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All right, everybody, an evening live. This is so exciting. We're really doing this because we had some construction going on and so the noise was not ideal for an earlier broadcast. But this is also exciting because Biden is going to attempt to speak and we're going to be able to process that. And I'm so glad that you guys Oval Office as president of the United States. But here I am. That's a so special about America. We are a nation of promise and possibilities, of dreamers and doers, of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I've given my heart and my soul to our nation. Like so many others, I've been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the american people. I hope to have some idea how grateful I am to all of you. The great thing about America is here, kings and dictators do not rule.The people do. History is in your hands.This is just not his normal like.I mean, the idea of America, even.In a straight teleprompter, Reid, he always has a typo, do you know what I mean?You just have to keep faith. Keep the faith and remember who we are. We're the United States of America and there's simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity. And we do it together. So let's act together, preserve our democracy. God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Thank you.I'm just gonna. I am just gonna let the live chat, live chat here. I don't know. Weird. Very weird. I'll tell you what I thought instantly was weird. I thought it was strange that he did not trip over his words because even in a teleprompter read Joe Biden, I don't think he has ever made it through a teleprompter read without misspeaking, pronouncing a word wrong, saying something funny, giving us an end quote. I don't know, that just felt very weird. I don't know what else to say other than it did not seem right. Something about that did not seem right at all. And I am not sure why he implied there that he was going to let the next it would be I guess dark enough outside. It would be like 816 pm over there. And that would maybe a reason that you wouldn't be able to see rain or be able to see the live, the leaves blowing in the wind. I'm just trying to rationalize everything that we just saw. This person says, hold on 1 second, I got to pull down this. Just checked accuweather. Okay. That's a ripoff of Clinton's 2000 DNC speech. Very interesting. I would like to look that up and see if that's correct. It says everyone's saying this. Check radar and wind speed time swallowing sounds. This is a generated deep fake. As I said, the Internet will Internet right away. This person says sleepy Joe had AI lips for the first five minutes. Yeah, the first five minutes was especially strange. And again, I'm going to try to allow for maybe the tech was weird and that's why it came across that way. But something did not seem right. Kathy agrees. She writes, looking at body language, did he just speak for five minutes and not move his head in any meaningful way?Yeah, there's sort of a natural thing that came out of the Heritage foundation. They tend not to write anything too insane. So I will look at that. Is it just a case of Republicans being too scared to stand by it because it's like voting season and everyone kind of turns into a neocon, maybe?Or is it really as bad as CNN says it is? I don't know. I haven't looked into it. But I promise you that I will do that for tomorrow's episode. Billy writes, I think I speak for a lot of people on how much we so appreciate that you do your show live, that transparency and honesty is what will help heal our country. Christ is king. Thank you. Rogue writes, hey, Candace, would you please look into Orthodox Christianity? It is the original church, which is older than the Catholic Church. Also, have you seen the british Trump rallies? Love you. Christ is kingdom. Yes, I asked a lot of questions about. I asked a lot of questions about the orthodox christian faith. I know that the, obviously the great schism, they view each other still like brother and sisters and they think everybody else is a heretic. But I had some concerns about the priest being allowed to be married. So I would love to hear you educate me on that. I just would you want to confess to a priest who was married. Would you trust that he wouldn't tell his wife? I don't know. I've got questions about that.You guys let me know what you think. Lastly, this person writes, guys, don't get complacent. The election isn't yet won. That's exactly the same mistake that cost Hillary the election in 2016. Go out, vote and ensure that Trump wins. Let's make America great again, guys. These are some scary times. I want to say this in closing. These are some tremendously frightening times. A lot of things are happening, and it's very clear that our government is behind the agitation of the things that are happening, whether it's Trump assassination attempt even today. By the way, I shared this on my Twitter and Facebook, and I want you guys to find that when you log off, suddenly you had the right acting like the left. And there's a kid who lights an american flag on fire and the right is like, this is the left. Here's an image of him. Look at this. This is the left. And I'm like, have we already forgotten January 6? Like, every time there is a protest anywhere, especially in DC, there are federal agitators. And I find this kid to be tremendously suspicious. Can you go back to the image of him?I want them to see this. Somebody identify who this is. Not because I want him to get arrested, but because I just would like to know what individual with cameras trained on him. You look on the right there, I think somebody identified, that's the Daily Caller, feels so confident in what he's doing that he lights a fire without a mask on, dances around it. He seems to be alone. If you go and find the footage and then instantly causes people on the left and the right to start yelling at each other on the Internet, like, who? Who is that confident? If you're a criminal, you should cover your face. But this, like, is it a bonfire? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can see he's just agitating a bit. And so my instinct, because I am realizing that, again, the left becomes the right and the right becomes the left, is to go, no, identify this person. Don't tell me that's a leftist. Prove to me that as somebody on the left, because I don't trust our government, I think the purpose is always to keep us warring within ourselves. Oh, it's the left. Oh, it's the right.Also a perfect opportunity to sell to the american people that anybody that's against going to war on Israel's behalf with Iran, which is kind of what Bimin Netanyahu said, like, you got to go to war. That's like, we're your greatest allies. And no one ever explains what exactly it is that Israel does for us all the time, that they're our greatest allies. Like, forget you, England, we, everything that we've done with you guys, this country is our greatest ally. But you look at all that situation, you go, oh, how perfect, how absolutely perfect it is that just outside now there's even more of a reason to, I don't know, I guess, just like hate Palestinians and want to, I guess, rush into a war with Israel. I don't even know what the point of that is. So let's first be clear on our facts before we share them, okay? Because, you know, I'm against burning the american flag. Nothing makes me more upset than that. But I also know when to check my emotions. And I always check my emotions as it pertains, ever since January 6. Anything that gets out of hand in Washington, DC, because again, these are federal agitators everywhere.Going to show you that guy's face one more time. Identify this young man for me. Run it through your software. Tell me who he is, who are his friends? What school does he go to? Where does he work that he is this comfortable being filmed just lighting an american flag? Which could have, you know, it could have been an act of arson. It could have quite literally caused an issue. I mean, he, I'm sure he could be arrested for that if considering there's damage to the sidewalk. Who is this confident doing that if not a fed? So again, guys, that is all I'm going to say in conclusion. Do your work, help us out. Let's figure out who that is. But stay vigilant. Stay vigilant and make sure you check out dot. Get yourself a standis cup to support this show. Go to locals, even if you get $0.50. Look at the new Standis cup, guys. These are so great. Check these out. It's so great. Conspiracy theorists on the front and on the back it says don't care. Built different. Because it's my favorite thing ever that Andrew Tate said regarding how he ignores all data because he's realized that everyone's a bunch of midwits and they can't think logically about anything.They don't use their common sense. No one uses their gut instinct anymore. They have to be told what to do. They have to be told what they're even looking at. They're like, oh, look. Look at this plant. I'm going to wait until somebody tells me it's a plant. And it's like, do you have eyes? Do you have ears? Don't you think it's weird that the government is trying to insist you roll up your sleeves and get a vaccine? You really think that the government loves you all of a sudden? Well, the obvious answer is no. I don't care. I'm built different. If you want to call me a conspiracy theorist. So join the club. If you yourself are built different, head to club as a second edition standis cup. Those two will be discontinued once we hit 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Love you guys so much. I'll miss you. I will see you tomorrow. We will be on at the right time live at 04:00 p.m. eastern. I'll see you guys then.


Oval Office as president of the United States. But here I am. That's a so special about America. We are a nation of promise and possibilities, of dreamers and doers, of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I've given my heart and my soul to our nation. Like so many others, I've been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the american people. I hope to have some idea how grateful I am to all of you. The great thing about America is here, kings and dictators do not rule.


The people do. History is in your hands.


This is just not his normal like.


I mean, the idea of America, even.


In a straight teleprompter, Reid, he always has a typo, do you know what I mean?


You just have to keep faith. Keep the faith and remember who we are. We're the United States of America and there's simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity. And we do it together. So let's act together, preserve our democracy. God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Thank you.


I'm just gonna. I am just gonna let the live chat, live chat here. I don't know. Weird. Very weird. I'll tell you what I thought instantly was weird. I thought it was strange that he did not trip over his words because even in a teleprompter read Joe Biden, I don't think he has ever made it through a teleprompter read without misspeaking, pronouncing a word wrong, saying something funny, giving us an end quote. I don't know, that just felt very weird. I don't know what else to say other than it did not seem right. Something about that did not seem right at all. And I am not sure why he implied there that he was going to let the next it would be I guess dark enough outside. It would be like 816 pm over there. And that would maybe a reason that you wouldn't be able to see rain or be able to see the live, the leaves blowing in the wind. I'm just trying to rationalize everything that we just saw. This person says, hold on 1 second, I got to pull down this. Just checked accuweather. Okay. That's a ripoff of Clinton's 2000 DNC speech. Very interesting. I would like to look that up and see if that's correct. It says everyone's saying this. Check radar and wind speed time swallowing sounds. This is a generated deep fake. As I said, the Internet will Internet right away. This person says sleepy Joe had AI lips for the first five minutes. Yeah, the first five minutes was especially strange. And again, I'm going to try to allow for maybe the tech was weird and that's why it came across that way. But something did not seem right. Kathy agrees. She writes, looking at body language, did he just speak for five minutes and not move his head in any meaningful way?Yeah, there's sort of a natural thing that came out of the Heritage foundation. They tend not to write anything too insane. So I will look at that. Is it just a case of Republicans being too scared to stand by it because it's like voting season and everyone kind of turns into a neocon, maybe?Or is it really as bad as CNN says it is? I don't know. I haven't looked into it. But I promise you that I will do that for tomorrow's episode. Billy writes, I think I speak for a lot of people on how much we so appreciate that you do your show live, that transparency and honesty is what will help heal our country. Christ is king. Thank you. Rogue writes, hey, Candace, would you please look into Orthodox Christianity? It is the original church, which is older than the Catholic Church. Also, have you seen the british Trump rallies? Love you. Christ is kingdom. Yes, I asked a lot of questions about. I asked a lot of questions about the orthodox christian faith. I know that the, obviously the great schism, they view each other still like brother and sisters and they think everybody else is a heretic. But I had some concerns about the priest being allowed to be married. So I would love to hear you educate me on that. I just would you want to confess to a priest who was married. Would you trust that he wouldn't tell his wife? I don't know. I've got questions about that.You guys let me know what you think. Lastly, this person writes, guys, don't get complacent. The election isn't yet won. That's exactly the same mistake that cost Hillary the election in 2016. Go out, vote and ensure that Trump wins. Let's make America great again, guys. These are some scary times. I want to say this in closing. These are some tremendously frightening times. A lot of things are happening, and it's very clear that our government is behind the agitation of the things that are happening, whether it's Trump assassination attempt even today. By the way, I shared this on my Twitter and Facebook, and I want you guys to find that when you log off, suddenly you had the right acting like the left. And there's a kid who lights an american flag on fire and the right is like, this is the left. Here's an image of him. Look at this. This is the left. And I'm like, have we already forgotten January 6? Like, every time there is a protest anywhere, especially in DC, there are federal agitators. And I find this kid to be tremendously suspicious. Can you go back to the image of him?I want them to see this. Somebody identify who this is. Not because I want him to get arrested, but because I just would like to know what individual with cameras trained on him. You look on the right there, I think somebody identified, that's the Daily Caller, feels so confident in what he's doing that he lights a fire without a mask on, dances around it. He seems to be alone. If you go and find the footage and then instantly causes people on the left and the right to start yelling at each other on the Internet, like, who? Who is that confident? If you're a criminal, you should cover your face. But this, like, is it a bonfire? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can see he's just agitating a bit. And so my instinct, because I am realizing that, again, the left becomes the right and the right becomes the left, is to go, no, identify this person. Don't tell me that's a leftist. Prove to me that as somebody on the left, because I don't trust our government, I think the purpose is always to keep us warring within ourselves. Oh, it's the left. Oh, it's the right.Also a perfect opportunity to sell to the american people that anybody that's against going to war on Israel's behalf with Iran, which is kind of what Bimin Netanyahu said, like, you got to go to war. That's like, we're your greatest allies. And no one ever explains what exactly it is that Israel does for us all the time, that they're our greatest allies. Like, forget you, England, we, everything that we've done with you guys, this country is our greatest ally. But you look at all that situation, you go, oh, how perfect, how absolutely perfect it is that just outside now there's even more of a reason to, I don't know, I guess, just like hate Palestinians and want to, I guess, rush into a war with Israel. I don't even know what the point of that is. So let's first be clear on our facts before we share them, okay? Because, you know, I'm against burning the american flag. Nothing makes me more upset than that. But I also know when to check my emotions. And I always check my emotions as it pertains, ever since January 6. Anything that gets out of hand in Washington, DC, because again, these are federal agitators everywhere.Going to show you that guy's face one more time. Identify this young man for me. Run it through your software. Tell me who he is, who are his friends? What school does he go to? Where does he work that he is this comfortable being filmed just lighting an american flag? Which could have, you know, it could have been an act of arson. It could have quite literally caused an issue. I mean, he, I'm sure he could be arrested for that if considering there's damage to the sidewalk. Who is this confident doing that if not a fed? So again, guys, that is all I'm going to say in conclusion. Do your work, help us out. Let's figure out who that is. But stay vigilant. Stay vigilant and make sure you check out dot. Get yourself a standis cup to support this show. Go to locals, even if you get $0.50. Look at the new Standis cup, guys. These are so great. Check these out. It's so great. Conspiracy theorists on the front and on the back it says don't care. Built different. Because it's my favorite thing ever that Andrew Tate said regarding how he ignores all data because he's realized that everyone's a bunch of midwits and they can't think logically about anything.They don't use their common sense. No one uses their gut instinct anymore. They have to be told what to do. They have to be told what they're even looking at. They're like, oh, look. Look at this plant. I'm going to wait until somebody tells me it's a plant. And it's like, do you have eyes? Do you have ears? Don't you think it's weird that the government is trying to insist you roll up your sleeves and get a vaccine? You really think that the government loves you all of a sudden? Well, the obvious answer is no. I don't care. I'm built different. If you want to call me a conspiracy theorist. So join the club. If you yourself are built different, head to club as a second edition standis cup. Those two will be discontinued once we hit 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Love you guys so much. I'll miss you. I will see you tomorrow. We will be on at the right time live at 04:00 p.m. eastern. I'll see you guys then.


it would be I guess dark enough outside. It would be like 816 pm over there. And that would maybe a reason that you wouldn't be able to see rain or be able to see the live, the leaves blowing in the wind. I'm just trying to rationalize everything that we just saw. This person says, hold on 1 second, I got to pull down this. Just checked accuweather. Okay. That's a ripoff of Clinton's 2000 DNC speech. Very interesting. I would like to look that up and see if that's correct. It says everyone's saying this. Check radar and wind speed time swallowing sounds. This is a generated deep fake. As I said, the Internet will Internet right away. This person says sleepy Joe had AI lips for the first five minutes. Yeah, the first five minutes was especially strange. And again, I'm going to try to allow for maybe the tech was weird and that's why it came across that way. But something did not seem right. Kathy agrees. She writes, looking at body language, did he just speak for five minutes and not move his head in any meaningful way?


Yeah, there's sort of a natural thing that came out of the Heritage foundation. They tend not to write anything too insane. So I will look at that. Is it just a case of Republicans being too scared to stand by it because it's like voting season and everyone kind of turns into a neocon, maybe?Or is it really as bad as CNN says it is? I don't know. I haven't looked into it. But I promise you that I will do that for tomorrow's episode. Billy writes, I think I speak for a lot of people on how much we so appreciate that you do your show live, that transparency and honesty is what will help heal our country. Christ is king. Thank you. Rogue writes, hey, Candace, would you please look into Orthodox Christianity? It is the original church, which is older than the Catholic Church. Also, have you seen the british Trump rallies? Love you. Christ is kingdom. Yes, I asked a lot of questions about. I asked a lot of questions about the orthodox christian faith. I know that the, obviously the great schism, they view each other still like brother and sisters and they think everybody else is a heretic. But I had some concerns about the priest being allowed to be married. So I would love to hear you educate me on that. I just would you want to confess to a priest who was married. Would you trust that he wouldn't tell his wife? I don't know. I've got questions about that.You guys let me know what you think. Lastly, this person writes, guys, don't get complacent. The election isn't yet won. That's exactly the same mistake that cost Hillary the election in 2016. Go out, vote and ensure that Trump wins. Let's make America great again, guys. These are some scary times. I want to say this in closing. These are some tremendously frightening times. A lot of things are happening, and it's very clear that our government is behind the agitation of the things that are happening, whether it's Trump assassination attempt even today. By the way, I shared this on my Twitter and Facebook, and I want you guys to find that when you log off, suddenly you had the right acting like the left. And there's a kid who lights an american flag on fire and the right is like, this is the left. Here's an image of him. Look at this. This is the left. And I'm like, have we already forgotten January 6? Like, every time there is a protest anywhere, especially in DC, there are federal agitators. And I find this kid to be tremendously suspicious. Can you go back to the image of him?I want them to see this. Somebody identify who this is. Not because I want him to get arrested, but because I just would like to know what individual with cameras trained on him. You look on the right there, I think somebody identified, that's the Daily Caller, feels so confident in what he's doing that he lights a fire without a mask on, dances around it. He seems to be alone. If you go and find the footage and then instantly causes people on the left and the right to start yelling at each other on the Internet, like, who? Who is that confident? If you're a criminal, you should cover your face. But this, like, is it a bonfire? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can see he's just agitating a bit. And so my instinct, because I am realizing that, again, the left becomes the right and the right becomes the left, is to go, no, identify this person. Don't tell me that's a leftist. Prove to me that as somebody on the left, because I don't trust our government, I think the purpose is always to keep us warring within ourselves. Oh, it's the left. Oh, it's the right.Also a perfect opportunity to sell to the american people that anybody that's against going to war on Israel's behalf with Iran, which is kind of what Bimin Netanyahu said, like, you got to go to war. That's like, we're your greatest allies. And no one ever explains what exactly it is that Israel does for us all the time, that they're our greatest allies. Like, forget you, England, we, everything that we've done with you guys, this country is our greatest ally. But you look at all that situation, you go, oh, how perfect, how absolutely perfect it is that just outside now there's even more of a reason to, I don't know, I guess, just like hate Palestinians and want to, I guess, rush into a war with Israel. I don't even know what the point of that is. So let's first be clear on our facts before we share them, okay? Because, you know, I'm against burning the american flag. Nothing makes me more upset than that. But I also know when to check my emotions. And I always check my emotions as it pertains, ever since January 6. Anything that gets out of hand in Washington, DC, because again, these are federal agitators everywhere.Going to show you that guy's face one more time. Identify this young man for me. Run it through your software. Tell me who he is, who are his friends? What school does he go to? Where does he work that he is this comfortable being filmed just lighting an american flag? Which could have, you know, it could have been an act of arson. It could have quite literally caused an issue. I mean, he, I'm sure he could be arrested for that if considering there's damage to the sidewalk. Who is this confident doing that if not a fed? So again, guys, that is all I'm going to say in conclusion. Do your work, help us out. Let's figure out who that is. But stay vigilant. Stay vigilant and make sure you check out dot. Get yourself a standis cup to support this show. Go to locals, even if you get $0.50. Look at the new Standis cup, guys. These are so great. Check these out. It's so great. Conspiracy theorists on the front and on the back it says don't care. Built different. Because it's my favorite thing ever that Andrew Tate said regarding how he ignores all data because he's realized that everyone's a bunch of midwits and they can't think logically about anything.They don't use their common sense. No one uses their gut instinct anymore. They have to be told what to do. They have to be told what they're even looking at. They're like, oh, look. Look at this plant. I'm going to wait until somebody tells me it's a plant. And it's like, do you have eyes? Do you have ears? Don't you think it's weird that the government is trying to insist you roll up your sleeves and get a vaccine? You really think that the government loves you all of a sudden? Well, the obvious answer is no. I don't care. I'm built different. If you want to call me a conspiracy theorist. So join the club. If you yourself are built different, head to club as a second edition standis cup. Those two will be discontinued once we hit 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Love you guys so much. I'll miss you. I will see you tomorrow. We will be on at the right time live at 04:00 p.m. eastern. I'll see you guys then.


came out of the Heritage foundation. They tend not to write anything too insane. So I will look at that. Is it just a case of Republicans being too scared to stand by it because it's like voting season and everyone kind of turns into a neocon, maybe?


Or is it really as bad as CNN says it is? I don't know. I haven't looked into it. But I promise you that I will do that for tomorrow's episode. Billy writes, I think I speak for a lot of people on how much we so appreciate that you do your show live, that transparency and honesty is what will help heal our country. Christ is king. Thank you. Rogue writes, hey, Candace, would you please look into Orthodox Christianity? It is the original church, which is older than the Catholic Church. Also, have you seen the british Trump rallies? Love you. Christ is kingdom. Yes, I asked a lot of questions about. I asked a lot of questions about the orthodox christian faith. I know that the, obviously the great schism, they view each other still like brother and sisters and they think everybody else is a heretic. But I had some concerns about the priest being allowed to be married. So I would love to hear you educate me on that. I just would you want to confess to a priest who was married. Would you trust that he wouldn't tell his wife? I don't know. I've got questions about that.


You guys let me know what you think. Lastly, this person writes, guys, don't get complacent. The election isn't yet won. That's exactly the same mistake that cost Hillary the election in 2016. Go out, vote and ensure that Trump wins. Let's make America great again, guys. These are some scary times. I want to say this in closing. These are some tremendously frightening times. A lot of things are happening, and it's very clear that our government is behind the agitation of the things that are happening, whether it's Trump assassination attempt even today. By the way, I shared this on my Twitter and Facebook, and I want you guys to find that when you log off, suddenly you had the right acting like the left. And there's a kid who lights an american flag on fire and the right is like, this is the left. Here's an image of him. Look at this. This is the left. And I'm like, have we already forgotten January 6? Like, every time there is a protest anywhere, especially in DC, there are federal agitators. And I find this kid to be tremendously suspicious. Can you go back to the image of him?


I want them to see this. Somebody identify who this is. Not because I want him to get arrested, but because I just would like to know what individual with cameras trained on him. You look on the right there, I think somebody identified, that's the Daily Caller, feels so confident in what he's doing that he lights a fire without a mask on, dances around it. He seems to be alone. If you go and find the footage and then instantly causes people on the left and the right to start yelling at each other on the Internet, like, who? Who is that confident? If you're a criminal, you should cover your face. But this, like, is it a bonfire? Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can see he's just agitating a bit. And so my instinct, because I am realizing that, again, the left becomes the right and the right becomes the left, is to go, no, identify this person. Don't tell me that's a leftist. Prove to me that as somebody on the left, because I don't trust our government, I think the purpose is always to keep us warring within ourselves. Oh, it's the left. Oh, it's the right.


Also a perfect opportunity to sell to the american people that anybody that's against going to war on Israel's behalf with Iran, which is kind of what Bimin Netanyahu said, like, you got to go to war. That's like, we're your greatest allies. And no one ever explains what exactly it is that Israel does for us all the time, that they're our greatest allies. Like, forget you, England, we, everything that we've done with you guys, this country is our greatest ally. But you look at all that situation, you go, oh, how perfect, how absolutely perfect it is that just outside now there's even more of a reason to, I don't know, I guess, just like hate Palestinians and want to, I guess, rush into a war with Israel. I don't even know what the point of that is. So let's first be clear on our facts before we share them, okay? Because, you know, I'm against burning the american flag. Nothing makes me more upset than that. But I also know when to check my emotions. And I always check my emotions as it pertains, ever since January 6. Anything that gets out of hand in Washington, DC, because again, these are federal agitators everywhere.


Going to show you that guy's face one more time. Identify this young man for me. Run it through your software. Tell me who he is, who are his friends? What school does he go to? Where does he work that he is this comfortable being filmed just lighting an american flag? Which could have, you know, it could have been an act of arson. It could have quite literally caused an issue. I mean, he, I'm sure he could be arrested for that if considering there's damage to the sidewalk. Who is this confident doing that if not a fed? So again, guys, that is all I'm going to say in conclusion. Do your work, help us out. Let's figure out who that is. But stay vigilant. Stay vigilant and make sure you check out dot. Get yourself a standis cup to support this show. Go to locals, even if you get $0.50. Look at the new Standis cup, guys. These are so great. Check these out. It's so great. Conspiracy theorists on the front and on the back it says don't care. Built different. Because it's my favorite thing ever that Andrew Tate said regarding how he ignores all data because he's realized that everyone's a bunch of midwits and they can't think logically about anything.


They don't use their common sense. No one uses their gut instinct anymore. They have to be told what to do. They have to be told what they're even looking at. They're like, oh, look. Look at this plant. I'm going to wait until somebody tells me it's a plant. And it's like, do you have eyes? Do you have ears? Don't you think it's weird that the government is trying to insist you roll up your sleeves and get a vaccine? You really think that the government loves you all of a sudden? Well, the obvious answer is no. I don't care. I'm built different. If you want to call me a conspiracy theorist. So join the club. If you yourself are built different, head to club as a second edition standis cup. Those two will be discontinued once we hit 3 million subscribers on YouTube. Love you guys so much. I'll miss you. I will see you tomorrow. We will be on at the right time live at 04:00 p.m. eastern. I'll see you guys then.