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Hello, I'm Manuel. I make food on live stream on TikTok to delivery some best french food to homeless people on the Paris street.


I'm not a real chef. It's just my passion. When I wake up in the morning, I think about, what do you want to make today? Okay. Kitchen tool.


I cook on my kitchen, and it's really, really tiny.


I'm allowed cooking between 4 hours and 8 hours because I go on the street with my bike, with all my meals, and I deliver it for free to harvest people. Today I will cook three kilos of pooled lemon with five kilos of smart potatoes, and I will make 35 dishes. I hope the first time I go on the street to deliver food, the first reaction was surprised. I have tomato with meat. Because when you have someone alone with your bike and hey, hello, I have some free food.


If you want some of them look at me like, who are you? First sentence is not, oh, are you? But the first sentence is, I deliver free food for you. Do you need it? I have my gopro on my head.


I start to ask people if they are comfortable or not to be on the video and explain it to show to the world. There are some people, they work all their life, and right now they have some problems. And maybe you can understand their situation.


The more important moment for me since the beginning of the project is when I meet Patrick. Patrick and this man tell me, nobody give me anything because I don't ask anything. And when I give him a meal, he cry. He cry on my arm for the Olympic Games. The police are moving homeless people.


But the problem is, we can't just hide the poverty of the country without any solution. There is a lot of homeless people I know really well. If I can't find them on the street, if needed, maybe I will take the train to continue to deliver my food. The message I want to tell to my audience, I will say thank you. Because when I'm with my followers, we spend hours to cook together.


It's not just Manu on this kitchen, it's all the community. The 3100 people on my kitchen, because we love, we dance, we move, we are like a family on the live session.


I know this population since a lot of years. When I see the smile I give on the street. Thank you for that.