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The 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. He's trying solidly republican state right now. Donald Trump junior. Again, I see Ivanka and Jared.Well, let me tell you something, brother. You know something? When I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room. I felt maybe I was in Madison Square Garden getting ready to win another world title. Or maybe I thought the vibe was so intense, the energy was so crazy, it felt like maybe I was gonna press that no good, stinky giant over my head and slam him through the mat, brother. But what I found out was I was in a room full of real Americans, brother. And at the end of the day, with our leader up there, my hero, that gladiator, we're gonna bring America back together. R1 American at a time, brother. You know something? I've seen some great tag teams in my time. Hulk Hogan and, ooh, yeah, the macho man, Randy Savage. But you know something? I see the greatest tag team of my life standing upon us, getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans. You know, even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready, because when Donald J. Trump becomes the president of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites, because.Because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years. So with the power of Donald J. Trump and all the Trumpites running wild, America is going to get back on track. And like Donald J. Trump said, america is going to be great again. You know, when I look out and I see all the real Americans. I think about how Donald Trump, his family was compromised. When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised. But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero and they tried to kill the next president of the United States? Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again.You know something, Trumpites? I didn't come here as Hulk Hoganore, but I just had to give you a little taste. You know, my name. My name is Terry Bollea. And as an entertainer, I love you, too. And as an entertainer, I tried to stay out of politics. But after everything that's happened to our country over the past four years and everything that happened last weekend, I can no longer stay silent. I'm here tonight because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real american hero. And I'm proud to support my hero as the next president of this United States. You know, guys, I've known Donald Trump for over 35 years. You know, hold on a second. Hold on. I just had a flashback. I just had a flashback. Man, this is really trippin. You know, the last time I was up on stage, Donald Trump was sitting at ringside at the Trump Plaza. I was bleeding like a pig, and I won the world title right in front of Donald J. Trump. And you know something? He's gonna win in November, and we're all gonna be champions again when he wins. And like I said, I've known that man for over 35 years, and he's always been the biggest patriot, and he still is.He's always told you exactly what he thought, and he still does, brother. And no matter the odds, he always finds a way to win. And when he's back in our white House, America is going to start winning again. You know, guys, over my career, I've been in the ring with some of the. Against some of the baddest dudes on the planet, and I've squared off against warriors. Oh, yeah, savages. And I've even, like I said, body slammed giants in the middle of the ring. And I know tough guys. But let me tell you something, brother. Donald Trump is the toughest of them all. They've thrown everything at Donald Trump. All the investigations, the impeachments, the court cases, and he's still standing and kicking their butts. You know, we never had it better than the Trump years back then. We had a thriving economy. We had strong borders. We had safe streets, we had peace and respect around the world. But then we lost it all in a blink of an eye. Crime is out of control. The border is out of control. The price of food and gas and housing is out of control. And the only person who can clean this up is Donald Trump.You know, guys, I really, really love this country. And I've lived the american dream. And I want my kids, your kids, and all those little teeny Hulkamaniacs out there to live the american dream, too. This November, guys, we can save the american dream for everyone. And Donald Trump is the president who will get the job done. So all you criminals, all you lowlifes, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, and all you crooked politicians need to answer one question, brother. Whatcha gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpomaniacs run wild on you, brother? God bless you and thank you.She's making her way up to the Trump family box. She is next to her husband's new running mate, Senator JD Vance, Republican of Ohio, the vice presidential nominee. And there she is, among the other members of the Trump family. Ivanka and Tiffany and Eric and Donna junior.To the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, from Detroit to Houston to New York to LA, there's pride in every american heart. And it's time to stand and say, friends, delegates and fellow citizens, I stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength and hope. Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory. And we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. Together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together or we fall apart. I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for president of the United States. Let me begin this evening by expressing my gratitude to the american people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on Saturday.As you already know, the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. So many people have asked me what happened. Tell us what happened, please, and therefore I will tell you exactly what happened. And you'll never hear it from me a second time, because it's actually too painful to tell. It was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in Butler Township in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Music was loudly playing and the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage, and the crowd was cheering wildly. Everybody was happy. I began speaking very strongly, powerfully and happily, because I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border. We were very proud of it. Behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. The numbers were absolutely amazing. In order to see the chart, I started to like this turn to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I'm very lucky I didn't do. When I heard a loud whizzing sound, felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear.I said to myself, wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet. And moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. I immediately knew it was very serious, that we were under attack, and in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. Bullets were continuing to fly as very brave secret service agents rushed to the stage. And they really did. They rushed to the stage. These are great people at great risk, I will tell you, and pounced on top of me so that I would be protected. There was blood pouring everywhere, and yet, in a certain way, I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I felt that. The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly hit its mark, and I would not be here tonight. We would not be together. The most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later in almost all cases, as everywhere. They're coming at levels that we've never seen before. It is an invasion indeed, and this administration does absolutely nothing to stop stop them. They're coming from prisons, they're coming from jails, they're coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. You know, the press is always on me because I say this. Has anyone seen silence of the lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter? He'd love to have you for dinner. That's insane asylums. They're emptying out their insane asylums, and terrorists are coming in at numbers that we've never seen before. Bad things are going to happen. Meanwhile, our crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are going down because they're taking their criminals and they're putting them into our country. You know, 18 months in Afghanistan, we didn't have one, so they were killing them left and right, snipers. And I spoke to the head of the Taliban.You've heard this story, Abdul still there. Still the head of the Taliban. The press got on me. Why would you speak to him? I said, because that's where the killing is. I don't have to speak to somebody that has nothing to do with it. And I told him, don't ever do that. Don't ever do that again. Don't ever, ever do that again. You've got to stop. Because during the Obama administration, many great people and soldiers, a lot of soldiers were being killed from long distance. I said, if you keep doing that, you're going to be hit harder than anybody's ever been hit by a country before. I got along very well. North Korea, Kim Jong un, I got along very well with him. The press hated when I said that. How could you get along with him? You know, it's nice to get along with somebody who has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise, isn't it? See, in the old days, they say that's a wonderful thing. Now they say, how could you possibly do that? But now I got along with them, and we stopped the missile launchers from North Korea. Now North Korea is acting up again.But when we get back, I get along with them. He'd like to see me back, too. I think he misses me. If you want to know the truth, nothing will slow us, and no one will ever stop us. No matter what dangers come our way, no matter what obstacles lie in our path, we will keep striving toward our shared and glorious destiny. And we will not fail. We will not fail. Together, we will save this country. We will restore the republic, and we will usher in the rich and wonderful tomorrows that our people so truly deserve. America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. And quite simply put, we will very quickly make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you, Wisconsin. And God bless the United States of America, our great country. Thank you very much, everybody there.President Trump spoke for 1 hour and 32 minutes, which I'm told is the longest speech for a nomination, acceptance by a major party figure in modern american political history.You know, there's something, a phenomenon in this campaign called Trump amnesia. And that's the idea that a lot of people have forgotten what they either liked or loathed about Trump during his four years as president. And over the course of this hour and a half, you were reminded of what you liked or loathed about Donald Trump.I got a lot of messages from people saying, this is a great reminder of why a lot of people were exhausted by the end of the first Trump presidency and will be having second thoughts about whether they want to go through that again.He had the whole world in his hands. If he had just stayed with that unity message, he might have caused some problems. He just could not help himself. If Biden had given a speech that incoherent, that rambling, that undisciplined Democrats would have hit Biden with a tranquilizer dart and drug him off. So we're now back into a normal campaign dynamic where Trump took what was the most energetic convention, and he was boring. He took the most disciplined convention. He was undisciplined. He basically was the worst part of his own convention.I have to tell you, Chris Wallace said this, this is the first good thing that's happened to democrats in the last three weeks. I mean, this really reminded everyone why Donald Trump is fundamentally unpopular outside this room.Daniel, you've listened to quite a few Trump speeches, and I know that the challenge of being a fact checker in this modern era, especially if President Trump is one, he tells so many, says so many things that are not accurate within a short period of time. But two, it's quite frequently you say the same lies or misstatements over and over and over. How did tonight's speech match up?It was a remarkably long acceptance speech shake, and a remarkably dishonest acceptance speech. I counted at least 22 false claims from Donald Trump on. First listen. Let's start with one of the wildest claims he made. Listen to what he said about the state of the world when he was president.The world was at peace. Our opponents inherited a world at peace and turned it into a planet of war. The whole world was at peace, and now the world is blowing up around us.This is false. Trump did not achieve world peace when he was president, certainly wasn't at peace when he left office. There were active wars or armed conflicts in dozens of nations. In 2020, a 51 by one research institutions count, and then 51 again in 2021. Trump handed President Biden ongoing civil wars in yemenite Syria, of course, an unresolved israeli palestinian conflict, israeli iranian conflict, a war in Ethiopia. I could go on for a while, but I don't have time because there were so many other false claims. So let's adjust some of those. Not even all of them. He repeated his usual lie about Democrats having cheated in the 2020 election. It's nonsense, he said. Crime is going up. The opposite is true. It's gone sharply down in 2023, and early 2024 is now lower than it was under Trump. In 2020, he said, we have the worst inflation we've ever had. Again, not even close. It is 3% right now. The us record is 23.7%. He said there was no inflation under him. It was low, of course, but not nonexistent. It was 8% total for his presidency, 1.4% year over year. In the month he left office, he said the price of groceries is up 57%.Under Biden, it's actually 21%. He said Democrats are proposing to quadruple people's taxes. That is imaginary. He said his tax cut was the largest in american history. Not even close. Again, he said the Biden administration does nothing to stop migrants. Well, the administration tried to get Congress to pass a bill to tighten the border, and after Trump himself helped to kill that bill, Biden took executive action to tighten the border. Trump said he stopped human trafficking. Again, not true. He said. China stopped buying oil from Iran under him also did not happen. He said foreign governments are deliberately sending criminals and mental health patients to the US as migrants. His own campaign has been unable to provide proof for that. I certainly haven't found any myself, he said. We defeated ISIs, 100% of ISIs, in a couple of months. In fact, the ISIS caliphate was declared fully liberated more than two years into his presidency. And there were other exaggerations about trade with China, about north korean missile launches, about gas prices, about Ir's agents. So it just went on and on and on in terms of falsehood, just like the speech went on, on and on and on itself, Jake.All right, Daniel Dale, thanks so much. And you could read more of CNN's fact facts first.


solidly republican state right now. Donald Trump junior. Again, I see Ivanka and Jared.


Well, let me tell you something, brother. You know something? When I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room. I felt maybe I was in Madison Square Garden getting ready to win another world title. Or maybe I thought the vibe was so intense, the energy was so crazy, it felt like maybe I was gonna press that no good, stinky giant over my head and slam him through the mat, brother. But what I found out was I was in a room full of real Americans, brother. And at the end of the day, with our leader up there, my hero, that gladiator, we're gonna bring America back together. R1 American at a time, brother. You know something? I've seen some great tag teams in my time. Hulk Hogan and, ooh, yeah, the macho man, Randy Savage. But you know something? I see the greatest tag team of my life standing upon us, getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans. You know, even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready, because when Donald J. Trump becomes the president of the United States, all the real Americans are going to be nicknamed Trumpites, because.


Because all the Trumpites are going to be running wild for four years. So with the power of Donald J. Trump and all the Trumpites running wild, America is going to get back on track. And like Donald J. Trump said, america is going to be great again. You know, when I look out and I see all the real Americans. I think about how Donald Trump, his family was compromised. When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised. But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero and they tried to kill the next president of the United States? Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again.


You know something, Trumpites? I didn't come here as Hulk Hoganore, but I just had to give you a little taste. You know, my name. My name is Terry Bollea. And as an entertainer, I love you, too. And as an entertainer, I tried to stay out of politics. But after everything that's happened to our country over the past four years and everything that happened last weekend, I can no longer stay silent. I'm here tonight because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real american hero. And I'm proud to support my hero as the next president of this United States. You know, guys, I've known Donald Trump for over 35 years. You know, hold on a second. Hold on. I just had a flashback. I just had a flashback. Man, this is really trippin. You know, the last time I was up on stage, Donald Trump was sitting at ringside at the Trump Plaza. I was bleeding like a pig, and I won the world title right in front of Donald J. Trump. And you know something? He's gonna win in November, and we're all gonna be champions again when he wins. And like I said, I've known that man for over 35 years, and he's always been the biggest patriot, and he still is.


He's always told you exactly what he thought, and he still does, brother. And no matter the odds, he always finds a way to win. And when he's back in our white House, America is going to start winning again. You know, guys, over my career, I've been in the ring with some of the. Against some of the baddest dudes on the planet, and I've squared off against warriors. Oh, yeah, savages. And I've even, like I said, body slammed giants in the middle of the ring. And I know tough guys. But let me tell you something, brother. Donald Trump is the toughest of them all. They've thrown everything at Donald Trump. All the investigations, the impeachments, the court cases, and he's still standing and kicking their butts. You know, we never had it better than the Trump years back then. We had a thriving economy. We had strong borders. We had safe streets, we had peace and respect around the world. But then we lost it all in a blink of an eye. Crime is out of control. The border is out of control. The price of food and gas and housing is out of control. And the only person who can clean this up is Donald Trump.


You know, guys, I really, really love this country. And I've lived the american dream. And I want my kids, your kids, and all those little teeny Hulkamaniacs out there to live the american dream, too. This November, guys, we can save the american dream for everyone. And Donald Trump is the president who will get the job done. So all you criminals, all you lowlifes, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, and all you crooked politicians need to answer one question, brother. Whatcha gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpomaniacs run wild on you, brother? God bless you and thank you.


She's making her way up to the Trump family box. She is next to her husband's new running mate, Senator JD Vance, Republican of Ohio, the vice presidential nominee. And there she is, among the other members of the Trump family. Ivanka and Tiffany and Eric and Donna junior.


To the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, from Detroit to Houston to New York to LA, there's pride in every american heart. And it's time to stand and say, friends, delegates and fellow citizens, I stand before you this evening with a message of confidence, strength and hope. Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory. And we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our country. Together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color and creed. The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together or we fall apart. I am running to be president for all of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America. So tonight, with faith and devotion, I proudly accept your nomination for president of the United States. Let me begin this evening by expressing my gratitude to the american people for your outpouring of love and support following the assassination attempt at my rally on Saturday.


As you already know, the assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of taking my life. So many people have asked me what happened. Tell us what happened, please, and therefore I will tell you exactly what happened. And you'll never hear it from me a second time, because it's actually too painful to tell. It was a warm, beautiful day in the early evening in Butler Township in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Music was loudly playing and the campaign was doing really well. I went to the stage, and the crowd was cheering wildly. Everybody was happy. I began speaking very strongly, powerfully and happily, because I was discussing the great job my administration did on immigration at the southern border. We were very proud of it. Behind me and to the right was a large screen that was displaying a chart of border crossings under my leadership. The numbers were absolutely amazing. In order to see the chart, I started to like this turn to my right and was ready to begin a little bit further turn, which I'm very lucky I didn't do. When I heard a loud whizzing sound, felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear.


I said to myself, wow, what was that? It can only be a bullet. And moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood, just absolutely blood all over the place. I immediately knew it was very serious, that we were under attack, and in one movement proceeded to drop to the ground. Bullets were continuing to fly as very brave secret service agents rushed to the stage. And they really did. They rushed to the stage. These are great people at great risk, I will tell you, and pounced on top of me so that I would be protected. There was blood pouring everywhere, and yet, in a certain way, I felt very safe because I had God on my side. I felt that. The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin's bullet would have perfectly hit its mark, and I would not be here tonight. We would not be together. The most incredible aspect of what took place on that terrible evening in the fading sun was actually seen later in almost all cases, as everywhere. They're coming at levels that we've never seen before. It is an invasion indeed, and this administration does absolutely nothing to stop stop them. They're coming from prisons, they're coming from jails, they're coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. You know, the press is always on me because I say this. Has anyone seen silence of the lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter? He'd love to have you for dinner. That's insane asylums. They're emptying out their insane asylums, and terrorists are coming in at numbers that we've never seen before. Bad things are going to happen. Meanwhile, our crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are going down because they're taking their criminals and they're putting them into our country. You know, 18 months in Afghanistan, we didn't have one, so they were killing them left and right, snipers. And I spoke to the head of the Taliban.You've heard this story, Abdul still there. Still the head of the Taliban. The press got on me. Why would you speak to him? I said, because that's where the killing is. I don't have to speak to somebody that has nothing to do with it. And I told him, don't ever do that. Don't ever do that again. Don't ever, ever do that again. You've got to stop. Because during the Obama administration, many great people and soldiers, a lot of soldiers were being killed from long distance. I said, if you keep doing that, you're going to be hit harder than anybody's ever been hit by a country before. I got along very well. North Korea, Kim Jong un, I got along very well with him. The press hated when I said that. How could you get along with him? You know, it's nice to get along with somebody who has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise, isn't it? See, in the old days, they say that's a wonderful thing. Now they say, how could you possibly do that? But now I got along with them, and we stopped the missile launchers from North Korea. Now North Korea is acting up again.But when we get back, I get along with them. He'd like to see me back, too. I think he misses me. If you want to know the truth, nothing will slow us, and no one will ever stop us. No matter what dangers come our way, no matter what obstacles lie in our path, we will keep striving toward our shared and glorious destiny. And we will not fail. We will not fail. Together, we will save this country. We will restore the republic, and we will usher in the rich and wonderful tomorrows that our people so truly deserve. America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. And quite simply put, we will very quickly make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you, Wisconsin. And God bless the United States of America, our great country. Thank you very much, everybody there.President Trump spoke for 1 hour and 32 minutes, which I'm told is the longest speech for a nomination, acceptance by a major party figure in modern american political history.You know, there's something, a phenomenon in this campaign called Trump amnesia. And that's the idea that a lot of people have forgotten what they either liked or loathed about Trump during his four years as president. And over the course of this hour and a half, you were reminded of what you liked or loathed about Donald Trump.I got a lot of messages from people saying, this is a great reminder of why a lot of people were exhausted by the end of the first Trump presidency and will be having second thoughts about whether they want to go through that again.He had the whole world in his hands. If he had just stayed with that unity message, he might have caused some problems. He just could not help himself. If Biden had given a speech that incoherent, that rambling, that undisciplined Democrats would have hit Biden with a tranquilizer dart and drug him off. So we're now back into a normal campaign dynamic where Trump took what was the most energetic convention, and he was boring. He took the most disciplined convention. He was undisciplined. He basically was the worst part of his own convention.I have to tell you, Chris Wallace said this, this is the first good thing that's happened to democrats in the last three weeks. I mean, this really reminded everyone why Donald Trump is fundamentally unpopular outside this room.Daniel, you've listened to quite a few Trump speeches, and I know that the challenge of being a fact checker in this modern era, especially if President Trump is one, he tells so many, says so many things that are not accurate within a short period of time. But two, it's quite frequently you say the same lies or misstatements over and over and over. How did tonight's speech match up?It was a remarkably long acceptance speech shake, and a remarkably dishonest acceptance speech. I counted at least 22 false claims from Donald Trump on. First listen. Let's start with one of the wildest claims he made. Listen to what he said about the state of the world when he was president.The world was at peace. Our opponents inherited a world at peace and turned it into a planet of war. The whole world was at peace, and now the world is blowing up around us.This is false. Trump did not achieve world peace when he was president, certainly wasn't at peace when he left office. There were active wars or armed conflicts in dozens of nations. In 2020, a 51 by one research institutions count, and then 51 again in 2021. Trump handed President Biden ongoing civil wars in yemenite Syria, of course, an unresolved israeli palestinian conflict, israeli iranian conflict, a war in Ethiopia. I could go on for a while, but I don't have time because there were so many other false claims. So let's adjust some of those. Not even all of them. He repeated his usual lie about Democrats having cheated in the 2020 election. It's nonsense, he said. Crime is going up. The opposite is true. It's gone sharply down in 2023, and early 2024 is now lower than it was under Trump. In 2020, he said, we have the worst inflation we've ever had. Again, not even close. It is 3% right now. The us record is 23.7%. He said there was no inflation under him. It was low, of course, but not nonexistent. It was 8% total for his presidency, 1.4% year over year. In the month he left office, he said the price of groceries is up 57%.Under Biden, it's actually 21%. He said Democrats are proposing to quadruple people's taxes. That is imaginary. He said his tax cut was the largest in american history. Not even close. Again, he said the Biden administration does nothing to stop migrants. Well, the administration tried to get Congress to pass a bill to tighten the border, and after Trump himself helped to kill that bill, Biden took executive action to tighten the border. Trump said he stopped human trafficking. Again, not true. He said. China stopped buying oil from Iran under him also did not happen. He said foreign governments are deliberately sending criminals and mental health patients to the US as migrants. His own campaign has been unable to provide proof for that. I certainly haven't found any myself, he said. We defeated ISIs, 100% of ISIs, in a couple of months. In fact, the ISIS caliphate was declared fully liberated more than two years into his presidency. And there were other exaggerations about trade with China, about north korean missile launches, about gas prices, about Ir's agents. So it just went on and on and on in terms of falsehood, just like the speech went on, on and on and on itself, Jake.All right, Daniel Dale, thanks so much. And you could read more of CNN's fact facts first.


everywhere. They're coming at levels that we've never seen before. It is an invasion indeed, and this administration does absolutely nothing to stop stop them. They're coming from prisons, they're coming from jails, they're coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. You know, the press is always on me because I say this. Has anyone seen silence of the lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter? He'd love to have you for dinner. That's insane asylums. They're emptying out their insane asylums, and terrorists are coming in at numbers that we've never seen before. Bad things are going to happen. Meanwhile, our crime rate is going up while crime statistics all over the world are going down because they're taking their criminals and they're putting them into our country. You know, 18 months in Afghanistan, we didn't have one, so they were killing them left and right, snipers. And I spoke to the head of the Taliban.


You've heard this story, Abdul still there. Still the head of the Taliban. The press got on me. Why would you speak to him? I said, because that's where the killing is. I don't have to speak to somebody that has nothing to do with it. And I told him, don't ever do that. Don't ever do that again. Don't ever, ever do that again. You've got to stop. Because during the Obama administration, many great people and soldiers, a lot of soldiers were being killed from long distance. I said, if you keep doing that, you're going to be hit harder than anybody's ever been hit by a country before. I got along very well. North Korea, Kim Jong un, I got along very well with him. The press hated when I said that. How could you get along with him? You know, it's nice to get along with somebody who has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise, isn't it? See, in the old days, they say that's a wonderful thing. Now they say, how could you possibly do that? But now I got along with them, and we stopped the missile launchers from North Korea. Now North Korea is acting up again.


But when we get back, I get along with them. He'd like to see me back, too. I think he misses me. If you want to know the truth, nothing will slow us, and no one will ever stop us. No matter what dangers come our way, no matter what obstacles lie in our path, we will keep striving toward our shared and glorious destiny. And we will not fail. We will not fail. Together, we will save this country. We will restore the republic, and we will usher in the rich and wonderful tomorrows that our people so truly deserve. America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, greater, and more united than ever before. And quite simply put, we will very quickly make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Wisconsin. God bless you. God bless you, Wisconsin. And God bless the United States of America, our great country. Thank you very much, everybody there.


President Trump spoke for 1 hour and 32 minutes, which I'm told is the longest speech for a nomination, acceptance by a major party figure in modern american political history.


You know, there's something, a phenomenon in this campaign called Trump amnesia. And that's the idea that a lot of people have forgotten what they either liked or loathed about Trump during his four years as president. And over the course of this hour and a half, you were reminded of what you liked or loathed about Donald Trump.


I got a lot of messages from people saying, this is a great reminder of why a lot of people were exhausted by the end of the first Trump presidency and will be having second thoughts about whether they want to go through that again.


He had the whole world in his hands. If he had just stayed with that unity message, he might have caused some problems. He just could not help himself. If Biden had given a speech that incoherent, that rambling, that undisciplined Democrats would have hit Biden with a tranquilizer dart and drug him off. So we're now back into a normal campaign dynamic where Trump took what was the most energetic convention, and he was boring. He took the most disciplined convention. He was undisciplined. He basically was the worst part of his own convention.


I have to tell you, Chris Wallace said this, this is the first good thing that's happened to democrats in the last three weeks. I mean, this really reminded everyone why Donald Trump is fundamentally unpopular outside this room.


Daniel, you've listened to quite a few Trump speeches, and I know that the challenge of being a fact checker in this modern era, especially if President Trump is one, he tells so many, says so many things that are not accurate within a short period of time. But two, it's quite frequently you say the same lies or misstatements over and over and over. How did tonight's speech match up?


It was a remarkably long acceptance speech shake, and a remarkably dishonest acceptance speech. I counted at least 22 false claims from Donald Trump on. First listen. Let's start with one of the wildest claims he made. Listen to what he said about the state of the world when he was president.


The world was at peace. Our opponents inherited a world at peace and turned it into a planet of war. The whole world was at peace, and now the world is blowing up around us.


This is false. Trump did not achieve world peace when he was president, certainly wasn't at peace when he left office. There were active wars or armed conflicts in dozens of nations. In 2020, a 51 by one research institutions count, and then 51 again in 2021. Trump handed President Biden ongoing civil wars in yemenite Syria, of course, an unresolved israeli palestinian conflict, israeli iranian conflict, a war in Ethiopia. I could go on for a while, but I don't have time because there were so many other false claims. So let's adjust some of those. Not even all of them. He repeated his usual lie about Democrats having cheated in the 2020 election. It's nonsense, he said. Crime is going up. The opposite is true. It's gone sharply down in 2023, and early 2024 is now lower than it was under Trump. In 2020, he said, we have the worst inflation we've ever had. Again, not even close. It is 3% right now. The us record is 23.7%. He said there was no inflation under him. It was low, of course, but not nonexistent. It was 8% total for his presidency, 1.4% year over year. In the month he left office, he said the price of groceries is up 57%.


Under Biden, it's actually 21%. He said Democrats are proposing to quadruple people's taxes. That is imaginary. He said his tax cut was the largest in american history. Not even close. Again, he said the Biden administration does nothing to stop migrants. Well, the administration tried to get Congress to pass a bill to tighten the border, and after Trump himself helped to kill that bill, Biden took executive action to tighten the border. Trump said he stopped human trafficking. Again, not true. He said. China stopped buying oil from Iran under him also did not happen. He said foreign governments are deliberately sending criminals and mental health patients to the US as migrants. His own campaign has been unable to provide proof for that. I certainly haven't found any myself, he said. We defeated ISIs, 100% of ISIs, in a couple of months. In fact, the ISIS caliphate was declared fully liberated more than two years into his presidency. And there were other exaggerations about trade with China, about north korean missile launches, about gas prices, about Ir's agents. So it just went on and on and on in terms of falsehood, just like the speech went on, on and on and on itself, Jake.


All right, Daniel Dale, thanks so much. And you could read more of CNN's fact facts first.