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Trump. Trump. Trump. This is what happens everywhere, in Democratic precincts, in Republican precincts, in evenly-drawn precincts all across America on election nights, whether they're using a hand ballot like this and counting it right before your very eyes, doing the arithmetic we all learned in grammar school, or whether they're using machines, but they can also double-check the machines as well. There are ways to do this. This, to me, as someone who's done this for 40 years, forgive me for editorializing, is the saddest part of our democracy, that people doubt this. You're watching it tonight. Republicans. This is a Republican process you're watching tonight. These are honest, hardworking Americans, counting votes, doing it right. There's every reason to believe because it has always been so that this will continue all the way through the process. I love watching this because it's working the way it's supposed to work, because it works.