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All right, guys, I don't know what to say. I guess nobody's allowed to have a weekend anymore. Everybody just cancel all your plans until the election because it just seems I can't look at my phone anymore. It's an explosion. Something's happening. It is unbelievable. This political cycle has been unbelievable. When I say unbelievable, I mean, you should not believe it. The things that are happening right now, they're like, Oh, my, Biden dropped out. Yeah, that's a really big announcement. But also, there's a little piece of you that knows all of this is a little fake and gay. We know that we are not being told the truth. We We've been talking about his mental faculties for four years now, and the Democrats now, Oh, we saw the debate performance, and now we realize it's performative. We're going to cover what's happened, and then we're going to talk about what's actually happened, and then what will happen, what people think is going to happen, and what's going on, of course, behind the scenes, because there are people that are maneuvering all of this, which we have been covering on the show, again, extensively for a very long time.


So, yes, Biden made a statement. He tweeted this. And by he tweeted this, and by He tweeted this. I mean, somebody else tweeted this. Obviously, Biden has not been with us. He has not been conscious for four years. So he's not writing he's like, I really want to say to the American people that things are going to be okay, end quote. I shears him off. Gosh, it is bad, guys. It is really bad. They gave him the fake COVID, and then he disappeared. Then that's when they said, Okay, we can't keep us up any longer. We knew that we were going to do this. The convention is now close enough that nobody run against him, and we can just make it a crazy convention. Here we are today. By the way, I also want to show you this clip. Remember, then they were trying to dilute us because now they wanted to all pretend they were his friends, that his COVID was almost just like the assassination attempt.Do you remember this? Was it Joy Reid and Jen Saki? Do we have that clip? Let's run that. Here's the question that I have on that. These two men are both elderly. Donald Trump is an elderly man who, for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take a iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation, we'll figure that out one day. But his survival of that and bouncing right back and going right to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength. This current President of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? That he's strong enough, older than Trump, to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age. So if he does fine out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies, isn't that exactly the same? It should. I mean, it's not exactly the same. It's not the same incident, but it's an elderly man coming through out of an illness. It should. I just don't understand how these people you're like, Wait, what am I supposed to do first? Am I supposed to tone? Whatever. They make it super easy. The best part, of course, is I'm super organic and the products are free from fragrance and other chemicals that may disrupt your skin's natural microbiome. They are hardcore. They celebrate faith, family, freedom. They proudly support Christian and conservative causes. They're not doing the thing where they pretend to be left leaning so they can get into the right market.It's they stand against all those progressive beauty companies that back all the anti-American stuff, and their products are, therefore, made here in the USA. Take Nimi's skin quiz today to find the perfect routine curated to your exact skin type. Nimi, again, N-I-M-I. They also have a subscription service, so you can save big that way and also ensure that you have the right products that are consistent. Sign up for a subscription. You'll save 15% on your routine and save an additional 5% using code Candice at checkout. You also receive receive a free gift on every third order. Nimmi is also donating 10% of proceeds to the victims in Butler, Pennsylvania. So visit nimskincare. Com. That's N-I-M-I-Skincare. Com to elevate your routine with America's skincare company. Or you can simply Click the link that we're going to put in our bio. I guess I'll say this, There we go. I think I'm going to miss that, actually. I'm totally going to miss that. Okay, so now let's watch this. Let's watch what they have already rolled out. The MAGA Incorporated is an American super pack that supports, obviously, President Donald Trump. Here's what they already had locked and loaded and ready to go.Take a watch. Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe's obvious mental decline. Our President is in good shape, in good health, tireless, vibrant, and I have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done. But Kamala knew Joe couldn't do the job, so she did it. Look what she got done. A border invasion, runaway inflation, the American dream, dead. They created this mess. They know Kamala owns this failed record. What? No. What? Are you kidding? Did they not see Governor Whitmer's statement? Did they not see all the statements? He's the greatest This President, Biden was, How could they do this? How could MAGA do this? No, he paved the damn roads. We're just saying whatever now. Thanks to Joe Biden, we have paved damn roads. As someone said earlier. I don't know what America they're living in, but we're just going with that. I'm not happy about that ad, man. I am just not happy about those MAGA people lying about stuff. He's the greatest president ever, ever, even though we basically never saw him. What else do we have? A couple of more updates for you. Trump on Truth Social wrote this, Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President and is certainly not fit to serve, and never was.He only attained the position of president by lies, fake news, and not leaving his basement. All those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being President, and he wasn't. Now look what he's done to our great country. I had a great there. Felt very Trump-like. With millions of people coming across our border, totally unchecked and embedded, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record number of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency. We will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. Make America great again. Love that. Then we have Alex Soros, by the way, in case you're looking for a political marriage, imagine if they put her in as president. What's her name? Who was married to the weird pedo vibes person? Uma Abaddon. She just got engaged to Alex Soros. Did you guys see that? Yeah. Alex Soros cited tweet because somehow he views himself as an important enough person to tweet about this. He wrote, It's time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate. We have long lived the American dream, Harris 2024.We have, of course, Bill and Hillary Clinton, because we're not having a good Democrat time unless it's Bill and Hillary Clinton. Where were they? Did they make some comments, by the way, after Trump was the assassination attempt of Trump? Did they make a statement? Did Hillary Clinton ever make a statement? Where was she on the night that Donald J. Trump was almost shot? Am I implying anything? I just would like to know where she was. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, they have endorsed Kamala. This was posted onto Hillary's Instagram. President Biden has capped his extraordinary career of service with the presidency that has lifted America. I can't read these lies anymore. It's making me… I went to Latin Mass this morning. I'm not trying to just read lies like this anymore. It's just the vibe. I can't lie. I'm sorry. Just assume she wrote a big, long statement about everything that President Biden has accomplished. She didn't talk about the damn roads like somebody else did because someone else thinks he paved the damn roads for us. He certainly has not. But then she takes a necessary stab at Trump, so we'll get to that.We've lived through many up and downs, but nothing has made us more worried our country than the threat posed by a second Trump term, she said unabashedly after Trump quite literally had a threat on his life and someone tried to kill him. She then wrote, Trump has promised to be a dictator on day one, and the recent ruling by his servile Supreme courts will only embolden him to further shred the Constitution. Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we've got to elect her. America's future depends on it. Again, could you guys look it up? Did she ever give a statement about Trump's assassination attempt? I don't remember that. That would be wild if she didn't. By the way, I don't know. I'm asking this lie because I just don't remember that in the chorus of people who wrote something about it. I don't remember Hillary Clinton being high up on the list, which would be interesting to say the least. We do have A statement from JD Vance as well. He wrote, Joe Biden has been the worst president in my lifetime, and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way.Over the last four years, she co-signed Biden's open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. Yes, that is the America that I believe we're living in. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden's mental capacity, saddling the nation with a president who can't do the job. President Trump and I are ready to save America, whoever's at the top of the Democrat ticket. Bring it on. I like it. I like it, guys. There's just more statements pouring in. You got Elizabeth Warren, you got RFK, and they're all Obama, obviously, I told you, has given a full statement, but we get it. The moral of the story is predictive programming is real. We obviously all knew this was going to happen before the We were saying that he's not going all the way because they need to swap him out. We were called a conspiracy theorist. We were called liars. Now it seems like we're just shortening the amount of time between the conspiracy theory and the event proving the conspiracy theory to be true, which is why I'm going to apologize about being a conspiracy theorist.I just don't care. Don't care. Built different. Call me a conspiracy theorist. I'm just tired of the days of our lives, the performance that is going on, the soap opera, because that's what this is. In case you're like, This is crazy. It's actually not that crazy. It's a soap opera that is meant to dilute the remaining people who still have faith in our American institutions. I am certainly not one of these people. I recognize that we are fighting real evil. All right, guys, I'm going to jump and read some of your super chats before we jump out of here. We have good vibrations. I like that. That's fun. Candice, the media is touting Kamala to being a woman and mixed race as qualifying her to be the President. They've learned nothing from their mistake of diversity, inclusion, and secret service Yes, of course, like I said, that is the reason that they installed her in the first place. They never liked her. She wasn't a part of the It Club. They find her to be annoying. She's actually not intelligent. She says very stupid stuff all the time, by the way. It's amazing. Me, it's always like, Yeah, this is so stupid.I'm like, If you think that Kamala Harris is smart and I am stupid, you basically have to vote Democrat. I know that for a fact. I don't even hate Democrats, by the way. I shouldn't say that because I know a lot of Democrats watch this show. I'm talking about the far left and the people who just cannot recognize what is happening to this once great country. Amar God writes, Literally the plot of an entire season of homeland. Yeah, and House of Cards. That's why I say it's just predictive programming. They're just telling us what they're going to do, and it doesn't even matter. Emak writes, Biden's crin speech aside, we can only hope that as men, fathers, and husbands, we rise the level of bravery and selflessness as Cory Comparatory rose to, if the need ever arises. Absolutely true. It was horrific to see that were mocking the fact that that firefighter and that father passed away, that he died that night. He was killed. There is so much more that should be said and many things that should be done in his honor, by the way. I hope everybody, if you're donating in his honor because we should give to causes that mean to him.I actually haven't even seen anybody put up. I would love to just donate to his family. Let me know if you guys, if there is a way or capacity to do that, because I'd love to share that. David writes, Candice, I've always been curious It's about Trump dating Princess Diana. It's a shame her government had her killed. Have you researched these things? I have not researched either. I didn't even know that Trump was dating Princess Diana. That was shocking for me. I don't know if that's true, David, but I read your comment anyway. Love from Australia. Thank you so much, Anne Marsh. Chase writes, Hey, Candice, I can't believe how biased I was against Muslims because of the media after October seventh. Thanks for calling me out. You are a hero. You're very welcome. I just think it's crazy. It's like repeating 9/11, and they're just conditioning us to think that it's totally and permissible to just keep bombing Muslims. We haven't just been bombing Muslims for decades, and we're not bombing them or us into prosperity. So it is a little bit ridiculous. Joe Sellers writes, God bless you, Candice. You're doing great work for God and his church.Thank you for your honesty and spreading truth. Ave Maria. Hey, Candice, you should watch Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It's about the JFK assassination. So good. Yes, if you want to know when there will be an indication that our country has been freed, because we're obviously occupied by evil forces who are doing nothing to make our lives better and only working in every capacity to further enslave us via technology and biometrics and scanning and every piece of legislation that is passed through for our safety. The marker of knowing when we have been freed from these evil forces is when they look us in the face and tell us who killed JFK and admit it was them. Until that day, I'm not here for it. Future Goat writes, Kamala is one of the most unliked No, I don't think that they're going to be the best politicians ever. I think Gavin will be their nominee. My suspicion is that they have to say Kamala, and then there's going to be something that takes place in some articles about Kamala. She's just not well liked by anybody. She is She's really has a way of communicating that just makes you really not like her.I mean, that BT performance. On these streets, it's just so patronizing and so ridiculous. This person writes, Do you know Brandon House? No, I do not know him at all. This person writes, Candice cracks me up. Thank you, Future Go. Thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Joe. This person writes, Can the creator communicate directly to our family and friends, whether they're here or not? Can we just ask the creator to tell them what we are saying? I say yes, and no smartphone can do that. I'm not sure what that is about, but that person's name was Guess Who. Lastly, you guys, Rose Emily, thank you. Maddo Music, thank you. Kelsey Wade, thank you. Kay Kashar, thank you. Tay Wilson, thank you. Joshua Williams. Thank you. Florent Bucquerelle, thank you. Amber Glow. Thank you so much for all the compliments. Scripture Shores. I hope I'm doing all of this right. Old Geeser. Thank you. I like that. Old Geeser. Daniel Bigelow. Thank you. Just jumping into the live chat here, guys. Thank you so much for joining us live. Again, like I said, this should be big news. I guess in a way, it is big news, but it's just big news that every single conspiracy theory out, it just gets proven true in the end.So invest in conspiracy theories, guys, if you want to know what is happening. My producer is saying that the Clintons released a statement about Trump's assassination attempt? Okay, so we can fact check that they did release a statement, but we cannot know exactly where Hillary Clinton was on the night that Donald J. Trump was shot at. That's something we can't do. I'm here to tell the truth. I can neither confirm nor deny whether Hillary Clinton was there that night. That's we've got for you guys today. We will see you tomorrow.


he's like, I really want to say to the American people that things are going to be okay, end quote. I shears him off. Gosh, it is bad, guys. It is really bad. They gave him the fake COVID, and then he disappeared. Then that's when they said, Okay, we can't keep us up any longer. We knew that we were going to do this. The convention is now close enough that nobody run against him, and we can just make it a crazy convention. Here we are today. By the way, I also want to show you this clip. Remember, then they were trying to dilute us because now they wanted to all pretend they were his friends, that his COVID was almost just like the assassination attempt.


Do you remember this? Was it Joy Reid and Jen Saki? Do we have that clip? Let's run that. Here's the question that I have on that. These two men are both elderly. Donald Trump is an elderly man who, for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take a iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation, we'll figure that out one day. But his survival of that and bouncing right back and going right to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength. This current President of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID. Should he be fine in a couple of days, doesn't that convey exactly the same thing? That he's strong enough, older than Trump, to have gotten something that used to really be fatal to people his age. So if he does fine out of it and comes back and is able to do rallies, isn't that exactly the same? It should. I mean, it's not exactly the same. It's not the same incident, but it's an elderly man coming through out of an illness. It should. I just don't understand how these people you're like, Wait, what am I supposed to do first? Am I supposed to tone? Whatever. They make it super easy. The best part, of course, is I'm super organic and the products are free from fragrance and other chemicals that may disrupt your skin's natural microbiome. They are hardcore. They celebrate faith, family, freedom. They proudly support Christian and conservative causes. They're not doing the thing where they pretend to be left leaning so they can get into the right market.It's they stand against all those progressive beauty companies that back all the anti-American stuff, and their products are, therefore, made here in the USA. Take Nimi's skin quiz today to find the perfect routine curated to your exact skin type. Nimi, again, N-I-M-I. They also have a subscription service, so you can save big that way and also ensure that you have the right products that are consistent. Sign up for a subscription. You'll save 15% on your routine and save an additional 5% using code Candice at checkout. You also receive receive a free gift on every third order. Nimmi is also donating 10% of proceeds to the victims in Butler, Pennsylvania. So visit nimskincare. Com. That's N-I-M-I-Skincare. Com to elevate your routine with America's skincare company. Or you can simply Click the link that we're going to put in our bio. I guess I'll say this, There we go. I think I'm going to miss that, actually. I'm totally going to miss that. Okay, so now let's watch this. Let's watch what they have already rolled out. The MAGA Incorporated is an American super pack that supports, obviously, President Donald Trump. Here's what they already had locked and loaded and ready to go.Take a watch. Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe's obvious mental decline. Our President is in good shape, in good health, tireless, vibrant, and I have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done. But Kamala knew Joe couldn't do the job, so she did it. Look what she got done. A border invasion, runaway inflation, the American dream, dead. They created this mess. They know Kamala owns this failed record. What? No. What? Are you kidding? Did they not see Governor Whitmer's statement? Did they not see all the statements? He's the greatest This President, Biden was, How could they do this? How could MAGA do this? No, he paved the damn roads. We're just saying whatever now. Thanks to Joe Biden, we have paved damn roads. As someone said earlier. I don't know what America they're living in, but we're just going with that. I'm not happy about that ad, man. I am just not happy about those MAGA people lying about stuff. He's the greatest president ever, ever, even though we basically never saw him. What else do we have? A couple of more updates for you. Trump on Truth Social wrote this, Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President and is certainly not fit to serve, and never was.He only attained the position of president by lies, fake news, and not leaving his basement. All those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being President, and he wasn't. Now look what he's done to our great country. I had a great there. Felt very Trump-like. With millions of people coming across our border, totally unchecked and embedded, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record number of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency. We will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. Make America great again. Love that. Then we have Alex Soros, by the way, in case you're looking for a political marriage, imagine if they put her in as president. What's her name? Who was married to the weird pedo vibes person? Uma Abaddon. She just got engaged to Alex Soros. Did you guys see that? Yeah. Alex Soros cited tweet because somehow he views himself as an important enough person to tweet about this. He wrote, It's time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate. We have long lived the American dream, Harris 2024.We have, of course, Bill and Hillary Clinton, because we're not having a good Democrat time unless it's Bill and Hillary Clinton. Where were they? Did they make some comments, by the way, after Trump was the assassination attempt of Trump? Did they make a statement? Did Hillary Clinton ever make a statement? Where was she on the night that Donald J. Trump was almost shot? Am I implying anything? I just would like to know where she was. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, they have endorsed Kamala. This was posted onto Hillary's Instagram. President Biden has capped his extraordinary career of service with the presidency that has lifted America. I can't read these lies anymore. It's making me… I went to Latin Mass this morning. I'm not trying to just read lies like this anymore. It's just the vibe. I can't lie. I'm sorry. Just assume she wrote a big, long statement about everything that President Biden has accomplished. She didn't talk about the damn roads like somebody else did because someone else thinks he paved the damn roads for us. He certainly has not. But then she takes a necessary stab at Trump, so we'll get to that.We've lived through many up and downs, but nothing has made us more worried our country than the threat posed by a second Trump term, she said unabashedly after Trump quite literally had a threat on his life and someone tried to kill him. She then wrote, Trump has promised to be a dictator on day one, and the recent ruling by his servile Supreme courts will only embolden him to further shred the Constitution. Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we've got to elect her. America's future depends on it. Again, could you guys look it up? Did she ever give a statement about Trump's assassination attempt? I don't remember that. That would be wild if she didn't. By the way, I don't know. I'm asking this lie because I just don't remember that in the chorus of people who wrote something about it. I don't remember Hillary Clinton being high up on the list, which would be interesting to say the least. We do have A statement from JD Vance as well. He wrote, Joe Biden has been the worst president in my lifetime, and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way.Over the last four years, she co-signed Biden's open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. Yes, that is the America that I believe we're living in. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden's mental capacity, saddling the nation with a president who can't do the job. President Trump and I are ready to save America, whoever's at the top of the Democrat ticket. Bring it on. I like it. I like it, guys. There's just more statements pouring in. You got Elizabeth Warren, you got RFK, and they're all Obama, obviously, I told you, has given a full statement, but we get it. The moral of the story is predictive programming is real. We obviously all knew this was going to happen before the We were saying that he's not going all the way because they need to swap him out. We were called a conspiracy theorist. We were called liars. Now it seems like we're just shortening the amount of time between the conspiracy theory and the event proving the conspiracy theory to be true, which is why I'm going to apologize about being a conspiracy theorist.I just don't care. Don't care. Built different. Call me a conspiracy theorist. I'm just tired of the days of our lives, the performance that is going on, the soap opera, because that's what this is. In case you're like, This is crazy. It's actually not that crazy. It's a soap opera that is meant to dilute the remaining people who still have faith in our American institutions. I am certainly not one of these people. I recognize that we are fighting real evil. All right, guys, I'm going to jump and read some of your super chats before we jump out of here. We have good vibrations. I like that. That's fun. Candice, the media is touting Kamala to being a woman and mixed race as qualifying her to be the President. They've learned nothing from their mistake of diversity, inclusion, and secret service Yes, of course, like I said, that is the reason that they installed her in the first place. They never liked her. She wasn't a part of the It Club. They find her to be annoying. She's actually not intelligent. She says very stupid stuff all the time, by the way. It's amazing. Me, it's always like, Yeah, this is so stupid.I'm like, If you think that Kamala Harris is smart and I am stupid, you basically have to vote Democrat. I know that for a fact. I don't even hate Democrats, by the way. I shouldn't say that because I know a lot of Democrats watch this show. I'm talking about the far left and the people who just cannot recognize what is happening to this once great country. Amar God writes, Literally the plot of an entire season of homeland. Yeah, and House of Cards. That's why I say it's just predictive programming. They're just telling us what they're going to do, and it doesn't even matter. Emak writes, Biden's crin speech aside, we can only hope that as men, fathers, and husbands, we rise the level of bravery and selflessness as Cory Comparatory rose to, if the need ever arises. Absolutely true. It was horrific to see that were mocking the fact that that firefighter and that father passed away, that he died that night. He was killed. There is so much more that should be said and many things that should be done in his honor, by the way. I hope everybody, if you're donating in his honor because we should give to causes that mean to him.I actually haven't even seen anybody put up. I would love to just donate to his family. Let me know if you guys, if there is a way or capacity to do that, because I'd love to share that. David writes, Candice, I've always been curious It's about Trump dating Princess Diana. It's a shame her government had her killed. Have you researched these things? I have not researched either. I didn't even know that Trump was dating Princess Diana. That was shocking for me. I don't know if that's true, David, but I read your comment anyway. Love from Australia. Thank you so much, Anne Marsh. Chase writes, Hey, Candice, I can't believe how biased I was against Muslims because of the media after October seventh. Thanks for calling me out. You are a hero. You're very welcome. I just think it's crazy. It's like repeating 9/11, and they're just conditioning us to think that it's totally and permissible to just keep bombing Muslims. We haven't just been bombing Muslims for decades, and we're not bombing them or us into prosperity. So it is a little bit ridiculous. Joe Sellers writes, God bless you, Candice. You're doing great work for God and his church.Thank you for your honesty and spreading truth. Ave Maria. Hey, Candice, you should watch Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It's about the JFK assassination. So good. Yes, if you want to know when there will be an indication that our country has been freed, because we're obviously occupied by evil forces who are doing nothing to make our lives better and only working in every capacity to further enslave us via technology and biometrics and scanning and every piece of legislation that is passed through for our safety. The marker of knowing when we have been freed from these evil forces is when they look us in the face and tell us who killed JFK and admit it was them. Until that day, I'm not here for it. Future Goat writes, Kamala is one of the most unliked No, I don't think that they're going to be the best politicians ever. I think Gavin will be their nominee. My suspicion is that they have to say Kamala, and then there's going to be something that takes place in some articles about Kamala. She's just not well liked by anybody. She is She's really has a way of communicating that just makes you really not like her.I mean, that BT performance. On these streets, it's just so patronizing and so ridiculous. This person writes, Do you know Brandon House? No, I do not know him at all. This person writes, Candice cracks me up. Thank you, Future Go. Thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Joe. This person writes, Can the creator communicate directly to our family and friends, whether they're here or not? Can we just ask the creator to tell them what we are saying? I say yes, and no smartphone can do that. I'm not sure what that is about, but that person's name was Guess Who. Lastly, you guys, Rose Emily, thank you. Maddo Music, thank you. Kelsey Wade, thank you. Kay Kashar, thank you. Tay Wilson, thank you. Joshua Williams. Thank you. Florent Bucquerelle, thank you. Amber Glow. Thank you so much for all the compliments. Scripture Shores. I hope I'm doing all of this right. Old Geeser. Thank you. I like that. Old Geeser. Daniel Bigelow. Thank you. Just jumping into the live chat here, guys. Thank you so much for joining us live. Again, like I said, this should be big news. I guess in a way, it is big news, but it's just big news that every single conspiracy theory out, it just gets proven true in the end.So invest in conspiracy theories, guys, if you want to know what is happening. My producer is saying that the Clintons released a statement about Trump's assassination attempt? Okay, so we can fact check that they did release a statement, but we cannot know exactly where Hillary Clinton was on the night that Donald J. Trump was shot at. That's something we can't do. I'm here to tell the truth. I can neither confirm nor deny whether Hillary Clinton was there that night. That's we've got for you guys today. We will see you tomorrow.


you're like, Wait, what am I supposed to do first? Am I supposed to tone? Whatever. They make it super easy. The best part, of course, is I'm super organic and the products are free from fragrance and other chemicals that may disrupt your skin's natural microbiome. They are hardcore. They celebrate faith, family, freedom. They proudly support Christian and conservative causes. They're not doing the thing where they pretend to be left leaning so they can get into the right market.


It's they stand against all those progressive beauty companies that back all the anti-American stuff, and their products are, therefore, made here in the USA. Take Nimi's skin quiz today to find the perfect routine curated to your exact skin type. Nimi, again, N-I-M-I. They also have a subscription service, so you can save big that way and also ensure that you have the right products that are consistent. Sign up for a subscription. You'll save 15% on your routine and save an additional 5% using code Candice at checkout. You also receive receive a free gift on every third order. Nimmi is also donating 10% of proceeds to the victims in Butler, Pennsylvania. So visit nimskincare. Com. That's N-I-M-I-Skincare. Com to elevate your routine with America's skincare company. Or you can simply Click the link that we're going to put in our bio. I guess I'll say this, There we go. I think I'm going to miss that, actually. I'm totally going to miss that. Okay, so now let's watch this. Let's watch what they have already rolled out. The MAGA Incorporated is an American super pack that supports, obviously, President Donald Trump. Here's what they already had locked and loaded and ready to go.


Take a watch. Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe's obvious mental decline. Our President is in good shape, in good health, tireless, vibrant, and I have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done. But Kamala knew Joe couldn't do the job, so she did it. Look what she got done. A border invasion, runaway inflation, the American dream, dead. They created this mess. They know Kamala owns this failed record. What? No. What? Are you kidding? Did they not see Governor Whitmer's statement? Did they not see all the statements? He's the greatest This President, Biden was, How could they do this? How could MAGA do this? No, he paved the damn roads. We're just saying whatever now. Thanks to Joe Biden, we have paved damn roads. As someone said earlier. I don't know what America they're living in, but we're just going with that. I'm not happy about that ad, man. I am just not happy about those MAGA people lying about stuff. He's the greatest president ever, ever, even though we basically never saw him. What else do we have? A couple of more updates for you. Trump on Truth Social wrote this, Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President and is certainly not fit to serve, and never was.


He only attained the position of president by lies, fake news, and not leaving his basement. All those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being President, and he wasn't. Now look what he's done to our great country. I had a great there. Felt very Trump-like. With millions of people coming across our border, totally unchecked and embedded, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record number of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency. We will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. Make America great again. Love that. Then we have Alex Soros, by the way, in case you're looking for a political marriage, imagine if they put her in as president. What's her name? Who was married to the weird pedo vibes person? Uma Abaddon. She just got engaged to Alex Soros. Did you guys see that? Yeah. Alex Soros cited tweet because somehow he views himself as an important enough person to tweet about this. He wrote, It's time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate. We have long lived the American dream, Harris 2024.


We have, of course, Bill and Hillary Clinton, because we're not having a good Democrat time unless it's Bill and Hillary Clinton. Where were they? Did they make some comments, by the way, after Trump was the assassination attempt of Trump? Did they make a statement? Did Hillary Clinton ever make a statement? Where was she on the night that Donald J. Trump was almost shot? Am I implying anything? I just would like to know where she was. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, they have endorsed Kamala. This was posted onto Hillary's Instagram. President Biden has capped his extraordinary career of service with the presidency that has lifted America. I can't read these lies anymore. It's making me… I went to Latin Mass this morning. I'm not trying to just read lies like this anymore. It's just the vibe. I can't lie. I'm sorry. Just assume she wrote a big, long statement about everything that President Biden has accomplished. She didn't talk about the damn roads like somebody else did because someone else thinks he paved the damn roads for us. He certainly has not. But then she takes a necessary stab at Trump, so we'll get to that.


We've lived through many up and downs, but nothing has made us more worried our country than the threat posed by a second Trump term, she said unabashedly after Trump quite literally had a threat on his life and someone tried to kill him. She then wrote, Trump has promised to be a dictator on day one, and the recent ruling by his servile Supreme courts will only embolden him to further shred the Constitution. Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we've got to elect her. America's future depends on it. Again, could you guys look it up? Did she ever give a statement about Trump's assassination attempt? I don't remember that. That would be wild if she didn't. By the way, I don't know. I'm asking this lie because I just don't remember that in the chorus of people who wrote something about it. I don't remember Hillary Clinton being high up on the list, which would be interesting to say the least. We do have A statement from JD Vance as well. He wrote, Joe Biden has been the worst president in my lifetime, and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way.


Over the last four years, she co-signed Biden's open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. Yes, that is the America that I believe we're living in. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden's mental capacity, saddling the nation with a president who can't do the job. President Trump and I are ready to save America, whoever's at the top of the Democrat ticket. Bring it on. I like it. I like it, guys. There's just more statements pouring in. You got Elizabeth Warren, you got RFK, and they're all Obama, obviously, I told you, has given a full statement, but we get it. The moral of the story is predictive programming is real. We obviously all knew this was going to happen before the We were saying that he's not going all the way because they need to swap him out. We were called a conspiracy theorist. We were called liars. Now it seems like we're just shortening the amount of time between the conspiracy theory and the event proving the conspiracy theory to be true, which is why I'm going to apologize about being a conspiracy theorist.


I just don't care. Don't care. Built different. Call me a conspiracy theorist. I'm just tired of the days of our lives, the performance that is going on, the soap opera, because that's what this is. In case you're like, This is crazy. It's actually not that crazy. It's a soap opera that is meant to dilute the remaining people who still have faith in our American institutions. I am certainly not one of these people. I recognize that we are fighting real evil. All right, guys, I'm going to jump and read some of your super chats before we jump out of here. We have good vibrations. I like that. That's fun. Candice, the media is touting Kamala to being a woman and mixed race as qualifying her to be the President. They've learned nothing from their mistake of diversity, inclusion, and secret service Yes, of course, like I said, that is the reason that they installed her in the first place. They never liked her. She wasn't a part of the It Club. They find her to be annoying. She's actually not intelligent. She says very stupid stuff all the time, by the way. It's amazing. Me, it's always like, Yeah, this is so stupid.


I'm like, If you think that Kamala Harris is smart and I am stupid, you basically have to vote Democrat. I know that for a fact. I don't even hate Democrats, by the way. I shouldn't say that because I know a lot of Democrats watch this show. I'm talking about the far left and the people who just cannot recognize what is happening to this once great country. Amar God writes, Literally the plot of an entire season of homeland. Yeah, and House of Cards. That's why I say it's just predictive programming. They're just telling us what they're going to do, and it doesn't even matter. Emak writes, Biden's crin speech aside, we can only hope that as men, fathers, and husbands, we rise the level of bravery and selflessness as Cory Comparatory rose to, if the need ever arises. Absolutely true. It was horrific to see that were mocking the fact that that firefighter and that father passed away, that he died that night. He was killed. There is so much more that should be said and many things that should be done in his honor, by the way. I hope everybody, if you're donating in his honor because we should give to causes that mean to him.


I actually haven't even seen anybody put up. I would love to just donate to his family. Let me know if you guys, if there is a way or capacity to do that, because I'd love to share that. David writes, Candice, I've always been curious It's about Trump dating Princess Diana. It's a shame her government had her killed. Have you researched these things? I have not researched either. I didn't even know that Trump was dating Princess Diana. That was shocking for me. I don't know if that's true, David, but I read your comment anyway. Love from Australia. Thank you so much, Anne Marsh. Chase writes, Hey, Candice, I can't believe how biased I was against Muslims because of the media after October seventh. Thanks for calling me out. You are a hero. You're very welcome. I just think it's crazy. It's like repeating 9/11, and they're just conditioning us to think that it's totally and permissible to just keep bombing Muslims. We haven't just been bombing Muslims for decades, and we're not bombing them or us into prosperity. So it is a little bit ridiculous. Joe Sellers writes, God bless you, Candice. You're doing great work for God and his church.


Thank you for your honesty and spreading truth. Ave Maria. Hey, Candice, you should watch Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It's about the JFK assassination. So good. Yes, if you want to know when there will be an indication that our country has been freed, because we're obviously occupied by evil forces who are doing nothing to make our lives better and only working in every capacity to further enslave us via technology and biometrics and scanning and every piece of legislation that is passed through for our safety. The marker of knowing when we have been freed from these evil forces is when they look us in the face and tell us who killed JFK and admit it was them. Until that day, I'm not here for it. Future Goat writes, Kamala is one of the most unliked No, I don't think that they're going to be the best politicians ever. I think Gavin will be their nominee. My suspicion is that they have to say Kamala, and then there's going to be something that takes place in some articles about Kamala. She's just not well liked by anybody. She is She's really has a way of communicating that just makes you really not like her.


I mean, that BT performance. On these streets, it's just so patronizing and so ridiculous. This person writes, Do you know Brandon House? No, I do not know him at all. This person writes, Candice cracks me up. Thank you, Future Go. Thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Kristen. Thank you, Joe. This person writes, Can the creator communicate directly to our family and friends, whether they're here or not? Can we just ask the creator to tell them what we are saying? I say yes, and no smartphone can do that. I'm not sure what that is about, but that person's name was Guess Who. Lastly, you guys, Rose Emily, thank you. Maddo Music, thank you. Kelsey Wade, thank you. Kay Kashar, thank you. Tay Wilson, thank you. Joshua Williams. Thank you. Florent Bucquerelle, thank you. Amber Glow. Thank you so much for all the compliments. Scripture Shores. I hope I'm doing all of this right. Old Geeser. Thank you. I like that. Old Geeser. Daniel Bigelow. Thank you. Just jumping into the live chat here, guys. Thank you so much for joining us live. Again, like I said, this should be big news. I guess in a way, it is big news, but it's just big news that every single conspiracy theory out, it just gets proven true in the end.


So invest in conspiracy theories, guys, if you want to know what is happening. My producer is saying that the Clintons released a statement about Trump's assassination attempt? Okay, so we can fact check that they did release a statement, but we cannot know exactly where Hillary Clinton was on the night that Donald J. Trump was shot at. That's something we can't do. I'm here to tell the truth. I can neither confirm nor deny whether Hillary Clinton was there that night. That's we've got for you guys today. We will see you tomorrow.