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The thing that bothers me the most about Jeff- Do.


You want to explain the infraction?


Well, he filmed himself. First of all, I never understand what anybody does social media. Because social media has... I mean, it might work for.


Certain people- There are some redeeming values in social media, but I don't understand what you'd film yourself. Well, he didn't think people would see that.


Well, he filmed himself with guns, Gill.




Twice. The thing I don't understand is, first of all, if you got friends filming you with a gun, when you think one of them will say, Hey, man, maybe we should put filming you with a gun. He got suspended eight times the first time. Then the next time, a couple of months later, he does it again. If your friends are that stupid, he lost like $8 million. That's a lot of money. He lost that much? Yes. But if you got friends around you who think it's appropriate to film you with a gun, again, one of the biggest problems we got in the black community is violence. For a guy who's that great a player to be you're focusing who's made it in life. He's not a nine to five guy.


Do you dismiss it as in addition to friends hanging around, friends that don't have your best interests? Do you think it's his age and that maybe he's... Because he's 22, 23, right?


Yeah, but let me tell you something. You do not need to film yourself with guns and things like that. I agree. I don't mind him having guns. He has guns. That's his own business. But there's no- Do you have a gun? I do. You do? A lot of them.


Do you? I do. See, I'm I'm scared of guns.


I'm scared of them. They come in handy when the crooks around. They don't come in handy. I feel safer with a gun, me personally. I don't touch my gun unless I go practice. I don't try to show it to anybody, but I feel safer with it. But I'm definitely not going to put it on Instagram like a damn idiot, especially after you had already did it one time and less than two months later you did it again. I never want to get on TV and act like a hypocrite. I am a gun guy. I feel safer with a gun, but I understand my bodyguard, James Haywood, is a cop. We talk about it all the time. He said, Hey, do not touch that gun, except for two reasons: you're going to practice or you're going to shoot somebody. Anything else? And I've never shot anybody.


You haven't. I mean, have you ever shot the gun? Oh, yeah. I've never.


Okay. But I wouldn't want to shoot anybody. But if I felt threatened and like I said, I've been arrested a few times for fighting, but I would never touch the gun unless my life depended on it.


You've been arrested a few times for fighting.


Have you? Yeah, I have. Okay. I was young, Gail.


Okay. He has been facing criticism for saying that immigrants are, quote, poisoning the blood of the country. Think about that for the second. Poisoning the blood of the country. Last night, he addressed those criticisms. And then he doubled down.


And it's true. They're destroying the blood of our country. That's what they're doing. They're destroying our country. They don't like it when I said that. And I never read Mainkamp. They said, Oh, Hitler said that in a much different way.


Well, there's something about those words that it did triggering for a lot of people, Poison the Blood of the Country, because that is in the book, Mainkamp from Adolf Hitler. And while he may not have read it, I think people close to him may have read it. What did you think when you heard those words?


He trying to make people fearful of immigrants, black people, Hispanics, Muslims. Obviously, we got a lot of anti-Semitic stuff going on. I would even say against Jewish people. I think it's a travesty and a disgrace that he's able to do that. Now, I do agree with one thing. We got to fix our immigration policy. We can't have people just rolling across the border, 24-7, like they are now. But for a man who's running for the most power position in the world to use pseudo racist rhetoric, that's one reason I can't vote for that guy because, man, he just runs me the wrong way. And people can vote for whoever they want to, but I just do not like it at all. Yeah.