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A Hodei gunman stormed a state television station during a live broadcast, Taking Hostages. Ecuador is in a state of emergency, a declaration made after a notorious gang leader escape prison. Cnn's Patrick Othman is following this from Havana, Cuba. Patrick, the TV station incident is just one of many troubling events.


Yes, there is a wave of violence that has been committed by these gangs, these armed, violent gangs that are linked to drug cartels. They They have attacked universities, attacked police, attacked prison guards. You have this absolutely stunning video that you just showed of these armed gunmen coming into a TV station in Guayaquil, Ecuador, while it was live on the air, threatening employees, pushing them to the ground, pointing guns at them. It appears the police have retaken control of this TV station. They are showing pictures of some of these alleged gunmen on the floor with their hands tied behind their backs. They were saying that they were able to go in and arrest them and rescue the employees of this TV station. But this is only one incident that apparently has been kicked off when one of the most notorious gang leaders in this country just walked out of prison. Just before he was supposed to be transferred to a maximum security prison, a man named Sfito, a notorious gang leader, escaped, and still not clear how he did that. The President of Ecuador, Daniel N'Aboa, today declaring several of these gangs to be terrorist groups, and he's ordering the military to take to the streets to fight them.


But these gangs, they are not giving up without a fight, and they're saying that they will resist and fight back. That is what they have been doing, and they say they will continue to do as the Ecuadorian government tries to bring the gangs under control.