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And as I get older, I start thinking about those big questions in life. What does it mean to be human? And I believe it's humanity. It's looking out for each other. And all of these people embody that. This part certainly wasn't planned, but the 100,000 I want to celebrate with all of you. It splits evenly 10 ways pretty nicely. So it is my contribution to all of us. I'm here in part because I've been willing to share and give throughout my life. There's no reason to stop doing that tonight. I was in the streets one day and an unhoused man and his pet after I delivered care, we got to talking and he said nonchalant. He hadn't eaten in almost two days. I returned with a sandwich for myself and for him. It was a sub sandwich. He tore off a corner of it, really just a piece of bread. He ate it, and he gave the rest to his dog. They've taught me a lot, too.