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Three years after the attack on the US Capitol, the Justice Department has released shocking new video of the violent insurrection. This never before seen footage, two rioters aggressively confront two Republican members of Congress who are barricaded inside the House chamber. We want to show you the entirety of this shocking video. We have to warn you, some of this footage is very disturbing.


I'm at the Capitol. Say something. All the way inside the building. We're trying to get in. We got the glass broken. These are all your patriots. This is our house. This is our house. Our house. How do you handle this? Open the door, brother. How do you handle it? Come on, man. Open the door. That's socialist big. You're going to kill patriots. What's wrong with you? Are you planning? How do you handle it? You got kids. You got kids. We got kids. We're fighting for today. This American is my son. You better watch out, boy. There's socialist pain. I can't hear what this guy's saying. What are you all saying? Where are your friends. They're gasping. Why? I don't think they're going to gas this. No, we just got pushed off the front. I've never had a ticket in my life. Hold on, man. Never. I've never broken my license number. You want my license number? We're real American citizens who are sick of this, and we're making it knowing that we're sick of it. Okay? I've been in law enforcement for 30 years. Would Corruption. I've never had people at you. Say again. I've been a law enforcement in Texas for 30 years.


Talk a little louder. That's because you've never seen corruption like we have seen this last month. I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of my congress people. They don't even stand up for it. They're giving away- I'm not here. They're giving away my grandchildren and your grandchildren's freedom. You need to back up. Freedom is at hand. Don't find We're coming in another door, everybody. Do you understand we're fighting for you? You ought to put the guns down. You're not going to do anything. That's done. You're not going to do the constitutional oath. That's done. You're not going to do the constitutional oath. Hey, guys, you got to breathe. You guys could get the same paycheck when the government gets replaced with real governors. This is not going to be good for your future, man. They are fake. It's all fake.


Three years later, the former President is still spreading lies and disinformation about the events of the insurrection. On the campaign trail this week, he's once again finally referring to rioters, like the ones you just saw in that video, as hostages.


You have the hostages, the J6 hostages, I call them. Nobody's been treated ever in history so badly as those people. But those J6 hostages going to jail for 20 years and 18 years. It'll go down as one of the saddest things in the history of our country. By the way, there was Antifa and there was FBI. There were a lot of other people there, too, leading the charge.


We should note those preposterous claims have been debunked time and time again. Earlier this evening, I spoke with former Capitol Police Officer, Harry Dunn. He heroically defended the Capitol that day, the democratic process, and America's lawmakers during the violent insurrection. Here's how he feels about the former President's characterization of those who broke the law and assaulted him and his colleagues that day.


Hostages of him right now. They're in jail because they believe that the lies that he was spewing. Now, obviously, they're grown individuals who made decisions to go down there and commit crimes, but it was a good nudge being emboldened by the arguably most powerful person on the planet. So they're hostages of his lives, I guess, if anything.


Hostages of his lives. Let's discuss more now with senior political commentator, Anna Navarro, and CNN political commentator, Karen Finney. Anna, what do you think of that new footage?


It's hard to watch. And it's hard to watch the way you just put it, which is we watched the video, then we heard Trump, then we heard Harry Dunn. When you put those three things together back to back, I'm feeling such anger, again, just the way I was January sixth, three years ago. I'm angry that this man, Donald Trump, who promoted and incited and influenced these people to go out there and do these things, is leading by such huge margins in the Republican primary. It really is surreal. I am angry that Republican congressmen, after what we just saw in that video, then went on to call those terrorists, those domestic terrorists, tourists, to say that they were on a tour of the Capitol that day and to try to whitewash what happened on a day when their own lives were in danger, when their own vice president was being told, hang Mike Pence, how dare they? How can they live with themselves, with the lies, with the stupidity, with the conspiracy, with the complicity, with the cowardice? How can they live with themselves after what they went through?


Yeah. And Karen, you heard Donald Trump in that video a few moments ago still talking about Antifa. I mean, it's just been debunked, and nobody takes that seriously anymore, and he's still spouting this off. Your reaction to this video.


Well, and you see that video, I agree with everything Anna said, but also you remember that he is still peddling those lies, as that video of him reminds us right now. Right now, as all that has been debunked, every effort he had to try to overthrow the and as we learn more and more about how deep that scheme went, that was his goal. His goal was to overtake the will of the American people. It's disgusting, but it shows that absolute power corrupts absolutely, to answer Anna's question with those Republican members of Congress. I also think about some of the members, particularly members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who were praying because they knew that if those folks had broken through, they would know they're Democrats and not Republicans, as some of them talked about. But I think it is also a reminder, as President Biden tried to do yesterday, about what is really at stake in this country. And just today, Trump was, I believe he submitted paperwork in the state of Illinois where they said, Well, you promise not to do an insurrection. He wouldn't sign it. He signed it in 2020 and 2016, but he wouldn't sign it this time.


So you watch that video, and that tells you if he has to try to take it by force again, he would.


Anna, I have to ask you about this poll that found that a shocking 34% of Republicans believe the false conspiracy theory that the FBI organized and encouraged January sixth. Obviously, that is not true. But you heard Trump say that as well. He said, Antevi he said FBI. People are still eating this stuff up. It's chiclets. They are. It is astonishing.


It's inexplicable, frankly, and it's concerning. It's scary to think that that many Americans could possibly still, at this stage of the game, be buying the bullshit that Donald Trump keeps selling. It's hard to reconcile. I think it's, frankly, Republicans who know better. I think a lot of them do know better, but they're just looking for an excuse. They're looking for a justification because it looks like this man is going to be the nominee, and they're going to vote for him again. And so then they can't accept that the man who they are about to nominate, again, as Republican nominee was the head promoter and insider of an insurrection on January sixth. So they've got to They've got to find a scapegoat. They've got to find some conspiracy. They've got to find some explanation so that then they can live with their choice.


Yeah. You know, Jim, it feels to me a lot like when you read about the Lost Cause. I grew up in a family on my mother other side, that we are descendants of Robert E. Lee, so I got the indoctrination all the time, although I resisted it, about what the war was really about. It's the same idea. They can't accept the truth. And so instead of accepting the truth, they are now just... He's peddling a lie, and that's more convenient for these members of Congress and for those in his base to believe. It's like the Lost Cause Part Two, and Trump sees himself as the redeemer who is going to redeem and changed the narrative about what happened. I think that's part of why it was so important that President Biden did something that no one in the Republican primary has done, and that is he called Donald Trump out on the carpet in very tough language and really talked about this election as a question between, who are we going to be? Are we going to keep moving forward? I almost think of it as, accept the lies of the lost cause, accept Trump's lies, and just go about our business as if the progress we're trying to make doesn't matter.


Yeah, Anna, I mean, he's become his own lost cause this time around.


I can just correct Karen on that, though, because there have been some Republicans who have bravely, in the Republican primary, who have bravely called the spade a spade. Assa Hutchinson, the former governor of Arkansas. But he wasn't so much as a blip on the radar's screen. Christie has done it. He's got no shot in hell. But certainly, you're right that the two leading candidates after Trump, DeSantis and Haley, are tiptoeing around it and don't have the spine to call it out.