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As recent polls show vice President Harris gaining momentum in her bid for the presidency, they also show her winning over more support from a key voting block, Black Voters. According to data this week from Pew Research Center, 77% of Black Voters support Harris compared to 64% who back Biden in July. Trump's support among Black Voters is unchanged at around 13%. Now, this comes as the former President is trying to appeal more to the Black community, a group that has long and overwhelmingly backed Democrats. Cnn's Elie Reeve spent time recently in Virginia at a shop selling Trump merchandise that's run by a Black woman.


Every woman ought to have one of these. It's one of those things that when people see one, then they want one. Same thing with the Confederate hat. You know why? Because people don't think you have a nerve to do it.


Joanne Price runs a Trump store in Christiansburg, Virginia.


When Joe Biden announced he wouldn't run for President again, was there any part of you who felt a pull to vote for Karras?


No, absolutely not. I would not vote for either one of them. I would not vote a Democrat ticket, no way. This is a white published card, and this is just a play. It just says this card trumps everything, and it gives a barrier, happiness and success because of the color of his skin.


And who buys that?


White people. Okay. It's funny.


And then when you give it to a state trooper, he'll let you go. He'll let you go. I'm going to write you a ticket.


You think so?


I've been experiencing.


Yeah. Wait, really?


And then he said, okay. He laughed at it and gave it back to me and did not write me a ticket.


This actually happened at least once elsewhere. In 2022, a woman claimed Alaska police let her go without a ticket when she flashed a white privilege card instead of a driver's license.


It's humorous to us. It really is. It's humorous to the average American I have to go back here.


He was a Republican, too.


Trump has been working to appeal to Black voters, and polls showed some success when Biden was still in the race, but have since gone down.


The Trump campaign this year has made a big effort to reach out to Black voters. What do you think of their efforts?


I think their efforts are succeeding tremendously. All the things that have happened to President Trump, the attacks on him, have done nothing more than strengthen. I think the efforts are not succeeding tremendously. All the things that have happened to President Trump, the attacks on him, have done nothing more than strengthen. I think the efforts to him because now he's someone who is the target of a struggle, and they have always been, felt that they've been a target. I did prison ministries for five years. So if you're a convicted felon and then Somebody else is a convicted felon. There's a camaraderie there.


Donald Trump attacked Kamala Harris, questioning her racial identity.


She's Black. I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black.


He's acknowledged his commentary has provoked mixed reactions. Price is just one person and not a swing voter. But we were curious what she made of his comments, given that she's a Black woman and fervent Trump supporter and former local Republican Party chair.


How do you make sense of how Trump talks about Vice President Kamala Harris? That he suggests that he doesn't understand her biracial background, that first she was Indian, and then she was black.


What do you make about it? I don't understand it either. She's Indian and she's Jamaican.




Is she black?


I mean, do you not think she's black?


Is she? Was she born here? Yes. Yes. Were her parents citizens? No. Okay.


But we have birthright citizenship in America.


We call that anchor.


People can't immigrate here and not be citizens, but have green cards and work permits.


Yeah, that's true. However, she can claim to be black because of her Jamaican father. That's her right. We're melting pot because I basically have a combination in my family as well.


How do you reconcile that?


You have a history of blended families in your family.


How do you reconcile that with Trump seeming to not understand how how Kamala Harris could have a blended family herself?


Herself? She could have a blended family. What I'm saying is his comments about that, I think he's making a point. And I'm not so disturbed by that.


But what is the point he's making?


The point he's making simply is that she is not a Black, Black person.


There were some mixed views on the idea of a woman President.


What do you think about Kamala Harris?


Kamala Harris, may I say this? And hopefully that you ladies won't get offended. But because of what happened in the Garden of Eden, there will never be an elected woman, whether she's black or white, that would occupy the White House that God would ever stand behind.


I'm not sure America is quite ready for female leadership. It would be wonderful to have a female President if and when one rises that has conservative values that are going to lead the nation in prosperity.


Did Joe Biden dropping out change your view of the election at all?


Oh, it certainly did. I think she's going to be worse than Joe. I just don't think she has the experience. I think she was only chosen chosen because she was a woman.


He has been mocked, scrutinized, slandered, dragged into court. This man is still standing, and he's standing strong. Because he knows that he was chosen. He's our David.


And Elrishv joins me now. I'm wondering what you heard from other customers in the store.


Well, as much as identity politics was rebuked by the merchandise there, identity was still really important to the people I spoke to. For example, one younger man told me that he didn't like Harris because she was for city people who had office jobs, whereas Trump was for blue collar people like him.


How did you meet the woman who runs this story?


I met her about six months ago in Virginia. She told me the story of wearing a Confederate flag swimsuit on the beach and how so many people had come up to her. She realized she'd missed a marketing opportunity. Obviously, I wanted to talk to her about what she thought about Harris's nomination, but she wasn't going to budge on that. Of course, polls show that she is not in the majority among black women. Even a black woman who was our taxi driver on this story could not stop raving about how much she loved Kamala Harris.


Ellie Reeve, fascinating. Thank you so much. Appreciate.