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Russia launched its largest drone attack in Kyiv since the beginning of the war, forcing its three million residents to take cover. The Ukrainian Air Force says its defense systems destroyed 74 out of 75 Russian drones. However, several residential buildings were damaged from the debris. Cnn's Anna Koryen has more on this unprecedented assault.


Russia has launched the largest number of attack drones on the Ukrainian capital ever since it launched its invasion on this country in February of last year. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says this attack was a deliberate act of terror.


In the early hours of Saturday morning, distant wind. Loud explosions could be heard all over key. As the capital's air defense systems worked in overdrive. Just after 2:30 AM, an unprecedented sworn of drones began to attack Keeve from multiple directions, terrorizing its more than three million residents. 75 Shahid drones were launched by Russia. Authorities say, 74 were shot down. Debris from one of the down drones hit this kindergarten in the city suburbs. Meters away, hundreds of residential apartments. Shattered windows, a sign of how close the war had come. Too close for Yevgenia and her two young daughters.


We saw the sirens and ran into the hallway and we were waiting for this to pass like always. But then wedried. We had a huge explosion. We thought our house was going to be destroyed.


The residents here in Kyiv are.


Used to hearing the air raid sirens and the explosions of the air defense systems working overtime, but nothing quite like this. For more than six hours, there was a barrage of shyhead drones.


Targeting the capital.


And this behind me is the result of one of those drones shot down.


Inside the kindergarten, Olega, one of the teachers, is distraught. All my life I've worked here. Look at the destruction, she cries. Her colleague says, Everything is okay. We will clean this up. Don't worry. Thank God everyone is alive.. Five-year-old, Yaroslava, looks through the fence at a playground she would frequent every day.


That's my kindergarten. I had music and dancing classes in this building. I feel sad that the drone came and destroyed my school.


Her mother, Natalia, in tears, thinking this was supposed to be a safe place for her only child.


It's very painful to see this.


Residents in Kyiv and across the country have been expecting this. Russia has spent months stockpiling weapons, specifically aimed at targeting Ukraine's energy infrastructure as the temperatures plunge. With winter now here, these people know this is just the beginning.


We've got used to this, but I don't want to get used to it.


Falling drone debris damaged several residential buildings around Kyiv. The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, General Zalushny, says, This is war.