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Former President Carter, 99 years old. Rosalind Carter, 96 years old. We know that she was diagnosed with dementia back in May, a few months before that, as you mentioned, president Carter was in home hospice care. And now they're basically saying that Rosalind Carter is also entering home hospice care. So they're both going to be at home receiving medical care at home, providing more comfort, being able to get medical care at home they would have otherwise needed to go to the hospital for that's one of the main focuses of home hospice, to try and figure out exactly how aggressive therapy should be going forward. But I think it's important to keep in mind, again, if you go back and say President Carter went in February, it is now November. It's not necessarily associated with imminent end of life. I think that's often a misconception of what home hospice is. This is to provide more comfort care and more of that medical care at home for her. And it sounds like that's going to start now.