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Do you just want to step out for me for a second? Okay. It'll just be a second.


Hi. Hi. I'm Officer Anderson. How you doing? Hi. I'm well. How are you? I'm good. Would you mind just stepping out with me as well? Yeah. Oh, sure. What did he say? It won't come off, so yeah, there's something just kind of an issue with his license. We've got him running it through our comm center right now. So if you just kind of want to step over here and I can talk to you. Like I said, it's just kind of not a big deal. We just have to make sure that his license comes back, okay, so gotta make sure that there's no issues with it or anything like that. Okay. That's okay. What was fun? What?


I love you so much. You're my best friend. I want to suck the rest of my life.


You kidding. It's.