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What is up, daddy? Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper with call her daddy, Hannah Burner. Welcome back to call her daddy.


This is incredible. Cause you did not have to have me back. No, bitch, you did not have to.


No, I was just thinking about this. I think you, Lauren, and Harry are, like, the most reoccurring guests I've ever had on caller daddy. I've never had.


That was my only goal in life. I know it's to be a regular on caller daddy. And I was like, but this, I do have to say, it feels like a family reunion whenever I come on.


I know everybody that's not watching. So Hannah texted me, and she told me that she wanted to give me a heads up that she would be wearing jorts out of respect. Out of respect. To which I said, thank you, because that does shift the energy completely. I'm gonna be honest. When I think of jorts for women, I think of jorts that are just kind of the color of my jeans.


Like stassi wearing hot, cute shorts. Yes. Yeah, we didn't go that direction you walked in.


I said, these look more like floods, where, like, your pants are literally just, like, too short for you.


I look like I stole a kid's pants and put them on.


But, Hannah, I'm gonna have to get a video of you, because to be.


Fair, do you guys have video on this pod?


This is a fuck you. This is the camera. I love how I, like, thought for 5 seconds you were being serious. I was like, yeah, wait, look into the camera.


Well, also, this is the thing about me that I learned in college. my gosh, but you didn't tell the story of this and this and this. She's like, my mom literally goes, you should make it a whole summer series that you do all these stories about him. I'm like, mom, we're trying to not get sued, mom. Also, like, I'm married. Mom, calm down. She's like, but I wrote them all down. I have it in my notebook from your college days when you would call me. I knew you would need these stories. One time, like, one fucked up thing.If my mom doesn't want to fuck him, I don't want to be with him. And I hate to say it, but it's so true. If your mom is like, he's nice. Nope. I want my mom to be flirty with him. I want to see that she gets excited when this man walks in the room. And that is so disgusting and sick. But my mom is nodding, listening. Be like, yep. I want my daughter to be with a fucking hot. Like, because my mom and I are very independent. We're gonna have a man in our life. They need to be an asset and good to look at, period.And that's on that.I do have to say. I tell my mom everything, too. And I posted because I was so excited to go and call her dad today. And I was like, guys, what? I'm going on a big podcast. Which one do you think it is? And I put, like, the little thing where people can comment.Like, Rogan.My mom goes, color daddy. She knows I don't like mom.I was just on the phone with you.She got excited to answer. No, she's that girl.I'm a obsessed with your mom, and I'm just obsessed. I think it's really nice to be able to, like, rely on your mom and then also blame your mom for everything.Well, there was. Was it Julia Dreyfus? Louise. Sorry. She has so many names.Yes, yes, yes.I think someone, I think it was her, gave a speech where she was just like, can we listen to older women? Like, older women know so much.They know everything.So it's like you have this asset that is your mother.You came out of her user ask.A ton of questions. And yes, I know some moms, like, they, you know, it's not always great. And then ice her out if she's.A fucking nice, like, literally a narcissistic size. Oh, can I speak? Oh, you're like, I'm gonna pick up him and call the phone.It's literally so funny. You knew what I was gonna say, though. You knew what I was saying. Anyway, so, yeah, that's my problem. And I think I. Some guys have been probably a little confused, but I've never pulled a crazy moment. I have so much pride. And it could be insecurity where I never want people to think that I. That's why things in my past have annoyed me, where people are like, she's obsessed with him or whatever. I never put myself in that position. Cause I am prideful and insecure.I get it.So when people. Guys in the public, I'm like, that man has never made me laugh. He's annoys the fuck out of me. And I just want to have fun.But isn't it annoying? I hate it. The double standard of, like, a man can say that stuff, and then people will. Then other women will agree with the man and be like, you're so right. And then if a girl just goes right back out the guy people like, she's such a bitch. Like, yeah, why don't we gang up on the man? You fucking whores.Like, one thing, too, where some guys would like, they would like my attention or they liked my conversation or something. And that's, like, the most valuable thing to me, where it's like, I'd rather us just fuck and me, like, have a fun story than you consuming my life, calling me eight times a day, and then, like, men are not your friends. I have hilarious, beautiful people in my life. A man who's hot with no personality is not your friend and never will.Be and probably shouldn't be your boyfriend either.No.If they're too hot, they're scary.No, they are so scary.Like, really scary. Let's talk about the special. Oh, okay.Barbara Walters. I rest in peace.R I p a fudge. You need to explain to me how did this come to be? Tell me everything I do have to.Say from doing a reality show. Sometimes you feel larger than life. You feel like you're the coolest person ever. You're funny, you're perfect. Everyone loves you, which is also not true. Or you can feel like they put mud on you, and everyone just sees you with this stuff on you, and you're trying to shower it off, and you feel misunderstood. And feeling misunderstood was, like, my biggest fear. And the universe was like, let's do it to you. And I was in definitely a place, but I was in a dark place, but I never felt stuck. I just was like, okay, we gotta pivot.We gotta pivot.I was in this, like, where's the next thing? And TikTok was this new crowd where, like, people didn't know who I was, and I got to just, like, therapeutically, I would go on stage after reality tv, and I would, in my head, be like, I hope these people don't hate me. And I was. But I had this drive to show them, like, I want them to at least not like me, because they don't like my comedy, which is such a, like, more peaceful perspective.Like, kind of, like, all in your art.Tell me if you don't like the art and, like, cool. We're expressing ourselves and us, and I needed to get better. And when I was on stage, it's fucked up, but my mind is very. Doesn't shut up. So when I was on stage, it was the only time that I wasn't repeating or trying to figure out, like, my past. So I got to be present in that moment, telling my queef jokes, but it was like, it was, like, my safe space. And then comics was this crew of people who made me feel so much better about myself. They were, like, dying laughing at the shit I was going through with reality tv. Like, they were. I was telling them these stories. They were like, I would have burned the house down. And they made me feel a little more seen where you can feel in the wrong crowd, you really do feel like you're losing your mind, your mind. And that's what the point is a lot of the time. So I started to get this. I almost feel like hot girls don't traditionally go, let's do stand up comedies tonight, or let's go to the stand up comedy club.You go with your boyfriend. But I was able to kind of cultivate this algorithm of, like, I'm biased, but, like, hot, successful, funny women who wanted to laugh and felt safe in their bedroom laughing at comedy. And then with giggly squad and getting the girls to come out to the show, I was like, oh, my God. We have this, like, group of women coming out to comedy shows, loving stand up, and a lot of them is their first ever shows, and it was powerful. And because I was selling tickets I didn't have to wait to, like, get chosen to be on lineups and stuff. I was, like, producing my own shows, and then I started doing hate on the street where I was making friends with all these comics. And then the comedy community started embracing me in a way where I was just like, either you like me or don't. I don't care. Like, I don't need you to accept me. But, like. Cause I came in with some of. Some followers, so some comics will be like, well, she didn't bomb in enough basements, but I'm like, I wanna build you. I want it to be, like, Chelsea Handler esque, where I bring people that are talented around me.No matter how many followers you have, I fuck with you. If you're like. Like, a nice person who's talented, and it's, again, selfish of me to be like, I want to. Before you go famous, I'm gonna put you on.No, but I think it's like, you recognize people that you fuck with. And I feel like sometimes you're right. People will be like, oh, I'm too big for that. Like, if they make it, they make it. And then I'll give them acknowledgement where you're like, no, I felt like that person that didn't have that, and I wish someone would have recognized how talented I was and not been threatened, but, like, helped lift me up.Yeah. And I just continued touring. I continued touring. Get on the road, be with my girls, work on the jokes, work on the jokes, work on the jokes. And then variety kind of noticed me and was like, she's definitely got shit going on. And we get a call from Netflix.Oh, my God.Now, the crazy thing about this call is my agent's like, Netflix wants to do a special with you. I'm freaking out. Like, I have a video of me. Like, I was, like, shaking. I go to the other room, and I'm like, destin, I got a Netflix special. He looks at me, no smile, and he goes, yeah, you're not shooting that. And I was like, I'm sorry, isn't this, like, the goal? And he goes, you have nine more months of touring, and you're gonna do those nine more months because your bits are gonna be tagged up and that much better at the end of. And you tell them you'll shoot it. The latest you can possibly shoot it. So, like, he's immediate. He's a protector, of course. And he has done his own career where he's like, you don't rush into a special.Right?But, like, I love this material so much. And I'm so happy that I basically told Netflix, like, in a year, I'll. I'll do it. So they were like, why? And I was just like, I think I could make it even better. Even though they liked it at the time.That's, like.So I, like, sat on that shit, like. And I wasn't allowed. I didn't even tell Paige for, like, a month.For a month.Just because I, like, looked through too long, because I just wanted to. To sit in it. But it was such a great moment of, like, it's not about the special. It's not about clout. It's about, like, putting out something you're proud of.I thank you for sharing that because it makes it even cooler now to, like, I can't wait to watch it. I was literally like, can I get a screener? And they're like, no. And I was like, okay.We were actually doing color correction still.I was like, can I watch it? And they're like, no.And I was like, no.Okay, fine, I'll watch it with everyone else.I'll fuck. Touch her.No, I'm excited. I'm gonna, like, have wine. Matt and I are gonna sit down. I'm gonna be sending you pictures. I'm gonna watch it. I'm so fucking excited. But I truly am so proud of you. Like, I feel like when I met you, I was like, oh, my God. This is someone I could have been friends with my whole life. Like, having been athletes, like, knowing the fucking trauma that you have from being an athlete, knowing the type of person it just, like, builds you into, and you're, like, so competitive with yourself. And I think sometimes for especially women in sports, I feel like that gets misconstrued. And we've dealt with, like, being our.Worst critics, so you fight similar battles all the time. That's why when we message each other, it's like, how you doing against your demons?If you go through all of our messages, we are only texting each other, like, check ins. We're like, I just saw this. How are you doing? I'm so proud of you. Proud of you. You good? Okay, talk in a couple months.Like, have you slept right?We're like, you good? And then we're like. Like, you ready to come on the pod? You okay? Okay. You're wearing jorts. Amazing. Midlife crisis. Cue it now.Can you cry for help?I just am so excited for people to watch this. And I feel like, you, from when I met you to now is what I was saying. Is, like, you were so funny back then, but we both were insecure, and, of course, we're both still insecure in some capacities. But, like, I can't wait to watch the special because you are so much more yourself now than when I met you. We were both going through it, not that we weren't ourselves. Like, you're. You're leading with, like, you're so fucking talented. You are. Like, anyone I talk to about you recently are like, oh, my God. Fucking Hannah Burner. She's lights out. Like, I can't wait to see the special. Like, you are just. I get chills when I talk.I'm living in a dream. Like, I feel like I redid the last pod with Paige, and I fell asleep and then had a dream that you were sitting here being like, you had a Netflix special. Like, it feels like a dream, but I'm turning into my dad. He loves quotes, and he was. It basically is like, what if your biggest dreams came true? And I think you are a good example of that, because you showing that, because it's kind of lonely sometimes at the top. And you showing that a girl could get a lot of attention and run a full company, like, it's paving the way for other people to be like, oh, that dream is not too scary. And I do feel like, with this special, I really hope that more girls are gonna be like, I'm just like, Hannah. That's how I am with my friends. Wait, I, like. I, like, fuck with this. I want to do stand up. Cause I have this conspiracy there that, like, women are made for stand up. We're gossipers. We complain. We overanalyze. Like, that is what stand up is. So I just like disrupting male spaces and making men upset.And I think we ride at dawn.We write it on. Last question, Hannah. How are you going to feel if your Netflix special is potentially in the background of some Netflix and chill sessions and people are fucking to your special? Oh, have you thought about that?It's going to be so awkward, because I'll literally be talking about how hard it is to ride a guy while you're riding a guy. And I don't know how you'll recover from that. Or, like, how, like, you're holding in your fart when you're cuddling, and it's like, you haven't had to fart all day. And then suddenly, the second his dicks on your butt, you're like, I have the biggest gas bubble I've ever had.Hannah. There are gonna be Netflix and chilling, watching you. And she's like, oh, man, isn't it the worst when you're holding your fart? And the girls are like, shut the fuck up, Hannah. And you're like, how about a queef? And she's literally like, oh, my God. Maybe watch this with your girlfriends.But I think your boyfriends and the men in your life should watch it because it's quite educational. It's very educational.It's for everyone. We ride at dawn. Hannah, I could sit here and talk to you for 17 more hours. I love.Thank you for also being. Being so good at interviewing. Because you make me look good, bitch.You look good.Which can be difficult to be furious. When I tell her I wore jorts on call her daddy. She'd be like, you fucking disrespectful cunt.But you guys have to. It's good. You both have. You're different. It's very.I love it.I'm like, you're different, Hannah. It's just because you're different. I love you. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy this week, everything and more. I love you. This may have been our best work yet.No, I think it is. I love.


my gosh, but you didn't tell the story of this and this and this. She's like, my mom literally goes, you should make it a whole summer series that you do all these stories about him. I'm like, mom, we're trying to not get sued, mom. Also, like, I'm married. Mom, calm down. She's like, but I wrote them all down. I have it in my notebook from your college days when you would call me. I knew you would need these stories. One time, like, one fucked up thing.


If my mom doesn't want to fuck him, I don't want to be with him. And I hate to say it, but it's so true. If your mom is like, he's nice. Nope. I want my mom to be flirty with him. I want to see that she gets excited when this man walks in the room. And that is so disgusting and sick. But my mom is nodding, listening. Be like, yep. I want my daughter to be with a fucking hot. Like, because my mom and I are very independent. We're gonna have a man in our life. They need to be an asset and good to look at, period.


And that's on that.


I do have to say. I tell my mom everything, too. And I posted because I was so excited to go and call her dad today. And I was like, guys, what? I'm going on a big podcast. Which one do you think it is? And I put, like, the little thing where people can comment.


Like, Rogan.


My mom goes, color daddy. She knows I don't like mom.


I was just on the phone with you.


She got excited to answer. No, she's that girl.


I'm a obsessed with your mom, and I'm just obsessed. I think it's really nice to be able to, like, rely on your mom and then also blame your mom for everything.


Well, there was. Was it Julia Dreyfus? Louise. Sorry. She has so many names.


Yes, yes, yes.


I think someone, I think it was her, gave a speech where she was just like, can we listen to older women? Like, older women know so much.


They know everything.


So it's like you have this asset that is your mother.


You came out of her user ask.


A ton of questions. And yes, I know some moms, like, they, you know, it's not always great. And then ice her out if she's.


A fucking nice, like, literally a narcissistic size. Oh, can I speak? Oh, you're like, I'm gonna pick up him and call the phone.


It's literally so funny. You knew what I was gonna say, though. You knew what I was saying. Anyway, so, yeah, that's my problem. And I think I. Some guys have been probably a little confused, but I've never pulled a crazy moment. I have so much pride. And it could be insecurity where I never want people to think that I. That's why things in my past have annoyed me, where people are like, she's obsessed with him or whatever. I never put myself in that position. Cause I am prideful and insecure.


I get it.


So when people. Guys in the public, I'm like, that man has never made me laugh. He's annoys the fuck out of me. And I just want to have fun.


But isn't it annoying? I hate it. The double standard of, like, a man can say that stuff, and then people will. Then other women will agree with the man and be like, you're so right. And then if a girl just goes right back out the guy people like, she's such a bitch. Like, yeah, why don't we gang up on the man? You fucking whores.


Like, one thing, too, where some guys would like, they would like my attention or they liked my conversation or something. And that's, like, the most valuable thing to me, where it's like, I'd rather us just fuck and me, like, have a fun story than you consuming my life, calling me eight times a day, and then, like, men are not your friends. I have hilarious, beautiful people in my life. A man who's hot with no personality is not your friend and never will.


Be and probably shouldn't be your boyfriend either.




If they're too hot, they're scary.


No, they are so scary.


Like, really scary. Let's talk about the special. Oh, okay.


Barbara Walters. I rest in peace.


R I p a fudge. You need to explain to me how did this come to be? Tell me everything I do have to.


Say from doing a reality show. Sometimes you feel larger than life. You feel like you're the coolest person ever. You're funny, you're perfect. Everyone loves you, which is also not true. Or you can feel like they put mud on you, and everyone just sees you with this stuff on you, and you're trying to shower it off, and you feel misunderstood. And feeling misunderstood was, like, my biggest fear. And the universe was like, let's do it to you. And I was in definitely a place, but I was in a dark place, but I never felt stuck. I just was like, okay, we gotta pivot.


We gotta pivot.


I was in this, like, where's the next thing? And TikTok was this new crowd where, like, people didn't know who I was, and I got to just, like, therapeutically, I would go on stage after reality tv, and I would, in my head, be like, I hope these people don't hate me. And I was. But I had this drive to show them, like, I want them to at least not like me, because they don't like my comedy, which is such a, like, more peaceful perspective.


Like, kind of, like, all in your art.


Tell me if you don't like the art and, like, cool. We're expressing ourselves and us, and I needed to get better. And when I was on stage, it's fucked up, but my mind is very. Doesn't shut up. So when I was on stage, it was the only time that I wasn't repeating or trying to figure out, like, my past. So I got to be present in that moment, telling my queef jokes, but it was like, it was, like, my safe space. And then comics was this crew of people who made me feel so much better about myself. They were, like, dying laughing at the shit I was going through with reality tv. Like, they were. I was telling them these stories. They were like, I would have burned the house down. And they made me feel a little more seen where you can feel in the wrong crowd, you really do feel like you're losing your mind, your mind. And that's what the point is a lot of the time. So I started to get this. I almost feel like hot girls don't traditionally go, let's do stand up comedies tonight, or let's go to the stand up comedy club.


You go with your boyfriend. But I was able to kind of cultivate this algorithm of, like, I'm biased, but, like, hot, successful, funny women who wanted to laugh and felt safe in their bedroom laughing at comedy. And then with giggly squad and getting the girls to come out to the show, I was like, oh, my God. We have this, like, group of women coming out to comedy shows, loving stand up, and a lot of them is their first ever shows, and it was powerful. And because I was selling tickets I didn't have to wait to, like, get chosen to be on lineups and stuff. I was, like, producing my own shows, and then I started doing hate on the street where I was making friends with all these comics. And then the comedy community started embracing me in a way where I was just like, either you like me or don't. I don't care. Like, I don't need you to accept me. But, like. Cause I came in with some of. Some followers, so some comics will be like, well, she didn't bomb in enough basements, but I'm like, I wanna build you. I want it to be, like, Chelsea Handler esque, where I bring people that are talented around me.


No matter how many followers you have, I fuck with you. If you're like. Like, a nice person who's talented, and it's, again, selfish of me to be like, I want to. Before you go famous, I'm gonna put you on.


No, but I think it's like, you recognize people that you fuck with. And I feel like sometimes you're right. People will be like, oh, I'm too big for that. Like, if they make it, they make it. And then I'll give them acknowledgement where you're like, no, I felt like that person that didn't have that, and I wish someone would have recognized how talented I was and not been threatened, but, like, helped lift me up.


Yeah. And I just continued touring. I continued touring. Get on the road, be with my girls, work on the jokes, work on the jokes, work on the jokes. And then variety kind of noticed me and was like, she's definitely got shit going on. And we get a call from Netflix.


Oh, my God.


Now, the crazy thing about this call is my agent's like, Netflix wants to do a special with you. I'm freaking out. Like, I have a video of me. Like, I was, like, shaking. I go to the other room, and I'm like, destin, I got a Netflix special. He looks at me, no smile, and he goes, yeah, you're not shooting that. And I was like, I'm sorry, isn't this, like, the goal? And he goes, you have nine more months of touring, and you're gonna do those nine more months because your bits are gonna be tagged up and that much better at the end of. And you tell them you'll shoot it. The latest you can possibly shoot it. So, like, he's immediate. He's a protector, of course. And he has done his own career where he's like, you don't rush into a special.




But, like, I love this material so much. And I'm so happy that I basically told Netflix, like, in a year, I'll. I'll do it. So they were like, why? And I was just like, I think I could make it even better. Even though they liked it at the time.


That's, like.


So I, like, sat on that shit, like. And I wasn't allowed. I didn't even tell Paige for, like, a month.


For a month.


Just because I, like, looked through too long, because I just wanted to. To sit in it. But it was such a great moment of, like, it's not about the special. It's not about clout. It's about, like, putting out something you're proud of.


I thank you for sharing that because it makes it even cooler now to, like, I can't wait to watch it. I was literally like, can I get a screener? And they're like, no. And I was like, okay.


We were actually doing color correction still.


I was like, can I watch it? And they're like, no.


And I was like, no.


Okay, fine, I'll watch it with everyone else.


I'll fuck. Touch her.


No, I'm excited. I'm gonna, like, have wine. Matt and I are gonna sit down. I'm gonna be sending you pictures. I'm gonna watch it. I'm so fucking excited. But I truly am so proud of you. Like, I feel like when I met you, I was like, oh, my God. This is someone I could have been friends with my whole life. Like, having been athletes, like, knowing the fucking trauma that you have from being an athlete, knowing the type of person it just, like, builds you into, and you're, like, so competitive with yourself. And I think sometimes for especially women in sports, I feel like that gets misconstrued. And we've dealt with, like, being our.


Worst critics, so you fight similar battles all the time. That's why when we message each other, it's like, how you doing against your demons?


If you go through all of our messages, we are only texting each other, like, check ins. We're like, I just saw this. How are you doing? I'm so proud of you. Proud of you. You good? Okay, talk in a couple months.


Like, have you slept right?


We're like, you good? And then we're like. Like, you ready to come on the pod? You okay? Okay. You're wearing jorts. Amazing. Midlife crisis. Cue it now.


Can you cry for help?


I just am so excited for people to watch this. And I feel like, you, from when I met you to now is what I was saying. Is, like, you were so funny back then, but we both were insecure, and, of course, we're both still insecure in some capacities. But, like, I can't wait to watch the special because you are so much more yourself now than when I met you. We were both going through it, not that we weren't ourselves. Like, you're. You're leading with, like, you're so fucking talented. You are. Like, anyone I talk to about you recently are like, oh, my God. Fucking Hannah Burner. She's lights out. Like, I can't wait to see the special. Like, you are just. I get chills when I talk.


I'm living in a dream. Like, I feel like I redid the last pod with Paige, and I fell asleep and then had a dream that you were sitting here being like, you had a Netflix special. Like, it feels like a dream, but I'm turning into my dad. He loves quotes, and he was. It basically is like, what if your biggest dreams came true? And I think you are a good example of that, because you showing that, because it's kind of lonely sometimes at the top. And you showing that a girl could get a lot of attention and run a full company, like, it's paving the way for other people to be like, oh, that dream is not too scary. And I do feel like, with this special, I really hope that more girls are gonna be like, I'm just like, Hannah. That's how I am with my friends. Wait, I, like. I, like, fuck with this. I want to do stand up. Cause I have this conspiracy there that, like, women are made for stand up. We're gossipers. We complain. We overanalyze. Like, that is what stand up is. So I just like disrupting male spaces and making men upset.


And I think we ride at dawn.


We write it on. Last question, Hannah. How are you going to feel if your Netflix special is potentially in the background of some Netflix and chill sessions and people are fucking to your special? Oh, have you thought about that?


It's going to be so awkward, because I'll literally be talking about how hard it is to ride a guy while you're riding a guy. And I don't know how you'll recover from that. Or, like, how, like, you're holding in your fart when you're cuddling, and it's like, you haven't had to fart all day. And then suddenly, the second his dicks on your butt, you're like, I have the biggest gas bubble I've ever had.


Hannah. There are gonna be Netflix and chilling, watching you. And she's like, oh, man, isn't it the worst when you're holding your fart? And the girls are like, shut the fuck up, Hannah. And you're like, how about a queef? And she's literally like, oh, my God. Maybe watch this with your girlfriends.


But I think your boyfriends and the men in your life should watch it because it's quite educational. It's very educational.


It's for everyone. We ride at dawn. Hannah, I could sit here and talk to you for 17 more hours. I love.


Thank you for also being. Being so good at interviewing. Because you make me look good, bitch.


You look good.


Which can be difficult to be furious. When I tell her I wore jorts on call her daddy. She'd be like, you fucking disrespectful cunt.


But you guys have to. It's good. You both have. You're different. It's very.


I love it.


I'm like, you're different, Hannah. It's just because you're different. I love you. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy this week, everything and more. I love you. This may have been our best work yet.


No, I think it is. I love.