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I'm pro-life. I believe in creating a culture of life. I've been able to follow that up in Florida by enacting pro-life protections to protect unborn that have a heartbeat, a detectable heartbeat. And that's something that the legislature passed, and we signed earlier this year. I think, though, one thing in this race that I think is important to point out is Donald Trump flip flopping on the right to life. So if you look in January of 2020, when he was President, he stood in the March for Life, and he gave a speech. And if you read that speech, he said that all life is a gift from God. He compared the unborn child in the mother's womb to being the image of God. He said it was important that we had protections in law. And that's what he was saying in January of 2020. Now, he has attacked states that have enacted protections like heartbeat bills as being a terrible, terrible thing.