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Barack Obama's camp firing back after widespread claims on the right that he needed to lead President Biden off stage after Biden appeared to freeze up at the end of a weekend fundraiser in LA. Eric Schultz is a senior Obama advisor, and he has put out a statement saying, This did not happen. Now, the this is in response to a tweet by The New York Post, which is pushing the claim of Biden freezing up. So here is the video that The Post linked to in its article that many have seized on.


All right. Now, there are still questions about what exactly happened there, but that clip comes just days after the far right, you selectively edited video to claim that Biden was wandering off like some dementia patient from other world leaders during the G7. So I want to show you the video that they used to push that narrative. And it looks like right here, you see, okay, staring off That looks bad, right? Well, when you extend it a little bit longer and it's unedited, you see a different story. You see that Biden briefly turned away and walked over, not to the middle of nowhere, but to give a thumbs up to several parachutists, so you actually see them there, along with the parachute Rigger, who is kneeling on the ground. So he wasn't just wandering off, right? He was interacting with somebody. So let's go straight to Arlette signs at the White House. Arlette, I want to note you were there at that fundraiser where we just showed the video of former President Obama and President Biden together on stage. And I know it was a It was all kinds of celebrities, raised nearly $30 million. What can you tell us about what happened and what the White House is saying happened that night?


Well, Erin, this moment came at the end of the fundraiser as the conversation between President Biden, President Obama, Jimmy Kimmel was ending. All three men stood up. The music came up in the room, and they went around the stage, waving, giving thumbs up. And President Biden looked out at the crowd for a few seconds before walking off the stage with former President Barack Obama. Now, there have been Republicans and right-leaning media outlets who have used this moment to say that President Biden froze and that he had to be led off the stage by President Obama. That is something that the White House and also Obama allies have been pushing very hard back against since this video was released. As you mentioned, one of President Obama's former advisors, Eric Schultz, a tweeter that this did not happen. Andrew Bates, the spokesperson here at the White House, said in a post on X, quote, by pretending the President taking in an applauding crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong. All they're really admitting is, once again, is they can't take on the leadership that's fueling the strongest economic growth in the world and bringing violent crime to a 50-year low.


White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, in the briefing today, when she was specifically asked about this, said that Obama and Biden are friends, and what you saw was that they were friends, and that you saw President Biden walking out with Obama with his arm around But it does come at a time when the White House has been pushing back on some of these types of videos and these narratives taking hold in many right-wing, right-leaning publications, I should say. You noted that video from the G7 last week. And today, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, pushed back on some of these types of videos, saying that they are done in bad faith, and that is how the White House is responding to these types of videos this evening.


All right, Arlette, thank you very much. David Urban and Jamal Simmons are now up front. I mean, the one at the G7 very clear really shows when you extend it, that he was interacting with a parachutist on the ground, extremely different than the way the clip had been cut before. But David Urban, the White House and President Obama are pushing back. Obama is saying no, that President Biden did not freeze, that they're friends, that this is not It did not happen the way that it is being portrayed. So what do you think? Is it time for people to stop selectively clipping videos and putting them out?


Oh, come on. So first, let's go back to the G7, right? So the The rest of the G7 leaders, they're standing there, they're all hanging out together. They clearly know there's a photo going to be taken, or they know their schedule, what's going to happen next. And apparently, the President forgot what's going to happen next. Look, I know he turned around, he went over.


Well, maybe he just wanted to interact with the parachutist who was flying into the ground. I can see it.


You know what? Listen, Aaron, maybe he did, but the rest of the G7 leaders, the Prime Minister of Italy went over and grabbed him and pulled him back in. I mean, clearly, There was something going on there. Look, you see it right? Watch it again. I mean, he goes over. Everyone else is standing waiting for a photo. He wanders off and they're like, Hey, look, they're trying to move over.


Until the parachute just comes in.


It's disturbing. They're trying to cover for him. They're trying to move. The whole group moves with them. She's like, Look, we got to take this picture. The video that you just showed with President Obama, I don't know how more clearly it could be demonstrated. That is not doctored. It is not selectively edited. He was standing there for whatever reason. Maybe he was taken in the crowd. I don't know. I'm not saying he froze. I am not I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is that former President Obama went back, took his hand, didn't put his arm around him like, Hey, Joe. He took his hand like I would take my elderly father's hand and say, Come on, dad, time to go.


That's what it appears like. That's actually not what happened, David. Listen, that's what the American people see, Jamal. That's not what happened. Listen, first of all, let's just gather ourselves here. The President of the United States's body moves a little slower, but his mind is just as quick as ever. What we saw happen when he was in Europe, and keep in mind, this is a man who's been in Europe two times over the course of 10 days, went to Los Angeles, sat on stage, and had 40 minutes of conversation with two other people for the entire audience to watch before this moment that it is that you're talking about. My understanding is people in the audience were shouting and yelling at him. He's taking things in. The President comes over by Obama, touches him on the hand, actually, lets him go. They walk away. Then he puts his arm around him as they walk off. Watch it and you'll see it. He did not hold him by the hand the way you would hold a child. That's just actually not true.


To this point, David, can I just say, I was with him at a town hall a few years ago. I was with him a few weeks ago at an interview, and then afterwards, he stays around. He talks to people and interacts with them until basically he's forced to leave. Is it possible, David, that this is just who he is? Yes, he's older. Yes, he moves slower. There's no question about that. But he wants to talk to someone, and until someone comes and pulls him away, he's going to continue the conversation.


Aaron, your viewers probably don't recall this, but I was Senator Arlen Specter's Chief of Staff. My former boss, Arlen Specter and Joe Biden, were very close friends. I used to ride the Acellus from Washington, DC, to Wilmington, Delaware, with Joe Biden. I Can I tell you? President Biden likes to talk. I guarantee you that. I know that firsthand. But I can also tell you that President Biden is a different person than he was then and a different person he was four years ago. Look, it's natural. Father time is He's defeated. It's all our fates. You're going to slow down. Jamal, listen, I hope he can do all those things because he is running to be the leader of the free world, the most important job in the world. I hope he's up to it. I hope he can get on planes and fly. That's the job requirement. If he can't do it, he shouldn't apply.


Well, look, in about 10 days or so, 8 days, we're going to see that right here on CNN. We're going to have a debate where we're going to see the President of the United States stand on stage and have to do it the same way he did it at the State of the Union address. So remember, what we're hiring here, we're hiring for President. Hold on a second, David. What we're hiring here, we're hiring judgment. And what you're trying to argue is that because his body is slower, that his judgment is not sound, I would say that's not true. Meanwhile, we have Donald Trump, who claimed his judgment was sound in 2020, who told Bob Woodworth that he did not tell Americans how bad COVID was going to be because of the politics, that he did not, for three months, did not let them have briefings about COVID because of the politics. And then in August 2020, did not weaken the standards for testing because he didn't want the testing numbers to go high because of politics. That's bad judgment. And that's the reason why we need to pick Joe Biden again, because he's the one concerned about the people.


But Donald Trump seems to only be concerned about.