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The new window into Kamala Harris's fast track presidential campaign. The vice President speaking on a call with donors just a short time ago. Cnn's MJ Lee has details from the White House. What are you learning about this call, MJ? Yeah, the vice President called into a meeting of her National Finance Committee this afternoon where she thanked some of the top donors to the party for their support. I spoke with one donor who was on that call, and they said that the call was really about the vice president and top campaign official laying out their vision for the 100 plus days that are now left until election day. They made clear that when it comes to the vice president's calendar, of course, a key priority is going to be the vice president traveling to these key battleground states. They also made clear that they are quickly reshuffling her schedule and the events on her calendar had given her new role that is now just five days old. I'm ready. Let's go. We're going to have some fun with this, too, aren't we? We are not playing around. A worldwide in five days for Kamala Harris, who is swiftly marching towards the Democratic nomination for President.


Since President Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 race, Harris working at break-neck speed to raise a stunning amount of cash, lock in major Democratic endorsements like this one on Friday. We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you. And hitting the road to court voters who will determine the outcome of the 2024 election. You helped elect Joe Biden, President of the United States, and me as the first woman, Vice President of the United States. Paris also turning to wady matters of foreign policy this week. In her first days as a presidential candidate. Welcome, Mr. Prime Minister. The vice President meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House as US officials are pushing to try to finalize a ceasefire agreement. Afterwards, Harris issuing the White House's one of his most forceful comments yet about the Israel Hamas war. I also expressed with the Prime Minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza. I will not be silent. Those comments clearly unsettling Israeli officials, with one telling local media outlets, Hopefully, the remarks Harris made in her press conference won't be interpreted by Hamas as daylight between the US and Israel, thereby making a deal harder to secure.


As Netanyahu met with former President Donald Trump in Florida on Friday. She's actually worse than him. The Prime Minister himself also questioning Harris's remarks about the war. To the extent that Hamas understands that there's no daylight between Israel and the United States, that expedites the deal, and I would hope that those comments don't change anything. The vice President's office quickly rejecting that suggestion. With an aid to Harris telling CNN in a statement Friday, I don't know what they're talking about. President Biden and vice President Harris deliver the same message in their private meetings to Prime Minister Netanyahu. It is time to get the ceasefire and hostage deal done. Meanwhile, the prospects of the next general election debate now up in the air. Harris saying she's eager to face off against Trump in September. I'm ready to debate Donald Trump. But the Trump campaign refusing to commit until they say the Democratic nominee is confirmed. Harris's top surrogates mock backing that move. You all see, he's backing out of the debate now. He's afraid to stand toe to toe with our vice president. And tomorrow, the vice president will be delivering virtual remarks at a youth forum.


Of course, we're seeing a bunch of different ways in which the campaign is trying to reach out to young voters and really trying to find new and creative ways to do that now that they have a new candidate. Of course, the campaign knows very well that this population is going to be incredibly critical to the outcome of the November our election. A brand new poll out just moments ago showing Harris Harris is now in a statistical dead heat with Donald Trump, surging ahead of where Biden was just before he dropped out of the race. Earlier this month, Trump had a six-point lead over Biden. Six points in electoral politics in this country is a chasm. The Wall Street Journal's numbers now, though, tracking with the trend we have been seeing from other polls from CNN and the New York Times. When it comes to the all-important indicator of voter enthusiasm, 81% of Harris voters say they're enthusiastic about her. It was 37% for Biden. There's another poll that came out just before we came on the air, this one from Fox News, and it's in the battleground states. Very important, showing Harris slightly ahead or tied with Trump in four all-important battleground states.


We'll tick through them. Michigan, 49, 49. Trump was up by seven against Biden in the last Michigan poll. Minnesota, Harris leads, 52, 46. In Pennsylvania, again, it is now tied, 49, 49. Biden had been slipping there behind Trump in the must-win state of Pennsylvania as well. And in Wisconsin, tonight, just one percentage point separates the two in the Fox News poll. And it all comes in the context of the eyes on Trump's ticket. Trump's running mate, JD Vance, making another enforced error tonight as he looks to tamp down criticism over his disparaging remarks about, quote, childless cat ladies. Instead, when he tried to dampen it down, he has created a new firestorm. Tonight, making it clear that, quote, I've got nothing against cats, but going on to say that the left has become anti-family and that Democrats want to replace American children with immigrants. I've got nothing against cats. I've got nothing against dogs. I've got one dog. People are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance of what I actually said. And the substance of what I said, Megan, I'm sorry, it's true. It is true that we become anti-family.


It is true that the Left has become anti-child. But the simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way. This is about criticizing the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-child. A lot of liberals and a lot of people on the left will say, Well, we can just replace American children with immigrants. All right, well, the clarification Elication, as he thinks it is, have you here in person in New York. All these polls just coming out, the Wall Street Journal poll, specifically, though, on the enthusiasm numbers. There's a range here. Mj was talking about one at 76%. This poll, 81% say, Harris voters say they're enthusiastic about her. It was 37% for Biden just a few weeks ago. That's a 44-point jump on enthusiasm. What's happening right now inside your party? Well, I think that there's a level of energy, a level of excitement behind the vice president that's needed to make this a competitive race.I think what we see are Black voters, women voters, and younger voters, very energetic and very interested, invigorated, if you will, to support the vice president. That's what's needed to consolidate the base in the Democratic Party, and that's what's needed to make this a competitive race. Now, that enthusiasm, of course. I know it's a national poll. Certainly, that's what we're seeing in the rallies, Lulu. But the battleground polls, there you've got deadheats, and other than one state, those were deadheats prior as well. Obviously, those battleground states are crucial. There's others as well, but these are crucial ones. These are crucial. I mean, that is what the election is going to be decided on. This is great news for the Harris campaign. You've got to be cheering if you're in that campaign right now, because what it shows is that she really has been able to flip the script. The people who support her are now feeling really enthusiastic. Those enthusiasm numbers, I mean, look at that. Before, it was in the '30s for President Biden, and now it's in the '80s. But the number that really interested me were the double haters. Do you remember us talking about the double haters so Because they hated Trump and they hated Biden.Guess what? Biden's no longer on the ticket, and they are breaking for Kamala Harris. Being able to move the margins little by little, it means a lot in this race. Right. And those double haters, right? That was a thing, right? It was a thing. Now, it's a completely It's a completely different world. Anna, enter into the tickets mattering. We don't know the full ticket, obviously, on Kamala Harris's side. But JD Vance now says he's being sarcastic when he said the country was being run by a bunch of childless cat ladies and says this is not about criticizing people who, for various reasons, didn't have kids, even though he fundamentally says, If you don't have kids, you're not vested in the future of the country the way the people who have kids are. Yep. I'm talking to you as a childless dog lady, and Cha-cha and I take great offense at those remarks where JD Vans seems to indicate, and it's not just one thing taken out of context. It's not just this sarcasm. He has said it in different places, and he has said it with different intentions. He's talked about people without children should have less votes, that people with children should be able to have more votes.He's talked about it when it comes to tax policy. He's talked about it in such a despective way. And I think it's really angering a lot of people. It's angering people who are childless because of choice or because of nature or because they couldn't do it. It's angering people like Jennifer Anaston who don't come out and do politics often. And it touched the nerve. It has touched the nerve. And look, I was with Kamala Harris last night. I was at her residence in a meeting of Latino leaders that had been scheduled before Joe Biden dropped out. I sense a level of enthusiasm. This is beginning to feel more like a movement and less like a traditional campaign. And I think that Democrats had been in the doldrums for a long time. They were feeling defeated even before the elections, and they were going through the motions. And this is now a campaign unburdened by the age issue and full of energy. And just the fact that JD Vans is proving to be quite the catastrophe is icing on the cake. Kamala Harris is taking her new presidential campaign to somewhere she It hasn't been before.Tiktok, CNN's Brian Todd, has the details. With a video lasting less than eight seconds, the vice president takes another important swing at connecting with younger voters. Madam Vice President, are you on TikTok? Well, I've heard that recently I've been on the For You page, so I thought I'll get on here myself. Kamala Harris is now officially on TikTok, launching her own account on the social media platform. Within six hours, that first post had racked up nearly 6 million views, and Harris had accumulated more than a million followers. She's a little far behind. You've had President Trump on TikTok for a long time, and so she needed to get on TikTok quickly, build an audience, build a following. Former President Donald Trump launched his TikTok account on June first. The President is now on TikTok. It's my honor. The number of Trump's followers so far dwarf Harris's. But she's just starting on a platform that analysts say both candidates need to use to reach voters who don't consume traditional media. They want to try to reach out to those younger voters voters, that Gen Z, millennial voter who will be out there, and especially those low information voters.Viral political videos are always blazing on TikTok, but ahead of the election, they're gaining a lot of steam. If you want to run for office these days, it's nearly impossible not to have a TikTok. But since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee just a few days ago, Kamala Harris has utilized all sorts of pop culture platforms. She's just appeared on the reality show RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars with a message about the importance of voting. We are all in this together, and your vote is your power. So please make sure your voice is heard this November. The Harris campaign's account on X now sports a Brat green color. Embracing the recent post by British pop star Charlie XCX that, Kamala is Brat. Brat is the title of Charlie XCX's latest album, but also a trend, where the word is used as an adjective to describe unapologetic It Girls and icons. And the Internet is now awash with coconut memes, a reference to Harris poking fun at something her mother said to her when she was younger. I don't know what's wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? All of this, analysts say, could give a critical early boost to the vice president's campaign.Kamala Harris's allies have been preparing for this possible moment for a while now. And now that it has happened, you are seeing them really turn up the energy. Kamala Kamala Harris's launch of a TikTok account could lead to accusations of hypocrisy, since she is still part of an administration that signed a law in April that would ban TikTok in the US unless it finds a new owner. Tiktok is taking legal action now to prevent that from happening. Today, as we report at the top, the former President, his wife, Michelle Obama, endorsed Kamala Harris. Here's another look at that. I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala, I am proud of you. This is is going to be historic. We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. Oh, my goodness.The source to tell CNN, the former President Obama has been serving as a soundy board for Harris over the last two decades. He'd also been supportive of President Biden's re-election bid. Now, here's Randy K with a look at how the Obamas have helped other presidential campaigns.I want those of you who've been with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know that I'm with her. I am fired up, and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary. I'm with her. With those words, then President Barack Obama throwing his full support behind Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. Soon after that vote of confidence, Obama hit the campaign trail together with Clinton. Are you fired up? You ready to go? Yeah. This is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether we're going to reach for the future. Then, First Lady Michelle Obama, through her weight behind Clinton, too, at the D&C Convention. We need to knock on every door. We need to get out every vote. We need to pour every last ounce of our passion and our strength and our love for this country into electing Hillary Clinton as President of the United States of America. The Obamas amped up their own star power at this Pennsylvania event, where Bon Jovi joined them and the Clinton Americans on stage.Just days before the 2016 election, Michelle Obama appeared with Clinton in the battleground state of North Carolina. You guys are pretty fired up, right? I like that. This was the first time the two women shared the stage. Hillary has done her job. Now we need to do our job and get her elected President of the United States. Part of Michelle Obama's motivation to campaign against Donald Trump? His false claims that Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States. She wrote in her book that Trump's claim carried with it bigotry and xenophobia. Adding Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family's safety at risk. And for this, I'd never forgive him. She spoke with Oprah about it in 2018. I don't think he knew what he was doing. That for him, it was a game. That motivation continued in 2020. I'm so proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States. I believe Joe has all the qualities we need in a President right now. An endorsement, then stump speeches, even in the midst of the pandemic. I love Joe Biden, and he will be a great President. This was Flint, Michigan.My friend, a real leader, the next President of the United States of America, Joe Biden. In October 2020, Michelle Obama lent her voice to the closing argument for Biden. Search your hearts and your conscience, and then vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it. And on On the eve of the election, Barack Obama fired up voters in Miami. We will elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for. Let's get to work, Florida. Let's bring this home. I love you, Miami. Honk if you're fired up. Randy K, CNN, Palm Beach County, Florida. The vice President speaking to going to see a hundred and a couple of days sprint, one that you've never seen before. I think most of us are the political junkies have never seen what we're in right now. So we're making history together. But this week has been a great week for the vice president.It showed her organizational skills. Of course, you saw her on the world stage with Bibi Netanyahu. Of course, you've seen her now raise more money than anybody's raised in this short period of time and gather as many volunteers as has ever been gathered in the history of politics in the country. We're off to a big start, but this is going to be a close election. It was always going to be a close election. Everybody's got to show up, got to do the work. Based on the vice president's speech today, we have a pathway to get it done.Tell us about the pathway. What are the swing states that you are focused on?Well, you can recall, I I think last Sunday, it was however many hours, 96 or so hours ago, when everybody was starting to shrink the map, the map has now been blown open again. I think that all of the swing states that were there before the debate performance are still back in play. They're actually more in play than they were before. We are going to make sure that we hit all of those. Now, what has been happening over the last four, five, six, seven months, an organization that the vice president helped build and is going to inherit, is we have thousands of offices on the ground in those swing states, and now they're bursting at the seams and they are ready to go. We will execute the plan as it was designed. Of course, the vice president will change it as she sees fit. You unite the party, you raise a lot of money, you put the team on your field, you knock on doors, you get votes out, and you get more than the other folks, and you win.That's the plan. Where is the search right now for Harris's running mate?Say that one more time.Tell us about the search for her running mate.Well, again, I just would refer people to a couple of years ago who said, The Democrats don't have he's literally building Bridge to the Future with Vice President Harris, 14,000 of them. But he also has helped create a Democratic bench that is second to none. The Vice President has a large group of really wonderful people to pick from. She's going to go through them. They're going to do the vetting process, which they're in the midst of right now. You know who all the candidates are. In a reasonably short period of time, she will pick the running mate that she thinks will help guide her to victory and help her govern the country and build that Bridge to the Future that they talked about so much. Are you on that list? I am not on that list.So you are not being vetted? Okay. Who's on your short list?Listen, I know all of them, and they're all great. So who is it?Who's on the actual short list right now?Well, I actually don't know who's on the shortlist. That is in the vice president's heart and in her mind. They're going through that process right now, and I'm sure that she's thinking through it very carefully, and she's going to make a great judgment about that. Then they're going to win together because I heard your show before you were talking about JD. But when? Go ahead. Well, I'm not sure when. I think we're on a short timetable. The convention is not too far away, and it's got to be done before the convention. So I think we're on a short leash right now.All right. I want to ask you about this. Cnn's K-File found that just a couple of months before joining Biden's campaign as his running mate in June 2020, Harris praised the defund the police movement. Let's take a listen to that. Defund the police. The issue behind it is that we need to re-imagine how we are creating safety. When you have many cities that have one-third of their entire city budget focused on policing, we know that is not the smart way and the best way or the right way to achieve safety. This whole movement is about rightly saying, We need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities. For too long, the status quo thinking has been, You get more safety by putting more cops on the street. Well, that's wrong. Is that no longer Harris's position?No, I don't think so. I think, again, as she would tell you with a funny story, you have to consider everything in context. The fact of the matter is that the vice president started off, as you know, as a prosecutor, prosecuting criminals in San Francisco. She went after the bad guys. She put sexual abusers in jail. She put business frauds in jail. When she was the attorney general of California, she ran literally the largest law firm in the country, and in many instances, the world. What I think she was trying to say there, and I think that many criminal justice experts would say this is true, that you can both be tough and smart on crime, that police officers are critically important. If you look at her record, along with the President, they have actually funded the police. They are the ones that put money not only into the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, the US Marshal's office, and US attorneys, but they funded police departments with real cash and put real cops on the streets. So she believes in police officers, and she understands that sacrifice. But I think it is also true that when you're dealing with criminal justice, you have to make sure that you can decide whether somebody's bad or good, not by the color of their skin, but by their behavior.And that when you're dealing with mental health, when you're dealing with substance abuse, when you try to find alternatives for offenders that are not serious offenders, you can actually create a safer system. It's not just about police officers. And I think as a matter of fact, the proof is in the pudding. We have had crime actually go down really a lot during the Biden-Harris administration, and of course, it was really high during the Trump administration. And so when you put them both together and you're tough on crime and you're smart on crime, you can accomplish both things and make the street safe.But the bottom line is, you said you did not believe that that was still her position on what we just played, but you laid out her position now. Okay, go ahead. That is still her position. She wants to move money from police departments, potentially. She thinks those are still the same.That's not what I said. What I said was you have to consider those comments in context. I asked if she still is no longer...Is this no longer Harris's position? And you said, No, I don't think so. I want to make it clear what your... Is that still her position or not?What I'm saying to you is that that statement that you just played was played out of context. Her position has always been that you can both be tough and smart on crime, and it requires funding police, but it also requires funding rehabilitation and things that make the criminal justice system safer. You can do both.But just for clarity's sake, does she want to take money from police departments and potentially put them into community services? Because that was what was part of that discussion.What I said was, if you looked at her record as the vice president, that she actually gave more funding with President Biden to the police. So her actions indicate that she wants to fund the police, but she wants to do the other things as well, because both of them together will create safety on the streets of America.All right, Michalindra, thank you so much for your time.


have you here in person in New York. All these polls just coming out, the Wall Street Journal poll, specifically, though, on the enthusiasm numbers. There's a range here. Mj was talking about one at 76%. This poll, 81% say, Harris voters say they're enthusiastic about her. It was 37% for Biden just a few weeks ago. That's a 44-point jump on enthusiasm. What's happening right now inside your party? Well, I think that there's a level of energy, a level of excitement behind the vice president that's needed to make this a competitive race.


I think what we see are Black voters, women voters, and younger voters, very energetic and very interested, invigorated, if you will, to support the vice president. That's what's needed to consolidate the base in the Democratic Party, and that's what's needed to make this a competitive race. Now, that enthusiasm, of course. I know it's a national poll. Certainly, that's what we're seeing in the rallies, Lulu. But the battleground polls, there you've got deadheats, and other than one state, those were deadheats prior as well. Obviously, those battleground states are crucial. There's others as well, but these are crucial ones. These are crucial. I mean, that is what the election is going to be decided on. This is great news for the Harris campaign. You've got to be cheering if you're in that campaign right now, because what it shows is that she really has been able to flip the script. The people who support her are now feeling really enthusiastic. Those enthusiasm numbers, I mean, look at that. Before, it was in the '30s for President Biden, and now it's in the '80s. But the number that really interested me were the double haters. Do you remember us talking about the double haters so Because they hated Trump and they hated Biden.


Guess what? Biden's no longer on the ticket, and they are breaking for Kamala Harris. Being able to move the margins little by little, it means a lot in this race. Right. And those double haters, right? That was a thing, right? It was a thing. Now, it's a completely It's a completely different world. Anna, enter into the tickets mattering. We don't know the full ticket, obviously, on Kamala Harris's side. But JD Vance now says he's being sarcastic when he said the country was being run by a bunch of childless cat ladies and says this is not about criticizing people who, for various reasons, didn't have kids, even though he fundamentally says, If you don't have kids, you're not vested in the future of the country the way the people who have kids are. Yep. I'm talking to you as a childless dog lady, and Cha-cha and I take great offense at those remarks where JD Vans seems to indicate, and it's not just one thing taken out of context. It's not just this sarcasm. He has said it in different places, and he has said it with different intentions. He's talked about people without children should have less votes, that people with children should be able to have more votes.


He's talked about it when it comes to tax policy. He's talked about it in such a despective way. And I think it's really angering a lot of people. It's angering people who are childless because of choice or because of nature or because they couldn't do it. It's angering people like Jennifer Anaston who don't come out and do politics often. And it touched the nerve. It has touched the nerve. And look, I was with Kamala Harris last night. I was at her residence in a meeting of Latino leaders that had been scheduled before Joe Biden dropped out. I sense a level of enthusiasm. This is beginning to feel more like a movement and less like a traditional campaign. And I think that Democrats had been in the doldrums for a long time. They were feeling defeated even before the elections, and they were going through the motions. And this is now a campaign unburdened by the age issue and full of energy. And just the fact that JD Vans is proving to be quite the catastrophe is icing on the cake. Kamala Harris is taking her new presidential campaign to somewhere she It hasn't been before.


Tiktok, CNN's Brian Todd, has the details. With a video lasting less than eight seconds, the vice president takes another important swing at connecting with younger voters. Madam Vice President, are you on TikTok? Well, I've heard that recently I've been on the For You page, so I thought I'll get on here myself. Kamala Harris is now officially on TikTok, launching her own account on the social media platform. Within six hours, that first post had racked up nearly 6 million views, and Harris had accumulated more than a million followers. She's a little far behind. You've had President Trump on TikTok for a long time, and so she needed to get on TikTok quickly, build an audience, build a following. Former President Donald Trump launched his TikTok account on June first. The President is now on TikTok. It's my honor. The number of Trump's followers so far dwarf Harris's. But she's just starting on a platform that analysts say both candidates need to use to reach voters who don't consume traditional media. They want to try to reach out to those younger voters voters, that Gen Z, millennial voter who will be out there, and especially those low information voters.


Viral political videos are always blazing on TikTok, but ahead of the election, they're gaining a lot of steam. If you want to run for office these days, it's nearly impossible not to have a TikTok. But since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee just a few days ago, Kamala Harris has utilized all sorts of pop culture platforms. She's just appeared on the reality show RuPaul's Drag Race All-Stars with a message about the importance of voting. We are all in this together, and your vote is your power. So please make sure your voice is heard this November. The Harris campaign's account on X now sports a Brat green color. Embracing the recent post by British pop star Charlie XCX that, Kamala is Brat. Brat is the title of Charlie XCX's latest album, but also a trend, where the word is used as an adjective to describe unapologetic It Girls and icons. And the Internet is now awash with coconut memes, a reference to Harris poking fun at something her mother said to her when she was younger. I don't know what's wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? All of this, analysts say, could give a critical early boost to the vice president's campaign.


Kamala Harris's allies have been preparing for this possible moment for a while now. And now that it has happened, you are seeing them really turn up the energy. Kamala Kamala Harris's launch of a TikTok account could lead to accusations of hypocrisy, since she is still part of an administration that signed a law in April that would ban TikTok in the US unless it finds a new owner. Tiktok is taking legal action now to prevent that from happening. Today, as we report at the top, the former President, his wife, Michelle Obama, endorsed Kamala Harris. Here's another look at that. I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala, I am proud of you. This is is going to be historic. We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. Oh, my goodness.


The source to tell CNN, the former President Obama has been serving as a soundy board for Harris over the last two decades. He'd also been supportive of President Biden's re-election bid. Now, here's Randy K with a look at how the Obamas have helped other presidential campaigns.


I want those of you who've been with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know that I'm with her. I am fired up, and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary. I'm with her. With those words, then President Barack Obama throwing his full support behind Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. Soon after that vote of confidence, Obama hit the campaign trail together with Clinton. Are you fired up? You ready to go? Yeah. This is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether we're going to reach for the future. Then, First Lady Michelle Obama, through her weight behind Clinton, too, at the D&C Convention. We need to knock on every door. We need to get out every vote. We need to pour every last ounce of our passion and our strength and our love for this country into electing Hillary Clinton as President of the United States of America. The Obamas amped up their own star power at this Pennsylvania event, where Bon Jovi joined them and the Clinton Americans on stage.


Just days before the 2016 election, Michelle Obama appeared with Clinton in the battleground state of North Carolina. You guys are pretty fired up, right? I like that. This was the first time the two women shared the stage. Hillary has done her job. Now we need to do our job and get her elected President of the United States. Part of Michelle Obama's motivation to campaign against Donald Trump? His false claims that Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States. She wrote in her book that Trump's claim carried with it bigotry and xenophobia. Adding Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family's safety at risk. And for this, I'd never forgive him. She spoke with Oprah about it in 2018. I don't think he knew what he was doing. That for him, it was a game. That motivation continued in 2020. I'm so proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States. I believe Joe has all the qualities we need in a President right now. An endorsement, then stump speeches, even in the midst of the pandemic. I love Joe Biden, and he will be a great President. This was Flint, Michigan.


My friend, a real leader, the next President of the United States of America, Joe Biden. In October 2020, Michelle Obama lent her voice to the closing argument for Biden. Search your hearts and your conscience, and then vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it. And on On the eve of the election, Barack Obama fired up voters in Miami. We will elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for. Let's get to work, Florida. Let's bring this home. I love you, Miami. Honk if you're fired up. Randy K, CNN, Palm Beach County, Florida. The vice President speaking to going to see a hundred and a couple of days sprint, one that you've never seen before. I think most of us are the political junkies have never seen what we're in right now. So we're making history together. But this week has been a great week for the vice president.It showed her organizational skills. Of course, you saw her on the world stage with Bibi Netanyahu. Of course, you've seen her now raise more money than anybody's raised in this short period of time and gather as many volunteers as has ever been gathered in the history of politics in the country. We're off to a big start, but this is going to be a close election. It was always going to be a close election. Everybody's got to show up, got to do the work. Based on the vice president's speech today, we have a pathway to get it done.Tell us about the pathway. What are the swing states that you are focused on?Well, you can recall, I I think last Sunday, it was however many hours, 96 or so hours ago, when everybody was starting to shrink the map, the map has now been blown open again. I think that all of the swing states that were there before the debate performance are still back in play. They're actually more in play than they were before. We are going to make sure that we hit all of those. Now, what has been happening over the last four, five, six, seven months, an organization that the vice president helped build and is going to inherit, is we have thousands of offices on the ground in those swing states, and now they're bursting at the seams and they are ready to go. We will execute the plan as it was designed. Of course, the vice president will change it as she sees fit. You unite the party, you raise a lot of money, you put the team on your field, you knock on doors, you get votes out, and you get more than the other folks, and you win.That's the plan. Where is the search right now for Harris's running mate?Say that one more time.Tell us about the search for her running mate.Well, again, I just would refer people to a couple of years ago who said, The Democrats don't have he's literally building Bridge to the Future with Vice President Harris, 14,000 of them. But he also has helped create a Democratic bench that is second to none. The Vice President has a large group of really wonderful people to pick from. She's going to go through them. They're going to do the vetting process, which they're in the midst of right now. You know who all the candidates are. In a reasonably short period of time, she will pick the running mate that she thinks will help guide her to victory and help her govern the country and build that Bridge to the Future that they talked about so much. Are you on that list? I am not on that list.So you are not being vetted? Okay. Who's on your short list?Listen, I know all of them, and they're all great. So who is it?Who's on the actual short list right now?Well, I actually don't know who's on the shortlist. That is in the vice president's heart and in her mind. They're going through that process right now, and I'm sure that she's thinking through it very carefully, and she's going to make a great judgment about that. Then they're going to win together because I heard your show before you were talking about JD. But when? Go ahead. Well, I'm not sure when. I think we're on a short timetable. The convention is not too far away, and it's got to be done before the convention. So I think we're on a short leash right now.All right. I want to ask you about this. Cnn's K-File found that just a couple of months before joining Biden's campaign as his running mate in June 2020, Harris praised the defund the police movement. Let's take a listen to that. Defund the police. The issue behind it is that we need to re-imagine how we are creating safety. When you have many cities that have one-third of their entire city budget focused on policing, we know that is not the smart way and the best way or the right way to achieve safety. This whole movement is about rightly saying, We need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities. For too long, the status quo thinking has been, You get more safety by putting more cops on the street. Well, that's wrong. Is that no longer Harris's position?No, I don't think so. I think, again, as she would tell you with a funny story, you have to consider everything in context. The fact of the matter is that the vice president started off, as you know, as a prosecutor, prosecuting criminals in San Francisco. She went after the bad guys. She put sexual abusers in jail. She put business frauds in jail. When she was the attorney general of California, she ran literally the largest law firm in the country, and in many instances, the world. What I think she was trying to say there, and I think that many criminal justice experts would say this is true, that you can both be tough and smart on crime, that police officers are critically important. If you look at her record, along with the President, they have actually funded the police. They are the ones that put money not only into the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, the US Marshal's office, and US attorneys, but they funded police departments with real cash and put real cops on the streets. So she believes in police officers, and she understands that sacrifice. But I think it is also true that when you're dealing with criminal justice, you have to make sure that you can decide whether somebody's bad or good, not by the color of their skin, but by their behavior.And that when you're dealing with mental health, when you're dealing with substance abuse, when you try to find alternatives for offenders that are not serious offenders, you can actually create a safer system. It's not just about police officers. And I think as a matter of fact, the proof is in the pudding. We have had crime actually go down really a lot during the Biden-Harris administration, and of course, it was really high during the Trump administration. And so when you put them both together and you're tough on crime and you're smart on crime, you can accomplish both things and make the street safe.But the bottom line is, you said you did not believe that that was still her position on what we just played, but you laid out her position now. Okay, go ahead. That is still her position. She wants to move money from police departments, potentially. She thinks those are still the same.That's not what I said. What I said was you have to consider those comments in context. I asked if she still is no longer...Is this no longer Harris's position? And you said, No, I don't think so. I want to make it clear what your... Is that still her position or not?What I'm saying to you is that that statement that you just played was played out of context. Her position has always been that you can both be tough and smart on crime, and it requires funding police, but it also requires funding rehabilitation and things that make the criminal justice system safer. You can do both.But just for clarity's sake, does she want to take money from police departments and potentially put them into community services? Because that was what was part of that discussion.What I said was, if you looked at her record as the vice president, that she actually gave more funding with President Biden to the police. So her actions indicate that she wants to fund the police, but she wants to do the other things as well, because both of them together will create safety on the streets of America.All right, Michalindra, thank you so much for your time.


going to see a hundred and a couple of days sprint, one that you've never seen before. I think most of us are the political junkies have never seen what we're in right now. So we're making history together. But this week has been a great week for the vice president.


It showed her organizational skills. Of course, you saw her on the world stage with Bibi Netanyahu. Of course, you've seen her now raise more money than anybody's raised in this short period of time and gather as many volunteers as has ever been gathered in the history of politics in the country. We're off to a big start, but this is going to be a close election. It was always going to be a close election. Everybody's got to show up, got to do the work. Based on the vice president's speech today, we have a pathway to get it done.


Tell us about the pathway. What are the swing states that you are focused on?


Well, you can recall, I I think last Sunday, it was however many hours, 96 or so hours ago, when everybody was starting to shrink the map, the map has now been blown open again. I think that all of the swing states that were there before the debate performance are still back in play. They're actually more in play than they were before. We are going to make sure that we hit all of those. Now, what has been happening over the last four, five, six, seven months, an organization that the vice president helped build and is going to inherit, is we have thousands of offices on the ground in those swing states, and now they're bursting at the seams and they are ready to go. We will execute the plan as it was designed. Of course, the vice president will change it as she sees fit. You unite the party, you raise a lot of money, you put the team on your field, you knock on doors, you get votes out, and you get more than the other folks, and you win.


That's the plan. Where is the search right now for Harris's running mate?


Say that one more time.


Tell us about the search for her running mate.


Well, again, I just would refer people to a couple of years ago who said, The Democrats don't have he's literally building Bridge to the Future with Vice President Harris, 14,000 of them. But he also has helped create a Democratic bench that is second to none. The Vice President has a large group of really wonderful people to pick from. She's going to go through them. They're going to do the vetting process, which they're in the midst of right now. You know who all the candidates are. In a reasonably short period of time, she will pick the running mate that she thinks will help guide her to victory and help her govern the country and build that Bridge to the Future that they talked about so much. Are you on that list? I am not on that list.


So you are not being vetted? Okay. Who's on your short list?


Listen, I know all of them, and they're all great. So who is it?


Who's on the actual short list right now?


Well, I actually don't know who's on the shortlist. That is in the vice president's heart and in her mind. They're going through that process right now, and I'm sure that she's thinking through it very carefully, and she's going to make a great judgment about that. Then they're going to win together because I heard your show before you were talking about JD. But when? Go ahead. Well, I'm not sure when. I think we're on a short timetable. The convention is not too far away, and it's got to be done before the convention. So I think we're on a short leash right now.


All right. I want to ask you about this. Cnn's K-File found that just a couple of months before joining Biden's campaign as his running mate in June 2020, Harris praised the defund the police movement. Let's take a listen to that. Defund the police. The issue behind it is that we need to re-imagine how we are creating safety. When you have many cities that have one-third of their entire city budget focused on policing, we know that is not the smart way and the best way or the right way to achieve safety. This whole movement is about rightly saying, We need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities. For too long, the status quo thinking has been, You get more safety by putting more cops on the street. Well, that's wrong. Is that no longer Harris's position?


No, I don't think so. I think, again, as she would tell you with a funny story, you have to consider everything in context. The fact of the matter is that the vice president started off, as you know, as a prosecutor, prosecuting criminals in San Francisco. She went after the bad guys. She put sexual abusers in jail. She put business frauds in jail. When she was the attorney general of California, she ran literally the largest law firm in the country, and in many instances, the world. What I think she was trying to say there, and I think that many criminal justice experts would say this is true, that you can both be tough and smart on crime, that police officers are critically important. If you look at her record, along with the President, they have actually funded the police. They are the ones that put money not only into the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, the US Marshal's office, and US attorneys, but they funded police departments with real cash and put real cops on the streets. So she believes in police officers, and she understands that sacrifice. But I think it is also true that when you're dealing with criminal justice, you have to make sure that you can decide whether somebody's bad or good, not by the color of their skin, but by their behavior.


And that when you're dealing with mental health, when you're dealing with substance abuse, when you try to find alternatives for offenders that are not serious offenders, you can actually create a safer system. It's not just about police officers. And I think as a matter of fact, the proof is in the pudding. We have had crime actually go down really a lot during the Biden-Harris administration, and of course, it was really high during the Trump administration. And so when you put them both together and you're tough on crime and you're smart on crime, you can accomplish both things and make the street safe.


But the bottom line is, you said you did not believe that that was still her position on what we just played, but you laid out her position now. Okay, go ahead. That is still her position. She wants to move money from police departments, potentially. She thinks those are still the same.


That's not what I said. What I said was you have to consider those comments in context. I asked if she still is no longer...


Is this no longer Harris's position? And you said, No, I don't think so. I want to make it clear what your... Is that still her position or not?


What I'm saying to you is that that statement that you just played was played out of context. Her position has always been that you can both be tough and smart on crime, and it requires funding police, but it also requires funding rehabilitation and things that make the criminal justice system safer. You can do both.


But just for clarity's sake, does she want to take money from police departments and potentially put them into community services? Because that was what was part of that discussion.


What I said was, if you looked at her record as the vice president, that she actually gave more funding with President Biden to the police. So her actions indicate that she wants to fund the police, but she wants to do the other things as well, because both of them together will create safety on the streets of America.


All right, Michalindra, thank you so much for your time.