
Conspiracy Theories

The truth is rarely the best story. And when it’s not the only story, the truth deserves another look. Every Wednesday, we tell the complicated stories behind the world’s most controversial events and possible cover-ups. Conspiracy? Maybe. Coincidence? Maybe. Complicated? Absolutely. Conspiracy Theories is part of the Parcast Network and is a Cutler Media Production.

Incident at Fort Benning Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 46:37

In the late summer of 1977, Private John Vasquez was allegedly abducted by aliens at Fort Benning, Georgia along with 1500 of his fellow soldiers.

Shag Harbour Incident Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 38:44

Over the decades, numerous theories have been proffered as to what, exactly, crashed in Shag Harbour, Canada. But whether it was a piece of Cold War technology, or an alien craft, there is ample evidence that it was extremely out of the ordinary.

Shag Harbour Incident Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 43:10

A sleepy Canadian fishing town gained international attention in 1967 when hundreds of people witnessed an unidentified flying object crash off the coast of Nova Scotia. There is still no official account as to what the object was, and the government claims to have found nothing in the water. The only clue left behind was a thick, shining foam.

The Bush Family Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 43:36

Three generations of the Bush political dynasty have conspiracy theories swirling around them, involving a connection to JFK’s death, the grave of a Native American leader, and a war undertaken for questionable motives.

The Bush Family Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 41:03

The official story of the Bush family’s rise in America is one of adventure, accomplishment and power. Where does that story begin, and how did they become one of the most powerful political dynasties in American history?

Project Beta Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 51:51

Paul Bennewitz’s 1981 report sparked multiple conspiracy theories, particularly around the Majestic 12 — a secret government group tasked with investigating extraterrestrial life. It also suggested the use of alien technology in developing spacecraft, and proposed evidence of otherworldly interference. 

Project Beta Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 49:24

After witnessing multiple UFO sightings around Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, researcher Paul Bennewitz took matters into his own hands — and in 1981, uncovered a secret base where he believed aliens were conspiring with the U.S. government.

True Horror: Top 10 Haunted Crime Scenes

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 41:38

Parcast Network is spinning a web of new shows and special programming to celebrate our favorite season. Follow us into the darkest depths of history, mystery, and the human mind — starting with this episode of Crime Countdown! Hosts Ash and Alaina are ranking the top 10 haunted crime scenes, including an Irish castle with a deadly trap door and the home of a ghostly bride.  If you enjoy this episode, search Crime Countdown to find more passionate takes on top-ten rankings. Listen free on Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts! 

Mysterious Humming Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 39:48

It’s distracting at best, and destructive at worst — but what actually causes the Hum? Some say it’s produced by active natural gas lines. Others point to military planes sending low-frequency transmissions. And a few suggest it’s a government attempt at mind control. 

Mysterious Humming Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 45:13

Since it was first reported in England in the 1970s, this low-frequency humming has spread around the world. No one has been able to trace its source.

Iran-Contra Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 48:32

Did the Republican Party plot to hide evidence of Ronald Reagan’s wrongdoing? What was Vice President George H.W. Bush's true role? And did the CIA help the Contras smuggle drugs — and kick off the 1980s crack epidemic? 

All New! Superstitions

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 13:18

Every Wednesday, meet us at the intersection of chaos and fate… We’re unveiling the backstories and hidden lessons inside superstitions from around the world, and telling the stories of those who dare to defy them. Are these eerie codes of conduct simply about exerting control in an unpredictable world? Or can we truly sway supernatural forces to work in our favor? Enjoy this exclusive clip from our episode on black cats. Then search Superstitions to find more episodes, free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Iran-Contra Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 47:13

Throughout the 1980s, Ronald Reagan's administration ran an illegal weapons trade right under Congress's nose. Even today, it's impossible to say for sure who was involved, due to the changing stories and possible cover-ups surrounding the Iran-Contra Affair.

Edgar Allan Poe Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 44:35

The official story of Poe’s ill-fated final journey isn’t the only story. Some believe he was robbed and died from a resulting injury. Or that he was murdered by his future in-laws. Or maybe he was taken prisoner by a gang and tortured… 

Edgar Allan Poe Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 45:02

Most historians believe literary icon Edgar Allan Poe died in 1849 of alcohol poisoning. But the circumstances of his death are baffling: Four days before he died, Poe turned up incoherent, wearing someone else’s clothes. What really happened during his delirious final days?

Aldo Moro Assassination Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 48:02

According to a CIA dossier, the Red Brigade was an unimpressive group of barely competent terrorists. Yet somehow, they managed to kidnap former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, hold him hostage, and murder him while avoiding capture. Was the Red Brigade getting bolder? Or did they get help from the CIA?

Aldo Moro Assassination Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 44:56

On March 16, 1978, a radical terrorist cell kidnapped former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, killing his bodyguards and snatching him from his vehicle with tactical precision. How did a tiny, underequipped guerrilla cell pull off one of the most notorious crimes in Italian history? And did they do it alone?

Solved Murders: The Story of Helen Potts

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 35:49

Listeners, we’re excited to bring you an episode from one of our favorite podcasts, Solved Murders: True Crime Mysteries. Every Wednesday on Solved Murders, we explore the days, months, and even years leading up to the closure of a seemingly uncrackable case. This is part 1 of our episode on Helen Potts, a young girl who gets tangled up with a playboy medical student, with deadly consequences—but not for the reasons you might first suspect.  If you enjoy this episode, be sure to check out part 2, available now free and only on Spotify. Follow Solved Murders: True Crime Mysteries for more true-crime stories every week!

Mount Rushmore Pt. 2

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 46:55

The Black Hills Forest in South Dakota is home to Mount Rushmore. Some say that the area is a magnet for paranormal phenomenon. Others claim the monument itself serves as a Presidential Doomsday bunker. Or perhaps, the landmark is a time capsule meant for future civilizations.

Mount Rushmore Pt. 1

Conspiracy Theories

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 46:00

It’s been hailed as a “shrine of democracy,” but Mount Rushmore’s history is filled with strong-arming and contention, starting with the stolen land it sits on. And though the sculptor’s designs were never officially completed, some say the U.S. government still has plans for the monument.