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You've been open about the Ozempic thing. What are your thoughts on it today?


My thoughts on it today is that I keep saying it says what it's going to do on the bottle, and it does it. I just worry about young girls because it's very easy to get. You can get it sent in from all these different countries. You can buy it illegally without a prescription online and all of that. We all know how tough it is when you're a teenager and you feel you've got a weight problem and you'll do anything to get rid of it. It can be damaging.


When did you start taking it?


About 14 months ago, but I haven't had it for months.


Okay. When you stopped, what happened?


I just stayed the same. Everybody said, Everybody said to me, You will put it on like that. If you go back to eating what you were eating, you're going to put it on like that. I didn't, but I don't eat as much. I just don't.


Did it change your ability to eat as much or is it just mental?


Yeah, it does change.It does change.Your stomach? Yeah, it does. It does.


Well, then for people who have weight issues, then that's not a terrible It's a real thing, right? If it helps you to not over eat.




But have you put any weight? No weight has gone back on? No, nothing.


Every day because I'm obsessed, so every Every day I'll weigh and- Every day? Every day. Why? Because I'm obsessed with it. I know. Yeah.


Do you want to change that?


Oh, God. I wish that I could just not think it and just think of other things. There's a million more important things other than the size of my ass. It's like, I wish I could, but that's just my thing.


Can you get rid of the scale? Starting just with that, with weighing yourself.


Oh, I couldn't. You couldn't? I mean, you could. No. I mean, I could, yeah.


But it would be- Someone could take it, but then you get another one.


I was going to another one, yeah.


Does it fluctuate? No.


Listen, yes. Two pounds, it'll go- Water weight.


That's the day.




I know. I see you and everyone as just a beautiful, strong woman. Listen, like you said, we all have our crap. It's just when it takes over like that, how can you not allow it to take over? Take as much energy from you as it seems like it does. Or is it just something you're like, You know what? I'm 70 years old. I'm good. Leave me alone.




Who is hotter than you? Oh, please. Give me a break. I hope you look in the mirror and go, Look at me. Seriously. And your energy. That's the most important part is this.


You never see yourself the way you are. You're right. You never do. I look in the mirror and see something, something else.


How close are you right now to being happy with what you see in the mirror?


I think the point in my life now where I go, I'm at the age where it's as good as it's ever going to fucking get, so deal with it, bitch. I'm like, Okay, I've got these two voices in my head that go back and forth. It's, look, my husband is such a mensh with me. He's so good. He's so understanding. I was blessed to find a husband that didn't like skinny women.


Well, what does he do now then? Because you're skinny.


I know, and he doesn't like it. Really? No. He tells you that? Oh, yeah. He worries about my weight all the time. You're too skinny, you're too skinny. But he He loves me, whatever.


But he wants you healthy. Yeah, he does. Probably, I'm guessing, wants you to love yourself, as we say, which sounds so cheesy, corny these days, but it is true.


It is true. It's very, very true. That's what I've always told my children, you've got to love yourself or you can love anyone else.


Okay, but you just said it that, All right, I'm 70, 71. This is as good as it's going to get.




So are we done? Are we done messing with what- We're done.


I wouldn't take anything. I wouldn't take anything else because I don't think my body could actually take it. It's had enough of the shit that I've done to it. But it doesn't stop the voice in your head. It's like being an alcoholic. Once you're an alcoholic, even though you're not using, you'll still think about drinking.


So all the things. But even the surgeries, even those, are you done?


Oh, God. Can you imagine now at this age? No, I couldn't. I just couldn't. What? Imagine going in and saying, Oh, I want this lifted and that lifted and suck a bit here.


There's nothing to suck, Sharon.


I'd be ridiculous. Even then, I know I'm pushing it.


Okay. There's a.