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Israeli Defense Forces are ordering people to evacuate more areas in southern Gaza as troops expand their ground operations inside the enclave. The Israeli military saying it's destroyed at least 500 tunnel shafts during its offensive in Gaza. And IDF officials claim many of those tunnels were in civilian areas and structures. Fighting also heating up on the Israeli-Lebanon border today. Iran-backed paramilitary group Hezbolla says it targeted several sites in Northern Israel. The IDF saying several soldiers were injured by an anti-tank missile there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying Israel's forces will not stop in Gaza until Hamas is eradicated. But Hamas says there will be no negotiations for the remaining 136 hostages they hold until Israel agrees to a ceasefire. Cynans Ben-Wiedemann is in Jerusalem, and Ben-Israel's attacks in Gaza have returned to full force following the seven-day troops.


Yes, what we're seeing, Jessica, is that there have been some very intense airstrikes, not just in the south, but in the north as well. In fact, yesterday and today we saw massive strikes in the Jebalia refugee camp, which is right north of Gaza City. I've covered every war in Gaza since Israel pulled out in 2005, and I have never seen this level of destruction before. This doesn't appear to be precision bombing. It appears that they're taking multiple apartment blocks out, just completely turning them into dust. And of course, in the process, many women and children are being killed.


Look around. This is Casa City's Ahli Baptist Hospital, where the wounded are treated in the open on wooden pallets. The emergency ward is already jammed.




Courtyard is full of body bags. Dozens were killed in a series of Israeli strikes Saturday. Many more are still under the rubble. Israel claims one of those strikes killed a senior Hamas commander who helped plan these seventh of October attacks. He was perhaps one dead among many, many others. This woman lost her daughter and grandchildren and names them all.




God judge those watching us die, she cries.




A similar scene in Al Aqsa Martyr's hospital in Central Gaza. War-wounded. Many of them children. Some were dead. Many of them children. They bombed an entire street, says Saad. He pulled his brother, Mohamed, from under the rubble. But his brother, Mohamed, was dead.


He's dead. He's dead. He's dead.


Let me say goodbye to him.




My father's been killed, cries this boy after a strike on the Jabbalia refugee camp Sunday. The seven-day truce seems like the distant past.


Now, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, 100 trucks were able to get into Gaza today from.




Through the Rafa border crossing. They brought food, medicine, medical aid. What we know yesterday, there were also 100 trucks coming through.


They brought body bags. Jessica?


Ben, the IDF is telling people to move further south. They had already been pushed south to begin with. You've been inside Gaza. What impact do you think it's going to have on the humanitarian crisis there?


Well, the things are bad enough as it is, we heard from one UN spokesman saying, for instance, because of the poor sanitation that the rate of intestinal diseases has gone up four times, that skin diseases have gone up four times. People are already crammed well over a million into a variety of UN schools and other shelters, these are so crowded that there is a danger of disease breaking out. Now, where do they go if they have to leave? You have to keep in mind just how crowded Georgia is under normal circumstances. But now we know well over a million people have been displaced from the north. They're crammed into these shelters in the south. Many of those shelters are in places like Khan-Yunas, which.


Seem to be also the.


Brunt of Israeli military operations at the moment.


Jessica. All right. Ben Whitman for us in Jerusalem. We appreciate that reporting.