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The breaking news this hour, an outpouring of emotion here in Israel, as Hamas releases 24 hostages kidnapped back on October seventh. Cienais Matthew-Chance has details, including a closer look at the video Hamas released of the hostage handoff inside Gaza.


They kidnapped and killed, but now Hamas is showing its gunmen releasing Israelis in Gaza. For many, these are disturbing scenes. Nine-year-old Ohad Munder being embraced as he's set free. An old woman being carried by a masked man as Palestinians cheer. After 49 long days of captivity in Gaza, aid workers from the Red Cross drive them through the border into Egypt and to freedom. Egyptian television shows a convoy of vehicles heading to the crossing, then the hostages, including 10 ties, a Filipino, and the 13, Israeli women and children disembarking for checks. Israeli military posted this grainy video of the moment they all finally re-entered the country. A step, says the Israeli Prime Minister, towards bringing all hostages home. We have just completed the return of the first of our hostages, children, their.


Mothers, and.


Additional women.


Each one of them is a whole world, but I emphasize to you, the families, and to you, citizens of Israel, we are committed to return all.


Our hostages.


Most of the hostages released in this first group, under the temporary troops were taken from near Oz, one of the small Israeli communities near Gaza, ravaged by Hamas on October the seventh. At least 38 people there were killed and more than 70 abducted. People like Daniel, Eilidh, and her five-year-old daughter, Amelia, both freed in this latest release. But the relatives they were visiting when Hamas attacked remain unaccounted for as hostages. Behind every release, a poignant reminder of those left behind. Like the family of Amri Al-Mogh, his brother-in-law and niece killed, his sister and her three children still hostages. Yet Amri is now optimistic.


The best is in front of us. It's going to come.


Whatever happened, we cannot change. Nadeav is not.


Longer with us.


Siam, the beautiful girl, is not with.


Us anymore, but...


If there's still a chance. There's still a chance for your sister, Richard. Yes, yes.


We have to bring what's left. We need to bring back what's left from this family. It's a broken family.


A broken family in a country of shattered lives. Matthew Chars is.


Joining me live here in Tel Aviv right now. First of all, Matthew, what do we know about what is expected to happen tomorrow?


Well, we think, Wolf, that it's going to follow a similar course already. The Israeli officials that we've spoken to said that Mossad and the Israeli military have received a list of potential hostage releases from Hamas via the mediators in Qatar. They haven't told us who's on the list, of course. We don't even know how many names are on that list. It's going to be between 10 and 13 like it was today. But Israeli officials say that they've already informed the families involved so they could be prepared to welcome back their loved ones. I think you have to remember that the events of today, the pause in the fighting, the releases of the hostages and the prisoners from Israeli jails, as well as the humanitarian relief, it went remarkably well. I think the hope is that that can be repeated again and again.


Let's hope it does get repeated and these hostages are able to come home. Matthew, thank you very much, Matthew Chess, reporting. I want to go to CNN's Oren Lieberman right now. He's over at the Wolfson Medical Center here in Tel Aviv. Oren, I know you're at this hospital where hostages have arrived. Update our viewers. What did you actually see?


Well, Wolf, this is one of several hospitals that have taken in the freed hostages over the course of the past several hours. At about nine o'clock tonight, two patients, two of the first freed hostages, arrived by ambulance a couple of hours after that. Take a look at this video. This is three more elderly women hostages being brought in on helicopter. There actually is no helipad here at the hospital itself. They landed at a field nearby and were brought in on ambulance. Take a look at this video of the hostages being loaded onto the ambulances. The cheers, the unbridled joy, the happiness as they were loaded here in Israel and brought to the hospital for care. It is that same joy that played out in the hospital itself, according to the staff here, when they were brought in, when they were welcomed, and when they began to receive the professional medical care of Wolfson Medical Center. Listen to this.


I think that there was no one in the room that could hold his feelings and stop crying because it was a very emotional and exciting event. They met their families and they met a very professional team here that was.


Very good.


Prepared to receive those hostages.


Now the hospital wouldn't say all that much about their condition, their wellbeing, or their mental state. They said they're going to respect the privacy of the five hostages that are here. They have set up a special wing of the hospital just for them and their families as they go through all of the checks, all of the medical evaluations. It's not just a question of their physical health, it's also a question of their mental health. Right now, psychologists brought in as well as other professionals to essentially give them any type of help they might need. The critical first step was reuniting them with their family. That happened here several hours ago. Crucially, it's not a one-time deal here. This isn't a process that began and ended the hospital well aware that there might be more elderly-freeed hostages coming out of Gaza over the course of the next several days. They say they are very much ready to receive them as well with the same open arms to begin that recovery process.


Aaron, Wolfson is not the only Israeli hospital where hostages were taken today. How is that working?


You're absolutely right. Wolfson will focus on the elderly, the five freed hostages who were brought here were elderly women. But there are other hospitals that will focus on different populations or groups. Schneider Medical Center, which is in Petachtikva, not all that far from us. That will focus on the children who are freed. They have set up essentially a special area to try to make it feel as little as possible, like a hospital. They want it to feel almost like a luxury hotel to make them as comfortable as possible. Wolf, another example, a Saffre des Femmes, that is set up to receive the foreign nationals, and that's part of the system here in place for the freeing of the hostages.


Aaron Lieberman reporting from Tel Avivore, and thank you very much. President Biden says he hopes and expects American hostages will be freed very soon, even though none were released on this the first day of the truce. Cnn Zarlatt signs as traveling with the President in Nantucket, Massachusetts, for us right now. Arlet, how is the President feeling about this deal so far?


Well, if President Biden welcomed the initial release that occurred of these hostages being held by Hamas earlier today, he said that this was just a start to the process, but said that he believes that this had unfolded well. But it does come as Americans were not included in that initial batch of hostages that were released. The President said that it is his hope and expectation that there will be three Americans coming out in the coming days. That includes two women and also four-year-old Abigail Adon. It was her birthday on Friday. Her parents were killed in the October seventh attack by Hamas, and she has been held hostage over the course of the past seven weeks. But President Biden had very few details to offer relating to his expectation on when exactly these Americans would be getting out. Take a listen what he had to tell reporters earlier today.


We don't know when that will occur, but we're going to expect it to occur. And we don't know what the list of all the hostages are and when they'll be released, but we know the numbers they're going to be released. So it's my hope and expectation will be soon.


And of the time.




That are unaccounted for, do you know all of their conditions?


Are they.


All alive?


We don't know all their conditions. So still.


A number of unanswered questions about the fate of these American hostages being held by Hamas. But President Biden today also expressed some optimism that this pause in the fighting that's currently slated for four days, he believes that that could possibly be extended to get even more than the 50 women and children that had been negotiated in this initial deal. Now, President Biden had been working the phones throughout the week, including to the leaders of Egypt, Qatar, and Israel. He said that he will remain in contact with those leaders, counterparts in the region, as they are trying to make sure that this deal stays on track.


Arlet sign is reporting for us. Thank you very much.