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Hello, my name is James Corden, and I feel delighted about being Conan O'Brien's friend.


Fall is here. Hear the yell, back to school, ring the bell?


Brand new shoes?


Walk and loose? Climb the fence?


Books and pens.


I can tell that we are gonna be friends.


We are gonna be friends.


My wife, Liza, love her. I say that it's a contractual thing, but she's very into, like, taking care of herself, being healthy. And she sent me to work with this person. She said, I think this person would be good for you. Teach you some good stretches and movements and things like that. Cause she's always doing her best to see if she can keep me alive just a little longer. But this woman was telling me, oh, try this. Deep breathing and exhaling. I said, okay. And she said, when you exhale, make a lot of noise, because that's. Have you ever heard that before?


First of all. Meanwhile, welcome to Conan O'Brien needs a friend.


Oh, I didn't realize we were doing.


Just before we started recording, you said, so this is an intro.


Oh, sorry.


We're good. Keep going.


No, no, I want to.


I really want to hear. I want to hear this because I need to.


But I'll introduce you guys first, and then we can go.


They know who we are. You just keep rolling, man. We're fast and loose.


Hey. Wow. This is so loose. Okay, I'm feeling a little bit of shame, because you did say this is an intro, and then I just started babbling without formally introducing you.


In your defense, we're doing a bunch of different things right now.


Oh, no, we only do one at a time once a week. We don't do a bunch of things in a row, jam them all together, and then leave for the Maldives for, like, six months. I can't wait on our golden helicopter.


Oh, I've already packed.


No, but she was teaching me that you breathe in and then you breathe out, and you go.




And that's supposed to be good for you. Has anyone heard this before? That it's supposed to be good to make sound because it causes vibrations, and let's all try. Anyway, I was doing it. I lay on the floor, and I was doing it, and it just sounded like I was impatient.


What do you mean?


Cause that was just, you know, people were. My kids are around, and I'm in the corner going. And then I would notice that, you know, like, my daughter would say something like, oh. And I. You know, I went to this music festival, and I really thought the artists were really great. And, you know, people were like, hey, what's your problem? I just sounded like the biggest drag in the world.


Did you feel a difference?


I can kind of see what this woman was talking about that it does make the exhale a little more powerful. And I could see how it really gets all the carbon dioxide out. I could see a lot of reasoning behind it. I think she's onto something, and I bet you that it's a real popular thought out there. But more, what I realized is you've got to find a place where no one else is around, because people are having conversations. You know, whatever they're saying, it can. If you're on the floor behind a couch and they can't even see you, and they say things like, you know, I just want you to know, son, I really. I really love you.


But it's going.


To be even more weird if you hear it coming from a distant room.


Yeah, I know.


You know? Well, I think we've made a what that is.That's, like, to loosen it. You're supposed to loosen your jaw. Like, get it as relaxed as possible. I could never do it.Do it again. No, that's how you trick someone into looking like they're giving a blowjob. I love that they gave you a theater exercise, which is take your two hands like this. Uh huh. And then go. And you're like, this is a theater. Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep doing it.This is a guy in the back of a band.Keep doing it, keep doing it. Do it again. Do it.Do it again.That's good. That's really good.Oh, no.Yeah. Now just say, uh. Now just say, work the shaft. Wait, what?You know, it's a line from Chekhov.It's a line from the cherry orchard where they have to work the shaft.Oh, my God.I'm just realizing.Yeah, tell me about some of these other exercises at theater school.Sometimes we'd have to just straight up give a blowjob.Well, that's different.Okay.Is your MFA on, like, notebook paper and it's in Sharpie?Yeah, I went to theater school. Where was it? It was in that warehouse.My diplomas on a napkin that you can only read under black light.I can't believe you did that and never thought.Oh, maybe it was down here. I don't know.You can do it down there. Hey, Sona, stop it.I'm seeing if it works, if it actually loosens your jaw.That's for.Maybe we should do more warmups before we record that.There's now video footage of all three of us doing you specifically profile.I don't care. You know, hey, hey, we get the clicks. I don't care how we get the clicks. You think I care how we get the clicks? Hey, America, you want some? Click away, America. That's a new meme. It's a new meme. Yeah. You don't think we can turn that into something my kids gotta eat, you know, can I tell you, this reminds me of an idea. I swear to God, this was an idea. This was an idea we had on the late night show and we really wanted to do it. We just never did it. But we wanted to make a fake ad for, like, late night. And we wanted it to me figure out a pose where I've got, like, my mouth open and my hands like this and we're saying, like, you know, Conan gobbles up the competition in late night and put it all what a real big memory of mine is. I can remember that I was four years old, and my, we used to, we were a Salvation army family, so we used to go to church with the Salvation army and, which is, you know, a thing in of itself, which we'll unpack another day. And I have to be honest with you.I don't know what a Salvation army is.A salvation army is kind of different in America than it is in. In the UK, where basically. And when you like any church that you're born into, you think it's completely normal that on a Sunday, your parents put on a uniform and you go down to church and then you march through the town while your mom sings in the choir and your dad is playing in the band. And this is just completely normal. Yeah. We're walking through the town. This is what everybody does.And it's the uniform that we know here in the US, the salvation uniform.It kind of looks like a military, it looks like a police. It looks like a police uniform, and your parents are wearing it, and your mum's got a bonnet on. And then you'll go to the morning service, you'll rush home, eat a roast dinner, which is essentially what Americans do on Thanksgiving. You'd eat that every Sunday until you can't breathe. And then you'll go back at night and do it again. And there's a brass band and all this stuff. It's absolutely absurd. But when you're like, eight, is 4567. Up until I was, like, 1314, where it's like, huh. So when you say weekend, you mean you're not playing, like, soccer or any of these? Nothing. Zero.Well, I love the assumption that you think everyone else is. Well, it's the weekend, so I guess your father is going to dress up completely like a corporal and bang on.A drum and sing onward christian soldiers as you walk through the town. Yeah, that's. We're all doing that. Right, guys?It's funny, I grew up. I grew up very catholic, and I just remember thinking, well, this is what people do. We go to church. These magic tricks are performed where a cookie is turned into the body and blood of Christ, and there's incense and chimes are ringing. And I just assumed that this is what everybody does. Then you realize, oh, no. Yes, there are. There's a large number of Catholics, but no, not everybody's watching this Las Vegas act every weekend.Correct? That's it. So.And. But I say that. I don't say that with disrespect. I have the greatest respect for Las Vegas.And Siegfried and Roy were your pastors, right?Yes, they were. Until, unfortunately, the. Well, you know. You know what happened.My sister's being christened, which is the. The equivalent of sort of being, you know, I get. Yeah, christened. You call it christendom. So she's being christened, and our family is on the platform, which kind of any other parlance would be a stage. And the Salvation army officer who the vicar or the priest would said, oh, you know, james, you can't really see. Let's grab him a chair. And he got me a chair and I stood on this chair. And then suddenly I could see the congregation of this church, which was probably 17 people in my head, it was a thousand. And I looked out and then I just sort of like started pulling like a face and gets a little giggle and then do something else. And they giggle. And then I remember turning around and looking under my legs and they're all cracking up, laughing. And I can remember, well, the weirdest thing is I remember them feeling amazing and then going back to join the congregation and sitting between my elder sister and my mom and, you know, I'm back in the sort of the rows of the church and there's someone's back in front of me.And I remember thinking, well, this is boring compared to being up there.Up there.Is Bella up there good down here? And it he said that spoke to you when you were thinking of moving on?I mean, I would honestly watch this clip, like, sometimes multiple times a day, because I was really walking away from. I was walking away from a contract offer that I was pretty certain I'm never going to earn money like that again. I'm pretty certain that that is. That's, that that won't come my way there is shaking its pelvis, but there's no articulated movement. So you're saying things would have to be added to my ass from three to four.I think it is. Also, it's a lot more than just the ass. It's your hips and it's this zombie thing. You really are a skeleton now.I'm twerking in a. Well, it's kind of a rolly chair.Yeah.A desk rolly chair.Yeah. Is that what you're doing?I don't even know. I don't know what's happening, but I saw. I spun twerking and I just thought, like, well, God bless her, I would need several operations. A host of operations.Can you twerk?I cannot twerk.You've tried?No, I have tried.Okay, wait a minute. What was the occasion where you tried?I was at like a. I don't know, party with friends, and I tried to twerk, and because someone called for a twerk, we were. I don't know. I was probably drunk. old boss saying you're gonna twerk for me. Hey, assistant, you'll twerk for me, or you'll know why I. What? You know, the good thing is there's no record of this transgression. You twerk for me.Oh, you'll twerk.Oh, you will. Or God's my witness.And we'll all see. Didn't he say we'll all see?Oh, and we'll all see.I have to be in the room with you all sitting there watching me tour.Yeah.What an awful thing to say.We're gonna have this little judges plaque with numbers on them.I never know what's gonna happen when I come in here. You truck for me. We'll see. Oh, please make this segment stop. I'm in pain.End it.Okay. Peace out, Tupac.Conan O'Brien needs a friend. With Conan O'Brien, Sonam of session and Matt Gorley, produced by me, Matt Gorley. Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco. And Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes. Incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair. And our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick. Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, our channel.


what that is.


That's, like, to loosen it. You're supposed to loosen your jaw. Like, get it as relaxed as possible. I could never do it.


Do it again. No, that's how you trick someone into looking like they're giving a blowjob. I love that they gave you a theater exercise, which is take your two hands like this. Uh huh. And then go. And you're like, this is a theater. Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep doing it.


This is a guy in the back of a band.


Keep doing it, keep doing it. Do it again. Do it.


Do it again.


That's good. That's really good.


Oh, no.


Yeah. Now just say, uh. Now just say, work the shaft. Wait, what?


You know, it's a line from Chekhov.


It's a line from the cherry orchard where they have to work the shaft.


Oh, my God.


I'm just realizing.


Yeah, tell me about some of these other exercises at theater school.


Sometimes we'd have to just straight up give a blowjob.


Well, that's different.




Is your MFA on, like, notebook paper and it's in Sharpie?


Yeah, I went to theater school. Where was it? It was in that warehouse.


My diplomas on a napkin that you can only read under black light.


I can't believe you did that and never thought.


Oh, maybe it was down here. I don't know.


You can do it down there. Hey, Sona, stop it.


I'm seeing if it works, if it actually loosens your jaw.


That's for.


Maybe we should do more warmups before we record that.


There's now video footage of all three of us doing you specifically profile.


I don't care. You know, hey, hey, we get the clicks. I don't care how we get the clicks. You think I care how we get the clicks? Hey, America, you want some? Click away, America. That's a new meme. It's a new meme. Yeah. You don't think we can turn that into something my kids gotta eat, you know, can I tell you, this reminds me of an idea. I swear to God, this was an idea. This was an idea we had on the late night show and we really wanted to do it. We just never did it. But we wanted to make a fake ad for, like, late night. And we wanted it to me figure out a pose where I've got, like, my mouth open and my hands like this and we're saying, like, you know, Conan gobbles up the competition in late night and put it all what a real big memory of mine is. I can remember that I was four years old, and my, we used to, we were a Salvation army family, so we used to go to church with the Salvation army and, which is, you know, a thing in of itself, which we'll unpack another day. And I have to be honest with you.I don't know what a Salvation army is.A salvation army is kind of different in America than it is in. In the UK, where basically. And when you like any church that you're born into, you think it's completely normal that on a Sunday, your parents put on a uniform and you go down to church and then you march through the town while your mom sings in the choir and your dad is playing in the band. And this is just completely normal. Yeah. We're walking through the town. This is what everybody does.And it's the uniform that we know here in the US, the salvation uniform.It kind of looks like a military, it looks like a police. It looks like a police uniform, and your parents are wearing it, and your mum's got a bonnet on. And then you'll go to the morning service, you'll rush home, eat a roast dinner, which is essentially what Americans do on Thanksgiving. You'd eat that every Sunday until you can't breathe. And then you'll go back at night and do it again. And there's a brass band and all this stuff. It's absolutely absurd. But when you're like, eight, is 4567. Up until I was, like, 1314, where it's like, huh. So when you say weekend, you mean you're not playing, like, soccer or any of these? Nothing. Zero.Well, I love the assumption that you think everyone else is. Well, it's the weekend, so I guess your father is going to dress up completely like a corporal and bang on.A drum and sing onward christian soldiers as you walk through the town. Yeah, that's. We're all doing that. Right, guys?It's funny, I grew up. I grew up very catholic, and I just remember thinking, well, this is what people do. We go to church. These magic tricks are performed where a cookie is turned into the body and blood of Christ, and there's incense and chimes are ringing. And I just assumed that this is what everybody does. Then you realize, oh, no. Yes, there are. There's a large number of Catholics, but no, not everybody's watching this Las Vegas act every weekend.Correct? That's it. So.And. But I say that. I don't say that with disrespect. I have the greatest respect for Las Vegas.And Siegfried and Roy were your pastors, right?Yes, they were. Until, unfortunately, the. Well, you know. You know what happened.My sister's being christened, which is the. The equivalent of sort of being, you know, I get. Yeah, christened. You call it christendom. So she's being christened, and our family is on the platform, which kind of any other parlance would be a stage. And the Salvation army officer who the vicar or the priest would said, oh, you know, james, you can't really see. Let's grab him a chair. And he got me a chair and I stood on this chair. And then suddenly I could see the congregation of this church, which was probably 17 people in my head, it was a thousand. And I looked out and then I just sort of like started pulling like a face and gets a little giggle and then do something else. And they giggle. And then I remember turning around and looking under my legs and they're all cracking up, laughing. And I can remember, well, the weirdest thing is I remember them feeling amazing and then going back to join the congregation and sitting between my elder sister and my mom and, you know, I'm back in the sort of the rows of the church and there's someone's back in front of me.And I remember thinking, well, this is boring compared to being up there.Up there.Is Bella up there good down here? And it he said that spoke to you when you were thinking of moving on?I mean, I would honestly watch this clip, like, sometimes multiple times a day, because I was really walking away from. I was walking away from a contract offer that I was pretty certain I'm never going to earn money like that again. I'm pretty certain that that is. That's, that that won't come my way there is shaking its pelvis, but there's no articulated movement. So you're saying things would have to be added to my ass from three to four.I think it is. Also, it's a lot more than just the ass. It's your hips and it's this zombie thing. You really are a skeleton now.I'm twerking in a. Well, it's kind of a rolly chair.Yeah.A desk rolly chair.Yeah. Is that what you're doing?I don't even know. I don't know what's happening, but I saw. I spun twerking and I just thought, like, well, God bless her, I would need several operations. A host of operations.Can you twerk?I cannot twerk.You've tried?No, I have tried.Okay, wait a minute. What was the occasion where you tried?I was at like a. I don't know, party with friends, and I tried to twerk, and because someone called for a twerk, we were. I don't know. I was probably drunk. old boss saying you're gonna twerk for me. Hey, assistant, you'll twerk for me, or you'll know why I. What? You know, the good thing is there's no record of this transgression. You twerk for me.Oh, you'll twerk.Oh, you will. Or God's my witness.And we'll all see. Didn't he say we'll all see?Oh, and we'll all see.I have to be in the room with you all sitting there watching me tour.Yeah.What an awful thing to say.We're gonna have this little judges plaque with numbers on them.I never know what's gonna happen when I come in here. You truck for me. We'll see. Oh, please make this segment stop. I'm in pain.End it.Okay. Peace out, Tupac.Conan O'Brien needs a friend. With Conan O'Brien, Sonam of session and Matt Gorley, produced by me, Matt Gorley. Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco. And Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes. Incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair. And our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick. Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, our channel.


what a real big memory of mine is. I can remember that I was four years old, and my, we used to, we were a Salvation army family, so we used to go to church with the Salvation army and, which is, you know, a thing in of itself, which we'll unpack another day. And I have to be honest with you.


I don't know what a Salvation army is.


A salvation army is kind of different in America than it is in. In the UK, where basically. And when you like any church that you're born into, you think it's completely normal that on a Sunday, your parents put on a uniform and you go down to church and then you march through the town while your mom sings in the choir and your dad is playing in the band. And this is just completely normal. Yeah. We're walking through the town. This is what everybody does.


And it's the uniform that we know here in the US, the salvation uniform.


It kind of looks like a military, it looks like a police. It looks like a police uniform, and your parents are wearing it, and your mum's got a bonnet on. And then you'll go to the morning service, you'll rush home, eat a roast dinner, which is essentially what Americans do on Thanksgiving. You'd eat that every Sunday until you can't breathe. And then you'll go back at night and do it again. And there's a brass band and all this stuff. It's absolutely absurd. But when you're like, eight, is 4567. Up until I was, like, 1314, where it's like, huh. So when you say weekend, you mean you're not playing, like, soccer or any of these? Nothing. Zero.


Well, I love the assumption that you think everyone else is. Well, it's the weekend, so I guess your father is going to dress up completely like a corporal and bang on.


A drum and sing onward christian soldiers as you walk through the town. Yeah, that's. We're all doing that. Right, guys?


It's funny, I grew up. I grew up very catholic, and I just remember thinking, well, this is what people do. We go to church. These magic tricks are performed where a cookie is turned into the body and blood of Christ, and there's incense and chimes are ringing. And I just assumed that this is what everybody does. Then you realize, oh, no. Yes, there are. There's a large number of Catholics, but no, not everybody's watching this Las Vegas act every weekend.


Correct? That's it. So.


And. But I say that. I don't say that with disrespect. I have the greatest respect for Las Vegas.


And Siegfried and Roy were your pastors, right?


Yes, they were. Until, unfortunately, the. Well, you know. You know what happened.


My sister's being christened, which is the. The equivalent of sort of being, you know, I get. Yeah, christened. You call it christendom. So she's being christened, and our family is on the platform, which kind of any other parlance would be a stage. And the Salvation army officer who the vicar or the priest would said, oh, you know, james, you can't really see. Let's grab him a chair. And he got me a chair and I stood on this chair. And then suddenly I could see the congregation of this church, which was probably 17 people in my head, it was a thousand. And I looked out and then I just sort of like started pulling like a face and gets a little giggle and then do something else. And they giggle. And then I remember turning around and looking under my legs and they're all cracking up, laughing. And I can remember, well, the weirdest thing is I remember them feeling amazing and then going back to join the congregation and sitting between my elder sister and my mom and, you know, I'm back in the sort of the rows of the church and there's someone's back in front of me.


And I remember thinking, well, this is boring compared to being up there.


Up there.


Is Bella up there good down here? And it he said that spoke to you when you were thinking of moving on?I mean, I would honestly watch this clip, like, sometimes multiple times a day, because I was really walking away from. I was walking away from a contract offer that I was pretty certain I'm never going to earn money like that again. I'm pretty certain that that is. That's, that that won't come my way there is shaking its pelvis, but there's no articulated movement. So you're saying things would have to be added to my ass from three to four.I think it is. Also, it's a lot more than just the ass. It's your hips and it's this zombie thing. You really are a skeleton now.I'm twerking in a. Well, it's kind of a rolly chair.Yeah.A desk rolly chair.Yeah. Is that what you're doing?I don't even know. I don't know what's happening, but I saw. I spun twerking and I just thought, like, well, God bless her, I would need several operations. A host of operations.Can you twerk?I cannot twerk.You've tried?No, I have tried.Okay, wait a minute. What was the occasion where you tried?I was at like a. I don't know, party with friends, and I tried to twerk, and because someone called for a twerk, we were. I don't know. I was probably drunk. old boss saying you're gonna twerk for me. Hey, assistant, you'll twerk for me, or you'll know why I. What? You know, the good thing is there's no record of this transgression. You twerk for me.Oh, you'll twerk.Oh, you will. Or God's my witness.And we'll all see. Didn't he say we'll all see?Oh, and we'll all see.I have to be in the room with you all sitting there watching me tour.Yeah.What an awful thing to say.We're gonna have this little judges plaque with numbers on them.I never know what's gonna happen when I come in here. You truck for me. We'll see. Oh, please make this segment stop. I'm in pain.End it.Okay. Peace out, Tupac.Conan O'Brien needs a friend. With Conan O'Brien, Sonam of session and Matt Gorley, produced by me, Matt Gorley. Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco. And Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes. Incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair. And our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick. Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, our channel.


it he said that spoke to you when you were thinking of moving on?


I mean, I would honestly watch this clip, like, sometimes multiple times a day, because I was really walking away from. I was walking away from a contract offer that I was pretty certain I'm never going to earn money like that again. I'm pretty certain that that is. That's, that that won't come my way there is shaking its pelvis, but there's no articulated movement. So you're saying things would have to be added to my ass from three to four.I think it is. Also, it's a lot more than just the ass. It's your hips and it's this zombie thing. You really are a skeleton now.I'm twerking in a. Well, it's kind of a rolly chair.Yeah.A desk rolly chair.Yeah. Is that what you're doing?I don't even know. I don't know what's happening, but I saw. I spun twerking and I just thought, like, well, God bless her, I would need several operations. A host of operations.Can you twerk?I cannot twerk.You've tried?No, I have tried.Okay, wait a minute. What was the occasion where you tried?I was at like a. I don't know, party with friends, and I tried to twerk, and because someone called for a twerk, we were. I don't know. I was probably drunk. old boss saying you're gonna twerk for me. Hey, assistant, you'll twerk for me, or you'll know why I. What? You know, the good thing is there's no record of this transgression. You twerk for me.Oh, you'll twerk.Oh, you will. Or God's my witness.And we'll all see. Didn't he say we'll all see?Oh, and we'll all see.I have to be in the room with you all sitting there watching me tour.Yeah.What an awful thing to say.We're gonna have this little judges plaque with numbers on them.I never know what's gonna happen when I come in here. You truck for me. We'll see. Oh, please make this segment stop. I'm in pain.End it.Okay. Peace out, Tupac.Conan O'Brien needs a friend. With Conan O'Brien, Sonam of session and Matt Gorley, produced by me, Matt Gorley. Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco. And Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes. Incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair. And our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick. Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, our channel.


there is shaking its pelvis, but there's no articulated movement. So you're saying things would have to be added to my ass from three to four.


I think it is. Also, it's a lot more than just the ass. It's your hips and it's this zombie thing. You really are a skeleton now.


I'm twerking in a. Well, it's kind of a rolly chair.




A desk rolly chair.


Yeah. Is that what you're doing?


I don't even know. I don't know what's happening, but I saw. I spun twerking and I just thought, like, well, God bless her, I would need several operations. A host of operations.


Can you twerk?


I cannot twerk.


You've tried?


No, I have tried.


Okay, wait a minute. What was the occasion where you tried?


I was at like a. I don't know, party with friends, and I tried to twerk, and because someone called for a twerk, we were. I don't know. I was probably drunk. old boss saying you're gonna twerk for me. Hey, assistant, you'll twerk for me, or you'll know why I. What? You know, the good thing is there's no record of this transgression. You twerk for me.Oh, you'll twerk.Oh, you will. Or God's my witness.And we'll all see. Didn't he say we'll all see?Oh, and we'll all see.I have to be in the room with you all sitting there watching me tour.Yeah.What an awful thing to say.We're gonna have this little judges plaque with numbers on them.I never know what's gonna happen when I come in here. You truck for me. We'll see. Oh, please make this segment stop. I'm in pain.End it.Okay. Peace out, Tupac.Conan O'Brien needs a friend. With Conan O'Brien, Sonam of session and Matt Gorley, produced by me, Matt Gorley. Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco. And Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes. Incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair. And our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick. Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, our channel.


old boss saying you're gonna twerk for me. Hey, assistant, you'll twerk for me, or you'll know why I. What? You know, the good thing is there's no record of this transgression. You twerk for me.


Oh, you'll twerk.


Oh, you will. Or God's my witness.


And we'll all see. Didn't he say we'll all see?


Oh, and we'll all see.


I have to be in the room with you all sitting there watching me tour.




What an awful thing to say.


We're gonna have this little judges plaque with numbers on them.


I never know what's gonna happen when I come in here. You truck for me. We'll see. Oh, please make this segment stop. I'm in pain.


End it.


Okay. Peace out, Tupac.


Conan O'Brien needs a friend. With Conan O'Brien, Sonam of session and Matt Gorley, produced by me, Matt Gorley. Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Liao and Jeff Ross at Team Coco. And Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Earwolf. Theme song by the White Stripes. Incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair. And our associate talent producer is Jennifer. Samples engineering and mixing by Eduardo Perez and Brendan Burns. Additional production support by Mars Melnick. Talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Bautista, and Britt Kahn. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts, and you might find your review read on a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco hotline at 669-587-2847 and leave a message. It, too, could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Conan O'Brien needs a friend. Wherever fine podcasts are downloaded, our channel.