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All right, guys. Welcome. We are live again. I actually really love being this live. It's just the potential to potentially say something wrong and then ruin my entire career. I like it. It's like playing Russian roulette with my life. Anyways, you guys, a lot to talk about today. Number one, is Joe Biden, in fact, dead. Have you been paying attention to these conspiracy theories that are running amok on the internet? There is something there. He does seem to be missing. Is that a decoy that we just saw go down or go up Air Force One, rather? Also, I'm going to be covering this Sonia Massey shooting. I don't know if you guys have seen that. You should have because Joe Biden or whoever is running his Twitter account decided to tweet about Sonia Massey, who recently lost her life when a cop shot at her after she called 911. I'm going to weigh in on that situation. You might be surprised what I have to say. Lastly, I would never let you guys entire facelift. All right, guys, before we get into Kim Chetel, I want to remind you guys about my friends at American Financing because I know that so many people are just feeling so overwhelmed with debt right now, trying to figure out how they can possibly move forward because the bills are higher than they've ever higher than you feel like what you're even bringing in every month. Every time you have to swipe a credit card to cover the difference, the debt just keeps adding up.If you own a home, here's what you can do. You can call my friends at American Financing. They can help you break free from that cycle. American Financing is saving people just like you and me an average of $854 a month. That's a lot of money. Think about what you could do with an extra $800 every month without having to worry about the minimum monthly payments. Even better, it will cost you nothing to at least find out how much you can save. All it will take is a quick call to American Financing. If you start today, you may be able to delay two mortgage payments. Call American Financing today and start your journey towards being credit card debt-free. The number is 800-795-1210. That's 800-795-1210. Or, of course, you can visit the website at americanfinancing. Net/ohens. All right, getting into some stories. Kim Chetel. Kim Chetel. Well, first of all, I'll tell you, she resigned today. That's the big news. She resigned I just want to know what job this is that she had the opportunity to resign as opposed to having been fired. I mean, that's just got to be female privilege or something. This just makes entirely no sense given the remarkable security failure, if you're taking that angle, that it was a security failure and not something that was done on purpose because they wanted Trump dead.Either scenario, this woman should have been fired. Instead, they accepted her resignation. As I said, the press is essentially saying How dare we speak to her and comment on the fact that no women should be employed in an executive protection position, especially guarding someone that's much bigger than them. You can just honestly step aside. If that's your viewpoint, you are unbearable. You truly are an insufferable human being that you would watch him almost get assassinated live on television. What you take away is, We're just not being nice enough to the ladies that are in suits guarding men. Anyways, she testalied yesterday. I am starting to feel very annoyed by these congressional testimonies because it just feels like they're always inadequate. We know they're essentially just going to plea the fifth, say nothing, answer nothing, and yet we're supposed to view this by the end of it, as like, Okay, we've asked all the questions we're supposed to ask, and now we can button this up and move on. By the way, it does feel that they're already trying to get us to move on. I am not over this. I am never going to be over the fact that we have no answers as to who attempted to assassinate President Trump.It's like the media isn't even interested in Matthew Crooks, not interested in his family, in his father, in his mother, in everything that we could possibly garner in terms of the information pertaining to this family. It's very obvious that this is starting to be memory holds. If you want to see how extensively Kimberly Cheetal just essentially dodged questions yesterday, I'm going to show you just a few moments in case you didn't have time to watch it. Because it's been, just to be clear, when she testified yesterday, it had been Nine days since the Trump assassination attempt. Nine days where she had the ability to speak to the Secret Service. But she says that it's not enough time. She still can't answer basic questions like whether or not they had Secret Service members on that roof. Take a listen to her being questioned by James Comer.Let's start with the building that the shooter used to shoot President Trump from. At any point Saturday, did the Secret Service have an agent on top of that roof?Sir, I'm sure as you can imagine that we are just nine days out from this incident, and there's still an ongoing investigation. I want to make sure that any information that we are providing to you is factual.Okay. Why did the Secret Service not... Can you answer why the Secret Service didn't place a single agent on the roof?We are still looking into the advanced process and the decisions that were made. Okay.Was Wasn't that building within the perimeter that should be secured? Do we agree with that?The building was outside of the perimeter on the day of the visit. But again, that is one of the things that during the investigation we want to take a look at and determine whether or not other decisions should have been made.Nine days, ladies and gentlemen, and Kim Chido cannot say whether or not they had secret service on that particular roof. What is she doing? Is she sending mail mail? Because I do think that Even if she had sent a letter to every single Secret Service agent at their home and said, Hey, were you on the roof that day? She would have by now received a letter back. That's just my opinion. A text message going to a group chat with all the Secret Service agents. Hey, were one of you guys on the roof that day? No, no, no, no, no, a bunch of questions of witnesses to what happened to make sure that they don't unintentionally tell a lie that can be debunked. But let's go on because it gets even better. It's very clear who was in control of everything that happened that day, and it sure doesn't look like it's the secret service. It is not the FBI. Take a listen to what she says when she is questioned by Representative Lisa McLean.But you want to take accountability, right? The buck stops with you, right?I am taking accountability.Super. Then let's start with trying to I'll answer some questions. You keep referring to the FBI. When asked how many shell casings were on the roof, you referred to the FBI. When asked if there were explosive in the car, you referred to the FBI. When asked if Crooks was acting alone, you referred to the FBI. See a common theme here? I can go on and on. My question is, who at the FBI should I speak with? Wait for it.The FBI FBI is responsible for the criminal investigation.Is there a name?I'm not certain.I'm not certain. All right, here we go. I'm not certain. I don't know. Let me ask a different question. Have you been in communication with the FBI?Yes, I have.With whom?I speak with the director and the deputy director. Okay.What have they shared with you about this investigation? I'll give you an opportunity to answer again. Did Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof?They have shared with me the- Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof? Yes.Okay. How many were there?I would refer to the FBI for their investigation.How many were there?And their information that they need to share in their investigation.So they've shared the information with you. You just don't want to share the information with us, correct?We have concurrent investigations that are going on.So they have shared this information with you. You know the answer to the question. You just refuse to answer the question from the member of Congress who has subpoenaed you to be here. Is there a different answer to that question?I was always willing to come here and testify before this oversight hearing. Beautiful.Then let's do that. Let's for once have your actions match your words. You've been in communication with the FBI. You know the answers, and you refuse to tell us the answers. I will ask you again, you know how many shell casings were on that roof. What is the answer to that question? I think it's pertinent to talk- What is the answer to that question?I think it's pertinent to talk to you about the information that the Secret Service has and that the Secret Service knows related to the event on that day.I'm asking you an answer to the question. If you're supposed to be in charge, if the buck stops with you, how come you can't share the answers? What are you covering up? What are you hiding, my friend?I'm not covering anything up.Then why can't you answer a simple question?I absolutely love Lisa McClane because she is all of us. Where you're just recognizing what is this shame, what's actually going on. There's a tiny little piece of me that actually feels bad for Kim Chetel. I'll tell you why, because this woman knows too much, right? The FBI has told her to keep her mouth shut, probably if she wants to live. She's sitting back there and she's like, Yeah, these are the guys that killed MLK. These are the guys that were threatening MLK before he died. Jfk got shot in broad daylight, and they just tried to shoot Donald Trump in broad daylight. Maybe I should sit this one out. That's what we realized. We realized in this moment that these FBI members at the top that are sitting there, Christopher Ray, is in control of this country. It is ridiculous that we do not have more answers, that she doesn't I feel comfortable answering something as simple as how many shell casings were found on the rooftop. That is how afraid, I think she is afraid, right? I don't think she's smart enough to be colluding with them, but that is how fearful she is when it comes to stepping on the toes of the FBI.This is when we talk about the deep state. This is what we're referring to. It means Congress can't get answers. We can't get answers at the American people. Even the person that was almost assassinated cannot get answers because there is a borough that something worth discussing. Maybe tomorrow. Well, we'll throw it in for tomorrow. I'm going to show you that music video, and you will realize that they do these things because they don't want to live with the fact that they actually have contributed nothing of value to our society.I hate Hollywood. I really do. I just think it's Babylon. Hollywood is actually Babylon. Again, head to clubkannes. Com and also you guys, locals. Com. Become a supporter. If you're loving the show, if you're loving the freedom for me to say whatever, Built Different, don't care. Loving us talking, at least having the courage to speak about the Conspiracy Theories, why don't you just become a supporter? Maybe you just give a dollar a month, 50 cents a month, 25 cents a month, whatever you can, head to locals. Com and support the show. We will see you guys tomorrow..


entire facelift. All right, guys, before we get into Kim Chetel, I want to remind you guys about my friends at American Financing because I know that so many people are just feeling so overwhelmed with debt right now, trying to figure out how they can possibly move forward because the bills are higher than they've ever higher than you feel like what you're even bringing in every month. Every time you have to swipe a credit card to cover the difference, the debt just keeps adding up.


If you own a home, here's what you can do. You can call my friends at American Financing. They can help you break free from that cycle. American Financing is saving people just like you and me an average of $854 a month. That's a lot of money. Think about what you could do with an extra $800 every month without having to worry about the minimum monthly payments. Even better, it will cost you nothing to at least find out how much you can save. All it will take is a quick call to American Financing. If you start today, you may be able to delay two mortgage payments. Call American Financing today and start your journey towards being credit card debt-free. The number is 800-795-1210. That's 800-795-1210. Or, of course, you can visit the website at americanfinancing. Net/ohens. All right, getting into some stories. Kim Chetel. Kim Chetel. Well, first of all, I'll tell you, she resigned today. That's the big news. She resigned I just want to know what job this is that she had the opportunity to resign as opposed to having been fired. I mean, that's just got to be female privilege or something. This just makes entirely no sense given the remarkable security failure, if you're taking that angle, that it was a security failure and not something that was done on purpose because they wanted Trump dead.


Either scenario, this woman should have been fired. Instead, they accepted her resignation. As I said, the press is essentially saying How dare we speak to her and comment on the fact that no women should be employed in an executive protection position, especially guarding someone that's much bigger than them. You can just honestly step aside. If that's your viewpoint, you are unbearable. You truly are an insufferable human being that you would watch him almost get assassinated live on television. What you take away is, We're just not being nice enough to the ladies that are in suits guarding men. Anyways, she testalied yesterday. I am starting to feel very annoyed by these congressional testimonies because it just feels like they're always inadequate. We know they're essentially just going to plea the fifth, say nothing, answer nothing, and yet we're supposed to view this by the end of it, as like, Okay, we've asked all the questions we're supposed to ask, and now we can button this up and move on. By the way, it does feel that they're already trying to get us to move on. I am not over this. I am never going to be over the fact that we have no answers as to who attempted to assassinate President Trump.


It's like the media isn't even interested in Matthew Crooks, not interested in his family, in his father, in his mother, in everything that we could possibly garner in terms of the information pertaining to this family. It's very obvious that this is starting to be memory holds. If you want to see how extensively Kimberly Cheetal just essentially dodged questions yesterday, I'm going to show you just a few moments in case you didn't have time to watch it. Because it's been, just to be clear, when she testified yesterday, it had been Nine days since the Trump assassination attempt. Nine days where she had the ability to speak to the Secret Service. But she says that it's not enough time. She still can't answer basic questions like whether or not they had Secret Service members on that roof. Take a listen to her being questioned by James Comer.


Let's start with the building that the shooter used to shoot President Trump from. At any point Saturday, did the Secret Service have an agent on top of that roof?


Sir, I'm sure as you can imagine that we are just nine days out from this incident, and there's still an ongoing investigation. I want to make sure that any information that we are providing to you is factual.


Okay. Why did the Secret Service not... Can you answer why the Secret Service didn't place a single agent on the roof?


We are still looking into the advanced process and the decisions that were made. Okay.


Was Wasn't that building within the perimeter that should be secured? Do we agree with that?


The building was outside of the perimeter on the day of the visit. But again, that is one of the things that during the investigation we want to take a look at and determine whether or not other decisions should have been made.


Nine days, ladies and gentlemen, and Kim Chido cannot say whether or not they had secret service on that particular roof. What is she doing? Is she sending mail mail? Because I do think that Even if she had sent a letter to every single Secret Service agent at their home and said, Hey, were you on the roof that day? She would have by now received a letter back. That's just my opinion. A text message going to a group chat with all the Secret Service agents. Hey, were one of you guys on the roof that day? No, no, no, no, no, a bunch of questions of witnesses to what happened to make sure that they don't unintentionally tell a lie that can be debunked. But let's go on because it gets even better. It's very clear who was in control of everything that happened that day, and it sure doesn't look like it's the secret service. It is not the FBI. Take a listen to what she says when she is questioned by Representative Lisa McLean.


But you want to take accountability, right? The buck stops with you, right?


I am taking accountability.


Super. Then let's start with trying to I'll answer some questions. You keep referring to the FBI. When asked how many shell casings were on the roof, you referred to the FBI. When asked if there were explosive in the car, you referred to the FBI. When asked if Crooks was acting alone, you referred to the FBI. See a common theme here? I can go on and on. My question is, who at the FBI should I speak with? Wait for it.


The FBI FBI is responsible for the criminal investigation.


Is there a name?


I'm not certain.


I'm not certain. All right, here we go. I'm not certain. I don't know. Let me ask a different question. Have you been in communication with the FBI?


Yes, I have.


With whom?


I speak with the director and the deputy director. Okay.


What have they shared with you about this investigation? I'll give you an opportunity to answer again. Did Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof?


They have shared with me the- Did they share with you how many shell casings were on the roof? Yes.


Okay. How many were there?


I would refer to the FBI for their investigation.


How many were there?


And their information that they need to share in their investigation.


So they've shared the information with you. You just don't want to share the information with us, correct?


We have concurrent investigations that are going on.


So they have shared this information with you. You know the answer to the question. You just refuse to answer the question from the member of Congress who has subpoenaed you to be here. Is there a different answer to that question?


I was always willing to come here and testify before this oversight hearing. Beautiful.


Then let's do that. Let's for once have your actions match your words. You've been in communication with the FBI. You know the answers, and you refuse to tell us the answers. I will ask you again, you know how many shell casings were on that roof. What is the answer to that question? I think it's pertinent to talk- What is the answer to that question?


I think it's pertinent to talk to you about the information that the Secret Service has and that the Secret Service knows related to the event on that day.


I'm asking you an answer to the question. If you're supposed to be in charge, if the buck stops with you, how come you can't share the answers? What are you covering up? What are you hiding, my friend?


I'm not covering anything up.


Then why can't you answer a simple question?


I absolutely love Lisa McClane because she is all of us. Where you're just recognizing what is this shame, what's actually going on. There's a tiny little piece of me that actually feels bad for Kim Chetel. I'll tell you why, because this woman knows too much, right? The FBI has told her to keep her mouth shut, probably if she wants to live. She's sitting back there and she's like, Yeah, these are the guys that killed MLK. These are the guys that were threatening MLK before he died. Jfk got shot in broad daylight, and they just tried to shoot Donald Trump in broad daylight. Maybe I should sit this one out. That's what we realized. We realized in this moment that these FBI members at the top that are sitting there, Christopher Ray, is in control of this country. It is ridiculous that we do not have more answers, that she doesn't I feel comfortable answering something as simple as how many shell casings were found on the rooftop. That is how afraid, I think she is afraid, right? I don't think she's smart enough to be colluding with them, but that is how fearful she is when it comes to stepping on the toes of the FBI.


This is when we talk about the deep state. This is what we're referring to. It means Congress can't get answers. We can't get answers at the American people. Even the person that was almost assassinated cannot get answers because there is a borough that something worth discussing. Maybe tomorrow. Well, we'll throw it in for tomorrow. I'm going to show you that music video, and you will realize that they do these things because they don't want to live with the fact that they actually have contributed nothing of value to our society.I hate Hollywood. I really do. I just think it's Babylon. Hollywood is actually Babylon. Again, head to clubkannes. Com and also you guys, locals. Com. Become a supporter. If you're loving the show, if you're loving the freedom for me to say whatever, Built Different, don't care. Loving us talking, at least having the courage to speak about the Conspiracy Theories, why don't you just become a supporter? Maybe you just give a dollar a month, 50 cents a month, 25 cents a month, whatever you can, head to locals. Com and support the show. We will see you guys tomorrow..


something worth discussing. Maybe tomorrow. Well, we'll throw it in for tomorrow. I'm going to show you that music video, and you will realize that they do these things because they don't want to live with the fact that they actually have contributed nothing of value to our society.


I hate Hollywood. I really do. I just think it's Babylon. Hollywood is actually Babylon. Again, head to clubkannes. Com and also you guys, locals. Com. Become a supporter. If you're loving the show, if you're loving the freedom for me to say whatever, Built Different, don't care. Loving us talking, at least having the courage to speak about the Conspiracy Theories, why don't you just become a supporter? Maybe you just give a dollar a month, 50 cents a month, 25 cents a month, whatever you can, head to locals. Com and support the show. We will see you guys tomorrow..