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We are learning new details about what President Biden said to Democratic governors at last night's critical meeting at the White House. Sources now tell CNN the President said he needs more sleep and he plans to stop scheduling events after 08:00 PM. Here now is Hawaii governor Josh Green, a Democrat. He attended that meeting remotely. Governor, thank you for coming back on the show. We had you on just before the meeting. Now you're giving us the assessment after the meeting. So your questioning of President Biden is when he reportedly admitted to seeing a doctor doctor in the days following the debate. Were you satisfied with this answer? And should the White House release more detailed information about his health?


Sure. Thank you for having me. And happy fourth of July. Look, I'm a physician, and so it was my place amongst the other governors, the Democratic governors, to ask the President just humbly, How are you, Mr. President? Are you okay? Thursday, the debate day, you weren't who we are accustomed to seeing. The President reassured us. He did share with me, as I've shared, that he was exhausted, and he had done quite a lot of travel in the two weeks before, and he didn't make any excuses about it. Exhaustion is very real for governors and for presidents, I can tell you. He gets up probably in the extreme wee hours of the morning to help our country, as do we all for our states. So it's not uncommon to have fatigue. That was what he shared, and I think that that is pretty normal for an elderly gentleman who's 81, and it's pretty normal even for his opponent. So It was a pretty satisfying description of where he is. But I will tell you this, I'm not his physician. We were very satisfied to hear the President perkt up, and he looked great just now addressing people about fourth of July.


Did anyone in the meeting ask to speak to his physician or to get more information about his health or anything like that?


I know, because that would be completely inappropriate. We don't, as Americans ask for access to other people's personal medical records, that's not what governors would do. But this is the President of the United States.




Oh, of course. But a bunch of governors are not going to ask to see your medical records. And so that's just not the case. And he did get a checkup. People are going to judge the President. They're going to judge the former President. I can say some blunt things with you if you'd like, which is to say- Say it. Look, of course, he's going to have some moments. He's 81. But this is an 81-year-old who may drift periodically. He races ahead of his words sometimes because that's always been Joe. And he's got a very good-hearted nature underneath a brain that's 81 years old, as opposed to his opponent who has a malignant personality underneath his brain. He has a personality that even attacks this President here on fourth of July. And people can judge that. This is a time where we're going to have to judge two gentlemen who are both around age 80 and see who's going to care more for the people of of America. That's really what this comes down to. But we were glad to see the President yesterday.


Let me ask you because the Newer Times has some new reporting about a question. It's part of your question during the meeting. Let's see. After it says, After Governor Josh Green of Hawaii, a physician, asked Mr. Biden a question about the status of his health, Mr. Biden replied that his health was fine. It's just my brain, he added, according to three people familiar with what took place. A remark that some in the room took as a joke, but at least one did not and was puzzled by. Jen O'Malley, Dylan, Mr. Biden's campaign chair who attended the meeting, said in his statement that he had said, All kidding aside, a recollection confirmed by another person briefed on the meeting. She also said he was clearly making a joke. How did you take it? What was the vibe in the room when he said, It's just my brain? Just help give us some color of what was going on. Bring us inside that room.


Sure. To all America, people have to be able to take a joke. This is absolutely a self-deprecating joke, which is very common for the President to make. The difference is Joe Biden makes a self-deprecating joke because he's comfortable about that, as opposed to what we would hear from the former President who would probably be saying things like, Trump's brain is great. Trump can pass any test. Trump's brain passed the MRI scan in the third person. I mean, Biden was just kidding with us. Frankly, I'm saying this as a physician, it is a significant ability to cognitively still be able to make a self-deprecating joke. So if anything, people do need to lighten up. Now, I know that the whole country is panicked, especially Democrats. At the end of the day, if President Biden decides not to run, it'll be his choice and Jill's choice. But for me, I got to witness the President very up close because we had this disaster on Maui 331 days ago, and he was right there by our side. He walked Front Street. He greeted 300 Hawaii residents, hugged every one of them. The entire country, including the Republican governors, called me to offer support.


And there was one individual in America who went off, and that was Donald Trump. And he sent some hateful message to me and the state as we were recovering from a fire that took 102 loved ones. So you've got President Biden, who came and embraced us and within six hours helped us heal with a master, a major disaster declaration. And then you've got the one individual amongst the whole planet who attacked us. And so look, my heart is with Joe. And if he tells us he's not up to running, then it's his choice. But we have a very clear choice in America, which is a really good-hearted human being with a great vice president, or we've got someone who is somewhat awful, frankly. And so I hope that people look beyond the surface because Joe is going to slip up periodically in the next couple of weeks or months. But the actual humans underneath the surface are very different. And I would ask Republicans and independents and Democrats to look beneath the surface because that's what's necessary to guide this country on every decision.


All right, Governor Josh Green. Thank you so much.