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All right, guys, comingare voting for any person, if they don't have a wife and they don't have any kids, What does that entail to you? What does that mean that their priorities are going to be? Well, even if you decide, Okay, I'm just not going to be married. I'm going to be all by myself. I would imagine that over time, what develops is a selfish mentality. This is why they say you can get stuck in your own ways. If you don't get married by a certain time frame. Let's say you don't get married until you're 60. It's probably going to be harder for that relationship to be successful because you've spent your whole life being by yourself, not having to compromise, not having to share. You can even see this with only child syndrome.It's the same exact thing. Only child syndrome, what we're referring to are kids, they get into college and they have to share a dorm, and they're like, What the heck? I've never had to share anything in my life. They actually become quite selfish. I even noticed because my first-born son, he was used to the attention always being on him. I thought, Thank goodness we had a child quickly behind because we had to get that out of him in the first couple of months once my daughter was born because he was just so used to being the star. I totally agree with that sentiment. It's not something that I hope J. D. Vance walks back. I hope it's not something that the Trump campaign asks him to walk back. I think it is something that needs to be heard rather than kowtowing to the left, rather than kowtowing to Jennifer Anaston and her emotions or trying to pretend that this is about IVF or about infertility, we need to stand firm on what it is that we believe in as Conservatives. Speaking of which, I am sure, I am certain that all of you saw, just like I did, and I didn't even know what it was, the left freaking out about Project 2025.So much so that Trump came out and said, I don't even know what Project 2025 is. I don't even know. I don't know if he disavowed it explicitly, but he essentially said, I have nothing to do with Project 2025. That may be true. It is something that was put together by the Heritage Foundation, but I was quite shocked to see it trending over on X. I'm going, What is Project 2025? Then I the AI that sums up what the controversy is. I don't know what happened. I missed it. I woke up and then saw that he was trending over statements that he made about anti-Semitism, and people were essentially saying, This is not the Elon Musk that I invested in.This is not the Elon Musk that I believed in. I will tell you, I guess, one snippet of what went down because it was hard to follow all of But AOC tweeted this yesterday regarding Bibi Netanyahu's speech in which, by the way, Elon Musk attended, which I'm not sure what drove him to attend it. Maybe it's because he met Bibi Netanyahu recently. But he was one of the people that was in the audience offering him, I guess, more than 50 standing ovations to what Bibi Netanyahu got. But AOC's tweet reads, Just so we are clear, Netanyahu has lost so many people that he is addressing just a fraction of Congress. When this happens, they fill the seats with non-members, like what they do at awards ceremonies in order to project the appearance of full attendance and support. That's a factual statement there. There's nothing there that she said that, I guess we should be too upset with. I covered that yesterday on the show that a ton of people in Congress were declining to attend. Thomas Massey being one of them who has been my favorite congressman for years. Check. You can check the tapes.I have had him on my show way before October seventh, saying that He was an ideal congressman because he really stands by the American people and always votes against every single dollar going overseas. More people in Congress should be like him. But Elon Musk responded this to AOC. He wrote, The Democratic Party has become openly and boldly anti-Semitic. Hard to garner whether he's saying her tweet itself is anti-Semitic, which I certainly hope he's not saying, implying that by her telling us that they are creating an illusion that what you are seeing is a show. That happens over and over again. Honestly, the world has become a stage. It really has become a stage. She's letting you know that you're seeing this as if it was Rourish applause and that your Congress agrees with him. But the reality is they basically had to get in actors in there. Maybe they were like, Yeah, you're an intern. You fill this seat, you fill this seat because we want to create the illusion that he has the full support of Congress when he doesn't. That, frankly, shouldn't be allowed. But you're telling us that it is maybe what he meant was that the people that are boycotting this event, allwait, by the way, journalists, I watch every minute of this show for you guys to do what you do to me, to Ari Emmanuel. I better see articles going crazy tomorrow about him being a raging anti-Semite Jew hater. I think that's the right language. But here's another video. This one is from back in 2002 to a woman named Shulamit Aloni.Aloni, I might be saying her name wrong. She was an Israeli politician. She founded the Rots Party. She was also a leader of the Meretz Party. She served as the Minister of Education for a year. In 2002, she was awarded the Israel Prize, which is the country's highest far, they just become the same. But that takes some courage.You don't even care. Your face is not covered. You're dancing, you're holding this flag, and you know that news cameras are trained on you. Post Just January sixth, when you saw people locked up for doing way less, I don't buy this. I did something that I've done a few times, and I've always been successful. I just say, Hey, any information regarding this person, please send it to me. Not because I'm going to try to get this individual arrested. Look at this person right here. But because I just want to make sure if this is actually an American and this is not a federal agitator of some description that is trying to get people to break the law, just like we saw on January sixth, just like we saw with Ray Epps. Who is this person wearing sunglasses and dancing around? It's a good point. Would you believe it if I told you that that post got 15 million views and not a single person was able to confirm who that individual was? Not a single person has been able to confirm who these people are that showed up with gasoline and lit a fire right near the Capitol building.We got the reaction to it, which is we're supposed to be thinking, Oh, my gosh, Palestinians are awful. Now, I guess whatever Bibi Netanyahu wants to do over there is totally fine. We should no longer critique it. Wow, that's That's lucky. By the way, question, I don't know, here I am going out of my common sense, why are they burning an American flag as opposed to an Israeli one? Oh, it's because we're trying to get Americans on our side. The neocons, the farla, everyone is playing Americans right now. That's the truth. We are being played. The world is a stage. All of this is performative. It is not real. It is just not real. You can't find who those individuals are. Until somebody identifies who this person is, dancing, holding a Palestinian flag, then I'm going to go ahead and say that that appears to me to be a federal agitator. What are they trying to agitate the situation of Americans being gung-ho about going to war with Iran? I've been saying this to you for years. Now you had Bibi Netanyahu who actually said, actually said in his speech yesterday, that they tried to kill Trump.If they're successful in killing Trump, he really said this, guys, If they're successful in killing Trump, I hope you guys will respond to Iran. Now, Trump shared this on Truth Social, and I thought, I don't know, Trump, that sounds like a threat. I don't have here now three stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.Iraq, Libya, Syria. He says it, we do it. Now he's saying that Iran might kill President Trump. If he does, then we We just better all say we're going to war right now and not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something. Right now, if something happens to President Trump, I'm going to have a lot of further questions. I'm going to make this statement to the American people. Please listen to me. Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. Stop letting these elite oligarchs, very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars, allow you to be diluted into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single American daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. Make that commitment. Genuinely make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here. Let me jump into the chat, the live chat here, and see what you guys have going on.Do you guys agree with me? Here is what we have. This person says, Crisis King. Thank you, Sari, for the tip. Also, thank you to all of you guys who went over to Club Candice and purchased Stanis Cups. For those of you that are supporting the show on Locals. If you're not, please go to locals. Com. Literally, you can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free so that we can say what we want, so that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.Don't care.Built different.Don't care.Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.


are voting for any person, if they don't have a wife and they don't have any kids, What does that entail to you? What does that mean that their priorities are going to be? Well, even if you decide, Okay, I'm just not going to be married. I'm going to be all by myself. I would imagine that over time, what develops is a selfish mentality. This is why they say you can get stuck in your own ways. If you don't get married by a certain time frame. Let's say you don't get married until you're 60. It's probably going to be harder for that relationship to be successful because you've spent your whole life being by yourself, not having to compromise, not having to share. You can even see this with only child syndrome.


It's the same exact thing. Only child syndrome, what we're referring to are kids, they get into college and they have to share a dorm, and they're like, What the heck? I've never had to share anything in my life. They actually become quite selfish. I even noticed because my first-born son, he was used to the attention always being on him. I thought, Thank goodness we had a child quickly behind because we had to get that out of him in the first couple of months once my daughter was born because he was just so used to being the star. I totally agree with that sentiment. It's not something that I hope J. D. Vance walks back. I hope it's not something that the Trump campaign asks him to walk back. I think it is something that needs to be heard rather than kowtowing to the left, rather than kowtowing to Jennifer Anaston and her emotions or trying to pretend that this is about IVF or about infertility, we need to stand firm on what it is that we believe in as Conservatives. Speaking of which, I am sure, I am certain that all of you saw, just like I did, and I didn't even know what it was, the left freaking out about Project 2025.


So much so that Trump came out and said, I don't even know what Project 2025 is. I don't even know. I don't know if he disavowed it explicitly, but he essentially said, I have nothing to do with Project 2025. That may be true. It is something that was put together by the Heritage Foundation, but I was quite shocked to see it trending over on X. I'm going, What is Project 2025? Then I the AI that sums up what the controversy is. I don't know what happened. I missed it. I woke up and then saw that he was trending over statements that he made about anti-Semitism, and people were essentially saying, This is not the Elon Musk that I invested in.This is not the Elon Musk that I believed in. I will tell you, I guess, one snippet of what went down because it was hard to follow all of But AOC tweeted this yesterday regarding Bibi Netanyahu's speech in which, by the way, Elon Musk attended, which I'm not sure what drove him to attend it. Maybe it's because he met Bibi Netanyahu recently. But he was one of the people that was in the audience offering him, I guess, more than 50 standing ovations to what Bibi Netanyahu got. But AOC's tweet reads, Just so we are clear, Netanyahu has lost so many people that he is addressing just a fraction of Congress. When this happens, they fill the seats with non-members, like what they do at awards ceremonies in order to project the appearance of full attendance and support. That's a factual statement there. There's nothing there that she said that, I guess we should be too upset with. I covered that yesterday on the show that a ton of people in Congress were declining to attend. Thomas Massey being one of them who has been my favorite congressman for years. Check. You can check the tapes.I have had him on my show way before October seventh, saying that He was an ideal congressman because he really stands by the American people and always votes against every single dollar going overseas. More people in Congress should be like him. But Elon Musk responded this to AOC. He wrote, The Democratic Party has become openly and boldly anti-Semitic. Hard to garner whether he's saying her tweet itself is anti-Semitic, which I certainly hope he's not saying, implying that by her telling us that they are creating an illusion that what you are seeing is a show. That happens over and over again. Honestly, the world has become a stage. It really has become a stage. She's letting you know that you're seeing this as if it was Rourish applause and that your Congress agrees with him. But the reality is they basically had to get in actors in there. Maybe they were like, Yeah, you're an intern. You fill this seat, you fill this seat because we want to create the illusion that he has the full support of Congress when he doesn't. That, frankly, shouldn't be allowed. But you're telling us that it is maybe what he meant was that the people that are boycotting this event, allwait, by the way, journalists, I watch every minute of this show for you guys to do what you do to me, to Ari Emmanuel. I better see articles going crazy tomorrow about him being a raging anti-Semite Jew hater. I think that's the right language. But here's another video. This one is from back in 2002 to a woman named Shulamit Aloni.Aloni, I might be saying her name wrong. She was an Israeli politician. She founded the Rots Party. She was also a leader of the Meretz Party. She served as the Minister of Education for a year. In 2002, she was awarded the Israel Prize, which is the country's highest far, they just become the same. But that takes some courage.You don't even care. Your face is not covered. You're dancing, you're holding this flag, and you know that news cameras are trained on you. Post Just January sixth, when you saw people locked up for doing way less, I don't buy this. I did something that I've done a few times, and I've always been successful. I just say, Hey, any information regarding this person, please send it to me. Not because I'm going to try to get this individual arrested. Look at this person right here. But because I just want to make sure if this is actually an American and this is not a federal agitator of some description that is trying to get people to break the law, just like we saw on January sixth, just like we saw with Ray Epps. Who is this person wearing sunglasses and dancing around? It's a good point. Would you believe it if I told you that that post got 15 million views and not a single person was able to confirm who that individual was? Not a single person has been able to confirm who these people are that showed up with gasoline and lit a fire right near the Capitol building.We got the reaction to it, which is we're supposed to be thinking, Oh, my gosh, Palestinians are awful. Now, I guess whatever Bibi Netanyahu wants to do over there is totally fine. We should no longer critique it. Wow, that's That's lucky. By the way, question, I don't know, here I am going out of my common sense, why are they burning an American flag as opposed to an Israeli one? Oh, it's because we're trying to get Americans on our side. The neocons, the farla, everyone is playing Americans right now. That's the truth. We are being played. The world is a stage. All of this is performative. It is not real. It is just not real. You can't find who those individuals are. Until somebody identifies who this person is, dancing, holding a Palestinian flag, then I'm going to go ahead and say that that appears to me to be a federal agitator. What are they trying to agitate the situation of Americans being gung-ho about going to war with Iran? I've been saying this to you for years. Now you had Bibi Netanyahu who actually said, actually said in his speech yesterday, that they tried to kill Trump.If they're successful in killing Trump, he really said this, guys, If they're successful in killing Trump, I hope you guys will respond to Iran. Now, Trump shared this on Truth Social, and I thought, I don't know, Trump, that sounds like a threat. I don't have here now three stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.Iraq, Libya, Syria. He says it, we do it. Now he's saying that Iran might kill President Trump. If he does, then we We just better all say we're going to war right now and not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something. Right now, if something happens to President Trump, I'm going to have a lot of further questions. I'm going to make this statement to the American people. Please listen to me. Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. Stop letting these elite oligarchs, very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars, allow you to be diluted into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single American daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. Make that commitment. Genuinely make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here. Let me jump into the chat, the live chat here, and see what you guys have going on.Do you guys agree with me? Here is what we have. This person says, Crisis King. Thank you, Sari, for the tip. Also, thank you to all of you guys who went over to Club Candice and purchased Stanis Cups. For those of you that are supporting the show on Locals. If you're not, please go to locals. Com. Literally, you can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free so that we can say what we want, so that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.Don't care.Built different.Don't care.Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.


the AI that sums up what the controversy is. I don't know what happened. I missed it. I woke up and then saw that he was trending over statements that he made about anti-Semitism, and people were essentially saying, This is not the Elon Musk that I invested in.


This is not the Elon Musk that I believed in. I will tell you, I guess, one snippet of what went down because it was hard to follow all of But AOC tweeted this yesterday regarding Bibi Netanyahu's speech in which, by the way, Elon Musk attended, which I'm not sure what drove him to attend it. Maybe it's because he met Bibi Netanyahu recently. But he was one of the people that was in the audience offering him, I guess, more than 50 standing ovations to what Bibi Netanyahu got. But AOC's tweet reads, Just so we are clear, Netanyahu has lost so many people that he is addressing just a fraction of Congress. When this happens, they fill the seats with non-members, like what they do at awards ceremonies in order to project the appearance of full attendance and support. That's a factual statement there. There's nothing there that she said that, I guess we should be too upset with. I covered that yesterday on the show that a ton of people in Congress were declining to attend. Thomas Massey being one of them who has been my favorite congressman for years. Check. You can check the tapes.


I have had him on my show way before October seventh, saying that He was an ideal congressman because he really stands by the American people and always votes against every single dollar going overseas. More people in Congress should be like him. But Elon Musk responded this to AOC. He wrote, The Democratic Party has become openly and boldly anti-Semitic. Hard to garner whether he's saying her tweet itself is anti-Semitic, which I certainly hope he's not saying, implying that by her telling us that they are creating an illusion that what you are seeing is a show. That happens over and over again. Honestly, the world has become a stage. It really has become a stage. She's letting you know that you're seeing this as if it was Rourish applause and that your Congress agrees with him. But the reality is they basically had to get in actors in there. Maybe they were like, Yeah, you're an intern. You fill this seat, you fill this seat because we want to create the illusion that he has the full support of Congress when he doesn't. That, frankly, shouldn't be allowed. But you're telling us that it is maybe what he meant was that the people that are boycotting this event, allwait, by the way, journalists, I watch every minute of this show for you guys to do what you do to me, to Ari Emmanuel. I better see articles going crazy tomorrow about him being a raging anti-Semite Jew hater. I think that's the right language. But here's another video. This one is from back in 2002 to a woman named Shulamit Aloni.Aloni, I might be saying her name wrong. She was an Israeli politician. She founded the Rots Party. She was also a leader of the Meretz Party. She served as the Minister of Education for a year. In 2002, she was awarded the Israel Prize, which is the country's highest far, they just become the same. But that takes some courage.You don't even care. Your face is not covered. You're dancing, you're holding this flag, and you know that news cameras are trained on you. Post Just January sixth, when you saw people locked up for doing way less, I don't buy this. I did something that I've done a few times, and I've always been successful. I just say, Hey, any information regarding this person, please send it to me. Not because I'm going to try to get this individual arrested. Look at this person right here. But because I just want to make sure if this is actually an American and this is not a federal agitator of some description that is trying to get people to break the law, just like we saw on January sixth, just like we saw with Ray Epps. Who is this person wearing sunglasses and dancing around? It's a good point. Would you believe it if I told you that that post got 15 million views and not a single person was able to confirm who that individual was? Not a single person has been able to confirm who these people are that showed up with gasoline and lit a fire right near the Capitol building.We got the reaction to it, which is we're supposed to be thinking, Oh, my gosh, Palestinians are awful. Now, I guess whatever Bibi Netanyahu wants to do over there is totally fine. We should no longer critique it. Wow, that's That's lucky. By the way, question, I don't know, here I am going out of my common sense, why are they burning an American flag as opposed to an Israeli one? Oh, it's because we're trying to get Americans on our side. The neocons, the farla, everyone is playing Americans right now. That's the truth. We are being played. The world is a stage. All of this is performative. It is not real. It is just not real. You can't find who those individuals are. Until somebody identifies who this person is, dancing, holding a Palestinian flag, then I'm going to go ahead and say that that appears to me to be a federal agitator. What are they trying to agitate the situation of Americans being gung-ho about going to war with Iran? I've been saying this to you for years. Now you had Bibi Netanyahu who actually said, actually said in his speech yesterday, that they tried to kill Trump.If they're successful in killing Trump, he really said this, guys, If they're successful in killing Trump, I hope you guys will respond to Iran. Now, Trump shared this on Truth Social, and I thought, I don't know, Trump, that sounds like a threat. I don't have here now three stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.Iraq, Libya, Syria. He says it, we do it. Now he's saying that Iran might kill President Trump. If he does, then we We just better all say we're going to war right now and not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something. Right now, if something happens to President Trump, I'm going to have a lot of further questions. I'm going to make this statement to the American people. Please listen to me. Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. Stop letting these elite oligarchs, very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars, allow you to be diluted into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single American daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. Make that commitment. Genuinely make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here. Let me jump into the chat, the live chat here, and see what you guys have going on.Do you guys agree with me? Here is what we have. This person says, Crisis King. Thank you, Sari, for the tip. Also, thank you to all of you guys who went over to Club Candice and purchased Stanis Cups. For those of you that are supporting the show on Locals. If you're not, please go to locals. Com. Literally, you can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free so that we can say what we want, so that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.Don't care.Built different.Don't care.Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.


wait, by the way, journalists, I watch every minute of this show for you guys to do what you do to me, to Ari Emmanuel. I better see articles going crazy tomorrow about him being a raging anti-Semite Jew hater. I think that's the right language. But here's another video. This one is from back in 2002 to a woman named Shulamit Aloni.


Aloni, I might be saying her name wrong. She was an Israeli politician. She founded the Rots Party. She was also a leader of the Meretz Party. She served as the Minister of Education for a year. In 2002, she was awarded the Israel Prize, which is the country's highest far, they just become the same. But that takes some courage.You don't even care. Your face is not covered. You're dancing, you're holding this flag, and you know that news cameras are trained on you. Post Just January sixth, when you saw people locked up for doing way less, I don't buy this. I did something that I've done a few times, and I've always been successful. I just say, Hey, any information regarding this person, please send it to me. Not because I'm going to try to get this individual arrested. Look at this person right here. But because I just want to make sure if this is actually an American and this is not a federal agitator of some description that is trying to get people to break the law, just like we saw on January sixth, just like we saw with Ray Epps. Who is this person wearing sunglasses and dancing around? It's a good point. Would you believe it if I told you that that post got 15 million views and not a single person was able to confirm who that individual was? Not a single person has been able to confirm who these people are that showed up with gasoline and lit a fire right near the Capitol building.We got the reaction to it, which is we're supposed to be thinking, Oh, my gosh, Palestinians are awful. Now, I guess whatever Bibi Netanyahu wants to do over there is totally fine. We should no longer critique it. Wow, that's That's lucky. By the way, question, I don't know, here I am going out of my common sense, why are they burning an American flag as opposed to an Israeli one? Oh, it's because we're trying to get Americans on our side. The neocons, the farla, everyone is playing Americans right now. That's the truth. We are being played. The world is a stage. All of this is performative. It is not real. It is just not real. You can't find who those individuals are. Until somebody identifies who this person is, dancing, holding a Palestinian flag, then I'm going to go ahead and say that that appears to me to be a federal agitator. What are they trying to agitate the situation of Americans being gung-ho about going to war with Iran? I've been saying this to you for years. Now you had Bibi Netanyahu who actually said, actually said in his speech yesterday, that they tried to kill Trump.If they're successful in killing Trump, he really said this, guys, If they're successful in killing Trump, I hope you guys will respond to Iran. Now, Trump shared this on Truth Social, and I thought, I don't know, Trump, that sounds like a threat. I don't have here now three stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.Iraq, Libya, Syria. He says it, we do it. Now he's saying that Iran might kill President Trump. If he does, then we We just better all say we're going to war right now and not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something. Right now, if something happens to President Trump, I'm going to have a lot of further questions. I'm going to make this statement to the American people. Please listen to me. Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. Stop letting these elite oligarchs, very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars, allow you to be diluted into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single American daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. Make that commitment. Genuinely make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here. Let me jump into the chat, the live chat here, and see what you guys have going on.Do you guys agree with me? Here is what we have. This person says, Crisis King. Thank you, Sari, for the tip. Also, thank you to all of you guys who went over to Club Candice and purchased Stanis Cups. For those of you that are supporting the show on Locals. If you're not, please go to locals. Com. Literally, you can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free so that we can say what we want, so that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.Don't care.Built different.Don't care.Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.


far, they just become the same. But that takes some courage.


You don't even care. Your face is not covered. You're dancing, you're holding this flag, and you know that news cameras are trained on you. Post Just January sixth, when you saw people locked up for doing way less, I don't buy this. I did something that I've done a few times, and I've always been successful. I just say, Hey, any information regarding this person, please send it to me. Not because I'm going to try to get this individual arrested. Look at this person right here. But because I just want to make sure if this is actually an American and this is not a federal agitator of some description that is trying to get people to break the law, just like we saw on January sixth, just like we saw with Ray Epps. Who is this person wearing sunglasses and dancing around? It's a good point. Would you believe it if I told you that that post got 15 million views and not a single person was able to confirm who that individual was? Not a single person has been able to confirm who these people are that showed up with gasoline and lit a fire right near the Capitol building.


We got the reaction to it, which is we're supposed to be thinking, Oh, my gosh, Palestinians are awful. Now, I guess whatever Bibi Netanyahu wants to do over there is totally fine. We should no longer critique it. Wow, that's That's lucky. By the way, question, I don't know, here I am going out of my common sense, why are they burning an American flag as opposed to an Israeli one? Oh, it's because we're trying to get Americans on our side. The neocons, the farla, everyone is playing Americans right now. That's the truth. We are being played. The world is a stage. All of this is performative. It is not real. It is just not real. You can't find who those individuals are. Until somebody identifies who this person is, dancing, holding a Palestinian flag, then I'm going to go ahead and say that that appears to me to be a federal agitator. What are they trying to agitate the situation of Americans being gung-ho about going to war with Iran? I've been saying this to you for years. Now you had Bibi Netanyahu who actually said, actually said in his speech yesterday, that they tried to kill Trump.


If they're successful in killing Trump, he really said this, guys, If they're successful in killing Trump, I hope you guys will respond to Iran. Now, Trump shared this on Truth Social, and I thought, I don't know, Trump, that sounds like a threat. I don't have here now three stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.Iraq, Libya, Syria. He says it, we do it. Now he's saying that Iran might kill President Trump. If he does, then we We just better all say we're going to war right now and not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something. Right now, if something happens to President Trump, I'm going to have a lot of further questions. I'm going to make this statement to the American people. Please listen to me. Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. Stop letting these elite oligarchs, very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars, allow you to be diluted into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single American daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. Make that commitment. Genuinely make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here. Let me jump into the chat, the live chat here, and see what you guys have going on.Do you guys agree with me? Here is what we have. This person says, Crisis King. Thank you, Sari, for the tip. Also, thank you to all of you guys who went over to Club Candice and purchased Stanis Cups. For those of you that are supporting the show on Locals. If you're not, please go to locals. Com. Literally, you can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free so that we can say what we want, so that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.Don't care.Built different.Don't care.Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.


have here now three stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.


Iraq, Libya, Syria. He says it, we do it. Now he's saying that Iran might kill President Trump. If he does, then we We just better all say we're going to war right now and not ask any further questions. Let me tell you something. Right now, if something happens to President Trump, I'm going to have a lot of further questions. I'm going to make this statement to the American people. Please listen to me. Do not send your sons and daughters to fight in this planned war. They have been planning this war for years. Do not believe them when they say they have weapons of mass destruction. They have been trying this strategy for years in various countries that they want war with. Stop letting these elite oligarchs, very small group of them that benefit from these never-ending wars, allow you to be diluted into emotionality and irrationality and to allow your children to die on foreign soil. Not a single American daughter or son is going to die overseas for this planned war. Make that commitment. Genuinely make that commitment to yourselves. All right, guys, let's get into some of your comments here. Let me jump into the chat, the live chat here, and see what you guys have going on.


Do you guys agree with me? Here is what we have. This person says, Crisis King. Thank you, Sari, for the tip. Also, thank you to all of you guys who went over to Club Candice and purchased Stanis Cups. For those of you that are supporting the show on Locals. If you're not, please go to locals. Com. Literally, you can give a dollar a month if that's all that you can do to keep us free so that we can say what we want, so that we don't become beholden to the same trash lies that so many organizations are held to because there is no freedom of the press. There is only the financial swaying up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.Don't care.Built different.Don't care.Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.


up on everybody who gets it wrong because I once got it wrong. There's that, too. I would be a total hypocrite to have that perspective on her when I came from the left and I held a lot of leftist perspectives when I was younger. Grant Brown writes, I feel like I watched two different versions of the Biden speech, one on your live stream and the one on other channels. Anyone experienced the same thing? That's very funny because somebody e-mailed me and I didn't pull it yet, but they said, Candice, they changed the speech thereafter.


Did you recognize this? I have not looked into it at all, but maybe people in the live chat can answer your question as to whether or not they held that same perspective. But I think we all agreed that as you're asking Grant, it just seemed Very, very bizarre. The whole thing just felt very bizarre. This person, thank you, Shaili, for the compliment. This person writes, I would love to see a Candice Owens, Times, Trevor Noah interview, possibly even Dr. Umar. Trevor Noah would never do it. He would come apart because he is such a fraud. He's an absolute fraud. I've been looking into his background and where he comes from. The whole thing is just so fraudulent. His whole story about how he grew up. He's leaving a lot on the table. You should ask Trevor Noah more about his dad. He doesn't talk often about his family. I would dig into that if I were you. This person It says, Mit Romney, the potential VP for Kamala. Thoughts, I think he's a committed leptis. Why not? It's a great ticket. Romney Kamala, two people that are going to tear this nation up. This person, lastly, Chelsea writes, Candice, please interview Liz Croken.


She opened the case on Pizzagate and gets into the Hillary Obama and Podesta emails. She also has knowledge on spirit cooking in Maria Abramowicz. I would love to see you do a piece on this. Maria Abramowicz is utterly Satanic, and every celebrity that wants anything to do with someone like that is someone that I would not trust. I never looked into Pizzagate, but I did see those emails, and they were extremely weird. That was what I think one of the reasons that Julian Assange got into so much trouble was by making those emails public. People that are just waking up, you should go back and read those emails. It's something very strange going on. Nothing made sense in those emails, but what they actually meant, I have no idea. But I'm always looking for people to interview on this show. By the way, you guys, we did the Hot Wing challenge. We're doing a hotter wing available on Locals. We are going to do that right now with the crew because I promise people on Locals that I would introduce them to my crew as well as then try to kill my crew with Hot Sauce.


That's what somebody who's loving does. They try to kill their crew. If we're not here tomorrow, it's because we died. Just kidding. We'll be having the Amber Rose episode air tomorrow. Again, head to locals. Com, support us in our independence, or head to clubmechanis. Com and buy the new Standis cup. It is a gray edition. It, of course, my favorite expression that Andrew Tate says. Can you run that expression? Do you have that, Skye? Oh, yeah, we got it. Yeah, let's run it.


Don't care.


Built different.


Don't care.


Don't care. Built different. That's my perspective on being a conspiracy theorist, as they call us. We got to embrace it. Don't care. Built Different. We're going to ask all the questions, you guys. Tomorrow, again, we will have Amber Rose, and I will see you guys then.