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What is up, Daddy Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper with Call Her Daddy. Megan Maroney, welcome to Call Her Daddy. Thank you. I am so happy you're here. I can already tell this is going to be a disaster in the best way. I know.


I'm high-key terrified of us.


Okay, so you're Ogie Daddy Gang. Ogie Daddy Gang. Let's just talk about that for a minute because I do think that changes the vibe of an interview, right?


It It does. I was a junior in college walking around the University of Georgia with my Block Him hoodie. It was the black one with pink riding. I had my pink unwell hat on. Just being an absolute menace. A man would look at me the wrong way, and I'm blocked on Honestly, I think all just changed. So I grew up playing guitar with my dad and my brother. They taught me how to play guitar. I was a cheerleader in high school. I also did musical theater, though. So you can imagine the vibes were a little weird. I'll be honest.Those don't go together.So I hurt my knee cheerleading, though. My junior year, I was in a wheelchair for two months. I have a gnarly scar on my knee.You can show me later. I will show you later. She was taking your pants off already. I'm like, Babe, we're five minutes in. Honestly, let it rip.But I was in a wheelchair, so while I had nothing to do, I really learned how to play guitar. My dad taught me, and it was only for fun, though. After school and on the weekends, my dad and I, I loved country music growing up. I've always loved country music. So me and my dad would just sing together. If my brother was in town, we'd do three-part harmonies. It was just fun. And I never thought that I would have a career out of it, though. It was always just for fun because where I'm from, you do what your parents do when you grow up. And my mom was an accountant. So I understood accounting, so I understood accounting. So I was like, maybe I'm supposed to be doing taxes. I'll get to college and figure it out. So that was my mindset. So yeah, I feel like I had a very normal upbringing. Music was only just a side thing.But I It feel like what we see, sadly, but also positive for those that have this rise. He was like, if you get to have a normal childhood, you have the best chance of keeping your shit together and not losing your mind and going through it. Because people at a young age, it's important to have your formative years. If you can have normalcy and stability and not people taking photos of you as much as we all think at a young age, that would be so cool. That's a lot to put a young kid through. And then it's almost in 20s and 30s, they want to go back and relive a childhood and recreate what they wish they had. You had a normal life. So you're now coming into this, and it seems like you're just a normal girl in the best way that went to college and had pretty normal life experiences. You just mentioned your brother. I'm curious, growing up, were your brother super protective with boys? What was the vibe in the house?So my oldest brother that plays guitar, he is about 15 years older than me, I think. So I didn't grow up with him. But my other My brother is two years older than me. Same.My brother is two years older than me.He is this sweet angel. I could not ask for a better brother. So he was never the brother that was cussing my boyfriend's out. But he's definitely protective. I dated his best friend. That was my first boyfriend.I love how I'm like, Was he protective? And did he scare boys away? Meanwhile, you're like, No, I ruined his life. I dated his best friend.Yeah, they're not friends anymore. Megan. Yeah, I wouldn't go back and do Wait, can you tell me the story?What happened?It was actually really weird looking back. I was in eighth grade, and he was a... What is that? A sophomore going to be a junior. I was about to be a freshman, though. He was high and on the I was on a baseball team, and I started... I don't even know how we started talking. I think we started texting or something. He became my first serious boyfriend. We dated for two and a half years. He shattered my heart because when it was time for him to go to college, he made up some lie and broke up with me, and I was I'm distraught. My mom had to sleep with me every night for a month.You know what's crazy is when you get older, I still probably would want my mom to sleep with me when I'm crying, but since we don't live together, I'm like, If the proximity was there, would I still call my mom when I was heartbroken? Yes. If she would be in my bed, I would even like that more and sob all night. We also I'm dead that that was then your brother's best friend. And he was chilling the house about it.Well, my brother is one of those things where he was like, Well, he's making her happy, so I'm not going to say any- Your brother sounds nice. I know. He's the sweetest angel. But yeah, that didn't end. That didn't end well.Okay, because I know then the story, doesn't it go like then you wanted to go to the same college as him? Yes.So me and my brother were very close growing up. I wanted to be... I wore my brother's clothes growing up. He played baseball, so I played baseball. I wasn't on the softball team. I wanted to be my brother. When he went to the University of Georgia, and my brother's a smart one. Not that I'm not smart, but my brother is like, he never had to study for tests. He graduated with a 4.0. I'm I'm just like...Like getting me a couple of brain cells.Like, Miranda Lambert has a song that says, My brother got the brains of the family, so I thought I'd learn to sing. And I'm like, I resonated with that lyrics so hard as a young child.You're doing fine.But I followed him to UGA. So when I was a freshman, he was a senior. He did my laundry for me. It was a perfectnothing. I just send it to him. What are the pictures? It's just text where they went out and like, Oh, your door is locked. That stuff. So I send him that, no reaction. He's calling me a million times. I don't answer. I wait until he's done at his event and has to come home and deal with me. And where does he find me? All of my shit packed in my car, and I'm laying by the pool, lounging.Are you in a bikini?Can I preface this? I was in college listening to Call Her Daddy at the time. I think this is your doing.You're listening to my voice be like, Get a match. Burn his home down. Smile and take a selfie.I was like, Leaving right now. It's not good enough. No, you need to relish in it.She's like, Hi, babe. The crazy eyes.Like, Did you get my text? I've been waiting for you to come home. And honestly, can I be really honest? Yes. I sent and I stayed that night. This is Okay, this is what I'm talking about, though. Being able to live life and go through college and be delusional and dumb has made me the person I am. To realize that it's okay to be that dumb because one day you will grow up and be 26 years old and laugh at that.I am so appreciative of your honesty because you're just like, I appreciate it. You're not too cool to be like, Bitch, I stayed. Absolutely. I made him dinner that night.He said it. No. I'm so easily manipulated.What was his lie?See, I don't even remember. But it must have been good. I think, honestly, you know what it was, which now I have a song that correlates it, which this song wasn't even written about the situation, but it correlates, was like, I knew if I left, I would have to go home, and I wasn't supposed to be home, so my mom would ask me why I was there, and then I have to get the mom involved. So I have a song called Mom, I Lied on My New Record, which is not about this situation because he's Sweet Angel I love him. This is a different guy.He's a sweet angel. We love him.Okay, no, now. At the time. Okay, we were mad at him for a moment. You love all of your exes?You love the Snapchat baby boy with the nudies. You love the man. This is a man?No, no, no. Okay, I take it back. We don't love him. But compared to the rest.Oh, it just keeps getting worse. I love how Megan's like, And I just like, and the woman I am today because it got better. You're like, Hold my shit, actually, Alex. The Mustang has nothing on than what I'm about to share with you. Okay, did you unpack the Mustang alone? Did you do it like you were moving in together?I think I left the next day, and honestly, shortly after that, our relationship was never the same. And so it did take two months. And then after that big event, it was never the same.I will say, when you are close with your mother, there's nothing worse. I did the same where I found out a guy was cheating on me. And I was just like, I would rather stay than tell my mom right now because I'm not ready for her to know and the wrath of her to protect me. I need to live in the delusion just a little bit longer.I haven't decided if I'm really done yet. So when I tell my mom, it's over. Back to my first boyfriend, when I said I was going to text him, my mom was like, I will turn your phone off. And my mom monitored my text messages.You're still on the family plan. She's like, I will cut the cord if you even try. Oh, wow. I really love that about your mom, though, because she's trying to keep you honest with yourself of you deserve better, but you're like, I don't want better right now, mom. This feels perfect.I know. Yeah.Okay, so that was college. And what are we... This is sophomore, junior?That was sophomore-ish, I believe.Okay. Did you ever like the same guy as any of your sorority sisters? Or no? No. You were out in the field and they were with the crap boys.I actually dated guys, usually. I didn't actually date any guy at Georgia ever. They were always elsewhere.I'm not going to lie, that is probably the best way to do it. You can keep your own shit over there and not have to deal with them on campus. It's a better way to go about it. I did the same exact thing. Actually, is it a better way to go about it? It's absolutely not. It's actually makes them be 10 times shadeier, but it seems fun. Okay, what professional sports were we dabbling with in college, sweetie?Can I play the BIP on that? I thought you were about to look at me.I don't know why. Okay, can I be honest? You just gave me a look that I thought you're about to be like, I have a funny story. We have talked to the same man before. I'm like, I wouldn't put honestly- I actually have a story for that at a later date.We do know a same hockey man.Wait, say it to me and we're going to cut it.You swear.I I promise on my life. I don't want it out there either.I'm married.Okay, all of that is cut. Daddy, I'm sorry, I just blue-balled you, but we do know a similar athlete, and it is not slim Shady. He doesn't play that sport. No. I think he's a neurotic sociopath.I wouldn't disagree.Put it past. Okay, I need to hear this story afterwards because... Girl. Okay, we need to talk about college because I think we were just talking about you are having a normal life, and all of a sudden in college, your life changes. And from what I was doing my research on, and I want you to tell the whole story, this wasn't a planned thing, right? This just happened that all of a sudden your career took off. Tell us the full story, if you can, if you don't mind. Yes.I'll easier because you can just, Oh, go out and meet some hot guy or I used to be on Raya, so it's like you're just entertaining yourself with other dudes or whatever. And then it's like, I don't have time for any of that now, though. So I feel like...Okay, but do you ever feel like you put yourself in a situation because you know it's going to make a great song.Alex, there are times where my friends have scolded me, and I've been like, he he he. I'm like, no, The content we are going to get from this is going to be spectacular. Bear with me.Okay, to be fair, I think when I look back at a lot of my show, I'm like, I maybe stayed in things longer because I was like, God, this is going to be a good episode. And at least we're getting to put it somewhere where a lot of times you hear girls be doing it for the plot, but our plot turns into a song or an episode that is entertaining and fun and can help people. So you know what? We can be the vessel of heartbreak, and we can just keep going through it, and then people are going to feel better about their lives. So I don't judge you. I hope you know I've done it, too. So I was asking because I was like, Oh, I wonder if she's like me, where we just stay in things like that.There will be times where... There was a situation not that long ago where I did something, and I texted to my manager and I said, We're going to get a good song out of this. Also, make me a therapy appointment for tomorrow.No, no, no, no. Can you... No. No? Give me a hint. Give me a hint. You were going through it.Yeah. It was just like a... It was a fresh out the slammer by Taylor's first situation.I wonder if I know who you're talking about. No. No? No? Maybe. I'm going to get there. Don't worry. I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. You're not done. Do you believe in the classic saying, In order to get over someone, you need to get under someone new?I think you should go to therapy. No. I think.You're like, Actually, therapy. You're like, What I know in my brain is therapy. The reality of what I do?Well, I don't think that always helps because I think I've tried that before, and then it's like you end up just missing them more. You know what I mean? It can go. It maybe works out, but I feel like for the most part, it doesn't. And for me, when I go to therapy and then I tell my therapist how I'm getting treated, that usually helps me get over it.Right. They're like, let me... That's what it's so rough.Let me bring you back down to Earth and lets you realize how you're supposed to be treated. I'm like, oh, shit.That's the worst when they're like, so let me say back to you what you just said to me. And I'm like, no. And she's like, so you just said he did this, this, this, and this to you, and you called him the next morning, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, of course. He said he was sorry. Dude, that is humbling. Okay, so now I agree, though. It's very rare if you're moving on from someone that you can find someone that will actually make you forget about the person that you're hung up on. That's fucking rare. Maybe my life has had it once, and then it also fades anyways. Right.And then you're with the person, you're still thinking about the other person. So it's like, this is not for anyone involved.No. Okay, let's talk about Megan now, though, because I did catch when you said, oh, it got worse.Just for a second there. It got worse, though.It got worse, sir. It got real worse, sir. You get out of college. And what happened after college? Did you get cheated on by another?I did. Absolutely. Of course I did, Alex. So there was this guy. I moved to Nashville right after college, literally during COVID. So that was a horrible time to move anywhere, but I was just dying to get after it. So I can't remember if it was... I guess I had a boyfriend during COVID. That doesn't count. It was a long distance thing. That was just really stupid to try to date someone long distance during COVID. I don't know what- No, it doesn't work. But after that, I dated a guy in Nashville. Well, actually, we weren't officially dating. Those are the worst. I know I'm saying this story, and everyone's going to think it's about someone, but I'm just going to say that it's not this person. Morgan Wallen. It's not him. This is not this story. This is someone else. That's good for the next story. Okay, perfect. But this right now is not about him. I dated some guy. He had a I had a whole girlfriend the whole time. I was with him every single day. He had a girlfriend.Megan. He wasn't just cheating. The trust issues that are coming out of this episode.Dude. I could not believe it. He was low-key insane, though. When I first met him, he called my friends into the bathroom and was crying about the feelings he had for me. There was something not right up here. No. And that's who Sleep On My Side is about. I have a song called I Sleep On My Side, and You Sleep With Everyone. That's about him.Your voice in a person is insane.It's like, what? What? And we weren't officially dating him because I wouldn't date him because I had the feeling that I got. He had a girlfriend the entire time. I get a Hey, Girl DM.No. Yeah. No.Hey, Girl DM. Not a Hey, Girl. And she's like, I think you're talking to my boyfriend. And I was like, Your boyfriend? And then once I cut things off with him, I immediately cut things off because Because I was like, That is insane. I'm with you every single day, and you have a girlfriend, a whole girlfriend, not even just... And they've been dating for years. I can't.Men. Did you confront him?Oh, of course. Yeah, I was like, literally never speak to me again. I know we're not together, but we're breaking up. So this man sends me flowers. No. The girl is trying to get information out of me. I think you're being crazy. He's not actually with you. And I'm like, Girl, I'm telling you, girl to girl. He sent me flowers. She was like, No, he didn't. He would not do that. He just said he didn't send you flowers. And I was like... And this guy, he met my family, not on purpose, but just because there was a wedding during New Year's and I needed a date. Classic. I wasn't on purpose, but he accidentally met my whole family. So it wasn't just casual. And he had a whole girlfriend.But the problem is, and I think this is a learning lesson for all of us, is the girl that's like, No, I think you're being crazy, boba. She's in her hair in the shower phase where she believes. She's like, he must be telling me the truth. She's a liar. She clearly probably figured it out one day.I felt bad, and I literally was like, genuinely run. Because if he can be that scary to you, clearly, he's manipulating you really badly. He's trying to lie to me, too. But I've already been manipulated by Shower Man, my first boyfriend, the junior year guy. I'm like, Girl, I'm a veteran. I'm like, Girl, I'm watching out for you. You need to run. I think since I see her on my For You page sometime. I think since then, she has moved on.Oh, my God. You're going to say they're married. I'm like, It's a classic. It's a classic. Damn. Okay.But yeah, that was a situation, and that was another thing where looking back, I was like, he cried to my friends about liking me so much. I think the screws were loose, some manipulation thing. I'm not sure what's going on there, but- That's when you know, if it's too early on and he's sobbing, you're like, first of all, why are you crying.It's not that deep. We haven't even said we loved each other, and we're also not even dating yet. So let's reel in the emotions. What is this act? It's a performance.And my friends were confused because they were like, That's really sweet, but we're, What's going on?And then clearly, it's all a façade to get you more attached and get you more into it. And then, meanwhile, he has a full-ass fucking family at home, and you're like, damn. That was insane. Okay, so Megan. Hey. Did you date Morgan Molen? Never exclusively. And goodbye.Okay. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. It's been so much fun.And goodbye, everyone. And let's go talk off camera. Okay, interesting. Not exclusively. I think it's obvious, and that's why I do appreciate you being honest, because I feel like everyone knows.And I have so tried to avoid that long time. We were not just friends. And now we're friends.I love that answer. Okay, Okay. So you guys had a little thing. A little thing, but you weren't officially dating.Yeah, no, never officially dating.But as we talked about, Megan, those can be the worst.Yeah, I will say if anyone's overly sensitive and will get their heart broken and Yeah, it's me.How did you keep something like that, that private?It's not that hard. I feel like he's a very private person.You think? Yeah. So you just maneuvered around?Well, Yeah. It was me like shit and will make these moments. They will be here for these moments and not ruin them.I love that. And I think you're so right. It's like being in front of all of your fans must be just a euphoric feeling. And it puts things in perspective of you are so talented, you're so incredible. You're so smart. You're funny. Even sitting with you now, I feel like we're friends. You're a great time. The right person will come, and those type of moments, as hard as they are right before, it's like it puts in perspective. You're going to be fine. If I was to put all of your exes in a lineup, do you have a type? Personality-wise, looks-wise, what are we working with?Personality-wise, I love when someone can match my humor. I realized with my last boyfriend that humor is very important to me.You're like, I I was falling asleep at dinner, Alex. Let's put it that way.Yeah, I love humor. That'll get me. That'll get me real quick. What happened with some of my exes is that I would be so mad at them, and they would know that humor is my weakness. So all they had to do is make me laugh. And then I'm like, We're so back.They're going to make you giggle as you're crying.They're like, We're so back. So I think humor is number one. I also really I realized I want a guy... I realized that ego, I'm older now, too. And my last relationship, real relationship, I would say, was one of my first real adult relationships. And I can't deal with any ego. It's tough. I felt like I wasn't being supported. So that was like, he didn't want to listen to my music. I'm sorry. I didn't know about his job.Wait. Hold on.Through In therapy, I'm realizing that that's an ego thing, and I'm like, oh, we can't do that.Hold on. First of all, even you just... You on TikTok and your acoustics, I was literally talking to all the girls, and every girl was like, okay, I just wish she would sing for two seconds so I can hear her voice. You just did it earlier. I'm like, you have an insane voice. The perks of dating a fucking musician is being like, babe, sing for me, and you get to be serenaded. And he didn't want to hear your fucking perfect voice.No, he didn't. Well, there was a It's a time where... Dude. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too into it. But what sucks about therapy is that when you get into therapy, you realize that the problems are deeper than you. And it's like, then you just feel bad. So that's... Back to my type, though. I think I need funny. I easily get blinded by abs and height. I've done a lot of dumb shit for 6, 5.I love that. I've seen on TikTok, it's like, you rank what's most important to you. Some girls are super into The arms or the back or the eyes, the teeth, your abs.Oh, my God. I'm going to fold. I'm going to fold.You're literally in a fight. He cheated. He just takes off his shirt.You're like, We're back. So, yeah, height, too. But I I really... I think as far as... I'm not looking for a relationship, but if I was to be looking for someone, I think they would have to be funny, supportive. And I think those are the main two.Well, I think that something that I can I can immediately tell because you're so successful and you're this young, gorgeous woman is I can imagine you're going to need to find a man that's so secure within himself because to have someone across from you, and I've had it, where you're a successful woman, that already is intimidating to people, even if they're not dating you. People are going to talk shit about you. They're going to find a reason not to like you because people get jealous or they're intimidated, whatever the angle is. And so for a man to not be able to be like, That's my fucking girl, and proud of you, and instead, trying to make you feel insecure and push you down and make you not feel like you're thriving, that can get so fucking toxic and can really impact you.Well, that's how I felt. Any time I would be proud of myself, it was like, he felt like he He decided to humble me. So I got nominated for some ACM awards. Yeah, you did. I texted him. This was when we were broken up but still trying to make things work because like I said, I will be a dead horse till it's- You're there till the end. Especially dead. And he was like, oh, my God, that's so great. Congrats. And then it's like, oh, my God, I have a crazy day at work. Just immediately- Switching it.Yeah. Not like, oh, my God, babe, let me take you out for dinner. We're going to toast. This is so fun. Let's celebrate tonight.And I realized that that is going to be important to me. But I also then with fucking therapy, it's like I do understand that it would be hard to date me. My personal life revolves around my work life, which is not for everyone. And I totally understand that. Any time I get to hang out with you one on one because we're chilling is because my career is not in the way, which is almost never. I feel like that's why dating right now is just really hard because I don't want to let up on my career. I feel like I'm all in in it right now, and I'm so much enjoying it. I told my therapist, I was like, Am I being crazy? And she was like, You're 26. Why would you not be all in in your career?Dude, I was also going to say, I remember feeling like I I was never going to find a guy that could handle what I was doing. And I was the same way. I'm like, I'm literally not stopping. I have so much I want to fucking do. I'm so motivated, and I want to push myself. And then I promise you, once you just get in that mindset, the right person will come along that you're so good in what you're doing, and you're so not willing to waver and have a couple of months where you get swept off your feet and you're not focused. That person will come in because no one else will be able to getbeing like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?What the fuck?Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.And if you are being toxic, you're aware.Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.I love you. I love you.


all just changed. So I grew up playing guitar with my dad and my brother. They taught me how to play guitar. I was a cheerleader in high school. I also did musical theater, though. So you can imagine the vibes were a little weird. I'll be honest.


Those don't go together.


So I hurt my knee cheerleading, though. My junior year, I was in a wheelchair for two months. I have a gnarly scar on my knee.


You can show me later. I will show you later. She was taking your pants off already. I'm like, Babe, we're five minutes in. Honestly, let it rip.


But I was in a wheelchair, so while I had nothing to do, I really learned how to play guitar. My dad taught me, and it was only for fun, though. After school and on the weekends, my dad and I, I loved country music growing up. I've always loved country music. So me and my dad would just sing together. If my brother was in town, we'd do three-part harmonies. It was just fun. And I never thought that I would have a career out of it, though. It was always just for fun because where I'm from, you do what your parents do when you grow up. And my mom was an accountant. So I understood accounting, so I understood accounting. So I was like, maybe I'm supposed to be doing taxes. I'll get to college and figure it out. So that was my mindset. So yeah, I feel like I had a very normal upbringing. Music was only just a side thing.


But I It feel like what we see, sadly, but also positive for those that have this rise. He was like, if you get to have a normal childhood, you have the best chance of keeping your shit together and not losing your mind and going through it. Because people at a young age, it's important to have your formative years. If you can have normalcy and stability and not people taking photos of you as much as we all think at a young age, that would be so cool. That's a lot to put a young kid through. And then it's almost in 20s and 30s, they want to go back and relive a childhood and recreate what they wish they had. You had a normal life. So you're now coming into this, and it seems like you're just a normal girl in the best way that went to college and had pretty normal life experiences. You just mentioned your brother. I'm curious, growing up, were your brother super protective with boys? What was the vibe in the house?


So my oldest brother that plays guitar, he is about 15 years older than me, I think. So I didn't grow up with him. But my other My brother is two years older than me. Same.


My brother is two years older than me.


He is this sweet angel. I could not ask for a better brother. So he was never the brother that was cussing my boyfriend's out. But he's definitely protective. I dated his best friend. That was my first boyfriend.


I love how I'm like, Was he protective? And did he scare boys away? Meanwhile, you're like, No, I ruined his life. I dated his best friend.


Yeah, they're not friends anymore. Megan. Yeah, I wouldn't go back and do Wait, can you tell me the story?


What happened?


It was actually really weird looking back. I was in eighth grade, and he was a... What is that? A sophomore going to be a junior. I was about to be a freshman, though. He was high and on the I was on a baseball team, and I started... I don't even know how we started talking. I think we started texting or something. He became my first serious boyfriend. We dated for two and a half years. He shattered my heart because when it was time for him to go to college, he made up some lie and broke up with me, and I was I'm distraught. My mom had to sleep with me every night for a month.


You know what's crazy is when you get older, I still probably would want my mom to sleep with me when I'm crying, but since we don't live together, I'm like, If the proximity was there, would I still call my mom when I was heartbroken? Yes. If she would be in my bed, I would even like that more and sob all night. We also I'm dead that that was then your brother's best friend. And he was chilling the house about it.


Well, my brother is one of those things where he was like, Well, he's making her happy, so I'm not going to say any- Your brother sounds nice. I know. He's the sweetest angel. But yeah, that didn't end. That didn't end well.


Okay, because I know then the story, doesn't it go like then you wanted to go to the same college as him? Yes.


So me and my brother were very close growing up. I wanted to be... I wore my brother's clothes growing up. He played baseball, so I played baseball. I wasn't on the softball team. I wanted to be my brother. When he went to the University of Georgia, and my brother's a smart one. Not that I'm not smart, but my brother is like, he never had to study for tests. He graduated with a 4.0. I'm I'm just like...


Like getting me a couple of brain cells.


Like, Miranda Lambert has a song that says, My brother got the brains of the family, so I thought I'd learn to sing. And I'm like, I resonated with that lyrics so hard as a young child.


You're doing fine.


But I followed him to UGA. So when I was a freshman, he was a senior. He did my laundry for me. It was a perfectnothing. I just send it to him. What are the pictures? It's just text where they went out and like, Oh, your door is locked. That stuff. So I send him that, no reaction. He's calling me a million times. I don't answer. I wait until he's done at his event and has to come home and deal with me. And where does he find me? All of my shit packed in my car, and I'm laying by the pool, lounging.Are you in a bikini?Can I preface this? I was in college listening to Call Her Daddy at the time. I think this is your doing.You're listening to my voice be like, Get a match. Burn his home down. Smile and take a selfie.I was like, Leaving right now. It's not good enough. No, you need to relish in it.She's like, Hi, babe. The crazy eyes.Like, Did you get my text? I've been waiting for you to come home. And honestly, can I be really honest? Yes. I sent and I stayed that night. This is Okay, this is what I'm talking about, though. Being able to live life and go through college and be delusional and dumb has made me the person I am. To realize that it's okay to be that dumb because one day you will grow up and be 26 years old and laugh at that.I am so appreciative of your honesty because you're just like, I appreciate it. You're not too cool to be like, Bitch, I stayed. Absolutely. I made him dinner that night.He said it. No. I'm so easily manipulated.What was his lie?See, I don't even remember. But it must have been good. I think, honestly, you know what it was, which now I have a song that correlates it, which this song wasn't even written about the situation, but it correlates, was like, I knew if I left, I would have to go home, and I wasn't supposed to be home, so my mom would ask me why I was there, and then I have to get the mom involved. So I have a song called Mom, I Lied on My New Record, which is not about this situation because he's Sweet Angel I love him. This is a different guy.He's a sweet angel. We love him.Okay, no, now. At the time. Okay, we were mad at him for a moment. You love all of your exes?You love the Snapchat baby boy with the nudies. You love the man. This is a man?No, no, no. Okay, I take it back. We don't love him. But compared to the rest.Oh, it just keeps getting worse. I love how Megan's like, And I just like, and the woman I am today because it got better. You're like, Hold my shit, actually, Alex. The Mustang has nothing on than what I'm about to share with you. Okay, did you unpack the Mustang alone? Did you do it like you were moving in together?I think I left the next day, and honestly, shortly after that, our relationship was never the same. And so it did take two months. And then after that big event, it was never the same.I will say, when you are close with your mother, there's nothing worse. I did the same where I found out a guy was cheating on me. And I was just like, I would rather stay than tell my mom right now because I'm not ready for her to know and the wrath of her to protect me. I need to live in the delusion just a little bit longer.I haven't decided if I'm really done yet. So when I tell my mom, it's over. Back to my first boyfriend, when I said I was going to text him, my mom was like, I will turn your phone off. And my mom monitored my text messages.You're still on the family plan. She's like, I will cut the cord if you even try. Oh, wow. I really love that about your mom, though, because she's trying to keep you honest with yourself of you deserve better, but you're like, I don't want better right now, mom. This feels perfect.I know. Yeah.Okay, so that was college. And what are we... This is sophomore, junior?That was sophomore-ish, I believe.Okay. Did you ever like the same guy as any of your sorority sisters? Or no? No. You were out in the field and they were with the crap boys.I actually dated guys, usually. I didn't actually date any guy at Georgia ever. They were always elsewhere.I'm not going to lie, that is probably the best way to do it. You can keep your own shit over there and not have to deal with them on campus. It's a better way to go about it. I did the same exact thing. Actually, is it a better way to go about it? It's absolutely not. It's actually makes them be 10 times shadeier, but it seems fun. Okay, what professional sports were we dabbling with in college, sweetie?Can I play the BIP on that? I thought you were about to look at me.I don't know why. Okay, can I be honest? You just gave me a look that I thought you're about to be like, I have a funny story. We have talked to the same man before. I'm like, I wouldn't put honestly- I actually have a story for that at a later date.We do know a same hockey man.Wait, say it to me and we're going to cut it.You swear.I I promise on my life. I don't want it out there either.I'm married.Okay, all of that is cut. Daddy, I'm sorry, I just blue-balled you, but we do know a similar athlete, and it is not slim Shady. He doesn't play that sport. No. I think he's a neurotic sociopath.I wouldn't disagree.Put it past. Okay, I need to hear this story afterwards because... Girl. Okay, we need to talk about college because I think we were just talking about you are having a normal life, and all of a sudden in college, your life changes. And from what I was doing my research on, and I want you to tell the whole story, this wasn't a planned thing, right? This just happened that all of a sudden your career took off. Tell us the full story, if you can, if you don't mind. Yes.I'll easier because you can just, Oh, go out and meet some hot guy or I used to be on Raya, so it's like you're just entertaining yourself with other dudes or whatever. And then it's like, I don't have time for any of that now, though. So I feel like...Okay, but do you ever feel like you put yourself in a situation because you know it's going to make a great song.Alex, there are times where my friends have scolded me, and I've been like, he he he. I'm like, no, The content we are going to get from this is going to be spectacular. Bear with me.Okay, to be fair, I think when I look back at a lot of my show, I'm like, I maybe stayed in things longer because I was like, God, this is going to be a good episode. And at least we're getting to put it somewhere where a lot of times you hear girls be doing it for the plot, but our plot turns into a song or an episode that is entertaining and fun and can help people. So you know what? We can be the vessel of heartbreak, and we can just keep going through it, and then people are going to feel better about their lives. So I don't judge you. I hope you know I've done it, too. So I was asking because I was like, Oh, I wonder if she's like me, where we just stay in things like that.There will be times where... There was a situation not that long ago where I did something, and I texted to my manager and I said, We're going to get a good song out of this. Also, make me a therapy appointment for tomorrow.No, no, no, no. Can you... No. No? Give me a hint. Give me a hint. You were going through it.Yeah. It was just like a... It was a fresh out the slammer by Taylor's first situation.I wonder if I know who you're talking about. No. No? No? Maybe. I'm going to get there. Don't worry. I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. You're not done. Do you believe in the classic saying, In order to get over someone, you need to get under someone new?I think you should go to therapy. No. I think.You're like, Actually, therapy. You're like, What I know in my brain is therapy. The reality of what I do?Well, I don't think that always helps because I think I've tried that before, and then it's like you end up just missing them more. You know what I mean? It can go. It maybe works out, but I feel like for the most part, it doesn't. And for me, when I go to therapy and then I tell my therapist how I'm getting treated, that usually helps me get over it.Right. They're like, let me... That's what it's so rough.Let me bring you back down to Earth and lets you realize how you're supposed to be treated. I'm like, oh, shit.That's the worst when they're like, so let me say back to you what you just said to me. And I'm like, no. And she's like, so you just said he did this, this, this, and this to you, and you called him the next morning, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, of course. He said he was sorry. Dude, that is humbling. Okay, so now I agree, though. It's very rare if you're moving on from someone that you can find someone that will actually make you forget about the person that you're hung up on. That's fucking rare. Maybe my life has had it once, and then it also fades anyways. Right.And then you're with the person, you're still thinking about the other person. So it's like, this is not for anyone involved.No. Okay, let's talk about Megan now, though, because I did catch when you said, oh, it got worse.Just for a second there. It got worse, though.It got worse, sir. It got real worse, sir. You get out of college. And what happened after college? Did you get cheated on by another?I did. Absolutely. Of course I did, Alex. So there was this guy. I moved to Nashville right after college, literally during COVID. So that was a horrible time to move anywhere, but I was just dying to get after it. So I can't remember if it was... I guess I had a boyfriend during COVID. That doesn't count. It was a long distance thing. That was just really stupid to try to date someone long distance during COVID. I don't know what- No, it doesn't work. But after that, I dated a guy in Nashville. Well, actually, we weren't officially dating. Those are the worst. I know I'm saying this story, and everyone's going to think it's about someone, but I'm just going to say that it's not this person. Morgan Wallen. It's not him. This is not this story. This is someone else. That's good for the next story. Okay, perfect. But this right now is not about him. I dated some guy. He had a I had a whole girlfriend the whole time. I was with him every single day. He had a girlfriend.Megan. He wasn't just cheating. The trust issues that are coming out of this episode.Dude. I could not believe it. He was low-key insane, though. When I first met him, he called my friends into the bathroom and was crying about the feelings he had for me. There was something not right up here. No. And that's who Sleep On My Side is about. I have a song called I Sleep On My Side, and You Sleep With Everyone. That's about him.Your voice in a person is insane.It's like, what? What? And we weren't officially dating him because I wouldn't date him because I had the feeling that I got. He had a girlfriend the entire time. I get a Hey, Girl DM.No. Yeah. No.Hey, Girl DM. Not a Hey, Girl. And she's like, I think you're talking to my boyfriend. And I was like, Your boyfriend? And then once I cut things off with him, I immediately cut things off because Because I was like, That is insane. I'm with you every single day, and you have a girlfriend, a whole girlfriend, not even just... And they've been dating for years. I can't.Men. Did you confront him?Oh, of course. Yeah, I was like, literally never speak to me again. I know we're not together, but we're breaking up. So this man sends me flowers. No. The girl is trying to get information out of me. I think you're being crazy. He's not actually with you. And I'm like, Girl, I'm telling you, girl to girl. He sent me flowers. She was like, No, he didn't. He would not do that. He just said he didn't send you flowers. And I was like... And this guy, he met my family, not on purpose, but just because there was a wedding during New Year's and I needed a date. Classic. I wasn't on purpose, but he accidentally met my whole family. So it wasn't just casual. And he had a whole girlfriend.But the problem is, and I think this is a learning lesson for all of us, is the girl that's like, No, I think you're being crazy, boba. She's in her hair in the shower phase where she believes. She's like, he must be telling me the truth. She's a liar. She clearly probably figured it out one day.I felt bad, and I literally was like, genuinely run. Because if he can be that scary to you, clearly, he's manipulating you really badly. He's trying to lie to me, too. But I've already been manipulated by Shower Man, my first boyfriend, the junior year guy. I'm like, Girl, I'm a veteran. I'm like, Girl, I'm watching out for you. You need to run. I think since I see her on my For You page sometime. I think since then, she has moved on.Oh, my God. You're going to say they're married. I'm like, It's a classic. It's a classic. Damn. Okay.But yeah, that was a situation, and that was another thing where looking back, I was like, he cried to my friends about liking me so much. I think the screws were loose, some manipulation thing. I'm not sure what's going on there, but- That's when you know, if it's too early on and he's sobbing, you're like, first of all, why are you crying.It's not that deep. We haven't even said we loved each other, and we're also not even dating yet. So let's reel in the emotions. What is this act? It's a performance.And my friends were confused because they were like, That's really sweet, but we're, What's going on?And then clearly, it's all a façade to get you more attached and get you more into it. And then, meanwhile, he has a full-ass fucking family at home, and you're like, damn. That was insane. Okay, so Megan. Hey. Did you date Morgan Molen? Never exclusively. And goodbye.Okay. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. It's been so much fun.And goodbye, everyone. And let's go talk off camera. Okay, interesting. Not exclusively. I think it's obvious, and that's why I do appreciate you being honest, because I feel like everyone knows.And I have so tried to avoid that long time. We were not just friends. And now we're friends.I love that answer. Okay, Okay. So you guys had a little thing. A little thing, but you weren't officially dating.Yeah, no, never officially dating.But as we talked about, Megan, those can be the worst.Yeah, I will say if anyone's overly sensitive and will get their heart broken and Yeah, it's me.How did you keep something like that, that private?It's not that hard. I feel like he's a very private person.You think? Yeah. So you just maneuvered around?Well, Yeah. It was me like shit and will make these moments. They will be here for these moments and not ruin them.I love that. And I think you're so right. It's like being in front of all of your fans must be just a euphoric feeling. And it puts things in perspective of you are so talented, you're so incredible. You're so smart. You're funny. Even sitting with you now, I feel like we're friends. You're a great time. The right person will come, and those type of moments, as hard as they are right before, it's like it puts in perspective. You're going to be fine. If I was to put all of your exes in a lineup, do you have a type? Personality-wise, looks-wise, what are we working with?Personality-wise, I love when someone can match my humor. I realized with my last boyfriend that humor is very important to me.You're like, I I was falling asleep at dinner, Alex. Let's put it that way.Yeah, I love humor. That'll get me. That'll get me real quick. What happened with some of my exes is that I would be so mad at them, and they would know that humor is my weakness. So all they had to do is make me laugh. And then I'm like, We're so back.They're going to make you giggle as you're crying.They're like, We're so back. So I think humor is number one. I also really I realized I want a guy... I realized that ego, I'm older now, too. And my last relationship, real relationship, I would say, was one of my first real adult relationships. And I can't deal with any ego. It's tough. I felt like I wasn't being supported. So that was like, he didn't want to listen to my music. I'm sorry. I didn't know about his job.Wait. Hold on.Through In therapy, I'm realizing that that's an ego thing, and I'm like, oh, we can't do that.Hold on. First of all, even you just... You on TikTok and your acoustics, I was literally talking to all the girls, and every girl was like, okay, I just wish she would sing for two seconds so I can hear her voice. You just did it earlier. I'm like, you have an insane voice. The perks of dating a fucking musician is being like, babe, sing for me, and you get to be serenaded. And he didn't want to hear your fucking perfect voice.No, he didn't. Well, there was a It's a time where... Dude. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too into it. But what sucks about therapy is that when you get into therapy, you realize that the problems are deeper than you. And it's like, then you just feel bad. So that's... Back to my type, though. I think I need funny. I easily get blinded by abs and height. I've done a lot of dumb shit for 6, 5.I love that. I've seen on TikTok, it's like, you rank what's most important to you. Some girls are super into The arms or the back or the eyes, the teeth, your abs.Oh, my God. I'm going to fold. I'm going to fold.You're literally in a fight. He cheated. He just takes off his shirt.You're like, We're back. So, yeah, height, too. But I I really... I think as far as... I'm not looking for a relationship, but if I was to be looking for someone, I think they would have to be funny, supportive. And I think those are the main two.Well, I think that something that I can I can immediately tell because you're so successful and you're this young, gorgeous woman is I can imagine you're going to need to find a man that's so secure within himself because to have someone across from you, and I've had it, where you're a successful woman, that already is intimidating to people, even if they're not dating you. People are going to talk shit about you. They're going to find a reason not to like you because people get jealous or they're intimidated, whatever the angle is. And so for a man to not be able to be like, That's my fucking girl, and proud of you, and instead, trying to make you feel insecure and push you down and make you not feel like you're thriving, that can get so fucking toxic and can really impact you.Well, that's how I felt. Any time I would be proud of myself, it was like, he felt like he He decided to humble me. So I got nominated for some ACM awards. Yeah, you did. I texted him. This was when we were broken up but still trying to make things work because like I said, I will be a dead horse till it's- You're there till the end. Especially dead. And he was like, oh, my God, that's so great. Congrats. And then it's like, oh, my God, I have a crazy day at work. Just immediately- Switching it.Yeah. Not like, oh, my God, babe, let me take you out for dinner. We're going to toast. This is so fun. Let's celebrate tonight.And I realized that that is going to be important to me. But I also then with fucking therapy, it's like I do understand that it would be hard to date me. My personal life revolves around my work life, which is not for everyone. And I totally understand that. Any time I get to hang out with you one on one because we're chilling is because my career is not in the way, which is almost never. I feel like that's why dating right now is just really hard because I don't want to let up on my career. I feel like I'm all in in it right now, and I'm so much enjoying it. I told my therapist, I was like, Am I being crazy? And she was like, You're 26. Why would you not be all in in your career?Dude, I was also going to say, I remember feeling like I I was never going to find a guy that could handle what I was doing. And I was the same way. I'm like, I'm literally not stopping. I have so much I want to fucking do. I'm so motivated, and I want to push myself. And then I promise you, once you just get in that mindset, the right person will come along that you're so good in what you're doing, and you're so not willing to waver and have a couple of months where you get swept off your feet and you're not focused. That person will come in because no one else will be able to getbeing like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?What the fuck?Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.And if you are being toxic, you're aware.Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.I love you. I love you.


nothing. I just send it to him. What are the pictures? It's just text where they went out and like, Oh, your door is locked. That stuff. So I send him that, no reaction. He's calling me a million times. I don't answer. I wait until he's done at his event and has to come home and deal with me. And where does he find me? All of my shit packed in my car, and I'm laying by the pool, lounging.


Are you in a bikini?


Can I preface this? I was in college listening to Call Her Daddy at the time. I think this is your doing.


You're listening to my voice be like, Get a match. Burn his home down. Smile and take a selfie.


I was like, Leaving right now. It's not good enough. No, you need to relish in it.


She's like, Hi, babe. The crazy eyes.


Like, Did you get my text? I've been waiting for you to come home. And honestly, can I be really honest? Yes. I sent and I stayed that night. This is Okay, this is what I'm talking about, though. Being able to live life and go through college and be delusional and dumb has made me the person I am. To realize that it's okay to be that dumb because one day you will grow up and be 26 years old and laugh at that.


I am so appreciative of your honesty because you're just like, I appreciate it. You're not too cool to be like, Bitch, I stayed. Absolutely. I made him dinner that night.


He said it. No. I'm so easily manipulated.


What was his lie?


See, I don't even remember. But it must have been good. I think, honestly, you know what it was, which now I have a song that correlates it, which this song wasn't even written about the situation, but it correlates, was like, I knew if I left, I would have to go home, and I wasn't supposed to be home, so my mom would ask me why I was there, and then I have to get the mom involved. So I have a song called Mom, I Lied on My New Record, which is not about this situation because he's Sweet Angel I love him. This is a different guy.


He's a sweet angel. We love him.


Okay, no, now. At the time. Okay, we were mad at him for a moment. You love all of your exes?


You love the Snapchat baby boy with the nudies. You love the man. This is a man?


No, no, no. Okay, I take it back. We don't love him. But compared to the rest.


Oh, it just keeps getting worse. I love how Megan's like, And I just like, and the woman I am today because it got better. You're like, Hold my shit, actually, Alex. The Mustang has nothing on than what I'm about to share with you. Okay, did you unpack the Mustang alone? Did you do it like you were moving in together?


I think I left the next day, and honestly, shortly after that, our relationship was never the same. And so it did take two months. And then after that big event, it was never the same.


I will say, when you are close with your mother, there's nothing worse. I did the same where I found out a guy was cheating on me. And I was just like, I would rather stay than tell my mom right now because I'm not ready for her to know and the wrath of her to protect me. I need to live in the delusion just a little bit longer.


I haven't decided if I'm really done yet. So when I tell my mom, it's over. Back to my first boyfriend, when I said I was going to text him, my mom was like, I will turn your phone off. And my mom monitored my text messages.


You're still on the family plan. She's like, I will cut the cord if you even try. Oh, wow. I really love that about your mom, though, because she's trying to keep you honest with yourself of you deserve better, but you're like, I don't want better right now, mom. This feels perfect.


I know. Yeah.


Okay, so that was college. And what are we... This is sophomore, junior?


That was sophomore-ish, I believe.


Okay. Did you ever like the same guy as any of your sorority sisters? Or no? No. You were out in the field and they were with the crap boys.


I actually dated guys, usually. I didn't actually date any guy at Georgia ever. They were always elsewhere.


I'm not going to lie, that is probably the best way to do it. You can keep your own shit over there and not have to deal with them on campus. It's a better way to go about it. I did the same exact thing. Actually, is it a better way to go about it? It's absolutely not. It's actually makes them be 10 times shadeier, but it seems fun. Okay, what professional sports were we dabbling with in college, sweetie?


Can I play the BIP on that? I thought you were about to look at me.


I don't know why. Okay, can I be honest? You just gave me a look that I thought you're about to be like, I have a funny story. We have talked to the same man before. I'm like, I wouldn't put honestly- I actually have a story for that at a later date.


We do know a same hockey man.


Wait, say it to me and we're going to cut it.


You swear.


I I promise on my life. I don't want it out there either.


I'm married.


Okay, all of that is cut. Daddy, I'm sorry, I just blue-balled you, but we do know a similar athlete, and it is not slim Shady. He doesn't play that sport. No. I think he's a neurotic sociopath.


I wouldn't disagree.


Put it past. Okay, I need to hear this story afterwards because... Girl. Okay, we need to talk about college because I think we were just talking about you are having a normal life, and all of a sudden in college, your life changes. And from what I was doing my research on, and I want you to tell the whole story, this wasn't a planned thing, right? This just happened that all of a sudden your career took off. Tell us the full story, if you can, if you don't mind. Yes.


I'll easier because you can just, Oh, go out and meet some hot guy or I used to be on Raya, so it's like you're just entertaining yourself with other dudes or whatever. And then it's like, I don't have time for any of that now, though. So I feel like...Okay, but do you ever feel like you put yourself in a situation because you know it's going to make a great song.Alex, there are times where my friends have scolded me, and I've been like, he he he. I'm like, no, The content we are going to get from this is going to be spectacular. Bear with me.Okay, to be fair, I think when I look back at a lot of my show, I'm like, I maybe stayed in things longer because I was like, God, this is going to be a good episode. And at least we're getting to put it somewhere where a lot of times you hear girls be doing it for the plot, but our plot turns into a song or an episode that is entertaining and fun and can help people. So you know what? We can be the vessel of heartbreak, and we can just keep going through it, and then people are going to feel better about their lives. So I don't judge you. I hope you know I've done it, too. So I was asking because I was like, Oh, I wonder if she's like me, where we just stay in things like that.There will be times where... There was a situation not that long ago where I did something, and I texted to my manager and I said, We're going to get a good song out of this. Also, make me a therapy appointment for tomorrow.No, no, no, no. Can you... No. No? Give me a hint. Give me a hint. You were going through it.Yeah. It was just like a... It was a fresh out the slammer by Taylor's first situation.I wonder if I know who you're talking about. No. No? No? Maybe. I'm going to get there. Don't worry. I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. You're not done. Do you believe in the classic saying, In order to get over someone, you need to get under someone new?I think you should go to therapy. No. I think.You're like, Actually, therapy. You're like, What I know in my brain is therapy. The reality of what I do?Well, I don't think that always helps because I think I've tried that before, and then it's like you end up just missing them more. You know what I mean? It can go. It maybe works out, but I feel like for the most part, it doesn't. And for me, when I go to therapy and then I tell my therapist how I'm getting treated, that usually helps me get over it.Right. They're like, let me... That's what it's so rough.Let me bring you back down to Earth and lets you realize how you're supposed to be treated. I'm like, oh, shit.That's the worst when they're like, so let me say back to you what you just said to me. And I'm like, no. And she's like, so you just said he did this, this, this, and this to you, and you called him the next morning, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, of course. He said he was sorry. Dude, that is humbling. Okay, so now I agree, though. It's very rare if you're moving on from someone that you can find someone that will actually make you forget about the person that you're hung up on. That's fucking rare. Maybe my life has had it once, and then it also fades anyways. Right.And then you're with the person, you're still thinking about the other person. So it's like, this is not for anyone involved.No. Okay, let's talk about Megan now, though, because I did catch when you said, oh, it got worse.Just for a second there. It got worse, though.It got worse, sir. It got real worse, sir. You get out of college. And what happened after college? Did you get cheated on by another?I did. Absolutely. Of course I did, Alex. So there was this guy. I moved to Nashville right after college, literally during COVID. So that was a horrible time to move anywhere, but I was just dying to get after it. So I can't remember if it was... I guess I had a boyfriend during COVID. That doesn't count. It was a long distance thing. That was just really stupid to try to date someone long distance during COVID. I don't know what- No, it doesn't work. But after that, I dated a guy in Nashville. Well, actually, we weren't officially dating. Those are the worst. I know I'm saying this story, and everyone's going to think it's about someone, but I'm just going to say that it's not this person. Morgan Wallen. It's not him. This is not this story. This is someone else. That's good for the next story. Okay, perfect. But this right now is not about him. I dated some guy. He had a I had a whole girlfriend the whole time. I was with him every single day. He had a girlfriend.Megan. He wasn't just cheating. The trust issues that are coming out of this episode.Dude. I could not believe it. He was low-key insane, though. When I first met him, he called my friends into the bathroom and was crying about the feelings he had for me. There was something not right up here. No. And that's who Sleep On My Side is about. I have a song called I Sleep On My Side, and You Sleep With Everyone. That's about him.Your voice in a person is insane.It's like, what? What? And we weren't officially dating him because I wouldn't date him because I had the feeling that I got. He had a girlfriend the entire time. I get a Hey, Girl DM.No. Yeah. No.Hey, Girl DM. Not a Hey, Girl. And she's like, I think you're talking to my boyfriend. And I was like, Your boyfriend? And then once I cut things off with him, I immediately cut things off because Because I was like, That is insane. I'm with you every single day, and you have a girlfriend, a whole girlfriend, not even just... And they've been dating for years. I can't.Men. Did you confront him?Oh, of course. Yeah, I was like, literally never speak to me again. I know we're not together, but we're breaking up. So this man sends me flowers. No. The girl is trying to get information out of me. I think you're being crazy. He's not actually with you. And I'm like, Girl, I'm telling you, girl to girl. He sent me flowers. She was like, No, he didn't. He would not do that. He just said he didn't send you flowers. And I was like... And this guy, he met my family, not on purpose, but just because there was a wedding during New Year's and I needed a date. Classic. I wasn't on purpose, but he accidentally met my whole family. So it wasn't just casual. And he had a whole girlfriend.But the problem is, and I think this is a learning lesson for all of us, is the girl that's like, No, I think you're being crazy, boba. She's in her hair in the shower phase where she believes. She's like, he must be telling me the truth. She's a liar. She clearly probably figured it out one day.I felt bad, and I literally was like, genuinely run. Because if he can be that scary to you, clearly, he's manipulating you really badly. He's trying to lie to me, too. But I've already been manipulated by Shower Man, my first boyfriend, the junior year guy. I'm like, Girl, I'm a veteran. I'm like, Girl, I'm watching out for you. You need to run. I think since I see her on my For You page sometime. I think since then, she has moved on.Oh, my God. You're going to say they're married. I'm like, It's a classic. It's a classic. Damn. Okay.But yeah, that was a situation, and that was another thing where looking back, I was like, he cried to my friends about liking me so much. I think the screws were loose, some manipulation thing. I'm not sure what's going on there, but- That's when you know, if it's too early on and he's sobbing, you're like, first of all, why are you crying.It's not that deep. We haven't even said we loved each other, and we're also not even dating yet. So let's reel in the emotions. What is this act? It's a performance.And my friends were confused because they were like, That's really sweet, but we're, What's going on?And then clearly, it's all a façade to get you more attached and get you more into it. And then, meanwhile, he has a full-ass fucking family at home, and you're like, damn. That was insane. Okay, so Megan. Hey. Did you date Morgan Molen? Never exclusively. And goodbye.Okay. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. It's been so much fun.And goodbye, everyone. And let's go talk off camera. Okay, interesting. Not exclusively. I think it's obvious, and that's why I do appreciate you being honest, because I feel like everyone knows.And I have so tried to avoid that long time. We were not just friends. And now we're friends.I love that answer. Okay, Okay. So you guys had a little thing. A little thing, but you weren't officially dating.Yeah, no, never officially dating.But as we talked about, Megan, those can be the worst.Yeah, I will say if anyone's overly sensitive and will get their heart broken and Yeah, it's me.How did you keep something like that, that private?It's not that hard. I feel like he's a very private person.You think? Yeah. So you just maneuvered around?Well, Yeah. It was me like shit and will make these moments. They will be here for these moments and not ruin them.I love that. And I think you're so right. It's like being in front of all of your fans must be just a euphoric feeling. And it puts things in perspective of you are so talented, you're so incredible. You're so smart. You're funny. Even sitting with you now, I feel like we're friends. You're a great time. The right person will come, and those type of moments, as hard as they are right before, it's like it puts in perspective. You're going to be fine. If I was to put all of your exes in a lineup, do you have a type? Personality-wise, looks-wise, what are we working with?Personality-wise, I love when someone can match my humor. I realized with my last boyfriend that humor is very important to me.You're like, I I was falling asleep at dinner, Alex. Let's put it that way.Yeah, I love humor. That'll get me. That'll get me real quick. What happened with some of my exes is that I would be so mad at them, and they would know that humor is my weakness. So all they had to do is make me laugh. And then I'm like, We're so back.They're going to make you giggle as you're crying.They're like, We're so back. So I think humor is number one. I also really I realized I want a guy... I realized that ego, I'm older now, too. And my last relationship, real relationship, I would say, was one of my first real adult relationships. And I can't deal with any ego. It's tough. I felt like I wasn't being supported. So that was like, he didn't want to listen to my music. I'm sorry. I didn't know about his job.Wait. Hold on.Through In therapy, I'm realizing that that's an ego thing, and I'm like, oh, we can't do that.Hold on. First of all, even you just... You on TikTok and your acoustics, I was literally talking to all the girls, and every girl was like, okay, I just wish she would sing for two seconds so I can hear her voice. You just did it earlier. I'm like, you have an insane voice. The perks of dating a fucking musician is being like, babe, sing for me, and you get to be serenaded. And he didn't want to hear your fucking perfect voice.No, he didn't. Well, there was a It's a time where... Dude. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too into it. But what sucks about therapy is that when you get into therapy, you realize that the problems are deeper than you. And it's like, then you just feel bad. So that's... Back to my type, though. I think I need funny. I easily get blinded by abs and height. I've done a lot of dumb shit for 6, 5.I love that. I've seen on TikTok, it's like, you rank what's most important to you. Some girls are super into The arms or the back or the eyes, the teeth, your abs.Oh, my God. I'm going to fold. I'm going to fold.You're literally in a fight. He cheated. He just takes off his shirt.You're like, We're back. So, yeah, height, too. But I I really... I think as far as... I'm not looking for a relationship, but if I was to be looking for someone, I think they would have to be funny, supportive. And I think those are the main two.Well, I think that something that I can I can immediately tell because you're so successful and you're this young, gorgeous woman is I can imagine you're going to need to find a man that's so secure within himself because to have someone across from you, and I've had it, where you're a successful woman, that already is intimidating to people, even if they're not dating you. People are going to talk shit about you. They're going to find a reason not to like you because people get jealous or they're intimidated, whatever the angle is. And so for a man to not be able to be like, That's my fucking girl, and proud of you, and instead, trying to make you feel insecure and push you down and make you not feel like you're thriving, that can get so fucking toxic and can really impact you.Well, that's how I felt. Any time I would be proud of myself, it was like, he felt like he He decided to humble me. So I got nominated for some ACM awards. Yeah, you did. I texted him. This was when we were broken up but still trying to make things work because like I said, I will be a dead horse till it's- You're there till the end. Especially dead. And he was like, oh, my God, that's so great. Congrats. And then it's like, oh, my God, I have a crazy day at work. Just immediately- Switching it.Yeah. Not like, oh, my God, babe, let me take you out for dinner. We're going to toast. This is so fun. Let's celebrate tonight.And I realized that that is going to be important to me. But I also then with fucking therapy, it's like I do understand that it would be hard to date me. My personal life revolves around my work life, which is not for everyone. And I totally understand that. Any time I get to hang out with you one on one because we're chilling is because my career is not in the way, which is almost never. I feel like that's why dating right now is just really hard because I don't want to let up on my career. I feel like I'm all in in it right now, and I'm so much enjoying it. I told my therapist, I was like, Am I being crazy? And she was like, You're 26. Why would you not be all in in your career?Dude, I was also going to say, I remember feeling like I I was never going to find a guy that could handle what I was doing. And I was the same way. I'm like, I'm literally not stopping. I have so much I want to fucking do. I'm so motivated, and I want to push myself. And then I promise you, once you just get in that mindset, the right person will come along that you're so good in what you're doing, and you're so not willing to waver and have a couple of months where you get swept off your feet and you're not focused. That person will come in because no one else will be able to getbeing like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?What the fuck?Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.And if you are being toxic, you're aware.Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.I love you. I love you.


easier because you can just, Oh, go out and meet some hot guy or I used to be on Raya, so it's like you're just entertaining yourself with other dudes or whatever. And then it's like, I don't have time for any of that now, though. So I feel like...


Okay, but do you ever feel like you put yourself in a situation because you know it's going to make a great song.


Alex, there are times where my friends have scolded me, and I've been like, he he he. I'm like, no, The content we are going to get from this is going to be spectacular. Bear with me.


Okay, to be fair, I think when I look back at a lot of my show, I'm like, I maybe stayed in things longer because I was like, God, this is going to be a good episode. And at least we're getting to put it somewhere where a lot of times you hear girls be doing it for the plot, but our plot turns into a song or an episode that is entertaining and fun and can help people. So you know what? We can be the vessel of heartbreak, and we can just keep going through it, and then people are going to feel better about their lives. So I don't judge you. I hope you know I've done it, too. So I was asking because I was like, Oh, I wonder if she's like me, where we just stay in things like that.


There will be times where... There was a situation not that long ago where I did something, and I texted to my manager and I said, We're going to get a good song out of this. Also, make me a therapy appointment for tomorrow.


No, no, no, no. Can you... No. No? Give me a hint. Give me a hint. You were going through it.


Yeah. It was just like a... It was a fresh out the slammer by Taylor's first situation.


I wonder if I know who you're talking about. No. No? No? Maybe. I'm going to get there. Don't worry. I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. You're not done. Do you believe in the classic saying, In order to get over someone, you need to get under someone new?


I think you should go to therapy. No. I think.


You're like, Actually, therapy. You're like, What I know in my brain is therapy. The reality of what I do?


Well, I don't think that always helps because I think I've tried that before, and then it's like you end up just missing them more. You know what I mean? It can go. It maybe works out, but I feel like for the most part, it doesn't. And for me, when I go to therapy and then I tell my therapist how I'm getting treated, that usually helps me get over it.


Right. They're like, let me... That's what it's so rough.


Let me bring you back down to Earth and lets you realize how you're supposed to be treated. I'm like, oh, shit.


That's the worst when they're like, so let me say back to you what you just said to me. And I'm like, no. And she's like, so you just said he did this, this, this, and this to you, and you called him the next morning, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, of course. He said he was sorry. Dude, that is humbling. Okay, so now I agree, though. It's very rare if you're moving on from someone that you can find someone that will actually make you forget about the person that you're hung up on. That's fucking rare. Maybe my life has had it once, and then it also fades anyways. Right.


And then you're with the person, you're still thinking about the other person. So it's like, this is not for anyone involved.


No. Okay, let's talk about Megan now, though, because I did catch when you said, oh, it got worse.


Just for a second there. It got worse, though.


It got worse, sir. It got real worse, sir. You get out of college. And what happened after college? Did you get cheated on by another?


I did. Absolutely. Of course I did, Alex. So there was this guy. I moved to Nashville right after college, literally during COVID. So that was a horrible time to move anywhere, but I was just dying to get after it. So I can't remember if it was... I guess I had a boyfriend during COVID. That doesn't count. It was a long distance thing. That was just really stupid to try to date someone long distance during COVID. I don't know what- No, it doesn't work. But after that, I dated a guy in Nashville. Well, actually, we weren't officially dating. Those are the worst. I know I'm saying this story, and everyone's going to think it's about someone, but I'm just going to say that it's not this person. Morgan Wallen. It's not him. This is not this story. This is someone else. That's good for the next story. Okay, perfect. But this right now is not about him. I dated some guy. He had a I had a whole girlfriend the whole time. I was with him every single day. He had a girlfriend.


Megan. He wasn't just cheating. The trust issues that are coming out of this episode.


Dude. I could not believe it. He was low-key insane, though. When I first met him, he called my friends into the bathroom and was crying about the feelings he had for me. There was something not right up here. No. And that's who Sleep On My Side is about. I have a song called I Sleep On My Side, and You Sleep With Everyone. That's about him.


Your voice in a person is insane.


It's like, what? What? And we weren't officially dating him because I wouldn't date him because I had the feeling that I got. He had a girlfriend the entire time. I get a Hey, Girl DM.


No. Yeah. No.


Hey, Girl DM. Not a Hey, Girl. And she's like, I think you're talking to my boyfriend. And I was like, Your boyfriend? And then once I cut things off with him, I immediately cut things off because Because I was like, That is insane. I'm with you every single day, and you have a girlfriend, a whole girlfriend, not even just... And they've been dating for years. I can't.


Men. Did you confront him?


Oh, of course. Yeah, I was like, literally never speak to me again. I know we're not together, but we're breaking up. So this man sends me flowers. No. The girl is trying to get information out of me. I think you're being crazy. He's not actually with you. And I'm like, Girl, I'm telling you, girl to girl. He sent me flowers. She was like, No, he didn't. He would not do that. He just said he didn't send you flowers. And I was like... And this guy, he met my family, not on purpose, but just because there was a wedding during New Year's and I needed a date. Classic. I wasn't on purpose, but he accidentally met my whole family. So it wasn't just casual. And he had a whole girlfriend.


But the problem is, and I think this is a learning lesson for all of us, is the girl that's like, No, I think you're being crazy, boba. She's in her hair in the shower phase where she believes. She's like, he must be telling me the truth. She's a liar. She clearly probably figured it out one day.


I felt bad, and I literally was like, genuinely run. Because if he can be that scary to you, clearly, he's manipulating you really badly. He's trying to lie to me, too. But I've already been manipulated by Shower Man, my first boyfriend, the junior year guy. I'm like, Girl, I'm a veteran. I'm like, Girl, I'm watching out for you. You need to run. I think since I see her on my For You page sometime. I think since then, she has moved on.


Oh, my God. You're going to say they're married. I'm like, It's a classic. It's a classic. Damn. Okay.


But yeah, that was a situation, and that was another thing where looking back, I was like, he cried to my friends about liking me so much. I think the screws were loose, some manipulation thing. I'm not sure what's going on there, but- That's when you know, if it's too early on and he's sobbing, you're like, first of all, why are you crying.


It's not that deep. We haven't even said we loved each other, and we're also not even dating yet. So let's reel in the emotions. What is this act? It's a performance.


And my friends were confused because they were like, That's really sweet, but we're, What's going on?


And then clearly, it's all a façade to get you more attached and get you more into it. And then, meanwhile, he has a full-ass fucking family at home, and you're like, damn. That was insane. Okay, so Megan. Hey. Did you date Morgan Molen? Never exclusively. And goodbye.


Okay. Oh, my God. Thank you so much. It's been so much fun.


And goodbye, everyone. And let's go talk off camera. Okay, interesting. Not exclusively. I think it's obvious, and that's why I do appreciate you being honest, because I feel like everyone knows.


And I have so tried to avoid that long time. We were not just friends. And now we're friends.I love that answer. Okay, Okay. So you guys had a little thing. A little thing, but you weren't officially dating.Yeah, no, never officially dating.But as we talked about, Megan, those can be the worst.Yeah, I will say if anyone's overly sensitive and will get their heart broken and Yeah, it's me.How did you keep something like that, that private?It's not that hard. I feel like he's a very private person.You think? Yeah. So you just maneuvered around?Well, Yeah. It was me like shit and will make these moments. They will be here for these moments and not ruin them.I love that. And I think you're so right. It's like being in front of all of your fans must be just a euphoric feeling. And it puts things in perspective of you are so talented, you're so incredible. You're so smart. You're funny. Even sitting with you now, I feel like we're friends. You're a great time. The right person will come, and those type of moments, as hard as they are right before, it's like it puts in perspective. You're going to be fine. If I was to put all of your exes in a lineup, do you have a type? Personality-wise, looks-wise, what are we working with?Personality-wise, I love when someone can match my humor. I realized with my last boyfriend that humor is very important to me.You're like, I I was falling asleep at dinner, Alex. Let's put it that way.Yeah, I love humor. That'll get me. That'll get me real quick. What happened with some of my exes is that I would be so mad at them, and they would know that humor is my weakness. So all they had to do is make me laugh. And then I'm like, We're so back.They're going to make you giggle as you're crying.They're like, We're so back. So I think humor is number one. I also really I realized I want a guy... I realized that ego, I'm older now, too. And my last relationship, real relationship, I would say, was one of my first real adult relationships. And I can't deal with any ego. It's tough. I felt like I wasn't being supported. So that was like, he didn't want to listen to my music. I'm sorry. I didn't know about his job.Wait. Hold on.Through In therapy, I'm realizing that that's an ego thing, and I'm like, oh, we can't do that.Hold on. First of all, even you just... You on TikTok and your acoustics, I was literally talking to all the girls, and every girl was like, okay, I just wish she would sing for two seconds so I can hear her voice. You just did it earlier. I'm like, you have an insane voice. The perks of dating a fucking musician is being like, babe, sing for me, and you get to be serenaded. And he didn't want to hear your fucking perfect voice.No, he didn't. Well, there was a It's a time where... Dude. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too into it. But what sucks about therapy is that when you get into therapy, you realize that the problems are deeper than you. And it's like, then you just feel bad. So that's... Back to my type, though. I think I need funny. I easily get blinded by abs and height. I've done a lot of dumb shit for 6, 5.I love that. I've seen on TikTok, it's like, you rank what's most important to you. Some girls are super into The arms or the back or the eyes, the teeth, your abs.Oh, my God. I'm going to fold. I'm going to fold.You're literally in a fight. He cheated. He just takes off his shirt.You're like, We're back. So, yeah, height, too. But I I really... I think as far as... I'm not looking for a relationship, but if I was to be looking for someone, I think they would have to be funny, supportive. And I think those are the main two.Well, I think that something that I can I can immediately tell because you're so successful and you're this young, gorgeous woman is I can imagine you're going to need to find a man that's so secure within himself because to have someone across from you, and I've had it, where you're a successful woman, that already is intimidating to people, even if they're not dating you. People are going to talk shit about you. They're going to find a reason not to like you because people get jealous or they're intimidated, whatever the angle is. And so for a man to not be able to be like, That's my fucking girl, and proud of you, and instead, trying to make you feel insecure and push you down and make you not feel like you're thriving, that can get so fucking toxic and can really impact you.Well, that's how I felt. Any time I would be proud of myself, it was like, he felt like he He decided to humble me. So I got nominated for some ACM awards. Yeah, you did. I texted him. This was when we were broken up but still trying to make things work because like I said, I will be a dead horse till it's- You're there till the end. Especially dead. And he was like, oh, my God, that's so great. Congrats. And then it's like, oh, my God, I have a crazy day at work. Just immediately- Switching it.Yeah. Not like, oh, my God, babe, let me take you out for dinner. We're going to toast. This is so fun. Let's celebrate tonight.And I realized that that is going to be important to me. But I also then with fucking therapy, it's like I do understand that it would be hard to date me. My personal life revolves around my work life, which is not for everyone. And I totally understand that. Any time I get to hang out with you one on one because we're chilling is because my career is not in the way, which is almost never. I feel like that's why dating right now is just really hard because I don't want to let up on my career. I feel like I'm all in in it right now, and I'm so much enjoying it. I told my therapist, I was like, Am I being crazy? And she was like, You're 26. Why would you not be all in in your career?Dude, I was also going to say, I remember feeling like I I was never going to find a guy that could handle what I was doing. And I was the same way. I'm like, I'm literally not stopping. I have so much I want to fucking do. I'm so motivated, and I want to push myself. And then I promise you, once you just get in that mindset, the right person will come along that you're so good in what you're doing, and you're so not willing to waver and have a couple of months where you get swept off your feet and you're not focused. That person will come in because no one else will be able to getbeing like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?What the fuck?Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.And if you are being toxic, you're aware.Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.I love you. I love you.


long time. We were not just friends. And now we're friends.


I love that answer. Okay, Okay. So you guys had a little thing. A little thing, but you weren't officially dating.


Yeah, no, never officially dating.


But as we talked about, Megan, those can be the worst.


Yeah, I will say if anyone's overly sensitive and will get their heart broken and Yeah, it's me.


How did you keep something like that, that private?


It's not that hard. I feel like he's a very private person.


You think? Yeah. So you just maneuvered around?


Well, Yeah. It was me like shit and will make these moments. They will be here for these moments and not ruin them.I love that. And I think you're so right. It's like being in front of all of your fans must be just a euphoric feeling. And it puts things in perspective of you are so talented, you're so incredible. You're so smart. You're funny. Even sitting with you now, I feel like we're friends. You're a great time. The right person will come, and those type of moments, as hard as they are right before, it's like it puts in perspective. You're going to be fine. If I was to put all of your exes in a lineup, do you have a type? Personality-wise, looks-wise, what are we working with?Personality-wise, I love when someone can match my humor. I realized with my last boyfriend that humor is very important to me.You're like, I I was falling asleep at dinner, Alex. Let's put it that way.Yeah, I love humor. That'll get me. That'll get me real quick. What happened with some of my exes is that I would be so mad at them, and they would know that humor is my weakness. So all they had to do is make me laugh. And then I'm like, We're so back.They're going to make you giggle as you're crying.They're like, We're so back. So I think humor is number one. I also really I realized I want a guy... I realized that ego, I'm older now, too. And my last relationship, real relationship, I would say, was one of my first real adult relationships. And I can't deal with any ego. It's tough. I felt like I wasn't being supported. So that was like, he didn't want to listen to my music. I'm sorry. I didn't know about his job.Wait. Hold on.Through In therapy, I'm realizing that that's an ego thing, and I'm like, oh, we can't do that.Hold on. First of all, even you just... You on TikTok and your acoustics, I was literally talking to all the girls, and every girl was like, okay, I just wish she would sing for two seconds so I can hear her voice. You just did it earlier. I'm like, you have an insane voice. The perks of dating a fucking musician is being like, babe, sing for me, and you get to be serenaded. And he didn't want to hear your fucking perfect voice.No, he didn't. Well, there was a It's a time where... Dude. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too into it. But what sucks about therapy is that when you get into therapy, you realize that the problems are deeper than you. And it's like, then you just feel bad. So that's... Back to my type, though. I think I need funny. I easily get blinded by abs and height. I've done a lot of dumb shit for 6, 5.I love that. I've seen on TikTok, it's like, you rank what's most important to you. Some girls are super into The arms or the back or the eyes, the teeth, your abs.Oh, my God. I'm going to fold. I'm going to fold.You're literally in a fight. He cheated. He just takes off his shirt.You're like, We're back. So, yeah, height, too. But I I really... I think as far as... I'm not looking for a relationship, but if I was to be looking for someone, I think they would have to be funny, supportive. And I think those are the main two.Well, I think that something that I can I can immediately tell because you're so successful and you're this young, gorgeous woman is I can imagine you're going to need to find a man that's so secure within himself because to have someone across from you, and I've had it, where you're a successful woman, that already is intimidating to people, even if they're not dating you. People are going to talk shit about you. They're going to find a reason not to like you because people get jealous or they're intimidated, whatever the angle is. And so for a man to not be able to be like, That's my fucking girl, and proud of you, and instead, trying to make you feel insecure and push you down and make you not feel like you're thriving, that can get so fucking toxic and can really impact you.Well, that's how I felt. Any time I would be proud of myself, it was like, he felt like he He decided to humble me. So I got nominated for some ACM awards. Yeah, you did. I texted him. This was when we were broken up but still trying to make things work because like I said, I will be a dead horse till it's- You're there till the end. Especially dead. And he was like, oh, my God, that's so great. Congrats. And then it's like, oh, my God, I have a crazy day at work. Just immediately- Switching it.Yeah. Not like, oh, my God, babe, let me take you out for dinner. We're going to toast. This is so fun. Let's celebrate tonight.And I realized that that is going to be important to me. But I also then with fucking therapy, it's like I do understand that it would be hard to date me. My personal life revolves around my work life, which is not for everyone. And I totally understand that. Any time I get to hang out with you one on one because we're chilling is because my career is not in the way, which is almost never. I feel like that's why dating right now is just really hard because I don't want to let up on my career. I feel like I'm all in in it right now, and I'm so much enjoying it. I told my therapist, I was like, Am I being crazy? And she was like, You're 26. Why would you not be all in in your career?Dude, I was also going to say, I remember feeling like I I was never going to find a guy that could handle what I was doing. And I was the same way. I'm like, I'm literally not stopping. I have so much I want to fucking do. I'm so motivated, and I want to push myself. And then I promise you, once you just get in that mindset, the right person will come along that you're so good in what you're doing, and you're so not willing to waver and have a couple of months where you get swept off your feet and you're not focused. That person will come in because no one else will be able to getbeing like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?What the fuck?Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.And if you are being toxic, you're aware.Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.I love you. I love you.


me like shit and will make these moments. They will be here for these moments and not ruin them.


I love that. And I think you're so right. It's like being in front of all of your fans must be just a euphoric feeling. And it puts things in perspective of you are so talented, you're so incredible. You're so smart. You're funny. Even sitting with you now, I feel like we're friends. You're a great time. The right person will come, and those type of moments, as hard as they are right before, it's like it puts in perspective. You're going to be fine. If I was to put all of your exes in a lineup, do you have a type? Personality-wise, looks-wise, what are we working with?


Personality-wise, I love when someone can match my humor. I realized with my last boyfriend that humor is very important to me.


You're like, I I was falling asleep at dinner, Alex. Let's put it that way.


Yeah, I love humor. That'll get me. That'll get me real quick. What happened with some of my exes is that I would be so mad at them, and they would know that humor is my weakness. So all they had to do is make me laugh. And then I'm like, We're so back.


They're going to make you giggle as you're crying.


They're like, We're so back. So I think humor is number one. I also really I realized I want a guy... I realized that ego, I'm older now, too. And my last relationship, real relationship, I would say, was one of my first real adult relationships. And I can't deal with any ego. It's tough. I felt like I wasn't being supported. So that was like, he didn't want to listen to my music. I'm sorry. I didn't know about his job.


Wait. Hold on.


Through In therapy, I'm realizing that that's an ego thing, and I'm like, oh, we can't do that.


Hold on. First of all, even you just... You on TikTok and your acoustics, I was literally talking to all the girls, and every girl was like, okay, I just wish she would sing for two seconds so I can hear her voice. You just did it earlier. I'm like, you have an insane voice. The perks of dating a fucking musician is being like, babe, sing for me, and you get to be serenaded. And he didn't want to hear your fucking perfect voice.


No, he didn't. Well, there was a It's a time where... Dude. Yeah. I mean, I don't want to get too into it. But what sucks about therapy is that when you get into therapy, you realize that the problems are deeper than you. And it's like, then you just feel bad. So that's... Back to my type, though. I think I need funny. I easily get blinded by abs and height. I've done a lot of dumb shit for 6, 5.


I love that. I've seen on TikTok, it's like, you rank what's most important to you. Some girls are super into The arms or the back or the eyes, the teeth, your abs.


Oh, my God. I'm going to fold. I'm going to fold.


You're literally in a fight. He cheated. He just takes off his shirt.


You're like, We're back. So, yeah, height, too. But I I really... I think as far as... I'm not looking for a relationship, but if I was to be looking for someone, I think they would have to be funny, supportive. And I think those are the main two.


Well, I think that something that I can I can immediately tell because you're so successful and you're this young, gorgeous woman is I can imagine you're going to need to find a man that's so secure within himself because to have someone across from you, and I've had it, where you're a successful woman, that already is intimidating to people, even if they're not dating you. People are going to talk shit about you. They're going to find a reason not to like you because people get jealous or they're intimidated, whatever the angle is. And so for a man to not be able to be like, That's my fucking girl, and proud of you, and instead, trying to make you feel insecure and push you down and make you not feel like you're thriving, that can get so fucking toxic and can really impact you.


Well, that's how I felt. Any time I would be proud of myself, it was like, he felt like he He decided to humble me. So I got nominated for some ACM awards. Yeah, you did. I texted him. This was when we were broken up but still trying to make things work because like I said, I will be a dead horse till it's- You're there till the end. Especially dead. And he was like, oh, my God, that's so great. Congrats. And then it's like, oh, my God, I have a crazy day at work. Just immediately- Switching it.


Yeah. Not like, oh, my God, babe, let me take you out for dinner. We're going to toast. This is so fun. Let's celebrate tonight.


And I realized that that is going to be important to me. But I also then with fucking therapy, it's like I do understand that it would be hard to date me. My personal life revolves around my work life, which is not for everyone. And I totally understand that. Any time I get to hang out with you one on one because we're chilling is because my career is not in the way, which is almost never. I feel like that's why dating right now is just really hard because I don't want to let up on my career. I feel like I'm all in in it right now, and I'm so much enjoying it. I told my therapist, I was like, Am I being crazy? And she was like, You're 26. Why would you not be all in in your career?


Dude, I was also going to say, I remember feeling like I I was never going to find a guy that could handle what I was doing. And I was the same way. I'm like, I'm literally not stopping. I have so much I want to fucking do. I'm so motivated, and I want to push myself. And then I promise you, once you just get in that mindset, the right person will come along that you're so good in what you're doing, and you're so not willing to waver and have a couple of months where you get swept off your feet and you're not focused. That person will come in because no one else will be able to getbeing like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?What the fuck?Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.And if you are being toxic, you're aware.Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.I love you. I love you.


being like, okay, I need to change things up. That's what has also been so fun about this show is growing with the audience and being like, for sure, we can be toxic as fuck, and there is no one better at literally.


And I I personally think you have to be toxic in order to heal, because if you're just healed, what the fuck?


What the fuck?


Barring. There's a time and place to be healed.


And trust me, the toxic will always lightly be there, but it's not toxic. It's more just a little bit of the crazy.


And if you are being toxic, you're aware.


Sometimes, Matt. Sometimes Matt literally looks at me and is like, Alex, you're being old. You stop it. I'm like, Oh, sorry. I just wanted to feel something for a minute. Sometimes As a crazy comes out, but it's controlled crazy. Agreed. Because of therapy. Okay, last question. For anyone who is getting to know you today and is becoming a bigger fan, what do you hope they take away from this interview and learn about you?


I mean, I hope it draws them to my music. I think that on my album, it feels just like living. I say it's like living as a 20-something-year-old, but it's also I feel like anyone could find something that they want or like, and it's just about life. And so I feel like if you're a fan of mine, hopefully you get to know me better. I feel like it's hard. I try to let people get to know me on the Internet and at my shows, but I feel like this is the first time I've sat down after everything has happened. So I feel like this is... Yeah, I hope everyone feels like they know me better, and maybe they find a song they like.


I feel like I know you better. I love you even more, and your personality is fucking amazing. And you said before we started talking, you were like, I don't know if I like my voice. You have a fucking amazing voice.


Shut up. It's so annoying. I'm not going to even be able to listen to this back. It's like nails on a chocolate.


Trust me, you crushed it. Thank you so much for coming on. This was an honor. I'm so happy we got to meet and hang out. I love you.


I love you. I love you.