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Well, I want to go to reporting from our Josh Campbell, who has been talking to his sources at the FBI and is learning that as we speak, Anderson, the investigation is now going global. What authorities are trying to do is try to understand a little bit more about this man, this man who ended up near that golf course, 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Ralph. According to Josh's sources, they are working, authorities are working to obtain search warrants on various social media accounts, believed to be associated associated with him. Some of these images that you're looking at to your screen here, these are images that our investigative unit has been able to call from his various social media accounts that are available online. The suspected online activity is also involving some of these platforms that are located outside of the United States. And what the FBI is also aware of are some of his online claims about foreign travel. I want to zero in on something here, Anderson. The pictures that you're seeing come from a GoFundMe account. And on that account, Ralph claims that he went to Kyiv in 2022. He was raising money to try to support his travel, support travel that appears to be completely done on his own.


On that GoFundMe website, he is encouraging others to join him. It is unofficial. He claims that he is staying with people aligned with the military, that he's donating military devices to some of the fighters in Ukraine. Our team is also gathering a little more of a background about where he comes from in the United States. We believe, according to public records, searches that he was splitting time between Hawaii and North Carolina, that in Hawaii, he was a self-employed affordable housing builder. He started in 2018, a company called Camp Box Honalulu, building some of those storage units and tiny houses, and that he had donated a structure to some homeless people. In North Carolina, though, we are getting through some of the federal campaign finance records, a donation of $100, more than $100 to Act Blue, which processes donations to Democratic campaigns. He had registered as an unaffiliated voter. That is without a party affiliation in 2012, but he had voted in the March 2024 Democratic primary. It also shows, according to North Carolina public records, that in a number of brushes with the law. In 2002, he had a weapon. He had been pulled over by police, and that he barricaded himself in a building.


That is something that police did recently confirm after his arrest on Sunday, and that he had a number of, according to public records, Anderson, that he had issues with the courts and failing to pay taxes, Anderson.


Kieran Locke, thanks very much. More now on the breaking news tomorrow, the acting secret service director heads to Florida. Ronald Roe got to the top job after the director resigned in July in a hail of criticism, you may remember, after the first assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania. Back now with our panel, Julia Kyam, Daniel Bruner and Jonathan Wackro. Daniel, it's interesting to see those pictures of this guy. I guess those were taken early on in Ukraine. I mean, as somebody who was in Ukraine for a couple of weeks at the start of the war in Lviv, you would see a whole bunch of folks coming there from the US. Some of them had a legit military training in the US and were there believing in the cause and wanting to help and volunteer where they could or train others. Then you'd also see just some folks washed ashore there with running from something or just seeing this as some opportunity to jumpstart their life. I'm curious to learn more about what this person was actually doing. Was he one of those people who just got attracted to that and went? Was he actually contributing in some way?


There's certainly still a lot we don't know about this person.


There's a lot that's going to be looked at the digital evidence that this individual left behind. It is clearly tremendous. We're going to be looking at all the CCTV, all the social media, and they're going to be looking back a number of years because Obviously, he's had an extensive social media presence going back to before the war in Ukraine. So they're going to be looking all the way back before that. They're going to look at what his motivations were for going to Ukraine. And then was he affected in Ukraine? Did that motivation come to the United States? And then as a processing, during the course of the investigation, that'll all be analyzed, that'll all be looked at, and to look for other mitigating factors that could have sent this individual down that road to prepare for this attack and understanding what the motivation was going on as far back as pre-war Ukraine.


And, Julia, the fact that he had, allegedly had a GoPro that he was going to be using to document either if he was pulling the trigger or showing downrange what happened when he pulled the trigger. That indicates certainly a desire to broadcast, whether in real-time or later, what what was going to be done.


That's exactly right. We've seen it in mass shooting cases. We've seen them in terrorism cases. The performative nature of the violence. It's not enough just to kill or assassinate a former President. You've got to document it, and we don't know if he wanted to livestream it. We don't know what he was intending to do with it. But we can, I think, rationally deduce that part of it was the amplification of the violence itself. He lived very online. He was very vocal. We see all of these pictures. And so that is something that suggests to me that this was well-planned out over time, and we just don't know what triggered it in the last couple of weeks or months.


Jonathan, if this was a last minute schedule, put it on the schedule, go play golf, that also raises questions about how he knew about it.


No, it actually does raise questions, again. But when we start looking at this individual, it is not normal for someone to wake up and decide, I'm going to go shoot the former president, right? The investigators right now are looking at the pathway to violence, his grievances, his violent ideations, his pre-attack planning. All of this will come out through the investigation to include, how did he know that the president was going to be there on that day?