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All right, guys, welcome back to Candace Live. What can I say? Right at the top? I I think I respect Kamala Harris. I have to respect this sort of greatness when you see it, when you just have a woman who really has no association. Never in her life with the black community at all, didn't even have a relationship with her black father, doesn't have a relationship with her black father, and then just magically does a trick and decides to be the blackest person, or at least a caricature of what she thinks a black person is supposed to be and has people booty clapping on stage for her. And now suddenly, she learned and speaks ebonics, and I have to respect it because black people are accepting it. It seems, by and large, she is getting a round of applause. People are laughing along with her as she pretends that she listens to hip hop music. And so, like I said, I got a respect with greatness when I see it. We're gonna talk about her, but first, we have to discuss what's going on in Venezuela, because tons of people were messaging me going, Candace, what's your opinion?


This is crazy. Look at all these protests. What's happening down there? What has happened everywhere? What has happened here? What has happened all around the world? Who do you think is behind to stage a coup of Nicolas Maduro and it failed and they got caught and then they were charged with conspiracy and smuggling goods. So the writing was kind of already on the wall because these are the sorts of things that happen. You see these sort of insurgents pop up and suddenly they're like, oh, I'm acting totally alone. I just. Me, as an american, I'm very concerned about what's happening down here in Venezuela. And yes, I am a decorated as Goodrow is a three time bronze star recipient for bravery in Iraq and Afghanistan. And everybody knows that whatever we were doing over there was just above board America. We don't, we don't do anything that's corrupt. Okay? Now, there have been a few times we've done some things that are corrupt. And, yeah, it turns out that Nicolas Maduro has noticed some of those things. So he gave a speech yesterday. I'm going to read to you what he said while showing you a clip of this speech.Maduro said, the North Americans put a smile on their face, diplomatic face of deception, but behind, they carry a dagger. And if you believe their smile, if you get careless, they turn around and stab you. So they have acted for almost 200 years, assassinating presidents, assassinating leaders around the world, assassinating presidents in the USA. John F. Kennedy,.Call my friends at american financing. They are helping people just like you turn things around by using the equity in their homes to pay off that high interest debt. They understand what you're going through. They talk to people like you and people in your position every single day. American financing is saving their borrowers an average of $854 a month, which amounts to basically a $10,000 a year raise. And they are closing some in as little as ten days. So if you start today, you may not even have to make next month's mortgage payment. There's no better time than now to turn your situation around. Call 807 9512 ten. That's 807 9512 ten. Or visit owens. Okay, guys, I do have to show you this mug because we have to show this clip of guys. Can you pull that up of Andrew Tate? Because this is the reason, and this was the thought process. Someone in the live chat was like, next cup stand. As cups should say, don't care. Built different. Because it is my favorite moment of Andrew Tate on the Internet because it is exactly, it embodies exactly how I think and that I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist.You can call me whatever you want. We are the ones that still have common sense. We do not care. We are built different. Let's cut to two. Andrew Tate in this amazing clip. Don't care. Built different. Don't care. I gotta show you guys the full clip too. When. When we have it. Maybe that'll be tomorrow. Where he speaks about how, you know, common sense told me not to get the vaccine because everyone wanted me to get the vaccine so bad. That's it. He always just says, who's the source? The source is the streets is what he says. And the streets told me not to get the vaccine. Mile. The midwit experts told me to get the vaccine. It is not happening. Okay, back to your comments. A few more here. Liz writes, I love your show, Candace. Please read confessions of an economic hitman. Also look into Tommy Robinson documentary and maybe an episode on what's going on in the UK. Love from England. Yes, that sounds like a great idea. I actually should do updates from around the world. Sarah Abda writes, the devil tries to silence her, but we will make her message loud.Everyone subscribe at locals to help spread God's truth. She needs us to step up. Thank you so much Sarah. And yeah, I do believe that I can do it with just the people. And I don't have to sell out to a corporation because as it's already been proven, so many of you guys have donated to us so that we can keep the show free and keep my voice free and not enslaved by corporate narratives. And sometimes that corporate narrative for a lot of people is a I just want to make sure that I stay away from making an accusation about someone that could get me into a lot of trouble. But I know that there is a story there and I promise that I will cover it tomorrow. I think it was somebody on his show that was working with him for a while and is no longer working there, but was perhaps, perhaps, yeah, transgendered and things got a little bit crazy.Israel writes, Candace, I am a fan. Maduro's government just kidnapped 1000 protesters and 16 people have been murdered. Me and my family have suffered from dictatorship. I want to be very clear. I am not at all saying that I agree with Maduro. I have obviously I understand what has happened in Venezuela over the last years, the starvation, the lack of food, all of these things that have taken place. But what I am saying is that in every aspect of government, what the US often does is like, well, support the regime change till we're done with who we change the regime to and then we change it again. And that is a cycle in which the people don't recognize like that. I'm just trying to get you guys to sort of zoom out and see the big picture here, which is every predicament that you are in is being sponsored and pushed by the global elite. So they allowed him to assume power, and now they're done with him and they are going to put somebody else there. That is what I predict is going to happen. I truly hope that I am wrong and that nobody is assassinated.But I, of course, nowhere in the world. I hate the fact that no matter which way you spin it, it is the people who suffer, the people who are not a part of the oligarchy. And that's all of us, by the way, all around the world. Katie writes, did you know that the word Kamala means terrible in Finnish? God bless you, Candice. We need more people like you in the world. Sarah writes, I'm a muslim, and I can say loud and proud, Christ is king. Indeed he is. And that is a good place for us to end. You guys head to club and get your Stannis cup. Head to Candace and become a supporter of the show. And I'm not speaking to black people until after the election. That's how I feel right now. I just want to say that right now, I'm not talking to any black people until after the election. Because if we're buying this Kamala Harris stuff, I don't even. We can't be friends right now. I'm deleting my sisters from my phone, my cousins. I'm not talking to any of you until you deal with Kamala Harris. And this black sent that.She's putting a on. All right, guys, I'll see you guys tomorrow.


to stage a coup of Nicolas Maduro and it failed and they got caught and then they were charged with conspiracy and smuggling goods. So the writing was kind of already on the wall because these are the sorts of things that happen. You see these sort of insurgents pop up and suddenly they're like, oh, I'm acting totally alone. I just. Me, as an american, I'm very concerned about what's happening down here in Venezuela. And yes, I am a decorated as Goodrow is a three time bronze star recipient for bravery in Iraq and Afghanistan. And everybody knows that whatever we were doing over there was just above board America. We don't, we don't do anything that's corrupt. Okay? Now, there have been a few times we've done some things that are corrupt. And, yeah, it turns out that Nicolas Maduro has noticed some of those things. So he gave a speech yesterday. I'm going to read to you what he said while showing you a clip of this speech.


Maduro said, the North Americans put a smile on their face, diplomatic face of deception, but behind, they carry a dagger. And if you believe their smile, if you get careless, they turn around and stab you. So they have acted for almost 200 years, assassinating presidents, assassinating leaders around the world, assassinating presidents in the USA. John F. Kennedy,.Call my friends at american financing. They are helping people just like you turn things around by using the equity in their homes to pay off that high interest debt. They understand what you're going through. They talk to people like you and people in your position every single day. American financing is saving their borrowers an average of $854 a month, which amounts to basically a $10,000 a year raise. And they are closing some in as little as ten days. So if you start today, you may not even have to make next month's mortgage payment. There's no better time than now to turn your situation around. Call 807 9512 ten. That's 807 9512 ten. Or visit owens. Okay, guys, I do have to show you this mug because we have to show this clip of guys. Can you pull that up of Andrew Tate? Because this is the reason, and this was the thought process. Someone in the live chat was like, next cup stand. As cups should say, don't care. Built different. Because it is my favorite moment of Andrew Tate on the Internet because it is exactly, it embodies exactly how I think and that I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist.You can call me whatever you want. We are the ones that still have common sense. We do not care. We are built different. Let's cut to two. Andrew Tate in this amazing clip. Don't care. Built different. Don't care. I gotta show you guys the full clip too. When. When we have it. Maybe that'll be tomorrow. Where he speaks about how, you know, common sense told me not to get the vaccine because everyone wanted me to get the vaccine so bad. That's it. He always just says, who's the source? The source is the streets is what he says. And the streets told me not to get the vaccine. Mile. The midwit experts told me to get the vaccine. It is not happening. Okay, back to your comments. A few more here. Liz writes, I love your show, Candace. Please read confessions of an economic hitman. Also look into Tommy Robinson documentary and maybe an episode on what's going on in the UK. Love from England. Yes, that sounds like a great idea. I actually should do updates from around the world. Sarah Abda writes, the devil tries to silence her, but we will make her message loud.Everyone subscribe at locals to help spread God's truth. She needs us to step up. Thank you so much Sarah. And yeah, I do believe that I can do it with just the people. And I don't have to sell out to a corporation because as it's already been proven, so many of you guys have donated to us so that we can keep the show free and keep my voice free and not enslaved by corporate narratives. And sometimes that corporate narrative for a lot of people is a I just want to make sure that I stay away from making an accusation about someone that could get me into a lot of trouble. But I know that there is a story there and I promise that I will cover it tomorrow. I think it was somebody on his show that was working with him for a while and is no longer working there, but was perhaps, perhaps, yeah, transgendered and things got a little bit crazy.Israel writes, Candace, I am a fan. Maduro's government just kidnapped 1000 protesters and 16 people have been murdered. Me and my family have suffered from dictatorship. I want to be very clear. I am not at all saying that I agree with Maduro. I have obviously I understand what has happened in Venezuela over the last years, the starvation, the lack of food, all of these things that have taken place. But what I am saying is that in every aspect of government, what the US often does is like, well, support the regime change till we're done with who we change the regime to and then we change it again. And that is a cycle in which the people don't recognize like that. I'm just trying to get you guys to sort of zoom out and see the big picture here, which is every predicament that you are in is being sponsored and pushed by the global elite. So they allowed him to assume power, and now they're done with him and they are going to put somebody else there. That is what I predict is going to happen. I truly hope that I am wrong and that nobody is assassinated.But I, of course, nowhere in the world. I hate the fact that no matter which way you spin it, it is the people who suffer, the people who are not a part of the oligarchy. And that's all of us, by the way, all around the world. Katie writes, did you know that the word Kamala means terrible in Finnish? God bless you, Candice. We need more people like you in the world. Sarah writes, I'm a muslim, and I can say loud and proud, Christ is king. Indeed he is. And that is a good place for us to end. You guys head to club and get your Stannis cup. Head to Candace and become a supporter of the show. And I'm not speaking to black people until after the election. That's how I feel right now. I just want to say that right now, I'm not talking to any black people until after the election. Because if we're buying this Kamala Harris stuff, I don't even. We can't be friends right now. I'm deleting my sisters from my phone, my cousins. I'm not talking to any of you until you deal with Kamala Harris. And this black sent that.She's putting a on. All right, guys, I'll see you guys tomorrow.




Call my friends at american financing. They are helping people just like you turn things around by using the equity in their homes to pay off that high interest debt. They understand what you're going through. They talk to people like you and people in your position every single day. American financing is saving their borrowers an average of $854 a month, which amounts to basically a $10,000 a year raise. And they are closing some in as little as ten days. So if you start today, you may not even have to make next month's mortgage payment. There's no better time than now to turn your situation around. Call 807 9512 ten. That's 807 9512 ten. Or visit owens. Okay, guys, I do have to show you this mug because we have to show this clip of guys. Can you pull that up of Andrew Tate? Because this is the reason, and this was the thought process. Someone in the live chat was like, next cup stand. As cups should say, don't care. Built different. Because it is my favorite moment of Andrew Tate on the Internet because it is exactly, it embodies exactly how I think and that I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist.


You can call me whatever you want. We are the ones that still have common sense. We do not care. We are built different. Let's cut to two. Andrew Tate in this amazing clip. Don't care. Built different. Don't care. I gotta show you guys the full clip too. When. When we have it. Maybe that'll be tomorrow. Where he speaks about how, you know, common sense told me not to get the vaccine because everyone wanted me to get the vaccine so bad. That's it. He always just says, who's the source? The source is the streets is what he says. And the streets told me not to get the vaccine. Mile. The midwit experts told me to get the vaccine. It is not happening. Okay, back to your comments. A few more here. Liz writes, I love your show, Candace. Please read confessions of an economic hitman. Also look into Tommy Robinson documentary and maybe an episode on what's going on in the UK. Love from England. Yes, that sounds like a great idea. I actually should do updates from around the world. Sarah Abda writes, the devil tries to silence her, but we will make her message loud.


Everyone subscribe at locals to help spread God's truth. She needs us to step up. Thank you so much Sarah. And yeah, I do believe that I can do it with just the people. And I don't have to sell out to a corporation because as it's already been proven, so many of you guys have donated to us so that we can keep the show free and keep my voice free and not enslaved by corporate narratives. And sometimes that corporate narrative for a lot of people is a I just want to make sure that I stay away from making an accusation about someone that could get me into a lot of trouble. But I know that there is a story there and I promise that I will cover it tomorrow. I think it was somebody on his show that was working with him for a while and is no longer working there, but was perhaps, perhaps, yeah, transgendered and things got a little bit crazy.


Israel writes, Candace, I am a fan. Maduro's government just kidnapped 1000 protesters and 16 people have been murdered. Me and my family have suffered from dictatorship. I want to be very clear. I am not at all saying that I agree with Maduro. I have obviously I understand what has happened in Venezuela over the last years, the starvation, the lack of food, all of these things that have taken place. But what I am saying is that in every aspect of government, what the US often does is like, well, support the regime change till we're done with who we change the regime to and then we change it again. And that is a cycle in which the people don't recognize like that. I'm just trying to get you guys to sort of zoom out and see the big picture here, which is every predicament that you are in is being sponsored and pushed by the global elite. So they allowed him to assume power, and now they're done with him and they are going to put somebody else there. That is what I predict is going to happen. I truly hope that I am wrong and that nobody is assassinated.


But I, of course, nowhere in the world. I hate the fact that no matter which way you spin it, it is the people who suffer, the people who are not a part of the oligarchy. And that's all of us, by the way, all around the world. Katie writes, did you know that the word Kamala means terrible in Finnish? God bless you, Candice. We need more people like you in the world. Sarah writes, I'm a muslim, and I can say loud and proud, Christ is king. Indeed he is. And that is a good place for us to end. You guys head to club and get your Stannis cup. Head to Candace and become a supporter of the show. And I'm not speaking to black people until after the election. That's how I feel right now. I just want to say that right now, I'm not talking to any black people until after the election. Because if we're buying this Kamala Harris stuff, I don't even. We can't be friends right now. I'm deleting my sisters from my phone, my cousins. I'm not talking to any of you until you deal with Kamala Harris. And this black sent that.


She's putting a on. All right, guys, I'll see you guys tomorrow.