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Sweeping sanctions from the Justice Department against a Russian government-backed disinformation effort to push pro-Russia, and by the way, anti-Ukraine narratives, and also to boost Trump's candidacy. Back at the table here, Putin, if nothing else, he's a great troll. He really understands the facial expression part of this. But this is actually quite serious and amazingly effective how this all worked out, especially when you look at the way that, according to these indictments using media, funding media, and then boosting trolls people. I shouldn't call them trolls. Boosting these individuals who are on the right-right and who tend to have huge followings. Some of it is trolling, actually. A lot of it sounds like this when it comes to the war in Ukraine.


Ukraine is also a giant. There's a huge money laundering operation there, and it's not as we keep this idea that we're selling freedom through Ukraine or something is extremely, I would say, tenuous at best.


Oh, you think?


Ukraine has become a tool for Americans to effectively just money launder to themselves? That's precisely what's happening. Ukraine is the enemy of this country. Ukraine is our enemy being funded by the Democrats. I will stress this again. One of the greatest enemies of our nation right now is Ukraine.


To be clear, according to this, they did not necessarily know what was behind this, but they're feeding into a narrative that's incredibly useful to put.


My first media literacy tip is if someone's yelling at you like that through their web camera in their basement, don't trust that person. That's my number one tip. Russia's meddling and trolling. It should be a 9010 issue in this country. This is something that should piss off every American. But instead, it's a 50/50 issue because of what we went through during the Trump years. Because Donald Trump told his fans that all the Russian interference during the election was made up. These Russian propagandists, they have wormed their way into the minds of some right-wing media stars. Of course, as you said, some of these guys say they were victims. That may well be true. But the The water dynamic here is pretty clear that buying people is cheaper than buying ads.


Putin is pushing Trump. He's pushing narratives that Trump is endorsing, like these anti-Ukraine narratives. Trump is trying to make the argument that Putin is afraid of him, but just the evidence that is out there just really suggests otherwise.


I look at this through the lens of national security. I don't think this is really a Republican or Democratic issue. We have an adversary attempting to interfere in a major election. Republican, Democrat, whatever the hell you believe, the line should be drawn there. The United States, clearly, the sanctions we've put against Russia, they are not working. Maybe we need to increase sanctions potentially against China, one of Russia's closest adversaries. But we have to figure this out. Abby, this goes beyond just Trump for me.


It does. When you When we look at it, and when we look at our geopolitical foes and their attempts to meddle everywhere in the United States, it's all over the news this week. Look at Governor Cathy Hochul of New York, where there was a CCP spy working as a federal taxpayer employee in the state of New York under both the Cuomo and the Hochul administrations. This doesn't know a party issue. This knows a country issue. This is our foreign adversaries trying to meddle in the direction of our nation, whether it be Democrat or Republican. I completely agree with you. The line stands right there for every American.