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This new variant is called JN.1, and it does not make us sicker than other COVID variants, at least as of the data we have right now, but unfortunately, it does have a growth advantage over previous variants. That's why, of course, it's taking off in the United States. It accounted for about 4% of cases back in November, and then over the past month, that's grown to more than 20 % of cases. And it has become dominant already in the Northeast, and that's expected to happen for the entire US and around the world within the coming weeks.


Does the current COVID vaccine, which is currently surging through my body, does it offer any protection against this new sub-variant?


It does. That's the good news. Even though this new variant is expected to be more immune-avasive, and that's why it potentially is spreading more easily against severe disease, which is the thing we want vaccines to protect us against primarily, it does seem to still continue to provide good protection.