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What is up, daddy gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with call her daddy, Jen Tran. Welcome to call her daddy.


Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.


I'm so excited you're here. We have to give the daddy gang context of what we have been doing.




So I'm upstairs. I'm prepping for the interview. I hear that Jen is here. I walk down the stairs, and I hear, like, where's the tequila? Where's the tequila? And I'm like, no, no. In a great way. And, like. Cause I never know what the vibes are gonna be from people like, jen, what's going on? And you're like, let's take shots. Like, I love it. Why did you want tequila today?


You know, I knew this was gonna be a fun time. I knew we were gonna, like, shoot the shit and just have fun and, like, what's the point of doing it without a little bit of tequila?


No. I'm so happy. Also, to give context, this is why my job is the best. I'm like, it is 01:00 on a Friday, and usually on a Friday, I'm like, ooh, maybe you can start drinking at, like, 04:00 with Jen. It's like, it is 01:00. We are drinking tequila. We have our drinks. We have our seltzers. Congratulations.


Thank you.


You are about to be this season's bachelorette.






Thank you.


You are about to be this season's bachelorette. The show is about to come out. How are you feeling?


I'm honestly really excited for everyone to just see it. Like, I feel like this whole chapter in my life, like, happened, and I haven't seen anything about it yet, so it's like, did it really happen or not? But, like, obviously it did. So I'm really excited for everyone to see it, and I think, you know, there's a lot of opinions on the season, so I just. I know how amazing it's going to be, and I know, like, what a journey it was for me, and I'm so excited. Zachary.


Well, speaking of opinions, what are you talking about? Like, from your perspective, what are you talking about? Like, there's a lot of opinions on the season.


Yeah. I mean, there's no, like, running around it. Like, I came back from filming, and there was a lot of people wanting somebody else or wishing that I was american, so there's a lot of racism around it, too, and there's just a lot of people who want to have input on it and wish that it was somebody else and whatnot. So I think that you just can't win. You know, people were like, she's too boring, or she's too crazy. She wants to take shots. It's like, God forbid I want to take a shot. I didn't know that once you get engaged, you can't take a shot. Or once you get fine, love, you can't take a shot. So, I mean, it's. It's crazy how many people have an opinion about it.


Okay, can we talk about that for a minute? Because I I agree. I feel like people have always, like, there's no secret that, like, if you look up the lineup of the bachelor and the bachelorette, like, it is a lot of white people that have, like, historically been, like, the leads, and I'm so fucking happy.


Or African Americans.


Yes. Yes, we're African Americans. And I think that you being the first Asian American is so fucking incredible. But also, it's like, why? Why is that the focus of people's negativity? Like, how did you feel when you're seeing those comments and shit?


In a weird way, it makes me feel validated that there needs to be change. Right? Because I lived my whole life having some people telling me, racism doesn't exist. Asians don't have to deal with it. You're the better minority. Nobody cares. And to have these things about me said online, particularly about my race, it just validates the fact that there is so much hate in people's hearts still. And it's still such a prevalent thing in this day that I'm happy to take on the brunt of it if it means that I'm making a change for people that are gonna come after me.


You know, first of all, I thank you for saying that, because I think, like, it's not your job to, like, be a spokesperson for it. But now that you're in this position, like, I can imagine so many young girls are like, let's fucking go, Jen. Like, yes. Representation. I also feel like I said to you before we started, I'm like, you came in here, and your energy and your vibe is, like, I feel like we could be friends, and you smell amazing. I just have to say that. I'm sorry. This whole studio. Everyone is nodding their head. This whole studio smells amazing. You smell so good. I'm gonna need to get your perfume.


Thank you. It's Caroline Herrera. It's funny cause I was in my hotel room, and I was like, I need to find a perfume. And my producer was like, you're literally going to a podcast. Like, no one's gonna smell you through the camera. I was like, I don't care. I need to smell good at all times.


It's affecting me. And I'm like, oh, this is fabulous. Little tequila, a little Caroline herrera.


Perfect. So I'm seducing you, too.


It's perfect. It's perfect. I'm getting in the vibes, getting in the mood. I need to know where you were and how you felt when you got the call of the bachelorette. Like, take me to that moment.


Yeah, it was crazy. I mean, like, things have been in the works for, like, months at that point, and I just, like, didn't know what was gonna happen, and, you know, the clock was ticking down, so I was like, maybe it's just not me. Maybe it's just not happening. But, like, we've had meetings about it and interviews about it. So it was in the back of my head, and I was getting back from the gym, I was in my car, and I just get, like, this text from, like, one of, like, the producers being like, do you want to hop on a call really, really quick? And I was like, oh, God, what could this be? And I kind of knew, but I was also, like, really nervous because I felt like, you know, my whole life was going to change, but obviously it was also, like, did I really want it? Like, I had been thinking about it for months and months, and it's a big change. You know, it's like, I'm a very private person, so it's like, do I really want my whole life to be on blast like this? And I knew that I was going to have to take a lot of heat for many different reasons, and so I was like, yes, I want to find love, but is this the capacity that I want to do it in?


So it took a while for me to, like, think about it, but, I mean, I hopped on the call, and immediately I was like, obviously, yes, I'm gonna do it. Right, right.


It's just so crazy because you're right. And I think that's what people forget is, like, it. We've now watched the bachelor for so many seasons. We love the Bachelor franchise. But, like, this does completely change your life. And, like, before all of this, you're a physician's assistant. I'm watching a student. I'm watching your tiktoks. You're, like, going into surgery, like, getting them prepped. And I'm like, this is a big shift from you being in, like, scrubs and, like, doing your thing during the day to then, like, now the whole world is about to watch you, hopefully fall in love.




I had Maria on, and she was really open about, like, they had offered me the role. It wasn't right for me. Like, can you tell me from your experience, like, seeing all the conversation around, like, Maria or Daisy, like, how did you, like, feel about everything?


Yeah, so, obviously, I didn't have my phone at the time. All of this was, like, going down. Cause we had went right into filming after it was all announced and coming back to all of that. Yeah, obviously, I was really disappointed to see all that because, I mean, the truth of the matter is, like, there's a lot of narratives out there, and they're not necessarily the truth. You know, the show has been going on for years and years, 21 years of this show specifically. And every season, there are multiple people in contention for the role. Multiple people are being interviewed or doing meetings about it all, doing fittings or filming intro packages, and it's never really you until it's you.




So, that's why I was a little disappointed is because, you know, the narratives out there aren't exactly truth. And I think that when you look at it all, like, the show has been going on for so long, and based on the history of it all, there's always multiple people. So it's not you until it's you.


Oh, my God. Okay, wait. I didn't even think about that. You. Before all of these things were happening, you were in the middle filming.




Wait, so, like, when that caller daddy episode came out, you didn't even know that Maria came on the show?


I would. No, I hadn't seen it until I had gotten back. Yeah.


Oh, my God. Okay, so you had. It wasn't, like, a last minute thing people are asking you?


No, no, no. I had. We had meetings about it. We talked about it for months, and then they asked me, and I had the choice, and I chose to do it. I said yes. And the thing with, like, the narrative sets out right now is, like, it was disappointing to come back from this incredible journey for myself and then to see all the speculation around it and to almost have these things kind of take away from what my journey was, you know? And I'm kind of at a point in my life where, like, I'm not gonna let anyone take claim to that. I'm not gonna let anyone, like. Like, I don't know, like, have some sort of role in that, because my entire life, you know, the way I grew up was kind of crazy. And then, you know, I've always, like, thought about others first, and I went into healthcare because I care about other people so much. And it's been a. It took a while for me to really find my voice in certain things. And this is something that, like, I'm so proud to be able to say, like, this is my time and this is my journey, and that's what I want it to be focused on because I'm able to have a voice now to talk about it and to be able to stand my ground on it is that this is my journey.


I'm so happy about it, and I'm so happy for everyone to, like, finally see that.


I appreciate you sharing this because I can imagine from your perspective when you come out. Yeah, I think a lot of people were like, oh, like, jen's the runner up and Jen's just doing this. And, like, now hearing from you, you're like, we know, like, all of us were in talks and all of us were making these decisions and everyone was kind of up for it. I'm sure there was, like, three to four people that were in conversation. Have you talked to the other women? Like, yeah.


Yeah. I mean, everything. Everything's good. You know, that's the thing about being in this world and being mature and being. And having, like, you know, just, like, just knowing what world you're in and being a person and being mature about it all. Is that, like, we're all fine and it's all good?






Okay, let's talk about your life before reality tv. Where did you grow up?


I grew up in New Jersey.


Jersey girl.


Yes. I was.


I was a PA girl, but I went to school in Jersey for high school.


Oh, really? Weird.


In, like, Princeton area.


Oh, okay.


Okay. So Jersey.


Yes, North Jersey. And then I went to school at Pittsburgh for, like, a year and a half.




Then I transferred to Wisconsin.


Pro badgers.


I know. And then after Wisconsin, I moved to Boston for a couple years, and that's kind of where my family, like, resides right now.


What were you like in high school?


In high school, honestly, I was really shy. I was really still kind of, like, coming into my own. And, like, I played sports, I played basketball, I played lacrosse. Like, that's kind of where I was, like, more outgoing or, like, more, like, found myself, like, having, like, a group of friends kind of thing, but still, like, I was really, really shy. And I don't really think I fully understood, like, who I was yet. And even, like, in middle school, like, I was, like, the most awkward kid ever. I had such an awkward face. I was, like, the chubbiest kid ever. And, like, I remember I had a crush on this guy, and I remember I was, like, stalking him, like, it was, like, after school, and I was waiting for him to, like, come down the stairs or whatever because I knew what class he had. Cause I was crazy. Whatever. And I saw him coming down, and his friends were making fun of me for liking him. They were like, oh, my gosh, like, Jen Tran has a crush on you? Like, how funny. Like, that's crazy. And, like, that was my middle school life, essentially.


I relate to that. And I. Every time I meet people that are like, no, high school was a breeze, or, like, middle school was a breeze, I'm like, oh, well, fuck you.


Yeah. Like, what do you mean? What the hell? Yeah.


Like, now I'm, like, so grateful for, like, not feeling that way, but back in the day, it's like, when you struggle with that, it's, like, it can, like, affect you, obviously, socially.


But the thing is, it builds character. Like, I'm so happy that I had an awkward phase that I was, like, a little weird or, like, whatever it was, because I think it makes you more grateful for, like, who you are now, and I'm grateful for, like, figuring myself out so much more now.


I agree. Did making friends come easy to you in high school?


Um, yes and no. Like, because I played club sports. Like, it was easy to, like, be friends with them and kind of stuff. But I think, like, internally, like, I was having such a, like, who am I? Like, how do I be cool? Like, how do I just, like, like, have everyone love me kind of thing? And I wasn't really falling into, like, who I am. And at the time, like, I was really still struggling with, like, figuring out my identity in terms of, like, like, my vietnamese culture and, like, the american culture, because both my parents are immigrants, and they're both, like, very, very vietnamese to the core. So I grew up with a lot of those values, and there weren't a lot of people like me in my town, so I think it was a bit harder for me to relate to people because I was going through so much at such a young age. So it was a lot of that.


I'm curious. Like, did ever having, like, you're saying, like, you kind of had this, like, push and pull, like, oh, my gosh. Like, I want to lean into my culture, but then also the kids around you are not like that. Like, did it ever make you pulled away more from your family or lean more into your family?


I definitely pulled away a lot when I was growing up because it was just I wanted to be like everybody else. Right? Like, when you're at that age and you're growing up and you just want to fit in, you want to be like everybody else. But it wasn't really until college where I got really exposed to a lot more diversity. And I also got tired of kind of, like, hiding who I am, you know? Like, college is, like, that new, like, sense of, like, you. You get a chance, like, rewrite yourself almost. So I was able to really do that in college and, like, embrace I. Everything that makes me me and really embrace, like, my vietnamese culture as well as, like, me growing up in America, you know?


It's hard, though, when you're in those moments to, like, have perspective.




How are you with boys? Like, high school, college? Like, what was the vibe, Jen?


You know, I had a lot of issues, like, because I had an awkward phase in middle school and then high school, like, I kind of started, was still awkward, but, like, started growing into my own a little. A little bit. And then towards the end of high school, I'd say I really wanted to explore. And then I got into college, and I really, really wanted to explore as well. And I was a little boy crazy, and I ended up in a lot of bad situations that maybe I shouldn't have been in.


Tell me everything. I love how you're, like, I wanted to explore such a graceful way of saying I had my face. I went for it.


I did okay.


What do you mean? You went down past it. Maybe you shouldn't have.


I just. I think I really used my body for a lot of whatever, and I think that I wasn't really fully respecting myself in those times. And at one point, like, I just didn't know how relationships worked, right? Like, I. My parents are divorced, and I never really had a good role model of love, so, like, going into college with that perspective, it didn't really help. And I was entering relationships that, like, were really bad for me. Like, one time I was so delusional, naive that I was, you know, seeing this guy who essentially had a girlfriend, but I didn't know he had a girlfriend. Got it. Until I did know. But then he kept telling me, you know, like, we're broken up. It's no big deal. He was living with the girl at the time, like, and he drove me freaking insane. He drew me freaking. He would make dates up with me. He'd be like, yeah, meet me at this place at 09:00 p.m. and then he'd go home to his girlfriend, block my number. No. So that every message I sent him afterwards would turn green and little naive. Jen was like, maybe he's going through a tunnel for, like, hours and hours, and he just doesn't have service.


Like, going through a tunnel.


I know. Like, I was insane. And then my college roommates had to deal with this. Like, I would knock on the door and be like, oh, my gosh. Like, he's not answering me. What do I do? Like, he's in a tunnel again.


The tunnel, aka, he's, like, inside his.


Girlfriend tonight, and the tunnel is his girlfriend, Jen. It was crazy.


So relatable. Like, I have an episode that is either coming out or will have come out that I'm talking about. Like, when you are in the early stages of dating and you were insecure when you were younger, which I was, you can kind of find yourself almost not even, like, evaluating your boundaries. Like, you don't have boundaries. You're just so happy someone's giving you attention, and it's so intoxicating, and it can be so, like, overwhelming that you don't have time, that now you look back and you're like, why didn't someone, like, literally, like, slap me across the head and be like, wake up. He's not in a tunnel, bitch. He has a girlfriend.


But, like, oh, they did. I had so many friends. I did.


That wouldn't even matter.


It doesn't matter, right?


No, no, no. It's the tunnel.


Yeah. You're like, no, no, he told me he loved me yesterday, so, like, it's fine. Like, it's crazy. The things that I delusionally believed in backdood the time.


And I appreciate you because obviously, like, my main demographic is women. I appreciate you saying, like, I didn't, like, fully respect my body at the time. I think that's, like, sadly, a very relatable thing because I think we still live in a man's world. And if you're, like, going for these relationships, you want men to like you and you want them to see you, and you want to, like, you want the attention and the validation, and you can't give it to yourself yet because, like, you being you so far, you've just gotten, like, no success. Or you're, like, feeling bad about yourself. So when a guy starts to give you attention, you're like, me? Yeah, like me. And then if they start to act out, you're like, oh, that doesn't matter. Me?


Yes. And then you're like, what more can I do to, like, keep this attention going? And then you drive yourself insane.


And how long did that last, tunnel boy?


Probably like four, six months. Six months?


Wait, four years?


No. God, no. God, no. Six months. But see, and then at the, at the time, I, like, there was a turning point in that where when I realized, I was like, oh, he's like insane. Like, he was actually like a sociopath and would like, lie to me like crazy and like, would never like, own up to it. And then there was a turning point where I was like, okay, wait, now I'm gonna play the game. Like, if he's gonna lie to me and do all this, like, I'm gonna do that. So then I started using him for like dinner and drinks and all this stuff. And then he'd be like, oh, can I come back to your apartment? Cuz I could never go to his, right? And I'd be like, sorry. Like, I got class early in the morning, like, I gotta go, but thanks for dinner. Like, you know I'm obsessed with you casually.


Cause I could never go to his. Cause he has a girlfriend.


Oh, my gosh.


But you know what's crazy is like, that seems to be the most beautiful turn of events when you are just like under someone's thumb and you're just getting played and played and played and then I don't know what it is. The sun rises a little different that morning. Or like, your phone looks a little different, everything looks a little different. And you're like, oh, my motherfucker.


Wait a fucking second.


It's over for you. I've now. Because it's like the repetitiveness of the cycle of them treating you like shit. Just one day you're like, what if I just, what if I just tilted it a little bit this way and all of a sudden you're now like in a little bit more of a position of power.




And then they really lose their shit because they're like, yes.


They're like, wait a second, wait. She suddenly. She knows what's going on.


Like standing up for herself.


Wait a second.


Self respect.


That's not the girl that I wanted.


Okay, so you have, like, you went through it in college?


Oh, for sure. I just had so many crazy relationships. And then even after college, I think I was still finding myself, or I was. I was a growing more confident into who I am, but not growing confident in like, what I wanted in a relationship and knowing what I wanted in that.


Wait, what kind of guys were you going for in college? Did you have a type?


I mean, at the time, the guy that had a girlfriend was like, somebody that I worked with in the restaurant, he was, like, kind of my boss. So, like, I had, like, a boss thing. I have, like, a power complex. I don't know. Like, a boss thing? Yeah, like, it was weird, but he wasn't that much older. Like, he was, like, a year or two older.


Wait, so after he's, like, ignoring you in the tunnel, would you go to.


Work together the next day? And he'd act like everything was fine. He's like, oh, baby, I'm so sorry. Like, let me take you out tonight. Like, I was batshit crazy. I was like, I believed him because we worked together. It was like, he cannot be this crazy to lie to me and then go to work.


My boss, we also that, like, make such a weird dynamic, too, because you also have to, like, somewhat respect your boss. So naturally, you're like, even if you wanted to be mad at him, you're taking orders from this man, which then becomes kind of hot again.


That's the hot part of it. Yes. Now you're getting it.


You're like, you never had sex with your boss. Like, God. Let me think back. Like, I was tempted. Oh, my God. Okay, Jen, this is, like, great information.


But that era is closed. I had to learn a little bit, and it was crazy, but no, and.


I hope you know I love these stories, too, because I obviously know what we're about to watch on the bachelorette. It's like, I'm hoping. I know you're not wearing a ring, but, like, we're obviously hoping you're engaged, if that was what was meant to be. But I I just was talking about a situation I had in college where I had this guy that just kept it moving. And, like, every. Every day, it was a different thing. And I was just trying to hold on for dear life. And I'm married. And I talk about it, though, because when you look back at those things, you have such different perspectives, and it almost is like you feel, yes, somewhat bad for yourself, but not anymore. Once you've been that far away, you're like, like, whoa. It just makes you empathetic towards other women that get themselves in that position where you know how easy it can be to fall into that when you're not in a good place with yourself.




And that, I think, is, like, there's no judgment. Like, I'm sure there's so many girls listening right now that are at that place. Babes, we've been there, too.


Been there, been there. We've been there.


We've been there in the trenches.


The only person that can pull yourself out of it is you. And you just gotta, like, work through it and work through your insecurities and find your self respect and. Yeah, I mean, I had so many friends trying to pull me out of it, and I just didn't listen. I just was like, well, what? What do you mean? Like, he likes me. They're like, he has a girlfriend. You're like, yeah, but he likes me.


Okay, you've. I know you mentioned on your season of the bachelor, and you've mentioned today, and I'm not ignoring you. I just. I wanted to get to that place of, like, lightly talk about dating, but, like, yeah, your parents dynamic. Yeah, obviously, like, we all are the way that we are because of, like, whatever happened in our home when we were younger. If you had to describe, like, your view of love and marriage from your upbringing, how would you describe it?


I would say what I saw between my parents wasn't a true partnership. So what I kind of learned from that over the years is that marriage is a partnership, and it's not one person doing everything. It's not one person calling the shots. It's not one person succumbing to the other's power. It's really, like, a true partnership. And, you know, that's really what I want, is to have a partner in it all and to have somebody really be on the same page as me and want the same things as me. And that's the only way, like, something's really gonna work. Right. Like, love is in it. Yes. But the partnership part of that has to be there, too.


Do you mind giving a little context of, like, what happened when you were younger with your parents dynamic?


Yeah. Yeah. So I think, you know, my parents just started fighting at a really young age. My mom was a type, like, I think she grew up in kind of, like, a different culture in Vietnam where, like, the women, like, they cook, they clean, they do everything, you know, for their husbands. And I saw a lot of that growing up, and so it just. It wasn't healthy for them. And then they started fighting. But my mom would still do everything for my dad. And then, you know, my dad wasn't really a part of my life all that much when I was growing up. At least I have a brother who's nine years older, so he kind of has a different perspective on the whole thing because he's older than I am, and he spent more years with my dad. But when I came into the picture, my dad was really, like, living in the basement for most of my life and not really involved in, like, my school sports or, like, my schooling or, like, just, like, my everyday activities or anything. So I didn't have a relationship with him, really. And then at one point in college, our relationship was, like, cut off for good.


We just kind of got into, like, a little tiff, and it was just. He decided he didn't want to be a part of my life anymore. And, you know, sadly, to think about it. But I also think that everything happens for a reason, and I'm so much better for it, and I've grown so much more. You know, if somebody doesn't want to be a part of your life, like, why are you gonna force them to? And so, yeah, I mean, growing up, like, it was very tumultuous. Like, it was very much, like, I almost want to say, like, it was, like, a survive or not kind of environment. Like, there was just so much fighting, so much aggression, so much just, I felt like I was in the background a lot of the times, and that's not to the fault of anybody. My mom did the best that she could. You know, she worked, and she was a full time parent, and, like, she just, like, did so much for the family, too, so I would never want to discredit her. But I think there was a lot that I had to work through internally and by myself because I felt like I was almost forced to be independent at a young age that can, like.


I mean, thank you for sharing that. First of all, I think that can really, really just, like, shape the way in so many ways that you become resilient. And, like you said, you become independent. You become this, like, self reliant person where, you know, like, there are some kids that are so fortunate that are, like, I have my mom and my dad or my mom and my mom or my dad and my dad. And then when you don't have that, you just learn that that's the norm. And that's, like. And I think that's so beautiful that you're saying that. On the other hand, like, that's, like, really hard for a young kid to, like you. You know, mentioning, like, there was aggression. There was this, like, that can make you kind of either turn inward or, like, act out. Like, I feel like there's always, like, you can either go one way or another. And then to have that comment about, like, college, like, that's so sad, obviously. And I. And I totally understand what you're saying. There's, like, a positive to it, but then that is, like, sad because it is a form of rejection.


Yeah. Yeah.


And that's tough.


Yeah. And I think that's why, like, for the longest time, I pushed off, like, my past growing up and my past with my dad because I was like, it doesn't affect me in my everyday life because I've forgotten about it, but it does play a role in my relationships and who I am. Right. Like, it takes me a lot to have to ask somebody for help because I've grown up so independently. Like, I can. I can put together furniture. I can do whatever. Like, I'm very independent at, like, regulating my own emotions and all this stuff, and I don't have to ask anybody for it, but that can affect my relationships in a lot of ways, because then you're not really letting anybody in on, like, who you are and what you're going through. Right. It affects, like, relationships, whether it's, like, friendships or, like, with boyfriends and whatnot, too.


Right. That's so interesting. I love talking about that on my show. The effects of whatever happened to all of us in our childhoods, how do we start to lightly see that play out? How do you think your relationship with your dad impacted the type of relationships.


You pursued so much? I mean, I went through so many bad relationships and picked so many bad guys, because what I think is, I was so, like, I've gone through a lot of therapy, but, like, obviously, like, still, like, I still think, like, it's good to go through therapy and to talk about these things. And I'm learning so much more every day about, like, what my past means to me now. But what I think is that I'm so addicted to someone who doesn't give me everything because I've been so used to working for things in my life, working for love and affection, working for success, that, like, I like guys who don't give me everything all at once because I've been so used to, like, to that environment, and I've also been really used to, like, this fight or flight like, feeling since, like, growing up, because, like, the way that I grew up was so there. There was a lot of aggression there, and it was just, like, I had to deal with all the fighting and then go to school and, like, forget about it or try to and whatever. So it was a lot of, like, pushing things back.


And I think that in my relationships, I think that I, um, really went towards people who gave me that fight or flight feeling again. Like, people who would, like, give it to me but, like, take it back, and then, like, that toxicity, you know?


Oh, girl, you're in therapy. Oh, you just, like, literally spit out. Exactly. Oh, you're like, at that point where you're like, oh, let me just tell you exactly my self diagnosis, but really it's from your therapist. You're like, let me tell you what I've learned. No, it's, it's fascinating. I appreciate you sharing that because I think prior to, like, I don't know, the past few years, like, it would have been, like, taboo to even, like, acknowledge, like, how our parents fucked us up. And even when people have perfect parents, kids are still fucked up somehow from whatever.




So I think that is really, like, you're very self aware in those patterns.




What led you to the bachelor? Like, how are we signing up? How did we get there? Yeah, and, like, did you have any, like, social media presence prior to that?


Yeah. So funny enough, like, I don't want to give credit to my ex, the toxic ex, but, like, we were in that toxic relationship, and then I got out of it and I was at a place in my life where I was in Pa school, and I just needed an outlet. And I was like, I've always been just, like, creative and, like, have liked vlogging, I guess. Like, I don't know. I've always, like, you know, like, wanted to be, like, a youtuber at the age of twelve, but I never did.


You know, we would have been friends.


Hey, Dan.


We would have been friends.


So then I took to TikTok and I started talking about, like, my pa school stuff and my everyday life because I knew there was a market for it and nobody really knows what a Pa does. Like, this is great. I can talk about my pa school life and have this creative outlet that I've wanted aside from school. And then somebody came across my TikTok and DM'd me and was like, I'm a casting producer for the bachelor. Like, I really like your tiktoks. Like, would you want to, like, interview for it? And at the time I was like, this is a joke.


I was gonna say, did you think it was fake? God, I think it was like, spam. I was like, what's going on?


I was just kind of like, just like, no way. And I. But I was like, this is intriguing. Like, I would maybe do an interview and see where it goes, but, like, I'm in school. I would never actually do this, nor would my school actually ever let me do this. So I did the interviews, whatever, and it came to a point where they were, like, sending me contracts and they were like, can you please sign, like and do this, like, whatever. And I was like, oh, I just don't know. And I don't know. I got into like a kind of a bad boating accident with my friends. And it sounds dramatic because I almost did die, but like, I hate talking about it cuz I'm like, everybody was fine. But there was a boat that basically rammed into us and this was like a week before I was supposed to go on the show and I was like, well, I almost died, so I'm gonna do it. So I called my school and I was like, hey, have this opportunity.


That's really the headline.


I know.


Jen almost dies prior to bachelor. She made it. We're here.


What literally was insane. Like, I was on a boat with my friends and like, this car, this boat was coming right at us, didn't see us. And I was sitting in the place where the boat would have decapitated me. And thank God I was paying attention because I jumped to the other side of the boat so quickly and we got into a crash, like, whatever. But like, everybody was fine after that. Like, thank God.


But there was no Miami.


This was in the, in the keys. Yeah, yeah. But it was really that moment where I was like, I almost just died. And I have nothing to, like, say for this. Like, I, like, I haven't been loved. Like, I'm like, single and lonely and I'm in pa school and my entire life has been towards school and like, I need to do something for myself.


I'm obsessed with you. You're like, I almost died, almost got decapitated. Then I realized, like, fuck it, let's go on the bachelor.


Let's just do it.


I'm obsessed.




Okay, so you officially agree?




And you get there and were you, like, even comprehending what was about to happen in your life?


No, no, I had no idea. And I don't. I don't think I really understood because I was so, like, I mean, I'm here for love. Like, it really is just like a weird way to find love, but it's what I wanted. So I wasn't comprehending everything that would come after that.


I'm going to play a little game with you, okay? Because now that you are the bachelorette, I am so curious. Like, when we're giving out roses and when we're not giving out roses. Okay, so first of all, let's take a sip of our drink. We never fucking drink. We've just been crazy talking water to anyone watching. But I swear there's tequila in there's.


Definitely tequila in there.


Okay. Oh, that's actually not bad. We could have used ice, but my ice machine is broken. Cheap fuck over here. Sorry, Dan. Literally, I go to get you ice and like, oh, we have no ice in my studio. Literally. What is this establishment? Colorado's going downhill. Okay, I'm gonna give you a scenario, and you're gonna tell me if this person would get a rose from you. Oh, are you ready?




Okay. He has a girl best friend.


That's tough. That's tough. You see, it depends. How long has he been best friends with her? Is this recent? Is she hot? Has he tried to sleep with her before? That's the thing. Has he tried to sleep with her before?


And how do you ask a guy that?


I think I would just ask.


You would just say, I'm the kind.


Of person that would just ask.


Okay, pretend I'm him. My name is. Is Kyle.


Kyle. Have you tried to sleep with her before?


You're just being that direct.


Or have you fucked her before?


Oh, perfect.


That's perfect.


We're just going right in it. Yeah. And if he's like, no, no, we've just been, like, friends for a long time. We met through this, and, like, we're just friends.


Okay, interesting.




I would maybe give you a rose. I think I'd give you a rose for the meantime, but if the story. I would be curious to see if the story continues to check out.


I agree. Here's the thing. Is it fucked up to say, like, I would consider myself a pretty confident person, but I obviously get jealous.




I agree with you. Like, if my partner had a girl best friend that was, like, clearly his type.




I'd be like. Or if she's like, yeah, is that fucked up to be like, if she's really hot? You're like, what are you two talking about over dinner every night?






Are you going to dinner, just the two of you? Why are you doing that? Here's the thing. I'm. I'm also, like, pretty, like, secure myself at this point too. And I think that it would really depend on, like, like, if we just start meeting. Like, if we just met and you have a girl best friend, fine. But, like, at some point, like, I should be your girlfriend. Not. Not to be, like. Not to be clingy, but, like, I should be the priority. I should be the girl best friend.


I agree. I feel like there's a lot of different, like, ways you can look at if your boyfriend has a girl best friend or your fiancee or your husband. I think there's, like, a lot of questions you do need to ask, because it's like, if it's, like, their friends, but, like, because he's his. It's his best friend's girlfriend. You know what I mean? Like, amazing.




But if this is just, like, a single hottie just thriving in the corner, and you're just like, why are you guys going to dinner by yourself? Odd.


I agree. I agree. And it's funny, because back in the day, I'd be like, I'm the cool girl. I don't need to ask these questions. But, no, you have to ask the questions, and it doesn't make you crazy. It makes you smart.


Thank you. Because, like, love all of my men in my life. I've won my husband love men that have been in my life. But, like, I'm sorry, but, like, I just have a hard time if there's no connection to the friend group, if there's no connection to, like, childhood. We've known each other because our moms were best friends, and we were born in the same. Whatever, right?


You just met her out, and now she's your best friend.


Red flag.


Huge red flag.


Okay. He is outdoorsy, and his ideal vacation is camping.


Like, glamping, maybe, perhaps?


No glamping, Jen.


Camping, like, sticks together, fire burning, like, sleeping on the nature.


We're going on hikes. We're seeing the bears. We're putting up the tent.


You know what? I could do it. I could do it. I am a nature gal, okay? I do prefer to glamp than camp, but if, you know, if I trust him and he's someone that I can trust to build a fire and attack the bears, if the bears attack, like, sure, I could do it. I don't want to be doing it.


Every day, but I'm obsessed that you're, like, glamping. I had wiz Khalifa on, like, months ago, and I was like, what about, like, camping? And he's like, the fuck is that? He's like, you know when I'm, like, in my rv with, like, my plasma tv, and I'm like, hold on. Where does the tv come into play with camping Wiz? And he's like, that's how I would camp.




Kind of the same page as Wiz Khalifa. You want a little glamp?


Me and Wiz could go glam together.


Okay, okay, okay. Would you consider yourself high maintenance?


Oof. No, I don't. But there are things I'm picky about for sure.




Like, um. I don't know, like, curling my hair. Like, I want to make sure my hair is curled all the time. Like, I don't like having straight hair.


We can't do that in the woods.


And that's why I would need to go glamping with an rv and the plasma tv and Wiz and then an outlet for my hair trailer. Exactly.


All these. All these things have to perfectly align so that you would go to the woods, and specifically, Wiz Khalifa has to be there.


Specifically, yes.


Okay. He's a mama's boy.


Oh, gosh. Like, how bad of a mama's boy? Like, he's calling her for everything, every second, every day.




You're not getting a rose from me. I can't do it. I just can't. I love someone who has a good relationship with their mom, but. But there's gotta be a time where you fly the nest, you know? And at this age, at my old age, if my man is 26, 20, what, at 29, 30, and still calling his mom, he's gotta go.


Yeah, it gets a little, like. It gets a little sus. When it's like, why do you keep calling mommy? And, like, I've had guys that, like, call mommy after our sex, and I'm like, I just don't know.


Like, immediately after.


Yeah, pretty much, like, laying pumps and dumped.


And then he was like, hi, mom.


That's what I knew. I was like, I think I'm, like, really missing something here. Like, something feels off and, like, I don't want to be a part of this. Okay. How quickly do you introduce someone you're seeing to your family?


I usually don't. Like, I've never introduced anyone to my family before, because my family can be very judgmental.




And they're. They're very critical, so I think I, you know, wouldn't want to introduce anyone until I felt like it was the right person. Right.


I'm assuming, obviously, you had to introduce people in this season to your family. Were you proud of your family?


Oh, well, I'm so proud of my family. I'm so proud of them. They were exactly themselves, Jen. I was like, are they gonna be shy? Nope.


They were not shy.


No, they were not shy.


They spoke their feelings.


No filters. So, yeah, it was a good time.


Were you anxious at all at one point? Like, can you guys stop?


Yeah. Oh, God, am I saying too much? I don't even know.


I think that's fair. I think that's fair.


I think that's fair too. Yeah. I mean, they are not afraid to speak their mind, and I mean, why would they be? You know? So, yeah, I was anxious at some points, for sure.


I always thought, oh, my God, if I ever went on a show like that, like, how would my parents handle being on tv? Like, how was your family on tv? Like, were they anxious? Were they asking you pointers?


Like, well, so, like, my brother, not shy at all. He was himself, like, whatever. My mom. Oh, my poor little mother. She was like, actually the first when I called her, and I was like, hey, I'm the bachelorette. She was like, you're gonna have to hire a new mom because I'm not going on tv. I'm not doing it. Like, it's just not me, babe. It's not me. And then I come to find out that before she came on for the episode that she was there for, she was practicing lines in English for, like, weeks beforehand. But I wanted to make her comfortable when she was there. So I was like, mom, you can speak Vietnamese. Like, it's fine because I'm bilingual. Like, I can speak it. And I was like, I think this is a beautiful moment for people to be able to really see what our family's like. I don't speak English to my mom most of the time, and she was like, no, I can do it. I can speak English. Cause she'd been practicing for so many weeks, so. And when I heard that, I was like, oh, I feel so bad.


I'm about to start crying. That is the sweetest, most wholesome thing that your mom is, like, trying to show up for you in this way. And then you being so sweet back, being like, mom, be yourself. Like, it's okay.


Was. Oh, it was such a. Such a sad moment. Like, because I didn't know that she'd been practicing, and I was, like, pressuring her to just be herself, and I was like, oh, God, I didn't know. But, I mean, it all was fine. But she was very nervous. Like, she is not the type of person that wants to be on camera, like, ever. Okay?


I think that's, like, better. Can I be, like, honest? Like, it kind of freaks me out when the parents are, like, you can tell, like, the mom's, like, looking in the camera. You're looking for real housewives to pick you right up. Like, they're, like, looking a little too prim and proper. I'm like, hold on.




Like, they, like, practice their lines together. I think it's more genuine if the parent is like, I'm just here to support my daughter or my son. And, like, wait, did she end up ever speaking Vietnamese.


She did? Yeah. Yeah, at one point. Well, at one point, I kept telling her to speak Vietnamese, and she tried to, and then she, like, forgot it and started speaking English. And I've never seen this woman forget Vietnamese in her life. I was like, what is going on? She was so nervous, but she eventually, like, the nerves calm down, and she was.


She so proud of you.


She was, yeah, she really was.


We're so proud of you. Oh, thank you. Okay. His ideal weekend is going to the club and partying.


You're not gonna roast me at this stage. We're too old for that.


Okay, so you're not down for the parties over the weekend?


I am sometimes, but the fact that I live in Miami, it's like, when I first moved there, I was doing it every weekend, and I was like, this is not a sustainable lifestyle, especially in school. So I had to really limit myself. And now I really only, like, go out. Out. And friends are visiting, people are down there, and they want to have a good time. I'll go and celebrate and whatever, or it's a birthday, but to do it every weekend, I cannot do that. God, no. I'm too old. I'm far too old.


Okay. If he was on this season and he was often in the middle of drama, is he getting a rose?


Drama can go a lot of different ways. So it's like, why are you in the middle of the drama? Like, do you start it? Are people just jealous of you? Or what is it? Or what is it? So it depends.


Did you feel like you had to suss out and were you good at it? Like, obviously there's always drama, but were you good? There's always, in a season, like, someone is either being misrepresented by the group. Like, did you find yourself being good at sussing out? Like, if they were being honest or if they were being a little shit?


Yes, absolutely. I think I very much have, like, a gut feeling that I trust, and there were definitely certain men that I trusted more than others. Was there drama? Yes. Did I have to suss things out for myself? Yes, I did. And I'd like to say that I, you know, my gut was right at the end of the day.


Well, now that we know, you dealt with tunnel boy, like, right. Literally, like, you are. Like, I'm coming in here. Like, do not fuck with me. I know a little piece of shit when I see one. Okay, we're out of the game now. I'm just gonna ask you about bachelorette. We're moving on.




You have to tell me, as we're kind of talking about this, like, what was it like dating? Like, how many men? 20 something?




Try to articulate that.


I didn't remember all their names on night one. I'm not gonna lie about that. Like, I really didn't. Wait. Um. It was strangely, like, the first night, it was strangely easy for me to, like, flirt because I'm a natural flirt. So I found it easy to kind of get along with everybody, and then as time went on, like, it was very easy for me to, like, be in the moment with each and every single one of them, which I found surprising because I thought, like, if I was with one, maybe I'd be thinking of the other and vice versa and whatnot. But I very much was in the moment with each and every one of them.




So it wasn't too hard. But I also feel like saying that it wasn't hard. Dating 25 men is, like, what in the hell?


Actually, what's weird if you said that, I actually kind of agree is, like, the hardest part of dating the 25 men is probably remembering all their names. Yeah. And then I think probably when you're down to, like, seven, it definitely got harder.


Time went on. Like, it was easy to compartmentalize at first because there were so many of them, and, like, in the beginning, the feelings weren't as strong. Right. But towards the end, like, yeah, it was a little bit more difficult when it got down to, like, whatever amount there was, because the feelings were so much stronger.






You have to tell me when you're in the first row ceremony, do you have an ear piece in? Like. No. How do you be like, Jimmy R and Jimmy T. And Kyle won, and, like, how do you know who to call?


Okay, well, I'm gonna let you in on this. Okay. So you kind of have to, like, try your best to remember. Right. But, like, if you need a little help, like, you could. You could phone a friend.


Okay. You can be like, can I have a minute?




And then you can go back to the room, and they're like, this is Jimmy R. And this is Jimmy T. And Jimmy T has the blonde hair done, and you're like, got it. And then you're like, Jimmy T. Here's the rose. And he thinks you were, like, thinking so hard about him. Like, the fuck is this guy's name?


Well, it's more like, I know I'm giving this one a rose. Just, like, give me, like, the first letter, and, like, okay, I will maybe be like, no earpiece, though.


No ear.


No earpiece. It's more of like, hey, are they.


Wait, hold on, hold on. There's all these. No. No one can care about this on ABC. If we're like, how does it work? How can you actually do. They yelled, like, you know, I kind.


Of leave the stand for a second, and I go, please tell me. Tell me which one this is, because I forget.


Can you. Can I say thank you? Because every time I watch, I'm literally sweating. Not if you're gonna pick. I'm sweating. Cause I'm like, yeah. They kind of remember, like, who is that guy in the corner? I don't even know his face. Okay, okay. They're helpful.


Otherwise, I was gonna be like, guy one vibe, two, like, guy in the sash. Guy, like, hot one. Kind of hot one. Like Jesus looking. Otherwise, it was gonna be like that. So.


Okay. Have any of your exes reached out to you since the bachelor or this season of the Bachelorette? Um.


Since the bachelor. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Um, saying what?


So. Oh, gosh, I'm really putting this on blaster.


Kind of fun, though.


Yeah. So there was one ex boyfriend who. There's two. So there's this one guy that I dated, like, three years ago in Boston when I first moved there, and we dated for, like, two months very briefly, like, and then we were really good friends after the fact. And so we've been in touch, like, here and there. I've gone on family vacations with him before. Like, we're just, like, very. We're friends, though. You know what I mean?




Maybe a little benefit here and there, but. But I would never date him again just because we're just such different people, and we know that certain things don't work for us, so we're good friends, and that's. That's where it's at. But, yeah, I mean, after the bachelor, I think he reached out in a more maybe, like, serious manner, and I was, like, entertaining it as, like, a friend because, hey, I like attention, whatever. But I knew that I was never actually gonna be with him because I was like, there's just. I've been there before. I don't want to do it again. But I care about him as a friend very deeply. So there was that, and I don't. We were supposed to go, okay, so we were supposed to have a wedding together in Columbia, like, before the bachelorette, whole thing happened, and then when it happened, I was like, I can't go to this wedding because I'm gonna find the love of my life, hopefully.




Yeah. So he was a little disappointed. Yeah.


But I get that. It's, like, revisiting something from the past. It feels familiar, and it can feel like, oh, like, why not just, like, go to a wedding and, like, a.


Free trip to Columbia? I was like, yeah, I'm single. I can do whatever I want.


Right. But then also knowing, like, in your heart, like, he's just, you see him as a friend.




You're like, yeah, I'm gonna go and, like, see if I can date and find the person that I'm in love with.


Absolutely. Okay.


Who was the other one? John, you said too.


The other one was the toxic act where we were in a relationship for a year, and he reached out and sent me this whole long letter about, like, everything that he did wrong. And I remember, like, for the longest time, that's all I wanted from him, right? Was, like, an apology. And when I was reading it, like, getting pissed off, I was like, this is fucked up. Like, I don't even, I don't want the letter because it made me angry at the way he treated me and that it took him this long to apologize. And I was kind of like, what the fuck was this for? This was for you, not for me. Like, I've healed these wounds. I don't need you to heal them. For me, this is you healing yourself. So I basically liked the message and was like, good luck.


No, Jen, I'm obsessed because I think a lot of people, it's kind of like, once you lose something, sometimes people understandably, like, recognize the worth when they, like, see them with someone new. And then you're like, fuck, did I fuck up? Like, should I have left that person? I feel like, for you, that must be, like, slightly vindicating to be, like, now you want to reach out and apologize? Like, now.


Now, like, after everything, all this has happened and you've seen it all on, now you want to reach out? Yeah. Okay.


That's kind of baller. What is the most valuable lesson that you learned about yourself throughout this whole process?


That it's okay to have a voice. In fact, it's better to have a voice. For the longest time, I didn't stand up for myself. I didn't feel comfortable in, like, expressing what I need and what I want. And throughout this whole journey, I was able to really find my voice and really be myself and let these guys know who I am and what I want. And I wasn't just coasting by anymore, because in the past, I've always just been, like, afraid to, like, talk about certain things or afraid to stand up for myself because I thought that it would make someone love me less or look at me differently. But at the end of the day, it's, this is who I am, and I'm gonna have a voice, and you're gonna take it or leave it. And if you leave it, you're not my person.


I really appreciate you saying that, because I understand, like, reality tv has its perks and its downfalls. But I will say things. Something that the bachelor has always done very incredibly is, like, you guys are having, like, really intense conversations that there is no distractions. There is no, like, I know on some shows there's, like, drinking and partying and, like, nights. Like, this is, like, a very insular environment where you're having to be like, let's talk about the real shit, and, like, let's get to the crux of, like, who you are. Who I am. And I think that's amazing that you're, like, I. It's almost breeding an environment where you're like, I have to be vulnerable, and who do I want to be vulnerable with versus who do I maybe not feel as comfortable to open up to?


Yeah, exactly. It's such a concentrated environment that it's impossible to not be vulnerable. And I agree. It's like, in some instances, like, if you were vulnerable and the guy didn't handle it the right way, it's like, okay, well, then you're not my person. Right. So it creates, like, certain moments like that where you're able to really get to the nitty gritty of what a real relationship would be like because it's so fast tracked.


I also just think about that whenever it starts to get down to the wire, it's like, when you have, like, eight guys left. Let's say six guys left. How are you? Because, like, you have a timeline.




Like, you can't just, like, be, like, dilly dallying and, like, until you. You kind of have. It's like the rose ceremony is now. You have to decide.




How in moments where you were, like, maybe a little torn on, like, who to send home, like, what were those, like, deciding factors of how you knew how to, like, okay, I'm gonna let this one go over this one. If you were, like, ever tornado, I.


Think at the end of the day, it really went down to, like, could I see a life with this person? So if they had said something in the past that, like, really was a red flag for me or really just, like, didn't work with what I wanted in my future, like, but I still had fun with them. I knew in my gut I was like, I have to let them go because this one thing is not gonna work, and it's something that we won't be able to work through. So, yeah. Were there times where it went down to the wire where I was like, oh, I don't know. But then I did know if I really thought about it, I was like, this works right now, but it's not gonna work forever. Right?


Yeah. Are you happy with the way that this season ended?


I think that the way everything, like, played out was exactly the way that it was supposed to and the ending was the right ending for me. So I'm happy. Yes. For me, because everything was the way that it was supposed to go.


Do you think people are gonna be shocked by the ending? Or is this, like, a. Like, people are going to be like, okay, we, like, saw this coming. This is good. Or is it, like, are people gonna be uneasy of, like, oh, my God, wait, what is happening?




Oh, God. Let me think about my words. Well, because I'm like, are you engaged?


Well, because I don't think that I really saw the way it ended. Like, I don't think I saw the ending the way it was supposed to end. Like, for a while. You know what I mean? Like, I don't think I saw. I don't think that I knew how it was gonna end. Right. You go into it thinking that it's gonna be a certain way, and I think that I really surprised myself in the end. So I'm happy. But, yeah, I think people will be shocked for sure.


Okay. Fantasy suites. Hi, this is caller daddy.


How I've been waiting for this.


How much do you, like, in your brain? Like, allow that to affect your decision? Like, for you, everyone's different. I know. Like, some people were like, oh, my God, if you slept with everyone, then I'll kill you, and I can't be with you. Or some people. Like, intimacy is a big part. Like, how did you in your brain, like, approach fantasy suites? Because that's, like, a big thing.


I would be lying if I didn't say it was a concern. Like, obviously, I'm thinking in the back of my head, like, how is this going to affect each individual relationship? Right? But at the end of the day, I needed to do what was right for the individual relationship. Like, I couldn't think about the other guys that were there because that would be doing a disservice to myself. And at the end of the day, I thought to myself, like, anyone who didn't understand the position that I was in and had a problem with that. That's on them, and then they weren't my person at the end of it all. But what I really approached the fantasy suites with is, like, that was kind of the time to really talk about, like, finances, like, religion, freaking. I don't know. Who did you vote for? Like, all that. That kind of stuff that, like, you're. You can't really talk about, like, on camera because they don't, you know, they don't care about that kind of stuff.


I know. I'm obsessed with you. Like, before you take your shirt off.




You just let me know who you voted for in the last election. Just really quickly.


I'm obsessed because these are the things you need to know before you, like, potentially commit the rest of your life with somebody.


No, it's a great point. It's like you guys are having all of, like, the emotional and, like, romantic conversations. But now let's get down to, like, if we leave I here, right? How's this gonna go?


Are you gonna move to where I move? Are you.


Do you.


Are you open to practicing the religion that I want to practice? Like, all these little things that, like, map that matter? Hugely, yeah.


Do you have, like, in your head, like, you know, who's gonna be that villain? That was just a little piece of shit.


Oh, yeah. I called it out from day one.


Do you think, you know who could, like, potentially be the next bachelor?


I think I do.




I think I do. I don't know what I'm supposed to say, but I think I do. Yeah.


You think you've got it?


I think I do. I don't know if I'm right, but of course I think I do. I think, like, there's a lot of great guys on the season, but I do think one stands out in particular that I think could be, yeah, great for somebody, but not for me.






Okay, last question. What do you want people to know about you before tuning into this season?


I think I want people to know that I'm a very dynamic person and that you can't judge me based off. Based off of one line that I say or one scene that you see or one interview that I had. Because I have a lot of different layers to me, like any other human being here. And I think oftentimes people are, like, quick to judge on the Internet because they see one thing, one snippet, one whatever. And I think that I have a lot of different layers to me and. And also for the season. I think that there's a lot of growth there, and so I definitely went on, like, a little self journey. Yeah.


Jen, I'm so excited for you. I'm so happy I got to sit down with you. You were amazing, obviously, on the bachelor, but, like, getting to be with you for an hour, plus, like, you're a lovely person, and I'm so happy. No matter what the outcome, I can tell you're happy of whatever we're about to watch on this season. Like, I know I will be tuning in. I'm very excited for you. And, like, it just made me even want to watch more now, like, getting to know you and also, like, knowing about your past and all these little shits. It's like, goodbye. Jen's about to find her man. Okay? Leave us alone. We're moving on. But.


Or is she gonna fall into the same old habits? Jen.


Oh, my God.


Thank you so much for coming on.


This was so fun.


Thank you so much for having me.


God, I'm gonna be screaming at my. My tv when you're going on the date with, like, the douche.


I'm like, Jen, you'll have to text me. I can't wait to hear it all.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.