Transcribe your podcast

You knew what you signed up for, though? Because I want to take a quote for what you told Vanity Fair. This is tough. I was a prostitute at the highest rate possible and was aware that there was a transaction that was happening and that I was going to benefit from it.


Exactly. I knew what I was walking into in the sense that I was going to make this into something, and I was broke walking in. But I've seen a lot of craziness in my life, and it did mess me up. It does take a long time to desensitize and deprogram after you're in this machine.


So is it almost, forgive me, like a drug? You got to keep giving the audience more because they're used to what? Used to shock them five years ago.


Funny you say that, because I use that exact metaphor in a post of mine saying that the drug keeps getting dealt. Yeah. And it gets stronger and stronger because we also, as a society, start to think that this is normal and it makes people feel better about their own lives.