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We at the Magga Boat parade at Shell Island, which I've never been to. So this is my first time coming. We were in the middle of the parade, following the lead boat well decorated with all the flags. There's a contest who can be the most Trumpian, and I want to win first place.


It's a weed-eater motor. It's a 21 horsepower.


It makes a very frozen, mudslide quick. God bless Trump is pro-American. He loves America, for one. I love America. I serve this country. I love America. We're from the same place in Queens, New York, so that's my homie. I live in Latitude, Margaritaville.


What's your most important issue? The economy, getting the interest rates down, getting it to where we can afford to live in America. Right now, it's too expensive.


Okay, now let me maybe ask a slightly impolite question. But if you can afford a boat, you're not hurting so bad, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and it's a lot of upkeep.


Listen, nobody gave me shit. I earned everything that I've got. I'm retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired with boats, jet skis, because I did it right. And everybody has that chance. Whether they choose or not, that's up to them.


I would never try to take I'm eating away from you in that way. But what I'm asking is, groceries are probably a smaller part of your budget than, say, someone who's a little worse off. I think it's interesting that people who are a little bit more comfortable are still so concerned about the economy. Did you see what I'm saying?


Because I want my money to go further. I want inflation to go down. I want interest rates to go back down. I want all that, but that covers everybody in the economy. Not just me, not just a poor, not just a rich. It covers everybody.


Now, something I've heard from some people tell me if this applies to you is like, they're worried their kids aren't able to afford a house or a car.


I train my kids and taught my kids properly. They have great educations, and they're both successful in their careers. Actually, they're doing better than me.


Another woman told us that she had a good retirement, but she worried about others who are having a hard time with higher prices. Whether they were locals or on vacation, everyone we spoke to at the boat parade was in a good But underneath, there was anger about immigration.


We need a secure border.


We need to do it right. I like letting people in the right way. Can you give me some specifics on that? How do you see immigration affecting you in your life in Texas? I'm recently retired, but it was in the multifamily business, which was managing and owning apartments. I see the effects of illegal immigration at my properties. You're telling me there have been incidents at your apartment buildings, and you've had to call the cops and talk about it? Oh, Yeah. So I've seen it firsthand. Most said Trump didn't do well at the presidential debate, though they didn't think it was his fault. And while they were ambivalent about his false claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are eating pets, they tended to defend Trump for saying it. Now, I'm not saying they're eating cats and dogs. I think that's a little cuckoo, but they do have a different belief system. They're polite, they're nice, they're not hurting anything or anybody. But it's just I can see the change in the demographics. And not every town can absorb a big influx of population.


Do I believe that actually happened or not? I have no evidence of it. Do I doubt it? I don't know. I can't say a thumbs up or thumbs down.


Do you think it shows good judgment on Trump's part to talk about it if it's not confirmed?


I think it shows good judgment for every one of us on every side to look into it. I dare all of us to investigate it. I live there, so I will.


Well, the police say they don't have any record of it, and the city manager says they don't have a record of it, and the governor has now come out.


Not my governor.


My governor. Dewine? No. Dewy has said something about it. I don't believe it. You want me to look it up?


I'm happy to look it up all by myself.


Hold on, let's just Google it if I have service. That's the first thing you'll see. Ohio, DeWine, Haitian, Katz. This is something that came up on the internet, and the internet can be quite crazy sometimes, DeWine told CBS News. Dewine says he trusts city officials who have said they have not received any credible reports of such conduct. Mayor Rue of Springfield says, No, there's no truth in that. They have no evidence of that at all. So I think we go with what the mayor says. He knows the city, DeWine said. Sure.


That's a great way to pass the buck.


You think Trump's going to win? I don't know. What do you think?


I think we'll be in the middle of a civil war. Either way, it doesn't matter who wins. Like you said, it's that polarizing on both sides. How are you doing?