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Okay. How did you decide to start an alcohol brand?


I love to drink.


And here we go. We have not had one drink yet. Let me be so clear. Okay. What are we making today?


We're gonna make a sunny soda with little lemon.


How much ice do we want? Just a little bit.


A good amount. I'm gonna measure it out today just so we know exactly how many. And these cute shot glasses that I need. Oh, my God.


It's so cute.


Do we want a single shot or a double shot? will think that and, you know, have drinks to make myself think that even more. Try and exude that energy. Because if I don't, then I'm like everyone's body's changed so much. You uploaded. You're on vacation. Like, I got this one photo sneaky taken of me at a pool, and I was blacked out, and I was, like, sitting, and I'm, like, sitting like this, and I'm like, yeah, okay. When I sit like this, I have, like, a roll that hangs out first when I'm stretching you didn't maybe want certain things? You did as much and you went a little too far?I don't know. There was this one moment where I was like, I was just so insecure being like, I hate this. I was like, ooh, ooh.Sus. We're learning something about you.I know. Every minute.It's so good. Morning sex or late night sex?Depends on the person.Like, why?I don't know.Why. I'm not sure.I honestly like late night better because you, like, get ready for bed. You, like, brush your teeth. Morning sex is always, like, for me. I'm like, don't touch me unless I brush my teeth. So if it's right when we wake up, then it's always a side or, like, a back. And sometimes I like to.Yeah, in the morning. Isn't that bad?No, it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's bad, but I.Would prefer the night. For me.Yeah. Like, I like the embrace each other. What was that thing?You go.I was like, bring it. Give it to me.Have you ever had a guy that, like, won't make out with you during sex?Absolutely not.I've had girls write in, be like, my boyfriend. Like, won't really, like, kiss me while we fucked. Do you easily get off from someone going out down on you if they're good at it? I know. You know what's so sad? I remember I had Lana Rhodes on, and we were talking about when the guy is going down, and he's so earnestly, like, going at it, and you're like, oh, my God. Like, this is so awful. And you're like, okay, just come fuck me.Yeah. Like, literally, you pull them up.Okay, okay. And you're like, transition to, like, come on. Like, it's so awful when they don't get it.I wonder if they know that. And the fact that you've said that, that's, like, the girls code secret. When a guy's not good at going down on you, you don't pull him up.You're acting like you can't take it anymore.You want them so bad.But it's like, because when in reality.You'Re like, I can't do this anymore.Who is your last missed call and should we call them back right now? Because it's rude to leave people on, you know, it's kind of back. We don't need to. Okay.She called me three times.There's an emergency. Should you call her back? She's like, no, I can't be like.I'm on a can't. No, it's. I just. She's probably just asking if I'm still going to her house, but I'm just gonna meet her there.You're gonna show up so drunk. You're going now?I'm gonna have to.Okay. Two more deep ones.Deep?Yeah.Okay.What are you insecure about?I don't know. A lot. Some days. Some days nothing.Okay?It depends on the day. Honestly, I don't keep saying that a lot.You're feeling a little insecure. Everything be relatable, saucy, everything.Body, face, fucking, anything. The way I speak. Like, some days I'll be insecure about my fucking feet, or some days I'll be like, oh, I hate my fucking tattoos. I don't want to show them. Or I'm feeling fat or whatever it is. I feel like we pick at ourselves so much that I try and just not to let it get to me. But there's definitely days where I'm like, wow, I fucking hate myself. I just want to lay in bed crying.What's something that nobody on the Internet knows about you but your close friends know about you?I mean, I feel like, just, like, everyone thinks that I came from this rich family and I'm a stuck up little bitch who has had everything handed to her in life, and that's not the case. Like, I had to work for what I have and, like, yeah, I had an advantage, and I'll never, like, think that I didn't, but I've worked hard to take care of me and my family and other people around me.You've had a lot of ties to people because you have friends that are famous. People probably want all this information from you. And how do you like staying loyal to the people in your life without compromising who you are? And in moments of chaos in, like, the tabloids, like, I'm sure people are like, stas, do you, like, have the tea? Do you know, like, how do you.I feel like the people that I'm closest to who would, like, ask me questions about other people that they know. I would know wouldn't even ask me because they have enough respect for me to, like, not put me in that position.Damn.So that's what I love about, like, my friend group. And, you know, if something's getting written in the tabloids, they're not going to be like, oh, stas, is this true or not? Like, they know that, like, I'm not going to tell them. Or I would be like, oh, I don't know. Or whatever it is that I've never had really an awkward moment, except for, like, once when I would just be like, oh, I don't know. I don't know yet. From my understanding. I don't know. But they just, you know, I think they respect me enough to, like, not ask me that. And I've never had any randoms, like, or not random. So, like, acquaintances even feel comfortable enough to ask me questions about other people.You're kind of that, like, ride or die chick that, like, you're keeping.I just want to protect everyone.Yeah. I remember following you on social media so long ago and, like, not having really much about you other than, like, she's a really hot chick and she looks like she's got a cool life, so it's cool to sit down with you. And I know you don't do interviews, and I appreciate you sitting down with me. Cause it gives, like, more insight into who you are, your background, without getting too deep and just, like, chilling with you and talking with you has been fun. So I appreciate you.It's been so fun. I appreciate you. My first and only interview, so don't ask me again to do another one.You're like, I'm never coming back on goodbye.No, I'll come on. Call her daddy anytime you want me to. This is the best thing ever. I had so much fun. I mean, I'm, like, tipsy, having fun, talking to, like, a friend.So fun.It's not scary. When I do an interview, I get so scared because I feel like they want me to fuck up something and, like, say something fucked and try and, like, trip your words up.That's not the goal. We're just trying to have fun.Just trying to have fun and drink some sunny cheers. Bitch. I love you. I feel right already.Love you.Oh, fuck. I have one sip left.


will think that and, you know, have drinks to make myself think that even more. Try and exude that energy. Because if I don't, then I'm like everyone's body's changed so much. You uploaded. You're on vacation. Like, I got this one photo sneaky taken of me at a pool, and I was blacked out, and I was, like, sitting, and I'm, like, sitting like this, and I'm like, yeah, okay. When I sit like this, I have, like, a roll that hangs out first when I'm stretching you didn't maybe want certain things? You did as much and you went a little too far?I don't know. There was this one moment where I was like, I was just so insecure being like, I hate this. I was like, ooh, ooh.Sus. We're learning something about you.I know. Every minute.It's so good. Morning sex or late night sex?Depends on the person.Like, why?I don't know.Why. I'm not sure.I honestly like late night better because you, like, get ready for bed. You, like, brush your teeth. Morning sex is always, like, for me. I'm like, don't touch me unless I brush my teeth. So if it's right when we wake up, then it's always a side or, like, a back. And sometimes I like to.Yeah, in the morning. Isn't that bad?No, it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's bad, but I.Would prefer the night. For me.Yeah. Like, I like the embrace each other. What was that thing?You go.I was like, bring it. Give it to me.Have you ever had a guy that, like, won't make out with you during sex?Absolutely not.I've had girls write in, be like, my boyfriend. Like, won't really, like, kiss me while we fucked. Do you easily get off from someone going out down on you if they're good at it? I know. You know what's so sad? I remember I had Lana Rhodes on, and we were talking about when the guy is going down, and he's so earnestly, like, going at it, and you're like, oh, my God. Like, this is so awful. And you're like, okay, just come fuck me.Yeah. Like, literally, you pull them up.Okay, okay. And you're like, transition to, like, come on. Like, it's so awful when they don't get it.I wonder if they know that. And the fact that you've said that, that's, like, the girls code secret. When a guy's not good at going down on you, you don't pull him up.You're acting like you can't take it anymore.You want them so bad.But it's like, because when in reality.You'Re like, I can't do this anymore.Who is your last missed call and should we call them back right now? Because it's rude to leave people on, you know, it's kind of back. We don't need to. Okay.She called me three times.There's an emergency. Should you call her back? She's like, no, I can't be like.I'm on a can't. No, it's. I just. She's probably just asking if I'm still going to her house, but I'm just gonna meet her there.You're gonna show up so drunk. You're going now?I'm gonna have to.Okay. Two more deep ones.Deep?Yeah.Okay.What are you insecure about?I don't know. A lot. Some days. Some days nothing.Okay?It depends on the day. Honestly, I don't keep saying that a lot.You're feeling a little insecure. Everything be relatable, saucy, everything.Body, face, fucking, anything. The way I speak. Like, some days I'll be insecure about my fucking feet, or some days I'll be like, oh, I hate my fucking tattoos. I don't want to show them. Or I'm feeling fat or whatever it is. I feel like we pick at ourselves so much that I try and just not to let it get to me. But there's definitely days where I'm like, wow, I fucking hate myself. I just want to lay in bed crying.What's something that nobody on the Internet knows about you but your close friends know about you?I mean, I feel like, just, like, everyone thinks that I came from this rich family and I'm a stuck up little bitch who has had everything handed to her in life, and that's not the case. Like, I had to work for what I have and, like, yeah, I had an advantage, and I'll never, like, think that I didn't, but I've worked hard to take care of me and my family and other people around me.You've had a lot of ties to people because you have friends that are famous. People probably want all this information from you. And how do you like staying loyal to the people in your life without compromising who you are? And in moments of chaos in, like, the tabloids, like, I'm sure people are like, stas, do you, like, have the tea? Do you know, like, how do you.I feel like the people that I'm closest to who would, like, ask me questions about other people that they know. I would know wouldn't even ask me because they have enough respect for me to, like, not put me in that position.Damn.So that's what I love about, like, my friend group. And, you know, if something's getting written in the tabloids, they're not going to be like, oh, stas, is this true or not? Like, they know that, like, I'm not going to tell them. Or I would be like, oh, I don't know. Or whatever it is that I've never had really an awkward moment, except for, like, once when I would just be like, oh, I don't know. I don't know yet. From my understanding. I don't know. But they just, you know, I think they respect me enough to, like, not ask me that. And I've never had any randoms, like, or not random. So, like, acquaintances even feel comfortable enough to ask me questions about other people.You're kind of that, like, ride or die chick that, like, you're keeping.I just want to protect everyone.Yeah. I remember following you on social media so long ago and, like, not having really much about you other than, like, she's a really hot chick and she looks like she's got a cool life, so it's cool to sit down with you. And I know you don't do interviews, and I appreciate you sitting down with me. Cause it gives, like, more insight into who you are, your background, without getting too deep and just, like, chilling with you and talking with you has been fun. So I appreciate you.It's been so fun. I appreciate you. My first and only interview, so don't ask me again to do another one.You're like, I'm never coming back on goodbye.No, I'll come on. Call her daddy anytime you want me to. This is the best thing ever. I had so much fun. I mean, I'm, like, tipsy, having fun, talking to, like, a friend.So fun.It's not scary. When I do an interview, I get so scared because I feel like they want me to fuck up something and, like, say something fucked and try and, like, trip your words up.That's not the goal. We're just trying to have fun.Just trying to have fun and drink some sunny cheers. Bitch. I love you. I feel right already.Love you.Oh, fuck. I have one sip left.


like everyone's body's changed so much. You uploaded. You're on vacation. Like, I got this one photo sneaky taken of me at a pool, and I was blacked out, and I was, like, sitting, and I'm, like, sitting like this, and I'm like, yeah, okay. When I sit like this, I have, like, a roll that hangs out first when I'm stretching you didn't maybe want certain things? You did as much and you went a little too far?I don't know. There was this one moment where I was like, I was just so insecure being like, I hate this. I was like, ooh, ooh.Sus. We're learning something about you.I know. Every minute.It's so good. Morning sex or late night sex?Depends on the person.Like, why?I don't know.Why. I'm not sure.I honestly like late night better because you, like, get ready for bed. You, like, brush your teeth. Morning sex is always, like, for me. I'm like, don't touch me unless I brush my teeth. So if it's right when we wake up, then it's always a side or, like, a back. And sometimes I like to.Yeah, in the morning. Isn't that bad?No, it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's bad, but I.Would prefer the night. For me.Yeah. Like, I like the embrace each other. What was that thing?You go.I was like, bring it. Give it to me.Have you ever had a guy that, like, won't make out with you during sex?Absolutely not.I've had girls write in, be like, my boyfriend. Like, won't really, like, kiss me while we fucked. Do you easily get off from someone going out down on you if they're good at it? I know. You know what's so sad? I remember I had Lana Rhodes on, and we were talking about when the guy is going down, and he's so earnestly, like, going at it, and you're like, oh, my God. Like, this is so awful. And you're like, okay, just come fuck me.Yeah. Like, literally, you pull them up.Okay, okay. And you're like, transition to, like, come on. Like, it's so awful when they don't get it.I wonder if they know that. And the fact that you've said that, that's, like, the girls code secret. When a guy's not good at going down on you, you don't pull him up.You're acting like you can't take it anymore.You want them so bad.But it's like, because when in reality.You'Re like, I can't do this anymore.Who is your last missed call and should we call them back right now? Because it's rude to leave people on, you know, it's kind of back. We don't need to. Okay.She called me three times.There's an emergency. Should you call her back? She's like, no, I can't be like.I'm on a can't. No, it's. I just. She's probably just asking if I'm still going to her house, but I'm just gonna meet her there.You're gonna show up so drunk. You're going now?I'm gonna have to.Okay. Two more deep ones.Deep?Yeah.Okay.What are you insecure about?I don't know. A lot. Some days. Some days nothing.Okay?It depends on the day. Honestly, I don't keep saying that a lot.You're feeling a little insecure. Everything be relatable, saucy, everything.Body, face, fucking, anything. The way I speak. Like, some days I'll be insecure about my fucking feet, or some days I'll be like, oh, I hate my fucking tattoos. I don't want to show them. Or I'm feeling fat or whatever it is. I feel like we pick at ourselves so much that I try and just not to let it get to me. But there's definitely days where I'm like, wow, I fucking hate myself. I just want to lay in bed crying.What's something that nobody on the Internet knows about you but your close friends know about you?I mean, I feel like, just, like, everyone thinks that I came from this rich family and I'm a stuck up little bitch who has had everything handed to her in life, and that's not the case. Like, I had to work for what I have and, like, yeah, I had an advantage, and I'll never, like, think that I didn't, but I've worked hard to take care of me and my family and other people around me.You've had a lot of ties to people because you have friends that are famous. People probably want all this information from you. And how do you like staying loyal to the people in your life without compromising who you are? And in moments of chaos in, like, the tabloids, like, I'm sure people are like, stas, do you, like, have the tea? Do you know, like, how do you.I feel like the people that I'm closest to who would, like, ask me questions about other people that they know. I would know wouldn't even ask me because they have enough respect for me to, like, not put me in that position.Damn.So that's what I love about, like, my friend group. And, you know, if something's getting written in the tabloids, they're not going to be like, oh, stas, is this true or not? Like, they know that, like, I'm not going to tell them. Or I would be like, oh, I don't know. Or whatever it is that I've never had really an awkward moment, except for, like, once when I would just be like, oh, I don't know. I don't know yet. From my understanding. I don't know. But they just, you know, I think they respect me enough to, like, not ask me that. And I've never had any randoms, like, or not random. So, like, acquaintances even feel comfortable enough to ask me questions about other people.You're kind of that, like, ride or die chick that, like, you're keeping.I just want to protect everyone.Yeah. I remember following you on social media so long ago and, like, not having really much about you other than, like, she's a really hot chick and she looks like she's got a cool life, so it's cool to sit down with you. And I know you don't do interviews, and I appreciate you sitting down with me. Cause it gives, like, more insight into who you are, your background, without getting too deep and just, like, chilling with you and talking with you has been fun. So I appreciate you.It's been so fun. I appreciate you. My first and only interview, so don't ask me again to do another one.You're like, I'm never coming back on goodbye.No, I'll come on. Call her daddy anytime you want me to. This is the best thing ever. I had so much fun. I mean, I'm, like, tipsy, having fun, talking to, like, a friend.So fun.It's not scary. When I do an interview, I get so scared because I feel like they want me to fuck up something and, like, say something fucked and try and, like, trip your words up.That's not the goal. We're just trying to have fun.Just trying to have fun and drink some sunny cheers. Bitch. I love you. I feel right already.Love you.Oh, fuck. I have one sip left.


you didn't maybe want certain things? You did as much and you went a little too far?


I don't know. There was this one moment where I was like, I was just so insecure being like, I hate this. I was like, ooh, ooh.Sus. We're learning something about you.I know. Every minute.It's so good. Morning sex or late night sex?Depends on the person.Like, why?I don't know.Why. I'm not sure.I honestly like late night better because you, like, get ready for bed. You, like, brush your teeth. Morning sex is always, like, for me. I'm like, don't touch me unless I brush my teeth. So if it's right when we wake up, then it's always a side or, like, a back. And sometimes I like to.Yeah, in the morning. Isn't that bad?No, it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's bad, but I.Would prefer the night. For me.Yeah. Like, I like the embrace each other. What was that thing?You go.I was like, bring it. Give it to me.Have you ever had a guy that, like, won't make out with you during sex?Absolutely not.I've had girls write in, be like, my boyfriend. Like, won't really, like, kiss me while we fucked. Do you easily get off from someone going out down on you if they're good at it? I know. You know what's so sad? I remember I had Lana Rhodes on, and we were talking about when the guy is going down, and he's so earnestly, like, going at it, and you're like, oh, my God. Like, this is so awful. And you're like, okay, just come fuck me.Yeah. Like, literally, you pull them up.Okay, okay. And you're like, transition to, like, come on. Like, it's so awful when they don't get it.I wonder if they know that. And the fact that you've said that, that's, like, the girls code secret. When a guy's not good at going down on you, you don't pull him up.You're acting like you can't take it anymore.You want them so bad.But it's like, because when in reality.You'Re like, I can't do this anymore.Who is your last missed call and should we call them back right now? Because it's rude to leave people on, you know, it's kind of back. We don't need to. Okay.She called me three times.There's an emergency. Should you call her back? She's like, no, I can't be like.I'm on a can't. No, it's. I just. She's probably just asking if I'm still going to her house, but I'm just gonna meet her there.You're gonna show up so drunk. You're going now?I'm gonna have to.Okay. Two more deep ones.Deep?Yeah.Okay.What are you insecure about?I don't know. A lot. Some days. Some days nothing.Okay?It depends on the day. Honestly, I don't keep saying that a lot.You're feeling a little insecure. Everything be relatable, saucy, everything.Body, face, fucking, anything. The way I speak. Like, some days I'll be insecure about my fucking feet, or some days I'll be like, oh, I hate my fucking tattoos. I don't want to show them. Or I'm feeling fat or whatever it is. I feel like we pick at ourselves so much that I try and just not to let it get to me. But there's definitely days where I'm like, wow, I fucking hate myself. I just want to lay in bed crying.What's something that nobody on the Internet knows about you but your close friends know about you?I mean, I feel like, just, like, everyone thinks that I came from this rich family and I'm a stuck up little bitch who has had everything handed to her in life, and that's not the case. Like, I had to work for what I have and, like, yeah, I had an advantage, and I'll never, like, think that I didn't, but I've worked hard to take care of me and my family and other people around me.You've had a lot of ties to people because you have friends that are famous. People probably want all this information from you. And how do you like staying loyal to the people in your life without compromising who you are? And in moments of chaos in, like, the tabloids, like, I'm sure people are like, stas, do you, like, have the tea? Do you know, like, how do you.I feel like the people that I'm closest to who would, like, ask me questions about other people that they know. I would know wouldn't even ask me because they have enough respect for me to, like, not put me in that position.Damn.So that's what I love about, like, my friend group. And, you know, if something's getting written in the tabloids, they're not going to be like, oh, stas, is this true or not? Like, they know that, like, I'm not going to tell them. Or I would be like, oh, I don't know. Or whatever it is that I've never had really an awkward moment, except for, like, once when I would just be like, oh, I don't know. I don't know yet. From my understanding. I don't know. But they just, you know, I think they respect me enough to, like, not ask me that. And I've never had any randoms, like, or not random. So, like, acquaintances even feel comfortable enough to ask me questions about other people.You're kind of that, like, ride or die chick that, like, you're keeping.I just want to protect everyone.Yeah. I remember following you on social media so long ago and, like, not having really much about you other than, like, she's a really hot chick and she looks like she's got a cool life, so it's cool to sit down with you. And I know you don't do interviews, and I appreciate you sitting down with me. Cause it gives, like, more insight into who you are, your background, without getting too deep and just, like, chilling with you and talking with you has been fun. So I appreciate you.It's been so fun. I appreciate you. My first and only interview, so don't ask me again to do another one.You're like, I'm never coming back on goodbye.No, I'll come on. Call her daddy anytime you want me to. This is the best thing ever. I had so much fun. I mean, I'm, like, tipsy, having fun, talking to, like, a friend.So fun.It's not scary. When I do an interview, I get so scared because I feel like they want me to fuck up something and, like, say something fucked and try and, like, trip your words up.That's not the goal. We're just trying to have fun.Just trying to have fun and drink some sunny cheers. Bitch. I love you. I feel right already.Love you.Oh, fuck. I have one sip left.


was like, ooh, ooh.


Sus. We're learning something about you.


I know. Every minute.


It's so good. Morning sex or late night sex?


Depends on the person.


Like, why?


I don't know.


Why. I'm not sure.


I honestly like late night better because you, like, get ready for bed. You, like, brush your teeth. Morning sex is always, like, for me. I'm like, don't touch me unless I brush my teeth. So if it's right when we wake up, then it's always a side or, like, a back. And sometimes I like to.


Yeah, in the morning. Isn't that bad?


No, it's not bad. I wouldn't say it's bad, but I.


Would prefer the night. For me.


Yeah. Like, I like the embrace each other. What was that thing?


You go.


I was like, bring it. Give it to me.


Have you ever had a guy that, like, won't make out with you during sex?


Absolutely not.


I've had girls write in, be like, my boyfriend. Like, won't really, like, kiss me while we fucked. Do you easily get off from someone going out down on you if they're good at it? I know. You know what's so sad? I remember I had Lana Rhodes on, and we were talking about when the guy is going down, and he's so earnestly, like, going at it, and you're like, oh, my God. Like, this is so awful. And you're like, okay, just come fuck me.


Yeah. Like, literally, you pull them up.


Okay, okay. And you're like, transition to, like, come on. Like, it's so awful when they don't get it.


I wonder if they know that. And the fact that you've said that, that's, like, the girls code secret. When a guy's not good at going down on you, you don't pull him up.


You're acting like you can't take it anymore.


You want them so bad.


But it's like, because when in reality.


You'Re like, I can't do this anymore.


Who is your last missed call and should we call them back right now? Because it's rude to leave people on, you know, it's kind of back. We don't need to. Okay.


She called me three times.


There's an emergency. Should you call her back? She's like, no, I can't be like.


I'm on a can't. No, it's. I just. She's probably just asking if I'm still going to her house, but I'm just gonna meet her there.


You're gonna show up so drunk. You're going now?


I'm gonna have to.


Okay. Two more deep ones.








What are you insecure about?


I don't know. A lot. Some days. Some days nothing.




It depends on the day. Honestly, I don't keep saying that a lot.


You're feeling a little insecure. Everything be relatable, saucy, everything.


Body, face, fucking, anything. The way I speak. Like, some days I'll be insecure about my fucking feet, or some days I'll be like, oh, I hate my fucking tattoos. I don't want to show them. Or I'm feeling fat or whatever it is. I feel like we pick at ourselves so much that I try and just not to let it get to me. But there's definitely days where I'm like, wow, I fucking hate myself. I just want to lay in bed crying.


What's something that nobody on the Internet knows about you but your close friends know about you?


I mean, I feel like, just, like, everyone thinks that I came from this rich family and I'm a stuck up little bitch who has had everything handed to her in life, and that's not the case. Like, I had to work for what I have and, like, yeah, I had an advantage, and I'll never, like, think that I didn't, but I've worked hard to take care of me and my family and other people around me.


You've had a lot of ties to people because you have friends that are famous. People probably want all this information from you. And how do you like staying loyal to the people in your life without compromising who you are? And in moments of chaos in, like, the tabloids, like, I'm sure people are like, stas, do you, like, have the tea? Do you know, like, how do you.


I feel like the people that I'm closest to who would, like, ask me questions about other people that they know. I would know wouldn't even ask me because they have enough respect for me to, like, not put me in that position.




So that's what I love about, like, my friend group. And, you know, if something's getting written in the tabloids, they're not going to be like, oh, stas, is this true or not? Like, they know that, like, I'm not going to tell them. Or I would be like, oh, I don't know. Or whatever it is that I've never had really an awkward moment, except for, like, once when I would just be like, oh, I don't know. I don't know yet. From my understanding. I don't know. But they just, you know, I think they respect me enough to, like, not ask me that. And I've never had any randoms, like, or not random. So, like, acquaintances even feel comfortable enough to ask me questions about other people.


You're kind of that, like, ride or die chick that, like, you're keeping.


I just want to protect everyone.


Yeah. I remember following you on social media so long ago and, like, not having really much about you other than, like, she's a really hot chick and she looks like she's got a cool life, so it's cool to sit down with you. And I know you don't do interviews, and I appreciate you sitting down with me. Cause it gives, like, more insight into who you are, your background, without getting too deep and just, like, chilling with you and talking with you has been fun. So I appreciate you.


It's been so fun. I appreciate you. My first and only interview, so don't ask me again to do another one.


You're like, I'm never coming back on goodbye.


No, I'll come on. Call her daddy anytime you want me to. This is the best thing ever. I had so much fun. I mean, I'm, like, tipsy, having fun, talking to, like, a friend.


So fun.


It's not scary. When I do an interview, I get so scared because I feel like they want me to fuck up something and, like, say something fucked and try and, like, trip your words up.


That's not the goal. We're just trying to have fun.


Just trying to have fun and drink some sunny cheers. Bitch. I love you. I feel right already.


Love you.


Oh, fuck. I have one sip left.