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You're running for President, obviously. I want to ask you what the limits that you think you would have as President. The former President keeps claiming that he can't be prosecuted for anything that happened while he was in office because he has presidential immunity. If you were the nominee and if you're elected President, do you think you would have blanket presidential immunity?


Well, look, you take an oath to support and defend the Constitution. I did it when I commissioned as an officer. Anyone that serves in the military does it. I took an oath as governor. As President, you're taking an oath to take care of that the laws are faithfully executed and to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. I'm going to wield my authority with that obligation in mind. If I don't think something is constitutional, I am duty bound to oppose it. That's just the nature of the job. I make constitutional judgments all the time. It doesn't mean a court always agrees with it, but I'm going through that analysis. For example, if Congress sends me a piece of legislation that I think violates the Constitution, even if I think it's a good idea policy-wise, I am duty bound to veto it, and I will do that. You're going to see an energetic executive. I'm going to wield Article 2 power to the fullest extent to be able to advance the agenda that I'm running on, and we're going to be able to deliver big victories. But that oath means something to me, and I will satisfy that oath of office.


And by the way, you think about what's going on now. Joe Biden took an oath to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Is there anybody in this room that thinks he is satisfying that oath when it comes to our Southern border? I don't think so.


But what about blanket presidential immunity, that a president can do whatever they want? Do you agree with that?


If you're abiding by the Constitution, none of that is going to matter at that point. So follow the law, follow the Constitution. This stuff gets into the weeds legally about what can happen to a president when they leave office based on conduct that may or may not have been official. It's not for me to adjudicate that. I can just tell this. If you nominate me, I'll get elected, I'll serve, and we won't even be discussing these issues. We'll be discussing your issues. You're not going to have to worry about my conduct. I'll conduct myself in a way you can be proud of. I'll conduct myself in a way you can tell your kids. That's somebody that you should emulate, and we will have success as a result of that.


A lot of clear references, obviously, to the former President. You have said that you believe his indictments have distorted the primary. Do you You think that he's leading in this race because of his indictments?


Look, there's things that happen when you're running. There's things you can control. I can control how I answer your questions. I can control how hard I'm going to work. I've chosen to do the 99 counties. Other candidates haven't. There's other things you can't control. How these things happen, how they're played in the media, all this other stuff. Clearly, it's had an impact. But what I would tell primary voters is whatever may be beneficial in the primary doesn't mean it's beneficial in the general election. I think a 2024 election where the Democrats get to run against a candidate that is going through all this stuff, that is going to give the Democrats an advantage. Don't have to agree with any of the stuff that was done. That's just the reality. We end up in a situation where we're putting the future of the Republican Party and the future of the nation, perhaps, in the hands of 12 jurors in heavily Democrat DC, which is likely to be a very stacked left-wing jury, that if they somehow convict, then the Democrats are going to win the election. Why do we want to even go down that road?


Let's focus on your issues. Let's focus on Biden's failures. Let's focus on how we're going to be able to turn this country around. I'll be somebody that's focused on that. But then, even more importantly, as President, I'll be disciplined and determined to deliver on all those things. It's not going to be about me. When I'm not out there doing the job, I've got young kids. My wife and I will be back home. We'll be doing stuff, raising our family. That's going to be the extent of what we're doing. We are going to be laser-focused on your issues.