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For more on the Palestinian prisoners released as part of today's agreement, I want to bring in to see that, Nima Al-Bagharis, joining us from Jerusalem right now. Nima, I understand you were outside a prison in Jerusalem where Palestinian prisoners were released and reunited with their families. What did you see?


Well, Wolf, we weren't allowed to see anything. Israeli authorities blocked off roads, coralled the media into one location, brought to the Palestinians in through the back door when they received them, and then only allowed family members to come in very limited single file in individual cars. There's a reason for that because unlike the images of celebration, which you might have seen from Ramalla and the West Bank, here in East Jerusalem, Israeli authorities were better able to enforce the dictat of their far-right national security minister, who has deemed the prisoners released today as terrorists, but not just that. He said any Palestinian who celebrates will themselves be charged as terrorists. Just to break that down a little bit, there is no grounds to call them terrorists, because by Israel's own reckoning, those 39 prisoners were 15 minors, 10 of whom were only charged, and 24 women, 23 were detained, not charged, and 10 of the minors were detained, not charged. It complicates telling this story. Imagine your daughter has come home to you, and you have to hide indoors to express your joy. I want to show you this video, Wolf, of a daughter reuniting with her mother that was sent to us by the family.


Take a listen.


That young.


Lady you see there, the reason... I mean, there's no reason. It's her daughter. But beyond that, she had been arrested at the age of 16, convicted at 17 for 10 years, accused of attempted stabbing her family and her lawyer. And Israeli and Palestinian rights groups say that this was a miscarriage of justice. Her family had taken this all the way to the Israeli Supreme Court, and her mother had lost hope. The idea that Israel's far-right figures are demonizing Palestinian joy in this moment is part of a bigger picture, Wolf, that we have seen play out where they're not distinguishing between Hamas and civilians, Wolf.


We have seen today in the occupied West Bank, thousands of people gathering around these centers where these Palestinian prisoners have been returned to release and reunited with their family members. We saw so many people gathering on the streets today celebrating that release. It certainly is a welcome step. But we also have been hearing from some on the ground, including the family members of some of those released who told us that for them this isn't a moment where they can be totally happy because of what they have seen unfold in the gas strip. But nevertheless, this has been seen as a welcome step. And of course, this is the first batch of prisoners set to be released over the next four days. Take a look.


A joyous celebration as 23-year-old Malak, Suleiman, finally arrives home in East Jerusalem after six years in an Israeli prison, convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison at the age of 17 for attempted murder. Police say they found a knife in her possession near the old city of Jerusalem. It is a charge she and her family have long denied.




Is one of 39 prisoners, all women and minors, released from jails in Israel on Friday in exchange for the release of two dozen hostages who had been held by Hamas in Gaza.


We saw many of those detainees now released, those prisoners now released rather being carried on people's shoulders to the where a number of their family members were waiting, as you mentioned among them, 15 minors who were released being carried up this road on people's shoulders to much cheering and celebration, even fireworks being set off. We've also been speaking to people, including relatives, who say they didn't want to see these crowds.


This celebration is not necessary. They need to be mindful of us in Gaza. This celebration is wrong. I am torn to pieces. Have a little mercy on us. They can be joyful, but the joy is in the heart because we are dying in Gaza. Have some respect for us a little.


The release of this first group of Palestinian prisoners comes as Israel and Hamas begin a four-day truce, a window of desperately needed respite for civilians in Gaza. According to Hamas-run health authorities in Gaza, nearly 15,000 Palestinians in the enclave have been killed over the last seven weeks alone. Israel says it is targeting Hamas in response to the terror attack of October seventh, which killed more than 1,200 Israeli citizens. But in Gaza, it is civilians that are paying the highest price. More than 8,000 Palestinians remain in Israeli jails, including more than 3,000, according to the Palestinian Commission for detainees and ex-prisoners affairs, held under administrative detention, meaning no clear charges and no clear legal process. But for those gathered in the occupied West Bank on Friday night, this is a welcome moment of, in their eyes, long overdue justice.


People want to gather and be together in this moment. However, folks internalize that in terms of their own emotional reaction to it, that's for them to speak to. But I think people want to be here to be together to welcome home these prisoners. That's part of the spirit of being Palestinian.


With over 100 Palestinian prisoners still set for release over the next few days, scenes like this are expected to continue, though some say at too high a price.


Of course, Wolf, it is important to note that we are expecting some 150 Palestinians to be released from prison as part of that deal over the next four days, if indeed that truth is upheld. According to a list seen earlier this week by CNN, the vast majority of those prisoners listed for potential release were young people, children under the age of 18, amongst the many teenage boys between the ages of 16 to 18, charged with minor offenses, including throwing stones at Israeli prisoners. Now it's unclear who exactly will be released over the next coming days. It is anticipated that we will get more details as to the specifics of which prisoners will be released come morning.

