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All right, guys, we are back after a tremendous episode yesterday. Unbelievable. I think we're going to actually cross a million views in less than 24 hours, which is just impressive. Impressive, mostly because I think the majority of people have this perception that the public is too stupid or lacks substance to deal with complex issues. They think the world's jewelry converted or followed this guy who they believed to be the Messiah. His name was Sabotei Zvi. Now, Sabatai means Saturn. Okay. are explicitly saying to people, Convert and hide yourself. Convert. Pretend that you worship these faiths, but privately, you are going to worship the Zohar. You are going to worship the Kabbalah. You have to hide who you actually are. In that book that I was telling you about, that was written by David Bakin. Bakin, he put the pieces together and was able to determine that Sigmund Freud was one such Kabbalahist. On his face, they presented himself as like, I'm a Galetian Jew, which therefore would imply that I follow the Torah. No, they didn't follow the Torah. They thought that law had been fulfilled and that their new job was to sin in order to inherit the earth, that there was some magic to the idea of sinning. Jacob Frank has said thisme on that. I could be wrong. Something to look up. Like I said, I will 1,000% include the links today. I know I on my Locals page. For those of you, thank you so much for all of you that signed up to support me in whatever capacity that you could on Locals to keep this show free. You can head to kandisowens. Com. You give whatever you want to support this show, guys. I would really appreciate if you took a second to do that. If you can, if you have the capacity to. This person says, I can't pronounce it, unfortunately, Muslims call the Antichrist Al Dajal, a. K. A. The Liar. Thank you for giving us a translation there, a. K. A. The Liar. This person says, All your good work is paying off love from Serbia. Yes, guys, what you do, just share these episodes. Make people listen to them so that they can start researching things on their own.The only way we're going to have an awakening is that there has to be more of us willing to take a stand, more of us creating more videos. We have to create just an echo. You know what I mean? And that's where the power comes from is that we've removed the power from the mainstream media's hands because they are part of this. They are part of the elite. And you have other people who are just bad faith actors. They are not worshiping the Kabbalah. They are perhaps blackmailed. And the people that are in control are very clearly, in my view, these people. And they've always been in control. Like I said, it reappears as Alastair Crowley. He was best friends with the editor over at Vanity Fair. He was friends with the people in that club, the Yale Club. The name is escaping me right now. But these were the elites, okay? These were not people that were on the fringes. This person writes, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Muslims, unite. God bless you, Candice. Yes, we have to defeat Satanism, plain and simple. This person says, Look up Madame Blavatsky. She trained Crowley. Yes. And guys, if these people believe in these magical rituals, in casting these spells on humanity, and you can look around you to see how much success they have had, clearly, these spells have been working, then you should have that feeling in your gut right now that the only answer to that is going to be, spirituality is going to be you accepting what they know to be true.They believe in God and doing everything to counter him. Okay? So you better get with God. That's what I am telling you guys. You better get with God. It is the only guard that you have against this Satanism that has gone mainstream. This person said, Candice came with the receipts. Yes, again, I will drop the receipts on Locals tonight. Go to kandesones. Com or go to locals. Com and find me there. This person says, The Rothschilds created Israel. I do not have that as a fact, but I'm reading your comment. This person says, Acts 7 discusses the Star of Remfun. Yes, that is what I just read today, and it is shocking to see. I'm actually most interested in the people that friends, I do not believe that he is a follower of the Torah. I just do not. And the ADL support of him all but verifies my gut instinct. This person says, I didn't care for you, and then I researched you for myself. Thank you for what you are doing. May Yahweh protect you, your family, and the truth. I would love for you to dig into Africans being the true Israeli I mean, I watched that documentary, I just didn't see any proof that was presented there. It was somebody that was making musings about it, but they didn't actually present any concrete proof. But I appreciate your comment. I have not ever looked into that, to be completely honest with you. Like I said, I don't know my family history outside of knowing my grandma came from St. Thomas. My grandfather has one grandmother who was Native American from North Carolina. But I would love to know my family history. I think we all have a right to know where we come from. This person says, Oops, this actually went away. Sorry. Don't pretend this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus. I am not saying that this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus.I am just giving people, I guess, a little snippet of where they can begin their research. This is just the research that I have, guys. I don't have all of the answers. I've never claimed to have I have all the answers, but I do have all of the questions, and I have the courage and the audacity to ask them publicly while being maimed and while being caricatured and while still learning and while being routinely called stupid by academics who quite literally exist to make everybody else stupid. Despite the fact that they're convinced that they're intelligent because they have a degree. They don't know where they came from. They know nothing. They're not even going to know in the future the difference between a man and a woman. They're going to be so unwise, so distrusting of their gut instinct, so distrusting of their own eyes and their own ears, that in the future, they won't even be able to tell you the difference between a male and a female. So guys, we are going to stop there. Again, share this episode. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for giving me the courage to do this.And there's so many other episodes in American history that I want to talk about, and I'm going to continue to speak about on this show with your tremendous vote of confidence. All right, guys, go to locals. Com, support the show, and we'll see you tomorrow.


the world's jewelry converted or followed this guy who they believed to be the Messiah. His name was Sabotei Zvi. Now, Sabatai means Saturn. Okay. are explicitly saying to people, Convert and hide yourself. Convert. Pretend that you worship these faiths, but privately, you are going to worship the Zohar. You are going to worship the Kabbalah. You have to hide who you actually are. In that book that I was telling you about, that was written by David Bakin. Bakin, he put the pieces together and was able to determine that Sigmund Freud was one such Kabbalahist. On his face, they presented himself as like, I'm a Galetian Jew, which therefore would imply that I follow the Torah. No, they didn't follow the Torah. They thought that law had been fulfilled and that their new job was to sin in order to inherit the earth, that there was some magic to the idea of sinning. Jacob Frank has said thisme on that. I could be wrong. Something to look up. Like I said, I will 1,000% include the links today. I know I on my Locals page. For those of you, thank you so much for all of you that signed up to support me in whatever capacity that you could on Locals to keep this show free. You can head to kandisowens. Com. You give whatever you want to support this show, guys. I would really appreciate if you took a second to do that. If you can, if you have the capacity to. This person says, I can't pronounce it, unfortunately, Muslims call the Antichrist Al Dajal, a. K. A. The Liar. Thank you for giving us a translation there, a. K. A. The Liar. This person says, All your good work is paying off love from Serbia. Yes, guys, what you do, just share these episodes. Make people listen to them so that they can start researching things on their own.The only way we're going to have an awakening is that there has to be more of us willing to take a stand, more of us creating more videos. We have to create just an echo. You know what I mean? And that's where the power comes from is that we've removed the power from the mainstream media's hands because they are part of this. They are part of the elite. And you have other people who are just bad faith actors. They are not worshiping the Kabbalah. They are perhaps blackmailed. And the people that are in control are very clearly, in my view, these people. And they've always been in control. Like I said, it reappears as Alastair Crowley. He was best friends with the editor over at Vanity Fair. He was friends with the people in that club, the Yale Club. The name is escaping me right now. But these were the elites, okay? These were not people that were on the fringes. This person writes, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Muslims, unite. God bless you, Candice. Yes, we have to defeat Satanism, plain and simple. This person says, Look up Madame Blavatsky. She trained Crowley. Yes. And guys, if these people believe in these magical rituals, in casting these spells on humanity, and you can look around you to see how much success they have had, clearly, these spells have been working, then you should have that feeling in your gut right now that the only answer to that is going to be, spirituality is going to be you accepting what they know to be true.They believe in God and doing everything to counter him. Okay? So you better get with God. That's what I am telling you guys. You better get with God. It is the only guard that you have against this Satanism that has gone mainstream. This person said, Candice came with the receipts. Yes, again, I will drop the receipts on Locals tonight. Go to kandesones. Com or go to locals. Com and find me there. This person says, The Rothschilds created Israel. I do not have that as a fact, but I'm reading your comment. This person says, Acts 7 discusses the Star of Remfun. Yes, that is what I just read today, and it is shocking to see. I'm actually most interested in the people that friends, I do not believe that he is a follower of the Torah. I just do not. And the ADL support of him all but verifies my gut instinct. This person says, I didn't care for you, and then I researched you for myself. Thank you for what you are doing. May Yahweh protect you, your family, and the truth. I would love for you to dig into Africans being the true Israeli I mean, I watched that documentary, I just didn't see any proof that was presented there. It was somebody that was making musings about it, but they didn't actually present any concrete proof. But I appreciate your comment. I have not ever looked into that, to be completely honest with you. Like I said, I don't know my family history outside of knowing my grandma came from St. Thomas. My grandfather has one grandmother who was Native American from North Carolina. But I would love to know my family history. I think we all have a right to know where we come from. This person says, Oops, this actually went away. Sorry. Don't pretend this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus. I am not saying that this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus.I am just giving people, I guess, a little snippet of where they can begin their research. This is just the research that I have, guys. I don't have all of the answers. I've never claimed to have I have all the answers, but I do have all of the questions, and I have the courage and the audacity to ask them publicly while being maimed and while being caricatured and while still learning and while being routinely called stupid by academics who quite literally exist to make everybody else stupid. Despite the fact that they're convinced that they're intelligent because they have a degree. They don't know where they came from. They know nothing. They're not even going to know in the future the difference between a man and a woman. They're going to be so unwise, so distrusting of their gut instinct, so distrusting of their own eyes and their own ears, that in the future, they won't even be able to tell you the difference between a male and a female. So guys, we are going to stop there. Again, share this episode. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for giving me the courage to do this.And there's so many other episodes in American history that I want to talk about, and I'm going to continue to speak about on this show with your tremendous vote of confidence. All right, guys, go to locals. Com, support the show, and we'll see you tomorrow.


are explicitly saying to people, Convert and hide yourself. Convert. Pretend that you worship these faiths, but privately, you are going to worship the Zohar. You are going to worship the Kabbalah. You have to hide who you actually are. In that book that I was telling you about, that was written by David Bakin. Bakin, he put the pieces together and was able to determine that Sigmund Freud was one such Kabbalahist. On his face, they presented himself as like, I'm a Galetian Jew, which therefore would imply that I follow the Torah. No, they didn't follow the Torah. They thought that law had been fulfilled and that their new job was to sin in order to inherit the earth, that there was some magic to the idea of sinning. Jacob Frank has said thisme on that. I could be wrong. Something to look up. Like I said, I will 1,000% include the links today. I know I on my Locals page. For those of you, thank you so much for all of you that signed up to support me in whatever capacity that you could on Locals to keep this show free. You can head to kandisowens. Com. You give whatever you want to support this show, guys. I would really appreciate if you took a second to do that. If you can, if you have the capacity to. This person says, I can't pronounce it, unfortunately, Muslims call the Antichrist Al Dajal, a. K. A. The Liar. Thank you for giving us a translation there, a. K. A. The Liar. This person says, All your good work is paying off love from Serbia. Yes, guys, what you do, just share these episodes. Make people listen to them so that they can start researching things on their own.The only way we're going to have an awakening is that there has to be more of us willing to take a stand, more of us creating more videos. We have to create just an echo. You know what I mean? And that's where the power comes from is that we've removed the power from the mainstream media's hands because they are part of this. They are part of the elite. And you have other people who are just bad faith actors. They are not worshiping the Kabbalah. They are perhaps blackmailed. And the people that are in control are very clearly, in my view, these people. And they've always been in control. Like I said, it reappears as Alastair Crowley. He was best friends with the editor over at Vanity Fair. He was friends with the people in that club, the Yale Club. The name is escaping me right now. But these were the elites, okay? These were not people that were on the fringes. This person writes, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Muslims, unite. God bless you, Candice. Yes, we have to defeat Satanism, plain and simple. This person says, Look up Madame Blavatsky. She trained Crowley. Yes. And guys, if these people believe in these magical rituals, in casting these spells on humanity, and you can look around you to see how much success they have had, clearly, these spells have been working, then you should have that feeling in your gut right now that the only answer to that is going to be, spirituality is going to be you accepting what they know to be true.They believe in God and doing everything to counter him. Okay? So you better get with God. That's what I am telling you guys. You better get with God. It is the only guard that you have against this Satanism that has gone mainstream. This person said, Candice came with the receipts. Yes, again, I will drop the receipts on Locals tonight. Go to kandesones. Com or go to locals. Com and find me there. This person says, The Rothschilds created Israel. I do not have that as a fact, but I'm reading your comment. This person says, Acts 7 discusses the Star of Remfun. Yes, that is what I just read today, and it is shocking to see. I'm actually most interested in the people that friends, I do not believe that he is a follower of the Torah. I just do not. And the ADL support of him all but verifies my gut instinct. This person says, I didn't care for you, and then I researched you for myself. Thank you for what you are doing. May Yahweh protect you, your family, and the truth. I would love for you to dig into Africans being the true Israeli I mean, I watched that documentary, I just didn't see any proof that was presented there. It was somebody that was making musings about it, but they didn't actually present any concrete proof. But I appreciate your comment. I have not ever looked into that, to be completely honest with you. Like I said, I don't know my family history outside of knowing my grandma came from St. Thomas. My grandfather has one grandmother who was Native American from North Carolina. But I would love to know my family history. I think we all have a right to know where we come from. This person says, Oops, this actually went away. Sorry. Don't pretend this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus. I am not saying that this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus.I am just giving people, I guess, a little snippet of where they can begin their research. This is just the research that I have, guys. I don't have all of the answers. I've never claimed to have I have all the answers, but I do have all of the questions, and I have the courage and the audacity to ask them publicly while being maimed and while being caricatured and while still learning and while being routinely called stupid by academics who quite literally exist to make everybody else stupid. Despite the fact that they're convinced that they're intelligent because they have a degree. They don't know where they came from. They know nothing. They're not even going to know in the future the difference between a man and a woman. They're going to be so unwise, so distrusting of their gut instinct, so distrusting of their own eyes and their own ears, that in the future, they won't even be able to tell you the difference between a male and a female. So guys, we are going to stop there. Again, share this episode. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for giving me the courage to do this.And there's so many other episodes in American history that I want to talk about, and I'm going to continue to speak about on this show with your tremendous vote of confidence. All right, guys, go to locals. Com, support the show, and we'll see you tomorrow.


me on that. I could be wrong. Something to look up. Like I said, I will 1,000% include the links today. I know I on my Locals page. For those of you, thank you so much for all of you that signed up to support me in whatever capacity that you could on Locals to keep this show free. You can head to kandisowens. Com. You give whatever you want to support this show, guys. I would really appreciate if you took a second to do that. If you can, if you have the capacity to. This person says, I can't pronounce it, unfortunately, Muslims call the Antichrist Al Dajal, a. K. A. The Liar. Thank you for giving us a translation there, a. K. A. The Liar. This person says, All your good work is paying off love from Serbia. Yes, guys, what you do, just share these episodes. Make people listen to them so that they can start researching things on their own.


The only way we're going to have an awakening is that there has to be more of us willing to take a stand, more of us creating more videos. We have to create just an echo. You know what I mean? And that's where the power comes from is that we've removed the power from the mainstream media's hands because they are part of this. They are part of the elite. And you have other people who are just bad faith actors. They are not worshiping the Kabbalah. They are perhaps blackmailed. And the people that are in control are very clearly, in my view, these people. And they've always been in control. Like I said, it reappears as Alastair Crowley. He was best friends with the editor over at Vanity Fair. He was friends with the people in that club, the Yale Club. The name is escaping me right now. But these were the elites, okay? These were not people that were on the fringes. This person writes, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Muslims, unite. God bless you, Candice. Yes, we have to defeat Satanism, plain and simple. This person says, Look up Madame Blavatsky. She trained Crowley. Yes. And guys, if these people believe in these magical rituals, in casting these spells on humanity, and you can look around you to see how much success they have had, clearly, these spells have been working, then you should have that feeling in your gut right now that the only answer to that is going to be, spirituality is going to be you accepting what they know to be true.


They believe in God and doing everything to counter him. Okay? So you better get with God. That's what I am telling you guys. You better get with God. It is the only guard that you have against this Satanism that has gone mainstream. This person said, Candice came with the receipts. Yes, again, I will drop the receipts on Locals tonight. Go to kandesones. Com or go to locals. Com and find me there. This person says, The Rothschilds created Israel. I do not have that as a fact, but I'm reading your comment. This person says, Acts 7 discusses the Star of Remfun. Yes, that is what I just read today, and it is shocking to see. I'm actually most interested in the people that friends, I do not believe that he is a follower of the Torah. I just do not. And the ADL support of him all but verifies my gut instinct. This person says, I didn't care for you, and then I researched you for myself. Thank you for what you are doing. May Yahweh protect you, your family, and the truth. I would love for you to dig into Africans being the true Israeli I mean, I watched that documentary, I just didn't see any proof that was presented there. It was somebody that was making musings about it, but they didn't actually present any concrete proof. But I appreciate your comment. I have not ever looked into that, to be completely honest with you. Like I said, I don't know my family history outside of knowing my grandma came from St. Thomas. My grandfather has one grandmother who was Native American from North Carolina. But I would love to know my family history. I think we all have a right to know where we come from. This person says, Oops, this actually went away. Sorry. Don't pretend this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus. I am not saying that this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus.I am just giving people, I guess, a little snippet of where they can begin their research. This is just the research that I have, guys. I don't have all of the answers. I've never claimed to have I have all the answers, but I do have all of the questions, and I have the courage and the audacity to ask them publicly while being maimed and while being caricatured and while still learning and while being routinely called stupid by academics who quite literally exist to make everybody else stupid. Despite the fact that they're convinced that they're intelligent because they have a degree. They don't know where they came from. They know nothing. They're not even going to know in the future the difference between a man and a woman. They're going to be so unwise, so distrusting of their gut instinct, so distrusting of their own eyes and their own ears, that in the future, they won't even be able to tell you the difference between a male and a female. So guys, we are going to stop there. Again, share this episode. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for giving me the courage to do this.And there's so many other episodes in American history that I want to talk about, and I'm going to continue to speak about on this show with your tremendous vote of confidence. All right, guys, go to locals. Com, support the show, and we'll see you tomorrow.


friends, I do not believe that he is a follower of the Torah. I just do not. And the ADL support of him all but verifies my gut instinct. This person says, I didn't care for you, and then I researched you for myself. Thank you for what you are doing. May Yahweh protect you, your family, and the truth. I would love for you to dig into Africans being the true Israeli I mean, I watched that documentary, I just didn't see any proof that was presented there. It was somebody that was making musings about it, but they didn't actually present any concrete proof. But I appreciate your comment. I have not ever looked into that, to be completely honest with you. Like I said, I don't know my family history outside of knowing my grandma came from St. Thomas. My grandfather has one grandmother who was Native American from North Carolina. But I would love to know my family history. I think we all have a right to know where we come from. This person says, Oops, this actually went away. Sorry. Don't pretend this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus. I am not saying that this evil only started with the Sabatian Frankus.


I am just giving people, I guess, a little snippet of where they can begin their research. This is just the research that I have, guys. I don't have all of the answers. I've never claimed to have I have all the answers, but I do have all of the questions, and I have the courage and the audacity to ask them publicly while being maimed and while being caricatured and while still learning and while being routinely called stupid by academics who quite literally exist to make everybody else stupid. Despite the fact that they're convinced that they're intelligent because they have a degree. They don't know where they came from. They know nothing. They're not even going to know in the future the difference between a man and a woman. They're going to be so unwise, so distrusting of their gut instinct, so distrusting of their own eyes and their own ears, that in the future, they won't even be able to tell you the difference between a male and a female. So guys, we are going to stop there. Again, share this episode. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for giving me the courage to do this.


And there's so many other episodes in American history that I want to talk about, and I'm going to continue to speak about on this show with your tremendous vote of confidence. All right, guys, go to locals. Com, support the show, and we'll see you tomorrow.