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What is up, Daddy? Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with call her daddy, Leah. Welcome to call her daddy.


What's up, Daddy?


No, we're already up to no good.


We haven't even fucking started on brand.


Okay, first of all, you're a Leo. Fuck yeah, I'm a Leo.


Should we just end the podcast here before the world burns?


Leah and I have already been basically podcasting downstairs, and we were like, we need to shut the fuck up and we need to get upstairs. We were basically saying, do you think you cannot date your own sign?


You know, me personally, I don't think I can date my own sign., dragged when it was really, like, princess Leah, we love you. Was what the tweet should have been like, that.The tweet I got is how I felt in the villa. And then that's when rob at movie night said, now that tweet makes sense. And I said, yeah, it does. Because that's how, like, I was feeling. Like, that everyone thought that of me in the villa, because I kept, like, I feel like I was trying to do everything in such a respectful and right manner that it felt like things just kept getting fucked up.And did you at any point be like, I can't believe I put my life and my family and my personal self involved in this craziness. Is my life gonna be fucked?Yes. That was a daily thought. I was like, fuck me. I shouldn't have came here. I'm doing weird shit. I'm ruining lives. I was thinking, my dad's not gonna speak to me again. I was like, I'm embarrassing. Oh, my gosh. You don't understand. Everyone on. On Love island, like, the way it panned out, the everyone. So the final four, and then Kayla and Aaron and got everyone. So everyone got to speak to their family in some way, manner or form. Like, I remember even Kenny and Janae got letters from their parents from the words of affirmation date. Miguel and I were the only people who didn't get a lick, a lick of our family. And I said, hey, so does my family hate me? Like, did I embarrass them really badly? Or, like, why don't they want to talk to me? Like, is there a reason Miguel and I didn't get to speak to our family? And Miguel was really upset for me because he was like, everyone got to speak to them. And he was like, he knows I've been dying to speak to everyone and especially my sister, dude.So you were like, oh, my family has abandoned me.Yes. I was in full. I was spiraling every day.Okay?There was one day that the psych called me in, like, three times.I was like, oh, not again.Oh, God. And then people would go for, like, ten. Like, they would go for, like, 20 minutes and come out, and then I would be there for, like, an hour and like, oh, they're worried for me.We are fucking shit. And what would you say when you're in those psych sessions?Oh, honey, I was spewing garbage out my mouth. The things that woman heard. NDA. Who? Confidentially agreement, who?Okay, so before we get into, like, the details. Details of Love Island, I want to get to know you a little bit better. Just as, like, you, prior to Love island, where did you grow up? Do you grow up here?Yeah. So I'm from calabasas.Okay.Grew up here. Born. Born and raised in la. Yeah, 24. My birthday's next month, though, and yours is coming up, too. Fuck. We gotta get rumored August 11.August 21.Fuck, yeah.Is that like a week apart?Yeah. Ten days. Yeah.You need to come to my birthday in the hamptons.Oh, can I?We'll talk.Cause I'm gonna be in New York for the reunion. Yeah, that's like.Come.Yes. Come sit next to me.Wait, that. Okay, we'll talk offline.Okay.So are you close with your family?Oh, my gosh, I'm the closest with my family.What is your family dynamic?So I have obvious. I was about to say have a mom and dad. Like, we all do.Great start.So my mom and dad have been married for, like, 25 or something years. 30. So my parents.My sister's in the room, we can acknowledge.Okay. My sister's in the room. So my parents have been married for 30 years. And my. I have an older sister. She's eleven months older than me. And we're really close. We do everything together. Like, we always say. We're, like, attached at the HIPAA. And, yeah, we are very close. She is, like, a very large part of the reason. Like, I am who I am, so I owe a lot of things to her. Yeah. She's a very big part of my life.Have you guys ever liked the same guy?You know what we. No. Do you know what I'm thinking of? We have, like, the same guy, but, like, it's more of like a passer to the bro situation. It wasn't like fight. Like, it was more like a. It was more like a. Yeah, like, yeah, the homie can hit, too. Shut your sister's favor.Shut the fuck up. Her boyfriend is literally like, we're done. It's fine. It's fine. So you.This was, like, years ago.Kayla was on a phone call.Oh, yeah. Her friend. Her friend, yeah.In the background, Aaron was filming himself. For anyone that doesn't know, Aaron was filming himself making a Instagram video. And Kaler's in the background on the phone with someone, and it sounds like someone on the phone says to her, leah's not gonna be irrelevant in x amount of months.Right.So you see this when you're in the car, when they're walking up, bro.I saw it on the golf cart when they were about to get, like, literally. Yeah. Like, right when I was gonna see him. The timing was hilarious.What did you do?I honestly, like, I wasn't, like, pressed about it. Like, I really wasn't. I was like, we're, I mean, like, fair enough. Like, maybe I will be, maybe I won't. But like, at the same time, it's like, I was so, I mean, I saw Kayla, like, so the golf cart drops me off to the van and Aaron and Kayla jump out and they were like, leah, like, holy fuck, like, it's so good to see you. And I'm like, hugging them. Aaron was so excited. He literally, like, dropped his phone and broke it.Oh, my God.Yeah, I was so excited to see them. And then I sat down and we were just talking like normal cuz I wasn't even gonna bring it up. Just. Cuz I literally was like, it's just not worth it. Like, I'm very. I was just happy to see them.Yeah, and you're just coming out of this huge experience, right?don't act like that. I, like, I was just telling myself, I'm not 16 anymore. It's not cute, and it's not funny.I like that you're clarifying that, though, because, again, I feel like there's so much around this show, and everyone's so passionate, and, like, the fans are amazing. But I think we have to remember, like, this is, like, a reality dating show. Like, to spread hate towards people, we've got to just.Yes, Simmer. And I love every single person in that villa. There is not one person that came in or out of that villa that deserves an ounce of hate. I think that they. Everyone came in, gave it their absolute all in their best. They treated everyone with as much as respect as they possibly could. Sometimes you with Janae. We were. We literally walked in holding hands, and she was the first person at first girl I met, first person I met in the villa. And I loved her right off the bat. . Like, we were. I wasn't. It was not always bad.Yeah.Or, like, I didn't always feel like that, but I think, like, I confused. He was just so there for me. It felt, like. And compassionate when the stuff with Rob was going on that I think, like, maybe I may have confused, like, that compassion and, 're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?Yeah.Yeah.In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


, dragged when it was really, like, princess Leah, we love you. Was what the tweet should have been like, that.


The tweet I got is how I felt in the villa. And then that's when rob at movie night said, now that tweet makes sense. And I said, yeah, it does. Because that's how, like, I was feeling. Like, that everyone thought that of me in the villa, because I kept, like, I feel like I was trying to do everything in such a respectful and right manner that it felt like things just kept getting fucked up.


And did you at any point be like, I can't believe I put my life and my family and my personal self involved in this craziness. Is my life gonna be fucked?


Yes. That was a daily thought. I was like, fuck me. I shouldn't have came here. I'm doing weird shit. I'm ruining lives. I was thinking, my dad's not gonna speak to me again. I was like, I'm embarrassing. Oh, my gosh. You don't understand. Everyone on. On Love island, like, the way it panned out, the everyone. So the final four, and then Kayla and Aaron and got everyone. So everyone got to speak to their family in some way, manner or form. Like, I remember even Kenny and Janae got letters from their parents from the words of affirmation date. Miguel and I were the only people who didn't get a lick, a lick of our family. And I said, hey, so does my family hate me? Like, did I embarrass them really badly? Or, like, why don't they want to talk to me? Like, is there a reason Miguel and I didn't get to speak to our family? And Miguel was really upset for me because he was like, everyone got to speak to them. And he was like, he knows I've been dying to speak to everyone and especially my sister, dude.


So you were like, oh, my family has abandoned me.


Yes. I was in full. I was spiraling every day.




There was one day that the psych called me in, like, three times.


I was like, oh, not again.


Oh, God. And then people would go for, like, ten. Like, they would go for, like, 20 minutes and come out, and then I would be there for, like, an hour and like, oh, they're worried for me.


We are fucking shit. And what would you say when you're in those psych sessions?


Oh, honey, I was spewing garbage out my mouth. The things that woman heard. NDA. Who? Confidentially agreement, who?


Okay, so before we get into, like, the details. Details of Love Island, I want to get to know you a little bit better. Just as, like, you, prior to Love island, where did you grow up? Do you grow up here?


Yeah. So I'm from calabasas.




Grew up here. Born. Born and raised in la. Yeah, 24. My birthday's next month, though, and yours is coming up, too. Fuck. We gotta get rumored August 11.


August 21.


Fuck, yeah.


Is that like a week apart?


Yeah. Ten days. Yeah.


You need to come to my birthday in the hamptons.


Oh, can I?


We'll talk.


Cause I'm gonna be in New York for the reunion. Yeah, that's like.




Yes. Come sit next to me.


Wait, that. Okay, we'll talk offline.




So are you close with your family?


Oh, my gosh, I'm the closest with my family.


What is your family dynamic?


So I have obvious. I was about to say have a mom and dad. Like, we all do.


Great start.


So my mom and dad have been married for, like, 25 or something years. 30. So my parents.


My sister's in the room, we can acknowledge.


Okay. My sister's in the room. So my parents have been married for 30 years. And my. I have an older sister. She's eleven months older than me. And we're really close. We do everything together. Like, we always say. We're, like, attached at the HIPAA. And, yeah, we are very close. She is, like, a very large part of the reason. Like, I am who I am, so I owe a lot of things to her. Yeah. She's a very big part of my life.


Have you guys ever liked the same guy?


You know what we. No. Do you know what I'm thinking of? We have, like, the same guy, but, like, it's more of like a passer to the bro situation. It wasn't like fight. Like, it was more like a. It was more like a. Yeah, like, yeah, the homie can hit, too. Shut your sister's favor.


Shut the fuck up. Her boyfriend is literally like, we're done. It's fine. It's fine. So you.


This was, like, years ago.Kayla was on a phone call.Oh, yeah. Her friend. Her friend, yeah.In the background, Aaron was filming himself. For anyone that doesn't know, Aaron was filming himself making a Instagram video. And Kaler's in the background on the phone with someone, and it sounds like someone on the phone says to her, leah's not gonna be irrelevant in x amount of months.Right.So you see this when you're in the car, when they're walking up, bro.I saw it on the golf cart when they were about to get, like, literally. Yeah. Like, right when I was gonna see him. The timing was hilarious.What did you do?I honestly, like, I wasn't, like, pressed about it. Like, I really wasn't. I was like, we're, I mean, like, fair enough. Like, maybe I will be, maybe I won't. But like, at the same time, it's like, I was so, I mean, I saw Kayla, like, so the golf cart drops me off to the van and Aaron and Kayla jump out and they were like, leah, like, holy fuck, like, it's so good to see you. And I'm like, hugging them. Aaron was so excited. He literally, like, dropped his phone and broke it.Oh, my God.Yeah, I was so excited to see them. And then I sat down and we were just talking like normal cuz I wasn't even gonna bring it up. Just. Cuz I literally was like, it's just not worth it. Like, I'm very. I was just happy to see them.Yeah, and you're just coming out of this huge experience, right?don't act like that. I, like, I was just telling myself, I'm not 16 anymore. It's not cute, and it's not funny.I like that you're clarifying that, though, because, again, I feel like there's so much around this show, and everyone's so passionate, and, like, the fans are amazing. But I think we have to remember, like, this is, like, a reality dating show. Like, to spread hate towards people, we've got to just.Yes, Simmer. And I love every single person in that villa. There is not one person that came in or out of that villa that deserves an ounce of hate. I think that they. Everyone came in, gave it their absolute all in their best. They treated everyone with as much as respect as they possibly could. Sometimes you with Janae. We were. We literally walked in holding hands, and she was the first person at first girl I met, first person I met in the villa. And I loved her right off the bat. . Like, we were. I wasn't. It was not always bad.Yeah.Or, like, I didn't always feel like that, but I think, like, I confused. He was just so there for me. It felt, like. And compassionate when the stuff with Rob was going on that I think, like, maybe I may have confused, like, that compassion and, 're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?Yeah.Yeah.In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


Kayla was on a phone call.


Oh, yeah. Her friend. Her friend, yeah.


In the background, Aaron was filming himself. For anyone that doesn't know, Aaron was filming himself making a Instagram video. And Kaler's in the background on the phone with someone, and it sounds like someone on the phone says to her, leah's not gonna be irrelevant in x amount of months.




So you see this when you're in the car, when they're walking up, bro.


I saw it on the golf cart when they were about to get, like, literally. Yeah. Like, right when I was gonna see him. The timing was hilarious.


What did you do?


I honestly, like, I wasn't, like, pressed about it. Like, I really wasn't. I was like, we're, I mean, like, fair enough. Like, maybe I will be, maybe I won't. But like, at the same time, it's like, I was so, I mean, I saw Kayla, like, so the golf cart drops me off to the van and Aaron and Kayla jump out and they were like, leah, like, holy fuck, like, it's so good to see you. And I'm like, hugging them. Aaron was so excited. He literally, like, dropped his phone and broke it.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, I was so excited to see them. And then I sat down and we were just talking like normal cuz I wasn't even gonna bring it up. Just. Cuz I literally was like, it's just not worth it. Like, I'm very. I was just happy to see them.


Yeah, and you're just coming out of this huge experience, right?don't act like that. I, like, I was just telling myself, I'm not 16 anymore. It's not cute, and it's not funny.I like that you're clarifying that, though, because, again, I feel like there's so much around this show, and everyone's so passionate, and, like, the fans are amazing. But I think we have to remember, like, this is, like, a reality dating show. Like, to spread hate towards people, we've got to just.Yes, Simmer. And I love every single person in that villa. There is not one person that came in or out of that villa that deserves an ounce of hate. I think that they. Everyone came in, gave it their absolute all in their best. They treated everyone with as much as respect as they possibly could. Sometimes you with Janae. We were. We literally walked in holding hands, and she was the first person at first girl I met, first person I met in the villa. And I loved her right off the bat. . Like, we were. I wasn't. It was not always bad.Yeah.Or, like, I didn't always feel like that, but I think, like, I confused. He was just so there for me. It felt, like. And compassionate when the stuff with Rob was going on that I think, like, maybe I may have confused, like, that compassion and, 're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?Yeah.Yeah.In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


don't act like that. I, like, I was just telling myself, I'm not 16 anymore. It's not cute, and it's not funny.


I like that you're clarifying that, though, because, again, I feel like there's so much around this show, and everyone's so passionate, and, like, the fans are amazing. But I think we have to remember, like, this is, like, a reality dating show. Like, to spread hate towards people, we've got to just.


Yes, Simmer. And I love every single person in that villa. There is not one person that came in or out of that villa that deserves an ounce of hate. I think that they. Everyone came in, gave it their absolute all in their best. They treated everyone with as much as respect as they possibly could. Sometimes you with Janae. We were. We literally walked in holding hands, and she was the first person at first girl I met, first person I met in the villa. And I loved her right off the bat. . Like, we were. I wasn't. It was not always bad.Yeah.Or, like, I didn't always feel like that, but I think, like, I confused. He was just so there for me. It felt, like. And compassionate when the stuff with Rob was going on that I think, like, maybe I may have confused, like, that compassion and, 're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?Yeah.Yeah.In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


with Janae. We were. We literally walked in holding hands, and she was the first person at first girl I met, first person I met in the villa. And I loved her right off the bat. . Like, we were. I wasn't. It was not always bad.Yeah.Or, like, I didn't always feel like that, but I think, like, I confused. He was just so there for me. It felt, like. And compassionate when the stuff with Rob was going on that I think, like, maybe I may have confused, like, that compassion and, 're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?Yeah.Yeah.In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


. Like, we were. I wasn't. It was not always bad.




Or, like, I didn't always feel like that, but I think, like, I confused. He was just so there for me. It felt, like. And compassionate when the stuff with Rob was going on that I think, like, maybe I may have confused, like, that compassion and, 're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?Yeah.Yeah.In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


're on Love island. The poor guy. Like, didn't have a proper experience last year, and so I was like, I wanted him to have a good experience this year, and I was just like, you know, I felt like our connection was so strong that nothing would have ruined it. So I honestly, if you had asked me, I think I was that calm about it because I was like, what would top us?






In the real world, if, like, a girl is talking to your boyfriend, are you giving the same energy? Like, I don't give a shit. Or are you, like, jealous, protective?


I think I used to be jealous and protective. I think I've. I think I've been, like, rung dry. Now I'm just like, if you want better, find it. Like, I will, too. I'm tired, grandpa. Like, I'll literally, like, I. Like, there's always. Grandpa. Like, there's always, like, there's more fucking fish in the sea. I can't have him. Like, frankly, take him off my hands. Like, that's the point I am at.


Yeah. Like, it's like, if you can easily get that swayed that fast, like, so you're not worth my fucking time. Okay. That's good to know. Um, okay, we have to talk about the infamous conversation where Rob cried. You guys are fighting on the, like, balcony area. What went through your head when Rob said that he did not 'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


'm like, yay, cool. Like, something's not. Something's wrong with me, but not that wrong with me because something's also wrong with y'all. Y'all and y'all.


You're right. And I also feel like people were so confused when you're like, oh, my God, like, I don't want a nice guy. It's like. It's not that they can't be nice to you. It's like. It is annoying and it is not hot I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?You can never unsee it.I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.You'll die. I will.And the sex was actually bad?His.Yeah, his dick was what?And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.That'S in your esophagus.Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


I will tell you this. I fucked him because I was dying over my ex, okay? After we fucked, I made myself throw up on PCH because of how disgusting it was. And then I went home and I sat on the shower floor. And I didn't fuck again for, like, two years.


What the fuck was so fucked about? The sex.


Everything. It wasn't even just the sex. It was the individual. It was the act. It was the things he was doing. He spread his ass like this in the shower, which is like, get clean, king. But why are you doing that in front of me?


You can never unsee it.


I can't. My sister and her friends make fun of me for it. Like, to this day.


I need you to fucking show me after off camera, who this.


You'll die. I will.


And the sex was actually bad?




Yeah, his dick was what?


And I was like, get away from me. That is the scariest thing.


That'S in your esophagus.


Yeah, like, it was so unenjoyable. I think he came. I literally ran out of his house. I don't even think I had shoes on. The. I, like, shook my belongings and got the fuck out of there. And he, like, tried to spin me around and kiss me when I was leaving, like, a movie. And I went, it was so bad. It was like, get me out of here. He messages me to this day, shut the fuck up. And then after that, he texted me and said, let's go to the movie theater. And then, like, I tried to get my friend to go to fuck him instead, but he actually didn't want to go to the theater. He just. I was like, well, actually, do you want to fuck myYou say it. I can't say it. Yeah.Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?The thing is, you had sex with.Miguel in the Hilton.Cats out of the bag.How was it?I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


You say it. I can't say it. Yeah.


Okay. Fuck. Rob. What do you think, like, the sex would be like with Miguel?


The thing is, you had sex with.


Miguel in the Hilton.


Cats out of the bag.


How was it?


I mean, did you see his fucking heart rate challenge? It was literally giving, like, he has, like, a past as a male stripper. Fuck.


I am curious, though. Obviously, you've fucking seen the fan edits of you and Rob. They are everywhere. Yeah. When you saw all these edits, were you surprised? Because it's, like, clearly what you're describing that you experience in the villa is not this romantic love affair. And you're watching these edits invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.Yeah.It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.Do you think you will be ever friends?Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.Okay.Just friends.Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.Where did Janae and Serena live?Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.It'S literally a show.Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?Yeah.Will we get arrested? Probably.Probably.Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.Okay.Our birthdays.Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.Okay.The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.Does that happen to you in your personal life?Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.Yeah.I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?Everyone saying it's wrong.Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


invested in Rob and I. We were like. It felt like. Like we were like twins.




It felt like we were like each other's, like, puzzle piece. There were so many, like, moments where I was like, oh, my God. Like, they put him in here for me. I get it. Like, I get it. I understand why. Because even I was like. I was like. Everyone in the villa was like, you and Rob are fucking adorable. Like, everyone loved us.


Do you think you will be ever friends?


Rob and I? Yeah, we are friends. I love Rob. I think he's a great person. Yeah, I do. I think he's so funny. I have such a good time with him, but I think we are good as friends.




Just friends.


Okay, last couple questions and then we're wrapping up, I promise. Okay. How do you feel about the reunion?


I'm excited for the reunion. I really am. I'm excited to go there and, like, be outside with my people and just see them again. I'm excited about it. Like, what do I think will happen in that time between. I'm not fucking sure this bunch, though. I'm sure we'll find something to fucking do. Where.


Where did Janae and Serena live?


Serena lives in LA. Fuck, yeah. Wait, we're about to be outside.


Oh, my God. I didn't realize she lived here. Where does Janae live?


Vegas. So she's up in this bitch too, you know, PBG back on top. So.


It'S literally a show.


Like, I can already know. Literally, like, oh, we're so excited. Should we all go to Vegas?




Will we get arrested? Probably.




Imagine our mug shots, though. Okay.




Our birthdays.


Who are you dreading seeing? If you had to pick one person, it's gonna be a little messy.


Dreading seeing who did I not like? Probably Hakeem. Wait. Oh, hold on a minute. Is Kane. Wait, wait, rewind. Is Kane gonna be there? Cuz that's. I'll put him. And as my answer. Or like Josiah or something. Matter of fact, put all of Casa except for Iggy.


Okay, that's a good answer. Who was the biggest drama stirrer in.


The villa, Kendall or me? Well, I was. Mine wasn't unintentional.




The Kendall's felt a bit like he was. Mine was like, mine was so unintentional. Like, it was like just. I felt what felt like. Everyone said it felt like it was just following me and I kept trying to get away from it, right? And. But then it was like, wait, wait, I'm catching up. And I'm like, no, no, please. And then it's like, but I'm almost there. And then it would latch on to me and I'd be like, fuck me. Yeah.


Does that happen to you in your personal life?


Yes. It's really horrible. I think it's a true, like a cuz I'm a triple Leo. So I think that's. That's the issue here. It finds me. I'm telling you, I will. I could sit here on your couch and something, some way someone would bust through this door that you would never think, like, fucking Dwayne. The rock Johnson could come in here right now and say, like, what did you do to me last night? And I would be like, wait, we've methadore.




I'm serious. It, like, I don't know. I believe you or why.


I believe you because we watched it. Okay, who was the funniest?


Or me. And Serena is. But also, though, Janae is funny as fuck.


Okay, the PBG. Yeah, that's the answer for all these. Who was the horniest?


Everyone saying it's wrong.


Do want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.And it happened.No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.Bitch.You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.And I had no phone for a good amount of time.We.I thought you were saying this is.After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.Yes.Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.Yes.You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.I know. Look at me now. Fuck.Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.I love you so much.So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.


want to hang out with you guys, I want to talk to you guys, I want to do things for you guys, I want to do things with you guys. Like, it makes me really excited to for, like, the future. So I definitely somehow, someway, want to.


Leah, I know this is not the last we will be seeing of you. You're a fucking star, bitch, and I love you, and you're a Leo, so it feels right. Thank you so much for coming on, caller daddy. Wait, can you tell me the story? What was the vision board? What is the manifestation? Vision board of caller daddy?


I was drunk as fuck in my hotel room, writing down manifestations of what I wanted to come true, waiting for them to come tell me, hey, you're going on the show.


And it happened.


No phone, just vibes. Fucking slammed. I'm writing in the notebook. It's, like, really messy, too, because I'm that drunk, like, one eye open, and then I'm just writing this shit down, and then we're here. We are. But I also wrote down, I need to bring that journal to you because it's funny as fuck. You're gonna die. I wrote in there, said, it's day three. I've realized I should not be drinking alone. And then I said, I'm starting to feel like Tom Hanks in castaway.




You had a tv and you were on the beach. Where were you? What are you talking about? When.


When they put you away in the hotel. How long were you in there?


Like. Oh, almost two, two weeks. Almost. I lost track of.


Oh, so this is before you went into the villa.


And I had no phone for a good amount of time.




I thought you were saying this is.


After the started all day. You manifested Colorado.




Even spoke on tv. Yes, bitch. By yes.




You were already feeling like Tom Hanks in castaway before you even started.


I know. Look at me now. Fuck.


Look at you now. You're free as a bird. Go live your fucking life. I can't wait to see what you do. I love you.


I love you so much.


So much having me. We crushed. Crushed.