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Sunday morning, fight this calling. Every Sunday's fight this day. What the fuck? That was pretty good, right? Daddy Gang, welcome back to another episode of Call Her Daddy. It is officially the most important day of the year. No, it is not my birthday. It is not the day that I came out of Lauryn's vagina. It is the day for the fathers, all of the fathers around the world, I would just like to say from one father to another, Happy motherfucking Father's Day. Okay, the thing is when I think about Father's Day, and obviously being a father to millions around the world, It's such an incredible gift that was bestowed upon me from you guys anointing me as your father. And the thing is, how many motherfucking deadbeat dads are out there? And I take with great pride that I feel like I have really taken on this incredible incredible journey to be a father, to not one, to not many, but to billions. I love... Imagine if Colorado had billions of followers. No, millions of people. And I feel like when I reflect back on how I became this resilient, supportive, incredible father that I am to all of you today, I really do have to give credit to the O.


G. And the O. G. Would be my own father, Mr. Brian Cooper. Dad, if you are watching this, I'm assuming you are watching this in the living room, relaxing, maybe having your cup of coffee, watching this, smiling proudly, honestly enjoying the fuck out of retirement. God bless you. I love you. And I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for never giving up on me, because in my demon years of being just an absolute raging psycho, specifically from freshman year to senior year of high school, I would say it really got bad that sophomore year when I met that one boy. I understand. I put you guys through hell, but I just want you to know thank you because you have taught me what it means to be a good dad and to be a good father. And the Daddy Gang thanks you. From the Daddy Gang and me to you. Happy Father's Day. Dad, I love you. It's funny because growing up, my mom was always the one just handling the boy problems. And when I was dating a boy, my dad would be like, you go, you go deal with it.


And my mom would like, I could hear them talking outside of my door like, you go deal with her. No, you go talk to her. Okay, I'll talk to her. Okay, okay, okay. And I'm like, just both of you come And my mom would always be the one that was dealing with me as I was sneaking out and ruining everyone's lives. And what I will say is I will never forget. I started dating the bad boy at the public school when I was going to this private school. And My parents really thought, of course, if we lock her up enough at a private school, she's going to have to hopefully find a guy that has a trust fund, drives a Porsche, and comes from a good family. I'm like, no, no, no, no, I'm going to date the bad boy that does drugs and really can just ruin my life. Classic. And so I remember my mom had basically given up. She was like, I don't know much how much more I can do for her, Brian. I have really put everything I know into this child, and she still is buying ladders off of eBay to climb out her window and to go see this fucking boy that's going to ruin her life.


And I will never forget, I'm sitting at my desk in my room on my Dell desktop computer. I'm on... What the fuck was that thing called back in the day? Oh, my God, it was a lime wire. I'm illegally downloading the new Hannah Montana song and also listening to M&M and raging with my tits out. Not actually, but just like, raging and being emo. And my dad knocks on my door and he comes in, and he sits down on my bed, and he's like, Hey, Alex, I just wanted to talk to you. And now, it was just awkward in general, having those type of conversations with my father, because my mother and I were having them all the time. When my mom would be driving me to soccer practice, she would be talking to me and pouring all the good juices and lecturing into me, just like, Please do this, do this, do this. My father and I never really had that relationship. He always left it to my mom. So the fact that my dad was coming in, sitting down, and I will never forget, Dad, shout out. It was one of the most awkward moments in my brain.


You probably don't even remember it. I literally hear my dad say, I know that you want a boyfriend. And I'm like, Dad, my ears are burning at this point. I'm like, No, dad, stop. I'm like a sophomore in high school at this point. And he's like, No, no, no. And I'm like, Are you about to have sex talk with me? Like, what the... He's like, no, oh my God, no, no, no. I'm not having this sex talk with you. I just wanted to say, I know you want a boyfriend, and I know you really like this boy, but your mother and I... And he goes on this diatribe of basically, why not to date this kid? And what's good for me as I think about one day becoming a parent, and it's like, how do we know how to parent well? Because as much as my parents tried so fucking hard to make me not see this boy, it honestly only made me want to see him more. It just was like, you're dangling this motherfucking carrot in front of my face, and you're saying, don't eat it, don't eat it. So I'm going to fucking eat it.


And so my poor parents, my dad just sat there. And I, of course, know that like, Laurie was listening in on the door as my dad was like, we just want you to be safe. And we just feel like maybe he's not the right fit. And with soccer, and you're trying to get a scholarship, and you can't get in trouble like the other kids. I don't know if you guys had this, but I felt like every fucking friend of mine, every single person in high school was getting underage tickets, and you technically got arrested, and then you would get an underage ticket. And my parents were like, You cannot have that. Because now, looking back, they told me it goes on your record. Does a fucking underage drinking thing go on your record? Obviously, if you have a DUI, I'm assuming, but an underage drinking Did they take a ticket to that? Or were they just trying to scare me? Dad, you know what? Not Happy Father's Day to you. You were lying. But I honestly, I did really respect them because they were genuinely just trying to be like, Alex, don't fuck up your life for a boy.


And naturally, when someone says that to you, you're like, I will never fuck up my life for a boy. And then naturally, I started to fuck up my life for a boy. But he was worth it. He was loving my life. No, he wasn't. It just felt like it at the time. So shout out to Brian, because I just remember dad, you trying to have that awful, awful, awful boyfriend conversation with me. And it was one of, in my brain, the most awkward, awkward, awkward conversations that I've ever had with you in my entire life. And thank God that dates back so fucking long, okay? Big bri, I love you, and you are the best dad in the world. And I really appreciate you sticking through this Call Her Daddy era with me. I know when the show first started, you were not able to listen to the episodes. You I got the cliff notes from mom. Understandably, you didn't need to listen to the Gluckluck 9000 episode. But what I do know is now you tune into my episodes every week, and I love your support, and I love you. So happy Father's Day, dad.


Okay, so let's talk about what else is going on. Oh, my God, wait. I completely forgot to acknowledge. I have officially deemed this room the new Sunday Sessions room. If you guys are not watching this, I am in what looks like a green, moody, viby library. And the thing is, is I haven't read one of these books behind me, but it's motivation. It's motivation to get that vocabulary up where it needs to be and really hit a new stage of intelligence. So God bless. I used to record my Sunday sessions in this room in my house that was like, I don't know. It was makeshift, and I was like, Why am I recording here? And it was just like, I wanted to record here. So I'm very excited. I feel like this is a new era for Sunday sessions. It's giving father is fathering, and it's like... This is like grandfather vibes. When you look at me with all these books around me, it's giving wisdom It's giving maturity. It's giving dark academia. It's giving... It's literally not giving our dark academia, but it's just giving. And I felt more at home here. So I'm happy that we're all feeling cozy today.


Today, let me actually see if I have any other life updates aside from... Oh, you guys. Okay, so my best friend, Jackie, is getting married soon. And it's fun because I don't know if you guys have those group chats with your friends that are Very consistent. And we all live in different places, but we have this one group chat. It's me, Kristin, Lauren, and Jackie in this group chat. So all of us have been getting ready for her wedding, and it has been so fun because we're all in the group chat trying to figure what dresses are we going to wear? And I will say I'm so happy. I loved my wedding, but it's so fun to be on the other end of it now, where Jackie, Kristin, and Lauren were all texting in our group chat, what are you guys wearing? And they were sending pictures about what they were going to wear to my wedding. And now that I'm no longer the bride, I'm really enjoying... Jackie, I love you. But I am enjoying not having all the pressure and the, oh, my God, it's not going to be my event. And so I'm excited to just be be a supportive friend, and be there for my best friend, and be there with my friends, and just have fun and party.


And so I have a lot coming up, I would say this summer. I don't know when this is coming out, but I am going to Nantucket this summer, which I'm really excited about. Matt and I went to Nantucket for the first time last summer. And I remember we were trying to decide, what do we want to do for our summer vacation? Because basically, everyone at our company, as I'm sure a lot of companies obviously do, we get off for fourth of July, and we're like, okay, what did we want to do? And so last year, we decided that we were going to go to Nantucket. And I remember so vividly how we decided on this was, growing up on the East Coast, I just feel like such cozy vibes with an East Coast summer. But I think spending a relaxing time in the Hamptons, for example. The Hamptons is like So fucking bougey in terms of... I feel everyone just wants to be seen there, and everyone is... You're putting on your best outfit, and you're trying to... It's just very seeny. And I'm not shitting on the Hamptons. I think the Hamptons are super fun for partying, specifically, in my opinion.


If you want to party, I would maybe go to the Hamptons. But if you want to actually have a relaxing time, I wanted to try out Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard last summer. And so I And I was like, Matt, I love you. We don't need to go to Malibu. Let's not go to Santa Barbara. Let's try an East Coast summer. And Matt grew up with his family going to this camp in Maine, and he had great experiences there. So I was like, okay, let's do an East Coast summer. And so last year, when we went to Nantucket, I will say it was one of the most relaxing, incredible vacations I ever had, because I was like, we just sat and did nothing other than eat lobster rolls and just relaxed. And it was fabulous. So we're going to do Nantucket again this summer, and I'm going to the Olympics, you guys. And what's so crazy to think about with the Olympics is, obviously, I grew up watching the Olympics, and I was an athlete, so I would watch with my whole family, just so excited to see the standout stars of that. Everyone with the Olympics, it's like you start to just recognize who are the best of the best.


And it's so fun to watch these people then become celebrities, and everyone in the world knows them. And so I just remember it was so fun growing up watching the Olympics, and to be able to go to the Olympics now and to be participating with NBC. It's a really surreal feeling, and I feel so grateful for this opportunity. Nbc Universal and I basically are teaming up, and I'm going to be doing my own watch party, basically, on Peacock, if you guys didn't know this. Here we go. So the Olympics, I'm going to be going to Paris. I'm going to have my own show, and I'm going to basically just watch the sports, like Red Zone. You guys know red zone when you're watching football and it's all the highlights. I'm going to basically be doing that for all the sports, and I'm just so excited, Paris in the summer. And it's going to be just such an incredible experience. And I actually just was recently interviewing these two incredible, incredible beach volleyball players. Shout out Sarah and Kelly. I think that interview will come out soon on NBCU. But I am meeting these athletes, and they're such incredible people.


And I'm just so excited to watch the US hopefully dominate. And yeah, so I'm getting ready for all of what summer has to offer me, you guys. Okay, Daddy Gang. So I figured for Father's Day, there's absolutely no other gift that I can give you that would be better Then a good old fashioned quiz Jones of the motherfucking week. I just feel like I know that you guys are going through it, as am I in different ways in my life, and we're all going through it. We're all trying to survive. So what can I do? I can answer some of your questions, and we can just talk about what the fuck is going on. Okay? Switching careers for a man. A Daddy Gang member wrote in and said, I just graduated from college, and I'm currently deciding what I want to do for my career. I I always thought I would go into medicine, but ever since I met my boyfriend, I realized that I might want a career that would give me more work-life balance. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year, and I have never believed in a relationship more than this one.


But I can't help but feel like I am giving up a girl boss career to follow a guy. How should I approach this decision? Okay, here's the thing. Everyone is different, and I think that's what's really important as we get older, is I will admit, I see so much understandably conversation around women and careers now, and it is such a fucking privilege that we actually are able to work. It's so refreshing that now we are starting to be taken a little bit more seriously. Obviously, we still have pay gaps and all the things, but we have made progress. Ladies, we can vote, although we just basically lost autonomy over our bodies. That's a whole other conversation. But we've made progress. And so I think understandably, women are excited, and we want to be able to do whatever the fuck we want. If we want to work, if we don't want to work, we just want to have the option. And that was not something that people that came before us as women had the privilege of. And so I think that there, though, unfortunately is, and I've seen it online, there's just a lot of pressure, I feel for some women who are like, I want to be a stay at home mom.


Not only is there nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay at home mom, that is a fucking full-time job in itself. And I feel like women feel... I think some women, one, feel anxious that they may be judged if they don't do maybe what some of their friends are doing. Like, I'm not girl bossing hard enough. Babe, if you don't want a girl boss, and also, I fucking hate the name. I'm sorry. I hate the word girl boss. But if you don't want to have a really intense career that takes a lot of your time, that's okay. My only advice when it comes to this, though, is I want you to always make a decision based off of if you lost this person tomorrow, whether they ghosted you, disappeared, or you literally just lost them. I'm not saying he died. Oh, my God. I mean, you could pretend he died tomorrow. And how would you feel? Well, not only how would you feel, but how would you go about it? Would you be upset that you didn't follow medicine? What I'm trying to say is, I hope he's alive, and I hope he's fine.


I want you to just make sure that you're not enjoying the just immediacy of falling in love, and you're not just leaning too hard into, oh, my gosh, I'm just really enjoying the perks of being a girlfriend and loving living with someone and living this life. That is amazing. But then all of a sudden, when that dies down, will you start to be like, I wish I did maybe follow my career, or are you actually just saying you're recognizing that the medical field is just too much for you, and it just doesn't really fit the lifestyle that you want. I guess I would just say, and I don't know if this is realistic, because you're not married and you don't have children yet, I would just encourage you to really try to make the decision in a way that has no impact from this partner that you're currently dating. You've only been dating a year. A year is a long time. I don't want you to regret anything. And so maybe you do try to just pursue something in the medical field that you would wanted to do. You can always stop. Or if you're having anxiety around this career, then maybe it really does have nothing to do with the guy.


And maybe it is that this is not something that you're interested in. I think my advice is just you need to differentiate, is this because you're in love and you're enjoying this lifestyle with someone, which, again, there's nothing wrong with that. But I wouldn't want you to give up on a career because of this temporary, really exciting time. The first year of dating is so fun. Are you kidding me? I remember I remember when I met Matt, and there were times where it was like, oh, my God, he was going here for a movie, and I was like, fuck, I have to stay home, and I have to do this interview. And of course, I fucking love my job. But when you're being swept off your feet and you're having that first year romance, honeymoon stage, are you kidding me? I would fucking love to not be doing my job and fucking mail it in and just fucking marry rich, okay? And be like, I did it. I think you just have to know within yourself if you are passionate about this, or was it a decision going into the medical field that you thought you had a passion and you're recognizing it actually gives you anxiety.


But I do just think it's a larger conversation for women of we need to stop comparing ourselves. I personally find a lot of my fulfillment, and I feel like my purpose in life, a lot of it is my job. I don't look at this sometimes like a job. And I feel so fortunate that this is my life of I really love what I do. And I recognize that's not everyone. I remember I was with my friends recently, and one of my friends was talking about how she works to live, not lives to work. And I was like, oh, my God, I live to work. I love working. I don't even see my job as work. I feel so fortunate. And we were all having a conversation about how it is so incredible. It was four girls. And two of us were like, we love our job, and it gives us such purpose, and it's part of our identity. And then the other two women were like, oh, my God. I don't hate my job, but I so don't. If I could stop working tomorrow and just be given a check to live a stay at home mom life or just even live an at home life and not have to work, I would immediately not work.


And I I think that's so okay. Both dynamics are so fucking fine. Like, amazing if you're so passionate about your job, and if you're not passionate about it, that's also okay. I think recognizing which you relate more to can help you make this decision. Are you giving up a career that you actually love and you have wanted your whole life, but it's hindering your ability to spend time with this new boyfriend, I would say pursue your career. I would say you've always loved this. You've wanted to go for it, go for it. And if he's the right guy, he'll always be there. And you guys can figure out times for date nights, and you can figure out times that work that you guys can spend time together. Matt and I both work so many hours, and we carve out time all the time so that it's us time. So I would just say, think about it, and maybe don't completely just go cold turkey and give it up. Maybe you should pursue it for the next year just to make sure that you're not getting up on something that you really enjoy and that really fulfills you.


Okay, here we go. Next question. My boyfriend and I decided to get married, and we are very excited about it. We've been together for nine years and feel ready to take this next step. We immediately He immediately told our families, and everyone seemed happy for us. But the next day, my boyfriend told me that he received three calls from his mom and sister asking him if he was sure. I don't know how to take this. They're his family, so I Definitely do not want drama, but it made me feel bad. They're being very supportive and even helping with planning. But in the back of my mind, I can't stop wondering if they don't like me. Should I address this or let this go? Okay, my first note, babe, is nine fucking years. You've been together for nine years, and you're curious if they like you or not. I'm going to go ahead and say, Revisit the last nine years. Context clues. Did they treat you like a little piece of shit, or were they giving you that good love? Were they given you that good family treatment? Because what I will say is, I'm assuming you know from those nine years your relationship and where you stand with these people.


And if you don't, I would say that's probably a problem, which means you're not close with them. And then I would say, why aren't you close with them? Totally fine. If it's proximity, maybe you don't live near them. But it sounds like you guys do live near them. So I would say, listen, I don't know the context, but I will say this. If you have had a wonderful nine years with this man, and you found this out from your partner. I have two notes, which I'm curious about, actually, as I'm thinking about this. Number one, I think that it's okay for parents to ask and family members to ask if you're sure, when you're making a really big life decision, obviously. Getting married is a very serious thing. And I think, understandably, families are going to be extremely just protective of their family member. And wanting to check in? Are you sure? Because, listen, I'm not judging, but I'm based on the facts that you dated for nine years. You have been together for almost a decade. Some people would be like, why did it take guys so long to get engaged? And so, again, I know I'm not in the conversation of your relationship, but my worry, as I'm thinking this through, is has he, throughout those nine years, not proposed Because there have been things in the relationship that he has expressed to his family he is hesitant about, and he's hesitant to start a future with you and get married because of these things.


And are they reaching out to him basically saying, Are you sure? Because they're basically checking in to see, Have these things gotten resolved? Because I don't think after nine years, if he has been literally the happiest person in the fucking world, this motherfucker is a Jolly green jumping Jean. Jean? Jean? Jean, Jean, Jean. Jean, Jean is jumping for joy. Maybe his name is Jean. You and Jean are getting married. Picture this. And every motherfucking Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter and holiday and Hanukah, and whatever the fuck religion you are. Maybe you're a fucking Buddhist, bitch. Whatever you're dangling with and dancing with, maybe he's been the happiest motherfucker alive. Nine years of bliss. And maybe, then I would say, if his parents are asking if he's sure, that doesn't make sense. That doesn't fucking make sense. Nine years, you know what I mean? There's something missing here. Why have you guys waited nine years to get Have you guys had a conversation? I don't know. And again, I'm not being judgy. I actually am just curious. Oh, nine years together. That's a pretty fucking long time. Have you guys talked about having a family together?


Has he bitched about you to his family? Something is missing here. Something is missing. And then my only other inclination about this that is a little off is, why did he tell you? If this motherfucker intends to marry you, why did he tell you? Oh, he's just dumping his fucking trauma on you being like, my parents said this to me, and then he leaves you with no conclusion. I think you need to have a conversation about it, because no matter what, this is going to be weighing on you, and this is one of the biggest decisions of your life. You're about to legally bind yourself to this motherfucker. And who knows? Maybe Jean has been talk a little fucking dirty, dirty about you for the past nine years. And then finally, God forbid, he is like, Oh, well, I guess I'll just fucking mail it in. I haven't found anyone. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I don't want to make you spiral. But I don't know, Daddy Gang. Write in. My worry for you is just after nine years for his parents to be like, Are you sure? And his mother and his sister and everyone calling, What are we missing?


I would really be like, Finally, motherfucker. That's really... Finally, let's get the show on the road. I would be more on that end rather than like, Are you sure? Oh, do we need another decade to fucking figure it out? But I'm really sorry because that just sucks. This is supposed to be an incredible time and happy time in your life. And I can imagine seeing them helping, trying to plan the wedding and stuff. You're like, Bitch, you just fucking talk shit on me. Like, go fuck yourself. No, I don't want you to come fucking dress shopping with me, you fucking whore. Yeah, fuck his sister. No, I'm just kidding. Okay, next question. This is about different preferences on how often to hang out with your boyfriend. Okay, how do I tell my boyfriend I want to spend more time together? For context, I felt like my ex-boyfriend's lowest priority, and I would only see him once a week. So when I started seeing my current boyfriend, I made what I was looking for very clear. I don't need to see him every day, but I want to hang out at least three to four times a week.


At first, things were going great, but now we're definitely seeing each other way less. I don't want to be clingy, but how do I ask to spend more time together? That's fucking tough because I guess I would need a little bit more context of, How old are you? Are you in college? Are you in high school? Are you out of college? Because here's the thing. I feel like in college, I I saw this person all the time. Any of the guys that I dated in college, literally, what else are you doing? I'm like, Leaving the dining hall, where are you at? Leaving English, where are you at? Going to the party, where are you at? Want to come over? Every in between fucking practice and everything, you're like, Where are you? And so although, of course, we would have nights where maybe he would go to dinner with his family if they were in town, you're never not going to a party without your boyfriend unless they're fucking sick. So college breeds this codependency where it's weird, almost, if you don't do everything together, because what the fuck else are you doing in college? You're like, masturbating, going to class, and having drama to deal with?


I would say if you're out of college, though, I understand this because I have actually had this conversation recently with one of my friends who is starting to date this new person, and they recently made it official. And so now I'm like, oh, do you guys hang on a Monday night? And we were just talking about what is the right amount? And I feel like you have to just have an honest conversation. I think three to four times could be great for you. I think every day could be great for you if that's what you want. Or I personally think once a week is literally absolutely not acceptable. I would be like, what are you doing every single night? And the thing for me, and everyone is different, but one of the things for me that I would really love about a partner is I think there's multiple different aspects of being in a relationship when it comes out to hanging out. So I need my movie nights, ordering food, some wine, movie nights, chilling, relaxing, and just spending quality time together. That's one aspect of a relationship for me. I think the other aspect of the relationship is going out and being social together.


So going out to dinners with our friends, going on a double date, going to a dinner party, going to work events. Matt and I, I would say every week Matt and I are going to, and I know I'm married, but I'm actually talking about when Matt and I were dating. Matt and I would go to at least, I would say, one dinner a week with friends, one dinner a week. That was work, even though I tried to blow Matt off every fucking time he asked me to go to a work event. I'm like, oh, my God, it's so weird. I feel like a little sniffle is coming on. And then there's family. And And family is like, once you are dating someone, I'm assuming you know his mom, you know his dad. And so family dinners. Matt and I, I would say almost every other Sunday are going to his grandmother's or his mom's house, and we have family dinners. This Sunday, as you're all watching this, I will be at Matt's brother's house. They're throwing Father's Day. And so we're all going to be there, and we're having a big dinner. And that's what comes with being in a relationship.


So I would say to you, you could have a conversation with him, because as I'm saying that, I'm like, how does someone only hang out once a week? If you're dating, that literally means that you're barely integrated into each other's lives, because what is he doing every single night? Is he hanging out with his friends without you? I think when you start dating and you're getting more into adult relationships, you need to hang out with his friends. It's weird if he's always having boys' night. I understand in college, that is a whole fucking thing of like, We're going out with the boys. Still then, I mean, yeah, is the one girl that's annoying, that's like, I'm going out with him and all the boys. Let him have a fucking boys' night. Those are probably the people that are getting a little too anxious. He's going to cheat at boys' night. Let him have his boys' night. But if his boys' night's for every fucking weekend, you're never invited, bitch. During the pandemic, Matt would always play in this poker league, and he would either go to a friend's house or he would host it. And he would always be like, Do you want to come hang out?


And I'm like, Matt, what crazy bitch do I look like? No, I don't want to be the only fucking person with a vagina sitting there watching you guys fucking jack each other off and fight about fucking poker. I don't care about that. I'm going to use this time to catch up on Grey's Anatomy. But I did like that he invited me. I'm not going to lie. I was like, I like that you know that you appreciate me enough and you trust me enough that I can come hang with all of your friends and you won't be embarrassed by me. But no, I would rather fucking go hang out with my girlfriends or go fucking lay on my couch or FaceTime one of my long distance friends for five hours while you're fucking losing all your money. So for you, my biggest concern is, how are you not hanging out more often? And for sure, I understand there are some people that they don't have work shit. Okay, fuck work shit. What about social shit? I think I would say to you, start to carve out in your brain what you would ideally like. You said that you and your boyfriend hung out three to four times in the beginning, and you were so happy about it.


My only concern is, I feel like this sounds more like a situationship, if I'm being honest. I feel like situationships, you almost like, the sex is so good in the beginning, and you're like, it's fun, you're hooking up, and then it can start to wean off, that's natural. You don't owe each other anything. To have your boyfriend slowly start to wean off more, I'm worried for you this means this could be more of the end of the relationship vibe rather than you need to have a conversation. So before you have the conversation, I think my first problem for you would be, why are you guys not hanging out more? And I get it if, let's say, he just got a new job, and he is so, so, so busy. And it is like, babe, I am in my grind right now. I am literally working such insane hours. And when I get home, I literally just want to lay in my bed and just go to fucking sleep. And I'm so exhausted. I'll see you on the weekend. I can understand I understand that a little bit, but I still would say, Okay, then let me just come over and let's lay together.


And not to be a dick, Okay, so do you not want to get fucked at least? That could be nice. After a long day's of work, I'm down to come over as your girlfriend and get mine and you get yours, and then don't talk and go to fucking bed. I don't know. I know there were nights where I was so fucking busy, and I was doing two podcasts. At one point, it was weird during the pandemic. I would record sometimes two podcasts in a day, which is just not good for the mental health. You're like, How much more can I fucking say? You will start to hate yourself because you're like, Shut the fuck up. I'm talking too much. And Matt would be like, Let me just come over. This is when we didn't live together. And he would like, Let me just come over. And I'd be like, Matt, I'm going to be a really bad version of myself. And he was like, Let me guess. You want to get in bed, eat snacks, and watch your shows? And I was like, Yes. And he was like, Perfect. I will come over, and let's just lay together, and I'll watch your shows with you.


And I was like, Oh, my God. And what naturally happens, though, is he'll come over, and he'll bring me extra food, and we would lay, we would have sex. And then slowly, I would get so relaxed that then I would be like, How was your day? And even those hour to 30 minutes alone together before we would go to bed, we were connecting. And we were spending quality time together. And that's important in a relationship, because guess what? When you get fucking married, and you have kids, and all those things, your alone time just dwindles. And so right now, being in the best stage, being in the dating phase, Bitch, this is supposed to be when you're just up each other's motherfucking assholes. Obviously, like I always say, independence and having alone time with your friends and having alone time is important. But I worry for you, why is it dwindling? Why are you not hanging out more? Why did it go down to less than three times a week? I'm assuming, what, two and one? So I'm sorry you're feeling this way. That really sucks that you're not feeling like he's prioritizing you. But I don't think he will know that unless you say it.


So I think it's you sitting him down and you expressing, Hey, I love you. I think. I don't know. Maybe you don't love him. I'm assuming you love him if he's your boyfriend. And I think you can just say, hey, And obviously, cater this to your dynamic, but you can say, Hey, I love you so much. And I was reflecting back on the beginning days of our relationship, because if I'm honest, I miss you. And It's weird to say I miss you because you're my boyfriend. Why am I missing you? And I realized we haven't been hanging out as much as recently. And I wanted to just check in with you of how you feel about that. Because I think, I mean, You could go two ways. You could just go right ahead and say that you're not happy that you're not hanging out as much. But I think you saying you miss him is a sweet, loving way instead of being like, why don't we hang out as much? And I think once you approach it like, I miss you, and then ask him how he feels about it, you're going to probably get your answer from whatever he says.


Imagine if his response is literally like, yeah, I've just been super busy. And honestly, I'm not going to lie, I don't have as much time anymore, blah, blah, blah. Bye. Literally, bye. And I think that's when you can be honest, being like, I have to be honest with you. I don't know if that's going to work for me in a relationship. I look at a relationship and I want to have connection, and I want to be each other's primary partner, and I want to be and I want to have fun, and I want to have nights together. I want to have nights socially. Right now, it's like, I'm barely seeing you. So I do think, God forbid, that happens. It's on you to decide if that's the type of relationship that you want. I personally would not be able to handle that. But I also know people do long distance. But again, what's crazier is, I bet people would write in long distance and say they talk more than potentially you talk to your boyfriend, who lives down the block from you. And that makes me sad for you. And if he says, Listen, I'm not going to lie, I've noticed it, too.


And I've really just been so busy, and I've been stressed, and I'm so sorry, and I'm so sorry you've been feeling this way. I think that's great. And sometimes people just need to recalibrate. I think sometimes we can overthink things, and life is fucking stressful. And it's so exhausting having a job, having friends, having family, having a relationship. How do we juggle all of it? I don't know. But I'm sorry, that really sucks. And I don't know. I feel like once I get a boyfriend, I'm just like, it's weird if we're not hanging out at least every other night. Why does he not want to hang out with you more than once a week? My boyfriend My boyfriend's best friend is getting married on my birthday next year. My boyfriend is the best man, so obviously, we would never miss the wedding. We did tell them that's my birthday, though, so they are aware, which is why the fact that they planned their bridal party weekend retreat on my birthday this year is so annoying. I take birthdays very seriously and already had plans for me and my boyfriend. Should I cave and just celebrate without my boyfriend this year so he can go to this event?


Or should I say something and ask him to skip it and spend time with me instead. Okay, I am the wrong person to ask this because I'm sorry. I don't give a fuck about my birthday. Obviously, I'm really happy I'm alive, but I really don't give a shit about my birthday, which I don't know if that's weird being a Leo that I don't care about my birthday, but I really don't give a fuck. And so I'm not going to lie, you may not like my answer, but this is my honest answer. You should get your fucking ass to your boyfriend's best Last Friends bridal shower and the next weekend celebrate your birthday. I think what you're forgetting is you're one person, and I understand you were birthed that weekend, and God bless, and I'm so happy you're also alive with me here on this planet Earth, okay? But, sweetheart, this is a bridal party, which means there are people coming from out of state. There are planners, there are caterers, there are multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple people and things things that these people are having to plan in order for it to be this weekend.


And because it is a year out from their wedding, maybe this is sentimental to them and they wanted to do it exactly a year out. I don't know. But when it comes to weddings, I love you to death. I don't know you, but I love you to death. But I'm going to be real. You saying it's so annoying. They scheduled it on my birthday weekend. I don't think they're planning anything around your birthday, because as adults, who the fuck plans anything around other people's birthday. It's like, oh, I don't want to go on this trip because it's your birthday. Oh, my God. I'm pretty sure it was someone's birthday at my wedding, and they didn't bring it up, and I'm sure they celebrate. I really worry for you. I worry for you that this could come off insensitive and brady. This is the thing I will say, okay? Ready for this. I hope you live a very long life. I hope you live until 100 years old. Every single year of your life, you get to celebrate your birthday. How amazing is that? For someone who loves their birthdays, you get to celebrate every year.


You get to make it your birthday motherfucking month every year. If you love your I say so much, I'm assuming you do a birthday month, right? So what I would say is every year you get to celebrate. These people are getting married once. Hopefully, who knows? They make a divorce. But they're getting married currently once in their life. And so to think with love that for two years on your exact birthday, you may need to suck it up and support your boyfriend's best friend and their life and celebrating their life together. I'm going to go ahead and say, Suck it the fuck up, okay? And that may be controversial to all my birthday people out there. I can't relate. So I don't know. You don't need to take my advice, but I would say this is being a little dramatic. You can easily, easily with you and your boyfriend, the night before or the night after or the weekend before or the weekend after, you can celebrate your birthday. Put your fucking boyfriend in birthday jail. In my brain, this is what jail would look like. And every single weekend before that bridal party, make him celebrate your fucking birthday.


Honestly, if I ever dated someone that did that to me, not only would I break up with them, I would block them, and I would fucking I literally shit on them for the rest of eternity in my brain. That's just me. Yeah, I don't think that you can make this about you, unfortunately. All jokes aside, I really feel like you have so many birthdays that you can celebrate. This is unfortunate. I understand you, and I hear you that you take your birthday really seriously, but I think we got to move on from this. And my only other question is maybe, just maybe, you should look inward of why this is so upsetting to you, Because maybe you are just one of those people that really gives a fuck about the birthday so much, and it's just that. Or maybe, do you feel like your boyfriend's not giving you as much attention recently? So you're using your birthday as an opportunity to connect with him and get attention? I don't know. That could literally not be the case. You literally just may love fucking birthdays. You are literally the motherfucking birthday queen, bitch. You are the birthday girl.


How about this? Would this make it better? Obviously, you're a fan of the show. Obviously, you're a supporter of the show. Love you. Love it here. Happy birthday to you. I wish I fucking knew your name. I feel like you're like a... Let's call you Margaret. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy Happy birthday to you, Margaret. But guess what? Not everything is about you. And life is not fair. So it's time for you to put on your bigger pants and catch the fuck over it. I fucking love you. I'm sorry if I was just a cunt, but I fucking hate birthdays. I think they're so fucking stupid. We were born once. We don't need to celebrate every fucking year. I'm happy to be alive. Let's keep it fucking moving. But Matt, if you don't get me a I'm not going to give you a fucking birthday gift, I will literally kill you. Anyways, yeah, birthday gifts are great. But you know, not everyone needs to fucking give a fuck about your birthday, Margaret. Okay? And how about that? You just got a happy birthday singalong from Alex Cooper on Call Her Daddy, clip this and fucking show it to the bridal party and be like, Guys, it's my birthday.


Can we all sing along to Alex this year? Make it about you. I'm just kidding. If you fucking did that, I would literally break up with you if I was your boyfriend. Honestly, love you. Love you to Move the fuck on. Daddy Gang, that is it for this week's episode. Here's the thing. Father is back. I'm just so fucking happy I have this new room. It makes me feel so cozy to be in here. I feel like I'm like... I don't know. I feel like it's so different than the Call Her Daddy studios, which I think is fun and exciting. Obviously, the Call Her Daddy studios are pink and fun and flirty. And this is very like, oh, let's get cozy. Let's talk about the real shit. Let's talk about fucking bitches that love their birthdays. And let's just fucking really tell the tea of the tea. Daddy Gang, I would just I'd like to say thank you so much for always supporting the show. Being a father means more to me. And honestly, this is my first Father's Day as a married man, which is very exciting, and I'm quite excited. I feel like my dick grew an inch, and I'm feeling fucking good as shit.


That Father's Day, Father's Day feel pretty fucking good this year. So I love you all to all of my daddies out there around the world. God bless you. Anyways, goodbye. Shout out to you, Margaret. Shout out to everyone else that wrote in this week. I have so many more questions that I could have answered, but I just feel like I'm not going to lie. It is Father's Day, so I think I should go treat myself to a little motherfucking cocktail and go have some good sex because everyone should have some good sex on Father's Day. Daddy Gang, you know the motherfucking drill. I will see you fuckers this Wednesday. Bye-bye..