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First, I do want to ask about closing arguments in the criminal trial in New York. They are set for Tuesday. The jury could deliver a verdict later this week on 34 felony charges. I know you've criticized the prosecutors and the judge, but this case will ultimately be decided by 12 ordinary citizens. Do you have faith that the jury is going to deliver a fair verdict?


Well, there's no crimes, so I assume that they will actually find him innocent. The only person guilty in that courtroom is DA Bragg, guilty of corrupt the justice system, guilty of not doing his job, and guilty of trying to frame an innocent man. It's really the two-tier justice system that has so many Americans concerned about fairness in our country.


But just to be clear, you have faith in the jury system, and in particular, again, these 12 ordinary Americans who are going to ultimately decide.


I know that 96 % is the number I've heard of the number of Democrats in that area of Manhattan, so I hope that they come to the right decision. I assume that he will be found innocent. I just want to reinforce what I've said previously, however, that a two-tier justice system is one of the reasons why his poll numbers are going up. There is something instinctive in Americans who want to We don't want to see justice play out. We don't want to see the weaponizing of our justice system against our political opponents. We want to see fairness, no thumb on the scales. If that's the case, he will be found innocent.


Well, I want to turn to a different case, a federal case, where there was a raid on Donald Trump's house because they were looking for some documents that he didn't turn over voluntarily. Federal prosecutors are now asking for a gag order in in that classified documents case after the former President said that FBI agents who searched Mar-a-Lago were, quote, locked and loaded, ready to take me out, and that he nearly escaped death. But, Senator, that same language was also in the order for President Biden's home. So do you agree with the attorney general that this is not only false, what the former President said, but extremely dangerous?


I haven't found myself agreeing with attorney general Garland on any issue. I will say I saw the video of the SWAT team from the FBI raiding Mar-a-Lago. I have not seen the same video of them raiding Joe Biden's garage, so I'd love to have that comparison. But more importantly, once again, we find ourselves reinforcing this two-tier justice system where we see a different standard for Republicans, and specifically, a different standard for Donald Trump. But it doesn't stop with just Donald Donald Trump. We saw the same thing play out, a different standard for a pro-life activist, where a SWAT team came in to his house with guns drawn. So there is a fear among Conservatives that this weaponizing of the justice system If they'll do it to Donald Trump, they'll do it to anyone. But I just want- We've seen that play out with the pro-life activists. Go ahead, I'm sorry, Senator. Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. Feel free. Yes, ma'am.


The reality is that just using this case as as an example, it's not two tiers if you have the Justice Department, which is the Justice Department, as Joe Biden is currently President, also going in to get classified documents into his house. And what I really am asking you about is the language being used, which is misleading. People like Steve Banon called this an assassination attempt. Doesn't that language concern you?


Well, I will simply say that watching the treatment of Joe Biden by the justice system, when they have found him unable to stand before a jury of his peers because he's too old, frankly, and his memory is shot, that is not the simple, fair justice system that Americans expect. So it is very difficult to see this justice system currently playing out where it is fair to both Donald Trump and Republicans as we've seen the kick the gloves and the insulation around Joe Biden and his family. We all want fairness without any question, especially when lady justice should wear a blindfold, but we don't see that playing out, Dana.


Yeah, you're referring to Robert Hur and his report, that was one reason why they didn't prosecute. There were other reasons why they said they didn't prosecute Joe Biden. A big one, though. Okay. One last time, what I'm asking you about is rhetoric that could end up dangerous, and you keep answering about Joe Biden. So is there anything you want to talk about with regard to that rhetoric?


Well, the rhetoric that really concerns me is not coming out of emails. They're coming on college campuses when we're seeing the actual physical violence against our Jewish students playing out. What we're seeing is anti-Semitism spreading. We're seeing this spreading of hate. We're not having to figure out what's going to happen. We're actually seeing violence on college campuses, and yet the Democrat Party sits there, hands folded, letting it play out. We have to stand in the gap for those Jewish students. So I am very concerned about actual violence that we're seeing play out on our college campuses. Every single college president should hear me clearly. Your federal funding, it is a privilege, not a right. What is a right is for Jewish students to go to class safely, to study in libraries in peace. That's not a hyperbolic situation. That is actual facts on the ground on college campuses. So while rhetoric can be hampered down some, there is one place where we're seeing it manifest physically, violently, and it is disgusting.


I want to turn to something you mentioned at the beginning of the interview, which is a rally that the former President held in the Bronx on Thursday to try to win over Black and Latino voters. I want you to watch a new ad from the Biden campaign this week.


Donald Trump disrespecting Black folk is nothing new. It's why Trump stood with violent white supremacists, warned of a bloodbath if he loses the next election. And if he's President again, thou to be a dictator who wants revenge on his enemies.


Senator, what do you say to Black Americans, Black voters who watch that ad and share those concerns about Donald Trump?


Well, here's what I can tell you is that under Donald Trump, we were better off. There are two things that are driving Black votes back to Donald Trump, jobs and justice. Number one, under Donald Trump, our wages were going up. Right now, fairness is going down. But if you're really concerned about racial justice in America, let's not forget, Joe Biden is the guy that talked about racial jungles as a result of desegregation. Let's not forget the fact the fact that Joe Biden is the President who said, If you don't vote for me, you can't be black. An old white dude telling me, I can't be black if I don't vote for him. This is the President who said that the Republican Party wants to put you back in chains. The only person I've seen restraining black folks economically is the Joe Biden economy. So I find it quite insulting to suggest that Joe Biden does not have serious concerns when his own vice Vice President Kamala Harris said he supported segregation. If you look in cities like Chicago today, the elimination of charter schools under Joe Biden resegregates schools in America. We need four more years of common sense under Donald Trump and not four more years of segregation under Joe Biden and his approach to allowing poor black kids to go to any school in their own cities.


Senator, I think we're It's just one thing on the Kamala Harris you're talking about when they were running against each other for the nomination. I think she hasn't. She made the statement literally on TV. You don't think that calling Joe Biden is not something that cannot be confirmed? No, I'm just giving context to our viewers of when it happened. You are saying that Joe Biden is for segregation? Isn't that a little too far?


Let me To say it clearly. The schools in our largest cities are being resegregated. Joe Biden's Department of Education has halted the growth of charter schools that provides greater diversity and opportunities. In the city of Chicago today, poor Black kids are not allowed to go to public schools in their own city. The President of the United States refuses to stand up to the teachers unions, and as a result, the future of these kids will be lower and devastated because the closest thing to magic in America is this good education. And the place where you can't find that is in blue cities dominated by a monopoly on their city councils where they refuse, refuse to allow poor kids, typically black, to go to other schools within their own cities.


Yeah, well, you definitely have differences with the Democrats on education and how to deal with public money. Before I let you go, I have to ask, a lot of Republicans have been refusing to commit to accepting the election results in 2024. You haven't done so yet. So let me ask you it this way. You will be a sitting United States Senator in January of 2025. Will you vote to certify the election no matter who wins?


Well, certainly. We expect a fair and honest election, and as a result of that expectation, we will certify the election and certify President Donald Trump as our 47th President.


Okay. Senator Tim Scott, thank you so much for your time today. Appreciate it.