


Right? Just, like, picture of dog, dog, dog, half face.


It's out there in the world.


It is.


No, it is. It's half my dog's face and half my face and one. One shot. Yeah, it's great because you're hoping they.


Like, won't fully notice you, and then they just click. Like, the dog. It's nice or something. And it's not like, I get it.


I get it. It's not a signed headshot.




But, you know. But, uh, no, I. Things I look for. I guess. I guess for me, I do. I am like a closet reader and, like, kind of a nerd. I do like to be a. Able to have, like, kind of, you know, in that, you know, in depth conversation. Sense of humor is kind of a big one for me. Like, and, you know, and that's kind of an umbrella thing, right? That if they have that wit and you kind of have that back and forth and that weird. That weird connection, you know, where you can make each other laugh yeah. And that's an umbrella, like, personality, wit, intelligence thing. It's like, if that. That's kind of the number one thing.




You know?


Do you care if they're in the industry?


I'd prefer not, actually, at this stage in my life.


I get it.


Right? Yeah. I mean, I think it's. That's part of the reason I was, like, my. I saw my buddies on dates with these, like, med students and neuroscientists. I'm like, where you. Where's it. Yeah. They're like, Ryan. I'm like, okay. You know, so there really are. I've seen so far, and I'm like, a weekend. But there are other people that do other things. And I'm, like, trying. It's such a bubble out here. You know what I mean?


So it's a lot. You're like, I want. I want that doctor, that nurse, the dentist.




What about a therapist?


Yeah, probably. Yes, I would love. Yeah, I see psychotherapists on.


There you go.


Save some money. Yes. Switch therapist. Right now.


Right now. To my girlfriend.




What's a deal breaker for you?


Deal breaker. Oh, man. Oh, bad tats. I don't know.


Bad tats. Like, how bad? Like, what have you seen that you haven't liked?


I don't know. You know, that's a stupid one because I really don't care about that.


I'm obsessed.


We maybe could be, like, a neck tat. It's probably like a deal breaker, you know? I guess a neck tat.


You're not. You're not loving the neck tats. Have you gone on a date recently?


I haven't. That's the thing. It's actually never happened.


Where did that come from? He's, like, picturing her face and you just. A neck tat? Okay. No necktie.


You know, but tattoos are so ubiquity. But. But, like, not bad, but. But it's okay.


A neck tat.


We're moving on to allity. Okay. That's really switching gears.


You are really on time. You are early.


I'm a little bit early. Embarrassingly. It's like an anxiety thing. I like, if I'm running late, it's. It's over. I can't.


I hate being down, you know? Oh, I've had people so fucking late for the show, so I appreciate that you're early. I'm like, let's get it going. So thank you. Thank you. Have you ever been cheated on?


Once, kind of. Not really. I think so. We had, like, plans, like holiday plans and like, moving to the next phase of the relationship, and she abruptly broke up with me. And then I found out that it was, like, she was. It was like, an opportunity for someone, like, a famous person, like, really famous person, like, Uber. And. And then she thought that they were gonna date, and that didn't happen. But. But, yeah, but, uh. But that was the only closest thing. Yeah. To that. That sucked.


Oh, that's sad. But then it, like, you know, my perspective.


It was like, I perspective on that, so I was like, okay, whatever.


Well, and I think it also tells you something about that person.


Totally. No, it actually help. It actually, I kind of helped.


We're like, oh, you were basically with me.


Oh, I didn't see that coming. Like, that's a very interesting thing to.


Know, but that can hurt if she goes from, like, you to Brad.


Yeah, yeah.


Like, I get it. But it also indicates, like, what you're looking for.


Right, right.


Okay. Okay. Um. Have you ever gone through a partner's phone?


I have not. No. I'm actually very. I have, like, almost the opposite of trusted. I'm almost, like, too trusted. Yeah. I'm like, just go do your own thing. Like, I need my own space. I'm great.


She's, like, fully cheating on me.


Go to Mexico. Yeah, yeah. Go have fun. Yeah, yeah.


Have you ever walked in on someone going through your phone?


Someone did go through my phone once. It was bad.


Did you walk in on them going through it, or you woke up the.


Middle of the night to them freaking out? No. Yeah. I mean, listen, if you're gonna listen.


Okay, we love this. On call.


Or, dad, if you're gonna go through anybody's phone, you're gonna find something that you don't like.


Totally. Even, like, a text with their mother.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're gonna find something you don't like. So. And I will say there was nothing better. I wasn't cheating or anything, but. But, you know, it was not fun, and I was very self violated. But you can't, like, you know, it's like, a weird thing.


Oh, man. And in the middle of the night that, like, the ambush of, like, wake.


Up, and you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was so stressful.


What's happening? And at first, you're like, someone's coming into the room. There's someone in the house. Like, what's happening?


And they're like.


And then they're like, I had your phone.


Oh, my. Oh, God. I'm like, what? And then first thing, I was like, wait, what are you talking about. Right.


Like, what did you read?


I really don't think I have anything weird in there, but, yeah, it was. It was a moment, for sure. Yeah. Yeah.


Interesting. Did you stay with the person?


Yeah, yeah, we did. Yeah, we worked at work. Worked it out. Yeah.


How much longer did that last?


Another year.




And a half.








The year and a half.


Did you hear about that incident a lot?


No, I didn't, actually. I didn't. I didn't. But I got dragged. A couples therapy, which I actually loved. You did laugh. I'll take. I didn't love it, but I thought it was a good. It wasn't what I thought it was gonna be. I think.


I think it's great.


Very afraid of that. I've always been open to therapy. I do it now.




And I think it's. It's like going to the gym. Right. It's like you go to the gym for a certain thing. It's a very specific thing. People make it this. Like, there's a stigma behind it. There's no stigma.


No relationship is perfect. And I actually had a couple therapists on the other week, and she was just talking to me about, like, it's so weird that now we've, like, normalized therapy, but couples therapy.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


It's like, what's wrong with you? And I'm like, who doesn't fight in a relationship? Who doesn't have problems? Who doesn't? Like, no. Relationship is personal. So it's almost like I commend the people that are honest about it. Like, I had said, like, I went to couples therapy, and it was, like, the best thing for my partner. And I. Where I was like, yes. I feel so much more aware of where he's coming from because you have a person in the room that, like, is so unbiased, neutral moderator. Yeah.


It's like, this time you can. You can air out those things safely.




And it's just about being a fucking adult. Like, you learn how to be an adult, like, at least for me in this relationship. And I was like, okay. And it was a very nice. You know, when you're doing it, doesn't feel like going to the dentist, kind of. You don't want to do it, but it's. You know, it's like, you do it, and it was a really great thing. Yeah. Yeah.


Okay. Let's talk about your show. Obviously, I'm like, we're talking about gossip girl. I apologize, but obviously, we just had to get through the OG shit.




Your show. I'm obsessed with the fact that you went from a man who was dressing like this, like, Upper East Sider, this, like, kid with a trust fund to a superhero. Are you loving it? Like, being in the one costume the whole time? Because I feel like a whole part of Gossip Girl was your outfits, obviously. And now, obviously, I'm looking at you in the same outfit every scene. I'm like, this is kind of interesting, obviously, if people haven't watched it. The boys. This is season four.


Season four. The boys, yeah. Coming up.


Tell me about it.


It's great. It's the most fun I've ever had doing anything, really. I mean, not like, you know, just, like, work wise. Like, the character. It's comedy. It's so much fun. We're making fun of, like, the privileged, you know, male asshole. You know what I mean? Like, that guy. The costumes, great, because I never have any fittings. I don't have to come in and do extra fittings. So it's like one little thing. Costumes, a little bit of pain in the ass, but. So it's okay. But it's great. Yeah, the show's awesome.


So what happened with the whole dick thing? What happened with the whole penis situation?


Think about that. Till you started doing. I'm like, I know. Exactly.


How do we story there? Tell. Tell everyone the story?


Which is really funny because it was great press for the show when it first came out because no one knew if the show was gonna work. But. But also, the creator was like, never tell anyone. That was never telling when the real story. That was you.


You're like, really?


It was me? No, but this calendar came out, right? This calendar came out of me and the character, and there was this massive rocket in the suit, and they made this calendar, and it was really funny and very in character, too, but no one knew. It's a satire of a show. People are seeing this, like, what is this? Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg produce it. They're. They're amazing. And they thought it would be really funny. In the Genesis, we hadn't even filmed anything. We were doing the suits that. What if the deep just had, like, a raging erection in, like, a third of the scenes? I thought it was brilliant. I'm like, that's great. Hilarious. So then the fittings, I started showing up when they had a box. The characters names, the deep. They had a box called little deeps, and it was like all these different foam, like piece. All different types. Settle on one, walking around. Oh, no. First we did. So that's what happened. We did a big. We did all these, like, screen test. Camera. Camera shoots. Photo shoots with this thing. Yeah. So we hadn't actually shot. Amazon hasn't really even seen anything.


First day on set. It's like a big. In Toronto, big, big stage. I'm in front, like, 2000 people. I come out, I'm, like, introducing Aaron Morari's character. And everyone just starts laughing because it's so funny. The light, you can really see this.


Were you at all, like, anxious about it or you thought it was hilarious?


I thought it was hilarious. I wasn't anxious about. I kind of thought, though, I'm like, guys, we got to remove it sometimes. Right in there forever. It looks ridiculous. It's so. It's so obvious.


It's so funny.


It's so funny. And so I'm like. And literally, they didn't. Amazon gave us no notes. They let us do whatever. The only note, first note was like, you got to take that thing out of deep pants. Yeah, take that thing out. So they actually spent so much money frame by frame editing out that scene just in that area for that scene in the pilot first episode, everyone forgot that we did all these. So. So whoever thought in the PR thought, be funny to make a calendar out of it was. Was genius.




But the calendar came out, and then people didn't know what. They had no idea what.


I mean, you're right. It was great pr because, like, everyone was talking about it. It was like, oh, my God, look at this penis. Like, what is happening with this? Like, big schlong?


Like, kind of looks real. I mean, it looks very real. You'd never think it would be, like, a fake.




Boner calendar. I mean, you know, it was great.


So you're loving it? You're having a good time.


Loving it. Yeah. Yeah. Still loving it.


So what was that audition process like?


It was complete opposite of Gossip girl. It was like Christmas time. They were like, we gotta. We gotta cast the superheroes and the superheroes the bad guys for no one's watched the show. It's like, the satire because they said they had to make the suits anyway. I'm like, there's no way that they're not gonna, like, bring people back in the new year. Like, it's dead zone is December. Like, even, like, Thanksgiving through. Oh, my God. You were really gonna go in for this audition. I love the material. I'm like, this is amazing. Get there. It's complete opposite. I'm very annoyed. I'm like, last.


Right. You don't think you're getting it ton?


Of actors in there. Well, it's just like a cat. It's like a lot of actors out of audition, and they audition everyone, no matter who you were. But I went in there and felt really good about the audition. I felt I had the creator laughing and the scenes were funny. Kind of felt like I nailed it. It. And then they're like, oh, we want to test him or whatever, like the day after. And I'm like, perfect. Great. So we'll go back in for like, round three, four, five, like in the new year. And she's like, no, they're just going to use that, that tape you just did. And I was like, well, do I need to do it better? Like, can I make some changes? And I got nervous because I'm like, they're like, no, they're just going to play it in front of all the Amazon Sony people. And I'm like, that's how it works these days. I'm like, I have been out of the game, right? But they, and that's what happened. It was like, very quick. They kind of did the deal and they did it. It was between me and I think, some other person and then we, and then they, and then, yeah, I had the job, like, before Christmas.


I was like, wow, this is awesome. I don't have to go through, like a month of, like, pulling my, pulling my hair out, right?


Like it was one and done.


Yeah, yeah. Because then it. The longer you go, the more you want the job. If you like it, you're like, I want this thing. And I'm, like, used to completely waking up, like, what if I get this job? So, yeah, it was a very quick, like, week long process.


Well, it's fun to see you, obviously, like, back on screen. And I feel like you. Yeah, your character is, like, quite hilarious. Like, it's so funny to see you in such a different light, obviously because of, like, the gossip girl. Oh, geez. That, like, will follow you to whatever you do. It's such a departure from that that. I kind of love that, though. I think you needed to do that.


I needed to do that, yeah.




I think I still need to do it even more. But I liked, it was a complete shake up and a complete. Yeah, it's a kind of dark comedy, does some weird stuff in the first episode, but it's, like, very dark. And they, and they give us an opportunity to show some range. So, yeah, comedy and some weird, like, insecurity there and, like, it's good to show that color.


So what are you doing the summer?


I'm not, you know, I got no. I'm going to Tahoe with the family in like July is around my birthday. I do like a 4 July in Idaho with some friends up there. This place, Gaza or whatever. And. And then Tahoe and then. Got no Italy plants. Got no Italy trip this year, you know?


Me either. I think it's okay.


It's okay.


I think it's like a little.


We're over. It's a lot. We're over a lot.


We're like, no, you guys go do your thing. We'll be here. No, I think Italy is amazing. I think like the vibe is to not go in the summer.


I think so too. I think so too. It's like earlier, like late season. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


And it's probably not as expensive, but there's also not as many people there, like.




It's. We're convincing ourselves why it's good that we're not in like copyright. We're like, it's fine. We're going to Tahoe. Okay. Okay. So you're going on some trips. Wait, I didn't realize your sister's married to Tony Romo.


She is. Yeah.


That's kind of fun.


Yeah, it's great. He's awesome. We grew up big cowboys fans, so that was like a good.


Oh, my God. Did your parents fucking love that?


Oh, they love it. Yeah, they love it. And so he play. He's the one playing in the go in the Tahoe golf tournament with some friends.




And so it's this whole, like. It's like my dad for him. It's like better than Christmas. Hang out with the family.


I am so happy that you came on. I think you're such a great, cool guy. I really had no idea what to expect, if I'm honest. Like, I was like, is he gonna be a little stiff? Like, is he gonna. Cuz I've never really seen you do that many interviews.




You don't do much.


I guess. I don't know. And not like in a cool, great format, conversational. You're the best. Yeah, yeah, no, this is. This is great. I was really excited about this.


Did you have fun? It was chill.


This is. I wish they were all like this. Alex. So.


Thank you.


You're awesome.


Thank you for coming on. This was so fun.




Thank you.


Thank you.