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Do you call him Daddy? Do I call her daddy? Call her daddy. Daddy. Gang, can you hear me? Hello, it is the Alexandra Cooper and I am sitting with what I would consider the ultimate daddy.


Yasmin. Yasmin, you're not supposed to talk yet. Oh, sorry.


No, it's fine. My first podcast, you can talk about. No, no, no, it's fine. Guys. Introducing Miley fucking Cyrus.


Thank you for having me. Thank you for coming to my house. Thank you for sitting under the disco tree.


I'm just feeling kind of like vibes right now.


Oh, it's vibing well to our right.


Miley and I have penises.


Two penises.




So before you got here, I ran into my living room one. I think everyone in my house got a little scared when I was like, oh, I have dildos. I should put them on the table. They're, like, inappropriate. Don't do that. But they're not quite dildos. They've never been used. No, no. By me.


Anyway, this is the call her daddy podcast. It would be okay if people were, like, having sex behind us. Like, we live for anything sexual.


So this is good. The safer platform for me. That's why I'm not doing much press besides this.


Okay, perfect.


This is the only place that is probably appropriate.


Right, right, right. Cause I'll take it too far and then you can, like, bring it down, which is like, maybe a little different for you than normal. Okay, we love this. So the fucking song. Let me tell you a little story.




Okay. So I'm sitting in my hotel room and Kelly, the woman that's here with me in LA, is like, I'm gonna play you Miley song. We're gonna get you to play Miley song. And I'm like, I have never in my life. If you have told me that I was going to be listening to your song early release, I'm like, what is my life? I'm a fucking loser from Pennsylvania. Like, what's happening? I listen to the song. I have an orgasm. No, I'm just kidding. Oh, I am, like, wet listening to your song. Miley. Miley. Midnight sky.




Tell us about it. It's iconic. I'm sorry. Like, I'm getting excited for midnight sky.


I'm like, very, very into. I mean, kind of throughout my career, I've felt like I've been able to introduce my fans to music they may not know. Like, whether it's sitting in this backyard and covering Jolene for backyard sessions or playing, like, I have this really funny video that I love of playing smells like teen spirit when I was on the Hannah Montana tour, and, like, all the kids were really upset about it and weren't digging it at all.


Like, miley, what do you think?


Yeah. Four random moms were kind of singing along also. I was yelling my libido while all these children. It was, like, a whole thing. And so I felt like I always did these covers, but I wanted one of my own. I wanted a song that felt classic. I wanted a song that felt like it was from the era of which I usually pull my inspiration from. But, like, really not being afraid, really being unapologetic about the tone, the sonics, the lyrics. And as you and I were watching the video and we started talking about, I think it's really special how having this kind of, like, anthemic, you know, pansexual, bisexual anthem of this song that, like, plays with gender roles, and it's, like, unapologetically saying in the chorus, like, my lips on her mouth, and then he's got his hands on my waist, and, like, there's just not songs for people that can identify with, like, these lyrics. And so I just thought that it was a really empowering thing for me and then for my listeners because I just felt like it was a song that felt really honest. And then when you and I were watching the video and talking about, like, how the video kind of just, like, captured my spirit, and I felt like that hasn't really happened before, I felt the same way about the video.


I felt like that was, like, me in my most authentic form. And so it just feels very, um, like, celebratory right now. I just feel that's what we're talking about. Like, how I feel like I'm really just thriving.


That's driving. I. When I heard you, like, the lyric about, like, you kissing around her mouth, I was like, fuck yes. Fuck yes, Queen. Because so many people that listen to my podcast are fucking terrified about embracing who they are. Because you're fortunate that, like, I want to talk to you a little bit about you, like, realizing your sexuality. And I know that you're very open about, like, you love everything and you're not putting yourself in a box. But some people don't live in LA or have parents that would be supportive, and they're fucking terrified. And I feel like this song is just changing the game. Cause it's like you're talking about a woman, you're talking about a man, and it's normal, and it's coming from Miley Cyrus, so you can fucking listen to it. And you can kiss a woman and you can kiss a man and it's fucking fun.


And I like the idea that you kind of say it's normal because I really think that normalization is like the first step to just feeling, like, fully that acceptance. And I think, like, not just for it to feel normal from the outside, but feeling, like, comfortable to you and normal to you. And so, yeah, it was just like definitely writing it in the studio, even with some of my peers trying to kind of explain that to them why it was important because they were like, isn't it kind of confusing? You know, the pop structure is that the chorus says the same thing every time, so it, like, gets burned into your brain. So when you're at a concert and people get wasted, they're never like, wait, what does she say there? You really want it? There's like a formula. You know, I think everyone, whether you make pop music or not, know that there's, like a pop formula. And this really goes against that by having this, like, gender swap in lyrics because, you know, in a way it's challenging the system and challenging structure, which is what I always do.


When I heard I was born to run I don't belong to anyone, I was like, good night. Goodbye. Hello. Welcome to caller Daddy. That's literally like the everything I try to tell anyone that listens this podcast. I'm like, you belong to yourself and you can do whatever the fuck you want and you don't have to apologize for anything. And that lyric, I'm like, oh, my God, Miley, like, you fucking hit it.


And I was kind of thinking about that today, like, even getting ready because, like, before you got here, I had on my hoodie and, like, I had on my hoodie queen, I had all my fucking leggings.


Now she's her tits out.


Now I got my. Exactly. That was my next step.


What. What made you change?


Okay, so you were coming here and I was sitting, like, in my kitchen doing all my. I was kind of thinking about, like, what I would want to say, cuz, like, I usually don't have this freedom just to, like, really talk. That's one thing that I'm learning that I do dig about podcasts. You can really actually get into it.




And sometimes, like, I do feel like on shows you got such a quick amount of time and, like, you're so censored that I don't always get on my full thought. So to. My full thought is I was sitting in my leggings, my sweatshirt and, like, really working and. And then knowing you were coming here, I went and, like, got ready, and I did my makeup in, like, 15 minutes, got everything done in 15 minutes. And I realized, like, something that I thought would be important to say was that I wasn't getting dressed for you, and I wasn't getting dressed for, like, someone to think that I look sexy. I was getting dressed for me. And I think that's something that's different now that I'm a little bit older. That changed. Like, I think maybe that happened, like, through my last breakup. I feel like maybe since I've, like, 26, only in the last year have I felt like I always am doing what I want for me. Because I don't think that there's been a period which, like, know isn't the most relatable thing to say, but there hasn't really been a period for me where I felt, like, super insecure with my sexuality.


Like, I've just been that way. Like, I used to strip naked, completely naked in a cracker barrel when I was age of three and, like, roll around on the ground. That's just, like, who I am.


We love that. And America loved it when you did it more on, like, tv.


Oh, yeah, they loved that. They loved that. So I was thinking about, like, I guess in the last year has been really transformative. And we were talking about on the couch before we started, just about, like, how I felt, like, this self realization period that's going on kind of universally and culturally. I kind of started having that, like, over the past two years through a little bit of trauma, like, physical. Like, my house burning down was, like, basically one of the most transformative periods of my life and going through a massive breakup. And I just feel like one thing that I gained through all the loss is an idea that what I do is for me. And that doesn't mean that you're selfish. And that comes from, like, a lot of the guilt that you and I were talking about before we started this podcast. Also about, like, how much guilt that I feel like I've always had about feeling like I know how fortunate I am, and I don't really feel comfortable with that. I don't feel comfortable with my privilege. And I think the only way through it has been through a little bit of trauma.


And I just want to say, first of all, that's, like, the most beautiful thing, because, like, honestly, coming to your house, I had no fucking clue what to expect. I'm like, I'm about to meet Miley Cyrus. Of course I watched Hannah Montana. Are you fucking kidding me? I made embarrassing music videos pretending to be you when I was younger. And then now, as the call her daddy host, I'm so excited to meet the woman that is so sexually liberated, and it's, like, an icon for our generation. And I had no idea, fully prepared, to walk in and be like, hi, like, kay, sit down. Like, let's have a conversation. You are, like, so normal, and yet you're so not normal, but you're normal. And I think that you saying, like, you've been through trauma, and you're finally, for the first time in your life, like, really, like, I'm gonna do everything for myself. That is so fucking beautiful, because that kind of shows me, no matter how famous you are or whoever is listening in, like, Nebraska, everyone has to have that one period in their life where they're, like, fucked. Am I doing this for a guy, a girl?


Am I doing this for someone else other than me? And then you got to find a fucking way, whether it's through trauma yet fucking suck then. But don't you kind of feel like.


Oh, my God, it fuck.


It was meant to be, because look where I am.


I'm so thankful that all that happened. Yeah. Now I think. I don't know why that popped into my brain when I was, like, getting ready, but, like, I was putting on my little kitten heel.


Yeah, you look amazing.


I was putting on my shit, and I'm like, it's honestly for me.




And, like, I have a lot of guilt, and just in my. I just have. Since I was little, like, I don't know. Things have been very easy for me. Like, I've always been. If I've tried something once, I could do it right. And I know that's not the same for everybody, and I don't know why it's that way for me. And so I had a lot of. I had a really hard time accepting that, and I don't like for things to be easy. I like to work hard.




So I'm one of those people that if I couldn't do it first time, I do it a hundred times until I could, but I've never really had to do that. The only time that I have really had that experience of just trying to do something that wasn't meant for me or not going to work is in relationships. And, like, I think I had a big fear of being alone because I'm always surrounded by people. So, like, my idea of what's it like to be surrounded by people, it's not surrounded by friends. Like, 15 people. It's like 15,000 people, right? And so the idea of how drastic it goes from being full to being empty is just, like, really dramatic. And so there was just, like, a lot of fear, a lot of guilt.


That's kind of a. Yeah, but that. And we love. We were literally talking before the podcast. We're like. So I was like, are you in therapy? I'm like, who asks you that? But I'm like, I love therapy. Do you like therapy?


It's the fucking Miley's.


Like, I fucking love it. It's the best you. I think that's really beautiful, though, that you have enough, like, self reflection to be like, what am I? Nothing. Having success in? And it is relationships. And I can't help but be like, miley, like, you literally have been so famous since you were how young, and then, like, to fight. It's almost like you're now getting to be like, okay, what do I want to do with my life? Because you went for so fucking long performing in front of so many people, pleasing so many people, and now it's like, wait, what makes you happy?


That's actually a really interesting perspective because I never really thought about it that way. And I guess that is kind of. Maybe I'm at the age where that would be, like, getting out of college, starting your first. I mean, most people will be starting their lives now. And I feel like I'm kind of in that, like, mid life success place and, like. Or even, like, beyond the finish line. And there's actually something kind of about. I've read about a lot of athletes that have. It's called winner's blues.




And it's when you felt too much of, like, the dopamine and success and the rush that that crash is just so harsh.


Trust me. Me and athletes on this podcast, we talk about all the time. It's kind of a joke, but, like, I like to hook up with athletes. Yeah, we say their life is so hard because it kind of ends at, like, 30, 40, their career. And then it's like, what do you do?


And it can happen the same thing, especially for, like, females and pop.




Music. There's so much, like, ageism and sexism that I think it's just, you know, you get feeling like, I just think it's a really good perspective to say, oh, my life is kind of starting now. And I'm at a point where I get to decide what do I want to do with it. And that's what you would be doing if you had been spending years in college or an intern or lower on the kind of, like, ranking of your job that now you're at a place where you're, like, 272-8293 where you get to go, okay, like, what am I gonna do with all the skills that I've collected?


Well, can I ask you, because, like, listen, everyone. I think it was the most iconic moment when, like, you were Hannah Montana. And I know probably for a while, you were like, I don't even want to hear that fucking name for a minute because, like, kindly shut the fuck up. My name is Miley Cyrus. You. I mean, the bangers era, when all of a sudden it was like, you took everything to the fucking Max and you were like, this is my clit nipple, and we're ready to roll. Everybody watch me twerk everywhere. And it was iconic, but it was almost like you were trying to break away from the Disney thing. And what do you. When you look back on the era, what do you like? What is it?


What's so weird about that is also that was for me. And, like, just, like, getting. I guess that's the full circle of my story that I was trying to get to was basically. I mean, I was wondering why I wanted to tell you that, but I guess that is why. Because it's so relevant in my career. Like, I never thought. I really, really don't care what anyone else is really doing with their life as long as they're being, like, a good person.




And to me, I just still can't believe that people care so much about what I'm doing. But in the times where I want them to, like, when I'm rallying people to fight injustices or trying to normalize, like, my LGBTQ community that I'm proud to be a part of, when it comes to that, I'm happy that I have the attention that I do. And it's not something that you get a turn on and off. It doesn't come with a switch. And so I am really happy that people are so interested and intrigued by me and my choices in my life, because that means that I really do have a loud, you know, platform.


Yeah, you have a voice.


But I definitely think that that VMA's 2013 era was. Was kind of an awakening. I guess I'm just going through round two right now.


Yeah, but. But it was like, the first one was, like. I mean, obviously. When did you realize, like, oh, I'm not. I'm not just attracted to men. Like, how young were you?


I was attracted to girls way before I ever was attracted to guys.




I was like eleven years old. I used to think that like Minnie Mouse was super fucking hot. And like, which is so good. I ended up on Disney, so my chances with Minnie went up.


Oh my God, you're like Minnie, you, me, let's.


Yes, she was hot to me. I always thought that the female characters and movies were way hotter than any of the guys. I actually never really understood what these girls were doing with these like idiots. So, yeah, so that was kind of it. And then like, yeah, when I was like eleven or twelve, my friends were starting to kind of like tell me what they were doing with guys and I didn't really understand it. So I've got most of my girlfriends to hook up with me.


That is such an amazing person.


I ever hooked up with anyone. Was with the girls.


A girl?


Two of them.


And did you go past first base?




Okay. Of course. Oh my God, absolutely. Okay. And then when did you hook up with a guy?


Um, I hooked up with. Well, I didn't go all the way with the dude. I was 16.


It wasn't Nick Jonas.


It wasn't Nick Jonas, but I ended up marrying the guy.


Oh my God.


That's pretty crazy.


So that's the first guy you hooked up with?


Yeah, which I lied and said that he wasn't the first, so I didn't seem like a loser. Okay, but now you're more of a full circle story. It's so fucking weird cuz I couldn't think of, I couldn't think of anyone. He was like, oh, who have you had sex with? And I couldn't think of anyone. So I just like made somebody up. I knew, but we had never actually had sex before. And then like his friend ended up marrying him and so then it was like, oh, now my friend is marrying someone you've hooked up with. So then when I was like 24, I had to say that I lied when I was.


You're like, so that was a full blown lie. You're actually lying.


It was a lie that I held onto for like ten years.


Wow. And then once you're kind of stuck in a lie, like you're kind of fucked.


Oh, yeah. Then I was like, no reason to like dig old bones.


But then you're like, hey, this is directly affecting our life, so I'll tell you.


Yeah, um, yeah, those so weird. Directly affected like how the fuck did this happen? It's so that everything's pre programmed.


Yeah. This world, it's supposed to happen. Like what's meant to be will be. Do you have, like, a type? I know, like, you. You're attracted to people's souls like, you're attracted to, but do you have, like, who are you in a relationship? I'm so interested know, are you hyper crazy? Like a calm person?


Oh, my God. I actually do kind of need. I usually end up complaining that they're boring, but that's what I need. I.


Me too. I'm realizing I need, like, more calm. Very comp. They have to be. I mean, you're fucking mildly, sir. You need, like, a confident guy. Yeah, but he can't be the same level as you. Like, of, like, screaming.


Definitely need, like, a calming. I need an anchor. I need a weight. But when I was thinking about this yesterday and knowing we're gonna have this conversation, I was thinking about someone has to bring a more to the table than their plate. They can't just be like, fill me up all the fucking time. And I think that's kind of. That's a big part of my life is filling people back up, and that can make me go below zero below. And so it's really important that I feel fulfilled and, yeah, they have to bring something to the table.


Do you think it's, like, hard because of how mega successful you are? Like, how the fuck are you? Like, how would you ever date a normal person? You can't.


So I think that's what ended up making, like, female relationships make more sense to me because the role that I was in made more sense. Oh, that's interesting because it was like, well, there's not gonna be this weird thing that, like, I pay for everything and I, whatever. But that's just like a stereotype too. Like, if I'm gonna be with a girl, like, I'm totally down to be with, like, a boss bitch, that's, like, as successful or more successful than me. That's a. But I felt like the women that end up being around it, like, the role fit easier for me because, like, even in my relationship with men, a lot of the times, like, I kind of hold a more dominant.


You have the power. Like, you wear the pants a little.


Bit more dominant space.


Well, how could you not?


It felt like that made it less uncomfortable.




And then it felt like I was choosing partners out of anxiety, which is, like, so much to do with, like, my therapy journey, too, because I don't want to choose who I'm going to be without, of, like, anxiety stereotype because that's, like, not anything that I represent or believe in the stereotype. So it's like, I need to find a guy that's confident enough in himself that he's okay, that I am masculine and strong and just, like, there's a lot of qualities to me that tend to, like, associate more with the male role.


Yeah, I agree. I think it's kind of beautiful that you've been like, and so I'm okay right now being like, yeah, it works better with a woman, and if I can find a man that can be accepting of that, great. But for right now, for you, the female relationship is working better.


Yeah, this is made a lot more sense, like, at a time. And then, like, what's. What's funny about that, too, is, like, I guess. I don't know. I guess I've just have been very experimental. Like, I've been with a lot of different kinds of, like, dudes and chicks. Like, I've been with, like, super femme girls. Yeah, girls that kind of make me feel more femme. Like, I just really don't have a type. The main thing for me is that someone has to bring something that is elevating my life.




And, like, that's in all my relationships, not just my sexual relationship.


Totally. Yeah. You need people that are going to be just, like, as powerful in a room. It doesn't have. Doesn't. They don't have to be as successful. They don't have to have more money. But you don't want to feel like you're, like, dragging this person and giving this person and you're not getting filled. That's awful. Do you know what your love languages are?


I do.


I don't. You love, like, find out people's love languages. Okay, wait, tell me.


So my love language kind of makes me sound like an asshole, but it's not. It is acts of service.


Oh, yeah. Gifts is more asshole.


Yeah. Gifts are crazy.


Give me a chanel.


Hate gifts.


Okay. Me too.


I really don't like it.




Yeah. They're so embarrassing. I don't know what to do. My face on the right. But I like acts of service because I would say, say that on the giving and the receiving end. Like, if someone that I'm with tells me, like, my closet's driving me crazy, it's totally unorganized. By the time they're home the next day, I've already dealt with it. I'm like that I really love to do things for people. Or if someone says that anything, like, I'll. I remember I. One boyfriend I had, like, I think you thought it was really weird that I made him I made him a bong for his birthday.


Oh, my God, how sweet.


And I, like, handmade this, like, bong. And then I thought he thought it was kind of weird, but it's like, I would rather someone make something for me. And, like. Like, that to me, is like an actor. Like, I took time.


Wait, this is so fascinating also talking to you about this, because just based off of everything we're talking about, you're talking about the way you give love. Like, and then there's two ways you. How the fuck. Miley. Here we go. How do you receive?


So receiving? I also really, really like you.


Like, when I like service. Okay.


Even though things for me. And then my other one is there's.


Physical touch, words of affirmation. Quality time. Quality.


Quality times. My other one. What quality. Emphasis on quality. Like, not just time.




I don't want you just, like, to fill the space.


Right, right.


You to bring something to the fucking table. And that is what I, like, really demand now as, like, I'm getting older.




I allowed so many people to just come and, like, fucking breathtaking to my air and so. And, like, suck out the life of my spaces and, like, I'm just over that.


Yeah. I was gonna ask you, like, how I think a lot of people look, I always talk about it because it's like, I love to talk about sex, but I also like to talk about, like, everyone has been through shitty relationships. Everyone's been through heartbreak. And, like, is there a little, like, tip you can give anyone listening to? Like, getting through any heartbreak? We've all been through relationships that we break up. Like, have you found your.


So I had a very, very public, of course, very, like, big breakup that was over a ten year span of a relationship. And sitting with me now. I would hope you find me to be somewhat this way, which is not the public perception is I'm very logical. I'm very organized.


You are.


And, like, very kind of center. And so I love lists. Lists keep my whole fucking world on track. My world would be wrecked if I didn't make a list.


That's brilliant.


Every day I have a list of what do I want? How am I gonna achieve it? What's the next step? And so with heartbreak, I tried to not get lost in the emotion, not. And I also don't like that with women too. It's like, well, you're a cold bitch. It's like, right? No, no, I have. The world is gonna keep turning. It's like. It's like a death when you lose a love straight, deep, like it feels like a death. It's. Honestly, sometimes that even feels easier because.


It'S more you can like put it to bed and move on. You know, that person still walking around.


Still walking on the earth.




Choosing every day. Because it's a choice, right. Death isn't a choice.




This is a choice. So to not get lost in emotion, to focus on the logics is to make a list of what you were gaining and what you were losing.




What they were contributing to your life and what they were subtracting and to value each of these things by one through ten. So like, fuck.


Miley has it figured out.


Add them all up. And if the person was adding more to your life than you know, what is expected for your next relationship and what they were subtracting, you know, what you will not accept ever again. And so you look at these two things and you go, this is what I. Okay, so one of the things are really important to me in a relationship.




Like, besides active service, I like people taking care of themselves. I think the way someone treats themselves is a reflection of the way that they'll treat you. So I'm like super into like clean eating and I. I'm into people taking care of themselves. I knew that the place to meet my next partner was not going to be at like a fucking Burger King.




If clean eating and self maintenance is going to be important, I know to look in communities where those people are going to gather. I now no longer look at like any sort of AA meetings because I myself have. I don't really want to help someone on their journey. Right, you're helping because I need to take care of my own. Right, right, but I do, you know, you don't like, as someone that's living a sober lifestyle, don't go to the club looking for your next part, you know, so put yourself in places where you'll be successful so you don't get stuck on. I'm just always wasting my time with all these people. It's like you can really control the kind of people that are going to like, flow in and out of your life. Create a filtration system. So I have filtered my life of what I will accept and what I will not.


I am sorry, but like, you just sounded so like, you have it fucking figured out and I know you don't, but like, no, but that shit right there, I'm like, did everyone, is everyone listening? Write that fucking down.


Helps with everything. And like, even people in your life. So you look at the people that, like, matter the most. You, like, my mom matters the most to me, of anyone. So I write down her qualities of what I love about her and I try to find people like that because one day I may not have my mom on this earth and I want to have people that, like, keep her spirit alive through them. And I do think that there's little. There's little sparks of, like, we're all kind of one and we've all just divided into these. Our own little sources of energy and, like, our own little souls, but we're all kind of like one right away, I think. And so I think that I could find little pieces of her and other people.


Dude, that is, like, so fucking beautiful. Wait, you're, like, fucking mature as shit.


I'm not in real life. I still love dicks and all the things, but I think the idea of. Right. That, like, I don't know, I just think that there's a level of. There's a level of logic to every. Not getting lost.


No, that is. That's pretty brilliant. And. Wait, so are you not smoking weed anymore?


Not smoking weed.


Okay, wait, I'm gonna. Okay. In the spirit of, like, being. Call her daddy. I always say, like, okay, I think it's. High sex is the best sex. Drunk sex is a fucking, like, it gets fun sometimes. It's just like, k. And it's like, yeah, so high sex can be the best sex, obviously. And obviously, if you were, like, smoking all the time, you were having high sex. And now that you're not, like, how are you doing?


Okay. I'm doing great. Okay, great thing. Here's the thing about this, which is really funny because, like, my. I'm gonna wait for this to go away because it's gonna get juicy airplanes and the only you I live at, fucking bourbon.




It's really not. It's not. Right?


Yeah, we gotta move.


We got a milk.


We gotta get out of here. Yeah. Miley, like, kind of like lives, like, at the airport happier.


Gives me anxiety. Okay.




But what we're gonna talk about, we're gonna. Oh, high sex, of course. So my identity is much. My identity is related to sex in a much deeper way than my sexuality as a. If that makes any sense. So, like. So my identity and who I am as a person is very sexual. And who I am as a sexual person is. Again, maybe I'm like a selfish psycho. Like, sex is really, like, about me in my mind, of course, everything's about me and my mind, I won't.


Everything is about Miley. But we can give ourselves an orgasm.


So, like, I just feel like. I mean, about this. Let's think about my sex life. I get turned on by again, like, what people are, like, contributing to my life. And as of right now, having someone that's also sober, like a partner, is, like, very sexual to me because it's very, like, present and very there.




But I think it's really funny how my identity is so wrapped up in sexuality when my sexuality actually just has a lot to do with, like, my identity and who I am as a person. Does that make any fucking sense?


Are you guys with us? I. You lost me.


It's. I just think people think of me as a hyper sexual being.


Right. Like, you're having sex all the time, 24/7 which I would.


But, like, I enjoy sexuality more than I enjoy sex. That's a better way to say, okay, there we go. And I'm much more into sexuality than sex. Like, I. But I also don't really fuck with foreplay because I just am too busy.


Wait, really?


I don't fuck with foreplay. As everyone will tell you, even in my business, I do not like to tease things. I like to nothing, not say shit and then fucking go for it and scare the shit out of you. So that's my thing. I, like, I have a lot fucking going on. I don't really have time to, like, sit around and flick my pussy. I really want to get the shit done and fucking get back to editing.


Wait, so what are we doing? Like, throwing lube on there.


Throwing lube in? Hurry.


Oh, like, hurry, hurry.


I'm in the mood. We're good, right?




I don't really need lube to be on.


Okay. So, like, stick it right in.


Just hurry, hurry. I'm kind of like, how? Make it good.




But I'm not, like. I'm not, like, an old, like, oh, I don't really want to have sex. I go through seasons where, like, I. I can have sex with women longer than I can with men.




Because you just get in there and it's, like, kind of done. And I think women are much more attractive. I don't really want to stare at a dick. So, like, I could definitely have foreplay longer with a girl than I could with a guy.




I don't really want to look at a penis for any longer than I have to. I think that's why I want it to go inside, so it gets out of my face. I don't want it in my face. No. I always say to girl, dicks is an esthetic. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah.


I always tell girls that are like, fuck, is it weird as shit? Like, I'm not a lesbian, but I watch girl on girl porn.


Girls are weird.


You don't want to see a fucking dick in your eyelid.


Everyone, I think, can agree that from ancient times that dicks make wonderful sculpture.




More than that, I am not as interested.


They're a little scary.


I like dicks as art pieces.




And sculptural. I love the shape. I think it, like, really, it's good if it can just get in and. And go away because I don't want it eyeing me off. That's how I truly feel.


That honestly is so brilliant about saying that. You're like, and listen to that. And I'll say it.


Everyone knows that tits are prettier than balls. Everybody knows this.


Sorry, queen.


It's fucking true. Wait, can I ask why it's all about me? Because I'm secretly just looking at my own body, right?


You're like, I'm so fucking hot. Your dick is ugly, but look at this pussy.


Exactly. And that's why it's almost hotter hooking up for me. That's what I'm saying. It's all turned on. I don't give a fuck. On your show, you're allowed to say it's all about me. It's all about is like, I want to look down and see me in my thing. That makes me absolutely.


You just masturbate in front of your.


Own Chanel underwear that are actually not even hot for, like, a guy. They're kind of, like granny, right? But they're so fashion, and I'm so obsessed with them.


And so you wear them for you?


I wear them for me. And it's like, that's a me.


Can I ask you, because I think so many fucking women, like, are so terrified of their, like, is my vagina ugly? Like, I feel like my labia lips aren't as cute or like, my clit's big or like, whatever. And I'm like, no, you have to own your fucking pussy.


You just gotta become friends with yourself and yourself. And I also just think that there's, like, if you're starting to feel bad about your vagina, just google dicks and you'll start feeling.


Okay, wait, this is actually, like, kind of facts. Like, look at that shrively little thing. Especially when it's done, it's like, oh, look at him.


I'm just like, not. That's not my thing.


Yeah. And how did, like, if you've hooked up with men, can they tell that you're done?


I'm not as into them.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


I I think that. I think that I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't into it. In the moment. I'm feeling it, but later.


Are you not giving blowjob?


Like, if the guy. I've given a blow job recently.




But it wasn't as much fun as I thought it was. It honestly just took too long. I actually say every day, like, I don't really want to do morning sex, even though I used to really like to. Yeah, I don't really do it because I've got, like, when I'm thinking about the editors in New York, and, like, I'm a little bit worried about them. Like, you know, you saw the video that, like, making sure the bubblegum looks glossy.


That's more important.


It is more important. And I just don't have time to sit around and, like, play with my vagina. All be on my schedule, and you.


Don'T have time, then if you don't have that, then you have time to.


Because men, if they say the same thing, they're a boss. They're running their business. Like, that would be. What about the men that, like, these are not all men's. I'm not generalizing, but what about men that, like, work on their kids birthdays? My dad had to work on my birthday. If you a woman and you're like, listen, I don't have time to give you a blow job because I want to work. You're an asshole. But if you don't show up to your child's birthday party.




Because you got to get your business done, you're a boss.




That's fucked up.


That is fucked up. I'm glad you're, like, so open about this shit, because I feel like there are so many fucking girls that are like, yeah. Like, I just, like, twirl on that dick, and, like, I'm just, like, wild.


And, like, I don't twirl, period. And I definitely don't.


You're like, I don't do hands. Wait, okay. Can I ask you what your favorite position is then?


Um, my favorite thing is Lauren Conrad's video of CEO.


Wait, what?


So someone says, what's your favorite position? And she goes, CEO?


What the fuck is that?


So she's the. Her. She's the head boss. She's a CEO.


Okay. Like, not getting.


Not if you're bent over a desk. If you're sitting at the desk, with your hands on, writing an email to someone that didn't do what the fuck they were supposed to, and you're making sure that they know that that's what happened to. Wait, that's kind of my favorite position.


Okay, that's fair. Okay. I kind of, like, love that you answered with that. And I hate that. I, like, was like, huh. This is an interesting question. Yeah. Now, now after you, like, thinking about, like, you. Okay, so you, like, hook up with girls. So if you had to pick for the rest of your life.


I'm scared.


You have to pick either getting eaten out or fingered, and you can't get the other one. Which one are you getting?


I'd rather finger myself.


Okay. That.


I'm obsessed with me.


Wait, wait.


I really am. Everyone else. Someone else is gonna be in the room, and you're gonna fill in calls. I like when, um.


But you.


Stallion says, stop licking my pussy hard. That shit's aggravating. Like, that's really aggravating.


Yeah. Oh, no. Well, because I think it's. It's hard because it's like, I feel like there's not as many people that know how to eat pussy, but it. Fingering is so underrated and it can be so amazing.


Okay, so you're, like, enemy. I'm going with fingering, but with myself.


Your. Yourself?




Honestly, that is most honestly, like, maybe you could.


If I could remember it, maybe.


Do you have any favorite sex toys that you can, like, give advice for the daddy gang to get?


Okay, so here's my advice for you, which recently got given to me, and I thought it was highly valuable, so I thought I would pass it down generations to generations, love. So one of my main gays was over at my house helping me pick lighting for above my bed. We were like, are we gonna go with a chandelier? Are we gonna go with something modern? What are we gonna go with? And he's like, well, you gotta go with the flush mount. And I'm like, what the fuck's flush mount? He's like, you gotta make sure it's, like, really tight to the ceiling because you don't want, when you stand up to hit your head on the. The light fixture or, like, try to grab onto it for fun and then pull it out of the wall, and then it come crashing down. And part of the chandelier go through your partner sternum. Now you're a murderer. And you like, sorry, what? It got so deep. But I was like, apparently he's, like, speaking from, like, I'm guessing from experience.


He's like, this has happened to me.


So stands up on my bed. Luckily, he's six foot two, so I did go with the chandelier, but I don't think that's gonna be a problem.


Okay, great.


So he was telling me that for future reference, to always be really pretty, that this is about a lot. This is about logic. I'm all about logic. So for particular, you got to be very particular about lighting above your bed because it's one step away from being a murderer. That's the advice that I was given.


Wait, that is really interesting.


So he said that the chandelier was like, if you grab onto it, if it comes out of the wall and you pick one of the ones that are, like, classic, like, chandelier style, that it can come down and go crashing through the person's sternum, and that seems like a nightmare. Trying to explain. Miley, if I'm gonna kill someone, it's definitely not gonna be the shame.


Wait, is anyone following where when I say, what's a good sex toy, you use that advice.


Oh, so that was advice. Okay.


I think everyone listening is like, okay, don't put the chandelier above you.


Don't put the chandelier just because you don't want to kill someone. Honestly, I don't want to hit your head. That's embarrassing.


And also, I feel like. Like the whole murder thing, I'm just, like, not down.


I'm already weird. I'm already weird about getting embarrassed. Like, I get embarrassed really, really easy.




And I get, like, red. It will stick. Like, if I.


What would you get embarrassed about? Like, in the bedroom?


I just don't really ever want, like.


Accidentally queep crazy sounds.


Oh, yeah.


That's so fucking worse.


I, like, I'm always scared I'm gonna, like, roll.


I have. When you fall off a bed midsect and you try to like, let's keep it going.


And it's like, I don't do falls freak me out. I've really only fallen knock on what is probably gonna happen to me soon a handful of times in my life, and this is. I'm not trying to do it.


And do you just stop? You can't continue sex.


I'll continue and try to make it a shtick in your head. You're like, kind of, like physical comedy. And me to, like, be like, that was on purpose. It's like a Charlie Chaplin kind of move.


You sure? Like, but no, I'm actually not enjoying this now.


I just, like, I would not want anything really embarrassing to happen. I want the chandelier. Seems really embarrassing.


I feel like that's the ultimate.


That's all.


It's not even.


I was wondering why I didn't think about it before.


No, I actually, like, I think because a lot of people don't have, um.


Put how lighting over there.


Yeah, yeah.


There was a light already, but it was down towards the end, which I thought was okay.




And then he was saying no, because what if you go the other way? Like, it's just.


That's a rich person problem.


Listen, this is apparently, like, a six foot four gay guy problem. I don't think I'm ever gonna get close enough to a light, but I did advice.


Okay, so everybody listening? Guys, chandeliers. No fucking go. No fucking go.


Or does anything that could, like, you don't want to be, you know, you don't want to mix interior and sex?


No, that's. That's really great advice. I honestly have never thought about that specific situation, and I'll always keep that in mind.


See, now, when you walk into a hotel room and there's a fucking light about the bed, you're gonna be like, no, cap the light.


We're done. Okay. What about. Do you use sex toys or just your fingers?


Um, I like sex toys. Most of my sex toys, I use as. See, I I'm. I'm very, um, contradictory. I was just saying don't involve sex and interior design. But I do like sex toys as interior design.




So a lot of the time, I'll buy it dildo and, like, more than about its operation. Oh, this is.


You want it to look you.


This is from pleasure chest, so this is actually, like, real, but I don't really want to get in there with it because I love the way that it looks.


Yeah. Guys, it's really, like a blue, sparkly deck. And it's.


Honestly, it's so cute.


It's really cute.


It's really, really.


It's really cute.


So I'm really into dildos for interior design, and I buy them for myself, but I end up using them for interior design.


So, like, you're like, I'll probably use that one day. And then you end up just putting it out in, like, your family room.


Yeah, exactly.


Yeah. Do you like vibrators?


I like vibrators, but I really just, like, mostly esthetic. And I feel like I'm, like, pretty good with, like, dealing with myself.


Wait, that's pretty great. Yeah. And how do you, like. When do you think you got super? Like you said you've always been confident. But do you think you've always been, like, super confident sexually within yourself?


I've gone through a lot of seasons. Like, I feel like it's very reflective of where I am. And if you talk to me in a year, which we should talk again when I'm not busy, because when I'm not busy, my sex drive is totally different.




And I think that's something. Like, it goes up also with women. I. When I'm working, it goes down because I'm like, oh. So in my zone of working that you're kind of like, I don't have time. One. I did read an amazing book about kind of, like, adrenals and your hormones, and I have low cholesterol. And when you have low cholesterol, it affects your sex drive. And when I'm, like, working, I don't eat as regularly, then my cholesterol gets low. Your cholesterol controls all the hormones in your body. So when you get low blood sugar, low cholesterol, not eating, like, snacks and things like that.




By the end of the night, if I'm hungry, I'm definitely not horny.


Wait, that's why I never even knew that. That's really good information to check your cholesterol. So people, guys cholesterol. But, like, really, that's really smart because, like, I feel like there are so many girls. Why am I, like, never horny and, like, check your cholesterol. Apparently Miley says, check your cholesterol creates.


All your hormones and it'll change your life. Sometimes I will like, okay, what is fucked up is if I will eat, like, something, like, crazy. Like, I'm like, fuck this. I've been working all day. I'm ordering like, a shit ton of mexican food.




Then all of a sudden I get horny. I'm like, horrible timing. Like, I was looking, so. But then I go, it's. My cholesterol goes up.


And then you're like, I'm gonna go poop. I can't have sex right now. Yeah, sometimes you gotta do it all. Wow. Okay, wait. This is kind of like a really interesting question that, like, is kind of turning, but, like. Like, how many times have you been in love? This is kind of like a really interesting question that, like, is kind of turning, but, like, how many times have you been in love?


How many times I've been in love? I've been in love three times.




I've been in love three times.




But I've been in love more than in love with anyone. Else one time. And then I think that kind of sticks around. Yeah, but I've been in love. I've been in love with, I would say one person who is a girl that I still think about and, like, dream about all the time, but you just know that something just doesn't fit. And I think that's something that I learned a lot in therapy, too. Like, you just can't try to fit this fucking square into a circle because you start driving yourself to a place where, like, trying to make something that is physically impossible work.




Will drive you insane.


That is, like, so fucking mature of you to say that because I think that sometimes when there's love, it's really hard to walk away from something even if it's not working. But the fact that you can sit here and be like, I'm in love.


Like, I love in want you love.


I mean, I don't believe in what.


You like because there are qualities that people bring to your life that one person never will again, or one like, they're just. I don't believe in one.


The fact that your answer to, if you want to get eaten out or fingered, and you said, I want to get finger, but I also want to do it my fucking self. Yeah, Miley fucking dude.


That's your daddy game.




This is the way it rolls. If you want something done right, do you do it the fuck yourself?


Did you guys hear that?


That's what I'm saying. Otherwise, you're gonna have to, like, give notes and give feedback. We don't want to, like, give someone a pat on the back after. It's honestly not that hard.


And it's not that hard. And also, I could probably do better.


That's what I'm saying. Yeah, I just can't reach.


We. Okay, so your new song, sex and.


Interior design go actually really hand in hand.


Keep saying interior.


Here's the thing about it. I love interior design. Here's the thing about it. My only problem with not being able to do interior design by myself is a lot of the times I can't reach do it all myself.


You're kind of like the woman that does it all. So you like, just get a fucking ladder.


Just get a lot.


Like, if you could get a ladder, then you would.


Ladder. I'm scared of high. I hate flying.


We can.


I have people ask to move. Like, people won't sit by me on the plane.


We really.


One woman was sober and started drinking beers ferociously because I was screaming that we're not getting enough speed. And so she ordered a beer.


We're not getting enough speed.


Do you ever feel like you are? Don't you hate when you get up in the air, then all of a sudden it feels like they go and I can feel like I'm like, you fly commercial. Commercial, yeah.


How does that go?


Um, apparently not so well cuz I'm like boycotted by. Well I've actually. Yeah, there I was on a no fly list for a second and I'll show you cuz everyone assumed I was just gonna bring in drugs.




But then I fixed why I could only go into work basically. So yeah, the, the flying gets a little sketched because I get searched like extra crazy.


I think that's literally the complete opposite of what I thought. Oh no, it's hard cuz people come up to me, you're like, I can't.


Cuz they're assuming that I'm bringing jobs.


Wait, what? And. But you can fly? Kind of like people don't come up to you like too crazy.


Like people bug me. I actually like people not treating me special. Yeah, I had a guy on a queen on Delta the other day that treated me like shit and I loved him.


Well you're like, I'm horny. Yeah, I'll actually find you.


He was like mad at me because I was watching my HGTV too loud and I could never hear him when he's asking me things. And he was annoyed and I loved him. He was mean to Bradley too. He was mean to you.


Wait, that's kind of over. You're like.


Delta was so fucking mean to me and I like wanting to give him the biggest hug for it, but he did not want to hug for me.


But you're like, I love you. He's like, bitch, what are you talking about? I hate.


Yeah, you did not like me. Wow. But I loved him. Okay, so you're afraid people are like treat people special.


Me too.


I'd rather. Yeah, I definitely treat the people that are like the lowest on the call sheet, the better than I would at the top.


I have so much respect for you.


So many people already fucking do that for the people at the top. You don't need me to jerk you off. Everyone else is.


Boom. And I think it's also refreshing because like you are still, I mean, sitting here with you, I'm like, you're so.


Normal that it's getting gorge, by the way.


I know, guys. Wait, do we look so hot in these cameras right now? Miley's tits are popping. We're ready.


This is the tea.


Can you just add? Just because it's like my childhood and I'm thinking about it. Sorry, I just pulled this. Do you now feel like you're in a place where, like, you can accept Hannah Montana and you look back and you enjoy it? Because honestly, your throwbacks are fucking everything.


I'm obsessed with it. They taught me how to glue my fucking wig down.




I was already so ready for this world. Yeah, no, they prepared me in a way that you cannot pay money for. Yeah, my wig was snatched at like age eleven. What were you doing?


Bitch, you were literally in it. Everyone wanted your hair.


I love that there's this video of me and I'm probably like twelve and I'm going through my fucking tour bus and I have a shirt that says, just got off the catwalk and I'm talking about how it's my favorite. And then I turn around and I'm like, and that's my wig. And I'm like, what? Eleven year old. Do you know that? Hey, guys, that's my wig hair front, sitting on a mannequin head with just like, no one.


It was a no one, Miley. That is kind of why, like a.


Nightmare when I wanted to escape it, but that's just being 18, like, yeah, want to escape who you are. Even if it was just someone from, you know.


Well, sometimes you just need a little bit of distance to then, like, appreciate it. And obviously during bangers and stuff, you're like, stop calling me fucking Hannah Montana.


The same way in relationships too. Like, yeah, at first when I got out of my longtime relationship and it didn't work and that was really, like, traumatizing. Also, now I'm in a place where I just look at it and love it and like, right. And it just is such an amazing time in my life. All the relationship that I had for ten years was an amazing time in my life. And the relationship that I had, like, with myself as Hannah and like, all that, that was a great time in my life. And, like, I loved working with my dad every day. At the time, I didn't know how lucky I was. Like, so all the times in my life, even the ones that have been really fucking in my mind, not the best. Somehow they just added up to, like, I love who I am so much right now.




That if any of those things wouldn't have happened, I'm not sure that I would be the same person. So I'm just super stoked, dude, that.


Is so fucking beautiful, Miley. And I'm so happy for you, honestly, like when you were showing me your music video, I was like, you look really happy and you're so proud of what you're doing and like, you can tell. I mean, the fucking song, guys, go listen to the fucking song. Because my God, it's like, it songs. It is so fucking good.


The song is. The song is. I felt like a bridge that was like really missing through my narrative. Yeah, for my fans and for the public. And I'm just so happy that I was able to build it my fucking self. So fucking water under the motherfucking bridge. Let me move on because also, I mean, another thing that I guess is really relevant for your show is that I feel like as a woman I was villainized for moving on. Yeah, I really think that that's not acceptable.




At the time I had posted, you know, George Clooney and Brad Pitt and all these guys like Johnny Depp who have gone through women and they're known.


As like players and they're like glamorized and it's like, oh, they're so hot and they're amazing and everyone thing is.


Like, I would have much rather the public, you know, like, I guess like why are you not a me? Because of my sexuality. But they tried to make me seem like I was disloyal, which is like so against my fucking character. You attacked my fucking character.




And my character is everything that is my foundation. That's like what I thrive on even being on your show. Like, I'm not someone that'll sit here and be like, I just sit around like watching porn and I'm so sexual and I'm like, I'm like, I know I'm talking to you. I know what the show is, but that's not me. Like, it my art and like, me taking care of my dogs and me taking care of my business, like that's my fucking priority. And like, I'm not gonna act like I'm something that I'm not or I'm more sexual than I am cuz that's always just like, that's like for your entertainment and not for me. And for me, like I'm much more into building my business right now. I'm not that into building up my.


Relationship that's so empowering.


Also be considered a boss.




For putting their business first and the woman, like, it's so fucked up and like, I love that. Like when I go through my neighborhood to that, like I bought my fucking house. Yeah, I bought my fucking car. And like, I am not shaming any woman that does not like, yes, live your fucking life. Do your thing. I just know that that wasn't my mom's story. That wasn't my grandma's story. So I'm like, a first generation.


You're doing, yeah, you're a boss.


And my mom actually, at 55 year old, just bought her own car, and she started crying. She's like, your dad has always bought my car for me. My. Her dad bought her car for her. My mom at 55, just bought her own.


How amazing is it? Fucking loves it when I just, like, got my, like, first, like, nice apartment in New York, and I'm like, like, it is the most satisfying thing because I've been in a relationship with a guy that bought everything for me and, like, working my ass off for a show and, like, being able to buy my own shit and, like, that feels better.


I would rather rent a fucking closet for somebody and pay for it than live in, like, your fucking mansion. I'm just so stoked. Like, when I come home, it's like I get to choose what fucking color the couch is, and I can't choose. So I picked all fucking three colors.


That's what I want.


That's what I want. And that just feels really good. And, like, so at this time, like, for me, I'm just, like, super secure in who I am, and I just don't feel like I. I feel like I've, like, acted enough in my life and.


Yeah, and now you're like, this is.


Me, and that's too exhausting to be working all the time. But luckily, I've never really had to do that, and I've never felt like an actress. The only time that I felt like I was ever acting in my personal life is in relationships that were no longer working for me. Yeah, I just encourage people to be logical. Don't get a totally. Don't drown an emotion. Make your fucking list. Look at what someone is contributing and what someone subtracting to your life, and then make an executive.


And if you're not fucking happy, get out.


If you're not happy, get the fuck out.


Miley Cyrus, you. I just want to also, like, last comment, too, about what you just said, because I think that is the most empowering female statement of you being like, how the fuck was I villainized for moving on fast? Everybody go fuck yourself.


Like, a really big part of this song. And I just feel like the video and controlling my fucking narrative. It's unfair that someone taking a photo from a helicopter is allowed to control my narrative, but it feels below me to, at that time, engage.




In public opinion. And it would be, how do you.


Like, deal with that?


It's infuriating on a lot of control. That's why in the. That's why in the song, it says, I can't bite the devil on my tongue. Oh, it's like, I'm gonna say this now.




It's about, like, you know, some people have, like, the devil and angel on the shoulder. The devil lives on my tongue. So usually I just lash out and say the first thing that fucking comes to mind. But it's never benefited me.




Because when you think about it, and I've, like, now allowed life to do its magic, and I've understood its purpose, and that was just a bridge for me to get out of my situation. And, like, that woman made me really happy at the time, and that was, like, the way that I dealt with it. And there's not a handbook, as much as I can give you advice, there's no handbook of how to deal with heartbreak. It's all very, like, everyone's an individual and will handle it in their own way. And so I felt like this song is, like, for the kind of looking at my life as my personal life or people looking at my career, I felt like there was a gap between the public perception and the truth. And I just think it's really fucked up that women are villainized for moving on.


Dude, it is. Miley, I'm so happy you're saying that, because I think, like, I remember seeing that, but you articulating it in that way, it just shed so much light on, like, how fucked it's really fucked up. And then you have to sit here and try not to say anything because you're trying to be above. Like, like you said, the helicopters above. But it's like, at what point do you speak up? And I guess what you're saying right.


Now is through my fucking music, like, by engaging.




In that pettiness one, it. It isn't good enough for me.




Like, that's kind of the thing about having standards like. Yeah, and I like sitting here as a fucking female saying, that's not good enough for me. I will engage in that. That's below me. Yeah, that is not a problem to say that. I think it's really fucked up that women have been made to feel like you're not allowed to say, this is for me. That's below me. This is what's acceptable.


It's like, oh, you're being a bitch. No, I'm being a fucking ball.


That's unacceptable to fucking come and, like, put yourself in my life and then put me on the cross for it. Like, that fucked up. You totally villainize me for that. But let me clap back at you when I can articulate it properly and poetically and put it in my song and then you can stream my clap back, bitches.


Go listen to the song. It's so fucking good. I'm so happy for you that you are putting something out right now that you're like, oh, that's me. This is. This is it. And, like, people are gonna fucking love it.


My Debbie Harry dream.


Oh, my God. Right now. When this episode is out, guys, Miley song is out.


That's freaking me.


That is so wild. Yeah, it's freaking me. I can't believe you're fucking here. I'm here and you're putting out this song. The music video is amazing. She looks so fucking hot. I was, like, trying not to, like, freak out. Please, guys, literally, she has, like, seven different looks. How many looks?


I have six, five looks.


Every single one. Halloween looks?


Yes. Like, makes you feel type of way. Oh, it made me feel the type.


Of little sex, you guys.


So the tights, that's a good thing. By the end of the video, they're all, like, ripped. I thought was super hot, too. And, like.


And then it looks good after a party.


Exactly, exactly.


So midnight sky.




Out now.




Go watch the video.




Listen to it 19 million times. Tweet us. Tell us you liked the episode.




We love you guys. Miley Cyrus.


Thanks for coming over. This is really fun.


This was really fun.


I really like talking about this kind of shit.


I love, loved having you on the show. I had so much fucking fun. You are officially a part of the daddy fucking gang.


Thank you, Fiona.


Daddy gang, it is your father. I don't even. I don't even know what to say right now. Let's all just take a minute. That was such a fucking cool experience. I hope you guys enjoyed Miley. I think after the episode, we talked a little bit more and she was just saying how she wants to come back on in a. Oh, fuck. She wants to come back on in a downtime because, like, you kind of heard her talking about she has seasons. Seasons of when she's super horny and seasons when she's working and right now she's working. And then we can get her when she's in her horny mode and we can really hear what she's up to. Just like giving you guys my perspective. Hi to the daddy gang. Like, that woman is so fucking real and so cool. And I was so honored to just be able to, like, chill with her and go to her house and sit with her and talk with her like I just did. And the only reason that was possible was because of everyone fucking listening to this podcast. I wouldn't have been able to meet her and to interview her and to get that episode out if it wasn't for the daddy gang.


I just wanted to have, like, a little moment of appreciation for you guys. I'm very aware that I am where I am today because of you guys. So thank you so fucking much for supporting this show. Not trying to get sappy with it, but I have to for a minute also, this is not the end. Now that you guys are finished this episode, I have more guys. I vlogged while I was at Miley's house. I vlogged my entire experience. When I found out we were getting Miley on the show, you guys will see me in the hotel room finding out we vlogged the entire experience. So if you guys want go to my YouTube channel and you guys can watch that. It's really dope. It's a lot of behind the scenes shit that I know sometimes on podcasts you're like, wait, I want to watch it. Well, you can, so go to my YouTube channel. It's Alexandra Cooper. And then also it will just be linked on all of my social medias and for swipe ups. So that's just Alexandra Cooper for my instagram and then also call her daddy. We'll have the link as well.


So I hope you guys enjoyed this. Next week I'm going to do a solo episode and I think I want to just catch up with you guys. I feel like I had an amazing trip in LA. I met so many amazing people. But I kind of want to just have like a week with the daddy gang where we can just chill. And I want to update you guys on my life. I want to talk to you guys. I've been reading a lot of DM's. I definitely miss a little question. Like, I missed it a little. I miss you guys. So that's what I'm just. I just want to vibe a little next week, go back to like, og call her daddy. But I hope you guys fucking loved this. I love you fucking guys. I had so much fucking fun. I'm so excited. And finally, oh, my God. As much as I love, loved putting out this episode, I'm not going to lie I'm a little fucking excited to get back on track and to say I will see you fuckers next Wednesday.