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This podcast features adult language, violent imagery and mature themes. Listener discretion is advised.


There I am, treasure in one hand, blade in the other. About to make off with a biggest score of my life, and what stands it in my way. 29 bloodthirsty, flesh hungry Qunari. Any of you ever crossed paths with a qunari?


Scary bastards.


As fierce as dragons, but smart too. And should you ever find yourself standing cross on one, just remember, absolutely do not look them in the eyes. To them, there's no greater disrespect. So I find the biggest fucker and get nose to nose with him. Eyes locked, I hold up my fists and say, which hand? You want me to kill you?


What happened next?


What happened next? That, my friends, is a story for another night. Sorry, that's a but I've had my filler drink and that coin bag is looking kinda light. Come back tomorrow. And come back with coin. For a good story don't come cheap. I'm glad to bring you these tales. The least you can do is pay accordingly. Fear not, once the bag is full, I won't spare a single gruesome detail.


Compelled to forge on.


What will we become?


Bless America. That wind has got a bite to it tonight.


There he is, the man with a plan.






What are you doing here?


Did anyone see you come in?


I came to have a quick drink with my trusted friend.


Don't you know that every Templar guard, warden and bounty hunter decided feed us is looking for the now notorious Nadia Carcosa?


Hey, I said a quick drink.


There's no time for that. And I'm plenty drunk as is. You gotta get out of here. I damn near thought I was being followed home.


You set that job up, now I want to have a drink. So we are going to have a drink.


Alright then. One drink and then you're gone.


To Elio.


Look, Nadia, I had no idea the job would go down like that.


Go on, drink up. There you go. That's the spirit. Now I'm gonna need some answers.


I don't have any answers. I already told you I was sorry.


Actually, you didn't. But that's okay. We'll get to sorry here shortly.


No, dear, you have to leave. I can't risk having you here.


Oh, but if I leave, how will you ever get the antidote?


What antidote? What are you talking about?


Do you really think that was an orlesian alejandhe you just sipped? Give it a moment. You should feel a tickle in the back of your throat. There you go. Now it's working. Next, you'll feel your lungs getting tighter. Then you'll pray for air. But for now, we can talk.


I don't know anything.


Well, that's what we need to find out. Now, let's start from the beginning.


This is dragon vows in vengeance. Chapter one. Once a thief.


Wake up, Nadia. It's me. Good morning. You with me now?


I'm always with you.


Good. Get dressed. I have a surprise for you.


Mmm. I do love surprises.


I'll be out by the table.


Wait, wait.




Come here so I can kiss you first.


With pleasure. Mmmdh take your time. I'll meet you in the dining chamber.


What is all this? Are we having breakfast or a banquet?


I wanted us to celebrate a special day.


Those flowers are beautiful. What are they?


Andraste's Grace. I thought they'd be, I don't know, poetic.


You are so sappy. But I love it.


You mean everything to me.


Okay, okay. Just tell me. What are we celebrating?






Yeah. I thought we'd commemorate your birthday. Real proper, like.


Helio. I told you, I I don't know.


When my birthday is exactly, so I figured it can be any day. We'll just pick today.


Elio, wait.


Before you say anything, let me give you your present. Here. Open it.


What is this?


What does it look like?


Why would you give me this?


Generally speaking, there is but one use for such a thing. Come on. It's perfect. What better way to honor your new birthday than with the start of a new life?


Why can't you just leave things be? You always have to push.


Nadia. Nadia. Keep playing. I'll be back. Nadia. Nadia. Let's discuss this.


Discuss this insane wedding ring that you gave me.


This ring is not insane. It was my great grandmother's belly.






That's even crazier. I can't wear this.


Why not?


I love you. I really do. But we cannot be that kind of couple.


Nadia. I'm tired of this being a secret. It's time to bring us into the light.


Elio. I am a liberati. You are a mage. And not just any mage. You are part of the magisterium. This is already a recipe for disaster.


Why are you getting mad?


Because I adore what we have. And I don't understand why that can't be enough.


Because you make me want so much more. Why can't you see that?


You know, you may be used to getting everything you want, but people like me have to live in a world filled with walls and ceilings and dead ends.




No. Don't don't nadia me. You always think everything is fine. That'll all work out, no problem. No big deal. You'll. You'll sign some papers here, make a decree over there, but I am the one who will have to live with their stares and whispers. I don't fit into that part of your world. And if you really loved me, you would understand that putting this ring on my finger is like putting a target on my back.


It doesn't have to be like that.


It is like that. You. You can't just wave your title around and make everything okay and make up fucking birthdays and throw flowers on the ground. I know what I am. I am a nothing in this world, and I'm okay with that. But I thought maybe, just maybe, I could be something special to you and only you. But no. No, that wasn't good enough. You just had to push.


Hey, hey, hey. Come here.


No. No. Get off me.






I'm sorry, okay? I'm. I'm sorry. What else do you want me to say?


You know what? Look, I need some air.


Nadia. No. Nadia. Shit. Flesh Royce fresh clam sketch of the day right here.


What's the Daily deal?


Oh, I got a special on pickled groan and rum.


Sounds disgusting. I'll take two.


Here you go.


Thanks, Joran.


Oh, hey, by the way, you should know I saw some surly looking drag with a dead eye nosing about your houseboat this morning.


Hmm. Thanks for the heads up.


You got it.


Pickled groans smell like last week's special. Elio. Elio. What am I gonna do with you?


Been waiting for you all morning.


So I gathered from Joran's description.


Olin says he needs to see you.


Too bad for Olin.


He says you owe him one.


I owe him shit.


Fancy ring you got there. Maybe I'll just take that and see if it clears your debt.


You touch this ring, and I'll pull your guts out like I'm threading a loom. What's the call, Vic?


Uh, just a job, you know I'm out. We know. But this one is special circumstances.


Was it worth the salt?


Come see for yourself. Ol. I know. Is the coins good? And Olin said he needs the best thief and thedas.


Oh, did he say that?


Yeah, but after they said no, he sent us to find you.


I've missed you, friend.


So there I was, treasuring one and blade in the other, about to make.


Off with the biggest score of your life.


Oh, it's been too many moons, ladies. Can you give me and my dear friend.




Some privacy. We have some important business to discuss. Then I promise to finish telling you of my adventures.


Don't keep this waiting too long. I think you mean my adventures.


No, your adventures. My adventures. It's just a damn good story. And I live to entertain.


Yeah, yeah. So, what's the job?


I'm not gonna perfume the pigpen. This is a rough one. The information is slim, the ask is impossible, and if anyone gets caught, we're all fucked.




But this?


That sounds heavy.


Gold. And lots of it. This is just a taste to get things started. Delivery guarantees triple the bag.


Triple what sort of fortress you got me breaking into?


Yeah, how about that?


All in you.


You have to break into arcanist hall. The archives.


I'm sorry, what?


Look, I know it sounds impossible. No, come on, just hear me out. I have a plan.


And you own it.


No, I meant, no, it doesn't sound impossible. Sounds like just the thing. I need some fun.


And here I thought retirement will calm you down. You sound crazier than ever.


Hey, I never retired. I just took a little break from reality. But we all gotta wake up sooner or later.




Drink to that.


So, what's the mark?


The eye of kathiska.


What in the world is the eye of cthiscuka?


No. No, thank you. Come over here and give this a try. No. I said no, thank you. Hello.


You look like a man with an aviat.


If you only knew.


Oh, perhaps a nice bouquet of flowers.


Will help mend your day. Flowers are what got me into this mess. If you'll excuse me. There's no need to follow me from.


The shadows, Magister Andante.


And you are?


Name's Nev. Nev Gallus.


Ah, I've heard that name.


Ain't good. Context, I hope.


Always on the back of whispers.


So probably not then. Makes sense. The powerful tend to look down on private investigators. They are not comfortable with anyone who's a friend to street urchins and scullery maids.


Not to mention, you know, where all.


The dirt is hidden and where all the bodies are buried. Yes, precisely.


So, what is it that's brought you to me?


It's about Nadia.


You know Nadia? What's going on?


I've received word that she's about to do something quite a reckless.


Hmm. That is kind of her thing.


So I've been told. But now she's been tasked with stealing an ancient artifact.


Also kind of her thing.


You don't understand. She's going to break into the archives, and you have to stop her.


No. Nobody stops Nadia. I'm afraid of when her mind is set. It's like stone.


Well, you're going to have to find a way to stop her. Because many lives depend on it.


What? Come again?


Are they.






This way.


Seems like an awful lot of guards here tonight.


When has that ever stopped you?


Good point.


Besides, we got a man on the inside.






Now, over that wall.


You good, old man.


I'm fine.


Damn it.


Wanna make a little wager?


50 silver, two zebra, over the south wall first.


You're on.


Hey, wait. Hey. Barking, barking, barking. You cheated. No one said go.


We can never establish that as a rule.


Whatever. Here's your coin. Damn it.


Thank you. Now give me a hand with this anger.


The top of that wall.


Yes, I know how grappling hooks work. Thank you.


You were saying?


Shut up.


What was that?




I can get it this time.


No, just wait.


Yes. Got it. Shit.




I told you to wait. I thought you had a man on the inside.


Just let the window open.


Well, guess we better climb.


You're climbing without me.




I gotta clean up your mess. Vic, just go. And remember, over the ledge, through the window. And the archives are down the spiral staircase.




Over here, you bastards. Try and catch me.


Crazy fool. And there's the window. Thanks, Nick.


Identify yourself at once. That's just me, magister and Dante, sir.


We didn't see you in the dark.


That's all right. Just doing your jobs. Try to stay warm out here, all right? It is after hours at the archives. And our orders are to let no one pass. Luckily for all of us, I am not no one. I'm sorry, sir, but we cannot let you pass. Yes.


Yes, sir.


I. Let me see if I have this straight. You, a night watchman, are telling me. An altus mage, where he can and cannot go.


But our orders, sir.


And who gave those orders? Hmm? The magisterium, of which I am a venerated member. The magisterium, which funds this building and pays your salaries. Which means those orders came from me. And now I'm giving you new orders to let me in. So open the doors. Yes, sir. Right away, sir. Have a good watch.


Wow. This place is massive.


How else do you expect it to hold every object, scrap of writing, relic or antiquity that's even remotely interesting to the empire?




Evening, my love.


What are you doing? You can't be here.


Actually, no, I have every right to be here. It is you who trespasses.


I'm sorry. I needed to clear my head after this morning.


There are better ways to find peace than breaking into the magisterium.


You wouldn't understand.


You're right. But how can I understand when you keep so much locked away?


I do that to protect you.


You do it to protect yourself.


Helio, I. Wait, listen. Do you hear that?


Nadia, no. We have to go over here.


It's this box. I think this is it. This is what I came for.


It's the eye of Kaviska.


How do you know that?


Listen to me.


You've been tricked.


This isn't a simple grab and go for the money. There are bigger forces at play. We have to put this back and leave.


What? No, no.


Nadia, look at me. I speak the truth. This thing is dangerous. Please, just put it down and come with me. We can go back to our lives. But this never happened. No marriage, no complications. Just you and me. Please.


Okay, okay. I. I trust you. Let's go.


Oh, no.


Really? You brought ten floors?


They're not me. The two of you. Don't move. Gentlemen, this is all a misunderstanding. I am Elio. And we know who you are, magister.


And your treasonous deeds have been brought to our attention.


Believe me when I say that you and your little thief partner will hang for everything you've done. Sergeant, I'd advise you to watch your tongue. And I'd advise you to come quietly. Otherwise, you'll suffer far greater than a rope.


On my count, get ready.


We should just surrender. I can explain things to the council.


Look at them. Do they look like they want to listen, nadia, I'm sorry, but I won't let you pay for my mistakes. Now watch out for the stacks.


I can't believe you just did that.


Would you rather I let us die? Come on.


Watch out. Bladeless.


Whoa. Have you always been able to do that? Whatever that was?


Of course. I'm a bloody mage. Oh. Impressive moves, my dear.


Thanks. Now can we please get out of here?


Lead the way.


I have an escape road on the roof at the top of those stairs.


All of this because I wanted to celebrate a birthday.


Now it's not the time.


It never is.


Just be quiet and skip every third step. And don't touch the walls.


What? Why?


I installed some surprises. Just in case.


Lady, I don't know if I should be impressed or scared.


Probably a little of both. Come on. That window is our ticket out of here.


Take another step and we shall rain death upon you. Archers.


Of all the cursed luck. The escape is right there.


Hold on. I've got this.


What are you doing?


Fire's going. You missed them, missing them. What's the point?


They're retreating.


Always have to kill. Now, how do we get out of here?


Follow me.




Hold tight. We're going down this rope fast and hard. Are you okay? Helio?


We are going to have a long talk as soon as we get back to the estate.


No, no, they'll be looking for you. We need to go to mine. To Docktown.




It's not much further. Just.


What's that going in your bag?


This? The eye?


I told you that thing is dangerous. Why would you take it?


Because in case you didn't notice, we're both outlaws now.


Oh, they're not gonna stop. Aren't they?


I'm afraid not. And I will make up for that later. But right now, we need to get some coin and plan our next move. Which means we're gonna finish this deal. Danger be damned.


I'm afraid I can't let you do that.




Hello again, magister.


Who's the hat?


This is Nev Gallus, private investigator. And I presume the one who tipped them off.


Tip who off?


The Templars. They ambushed us in the archives. Swords drawn, talking treason.


That explains the light show all of minrathas just saw on the rooftop.


Was it you?


Wouldn't really be good for my business if I earned a reputation for tipping off the law. But I suspect I know who it was.


Mind sharing that information?


Have either of you ever heard of the dread wolf?


What was that?


Show yourself. Nadia. Dick? No, no, no, no.


Who is this?


His name's Vic. We're old friends. He works for the guy who gave me this job.


He what is coming for you.


Recover. Templars found us.


Those aren't Templars.


Assassins. Stop cross magic.


You're not the only mage here.


Left behind you.


That's a nice trick, magister.


Stonefist. One of my favorites.


Guys, the eye thing is being weird. This is bad. It seems bad.


How do you not now.




Don't draw in the power.


Elio. Helio. Helio, wake up.


What happened?


The eye went boom. No. Come on. Here's our chance.


What about Nev?


Let her figure it out. Untie that rope. I'll raise the sails.


So this is the boat you never let me see.


Now it's not the time. Come on already. Damn. Classin Pulley. Hurry, push this off.


Come back. You don't understand what you're doing.


Bye bye now.


I won't let you leave.


Makers breath. She's trying to freeze the bay.


Grab an orin. Help me get the thing moving.


I have a better idea?




Hey. What?


You're amazing. Thank you.


So, where to now?


Define this. Fire of Olin's. Said he's an elf with a fancy tongue.




Leo. We're here. How you feeling?


Like I've been bluffed out to rot in the sun. The silent plains as barren as ever.


I don't know. It's prettier than I thought it would be. Peaceful too. Nothing at all like Minrathus.


Don't suppose that'll be a problem anymore, seeing as neither of us can ever go back.


I said I was sorry.


I know. I just. All those relics, the history to read, the knowledge.


Leo, I didn't know what else to do. I. I did it to protect you.


What's done is done. I. I'm sorry. Look, when I proposed, I told you all I wanted was to be with you. Now I have that. So we'll figure the rest out together. I promise. You just need time.


Me and you, Helio.


Me and you. What's that?


What's what?


That glimmer.


Is that your grandmother's ring? Yeah.


You kept it?


I did.


But you wear it around your neck and not your finger.


Gotta start somewhere.


Whoa, whoa.


That's his folks girl.


Probably just that ominous looking chap in the road just ahead. Is that your guy?


I'm not sure. Hood's up. I can't see his face.


Think he's safe?


Let's go find out. Keep an eye for bandits, just in case. You, stranger, you know of olinous.


Nadia, I presume. I am solace. And I am, I believe, the one that you seek.


You have the gold?


If that is what matters most to you.


It's what matters to the world, perhaps. Looks good to me. Elio, give him the eye.


Are you sure about this?


What other choices do we have?


One moment.


Steady yourselves. There is nothing to fear from this relic.


You didn't see what this thing did back in Minrathus. Unleashed a wave of energy or something. Tore the ground up, almost killed Elio.


I will demonstrate. Adyrdhanas. Ir elgara. Masula evadnenae.


How did you do that?


The eye was made from a rare gem mined here in the caves beneath us. It was crafted centuries ago by a powerful dreamer.


So it's connected to the fade.


Do you feel a connection to the fade? Magister?


You know who I am.


Among other things. I know you well.


What is this? What. What game are you playing?


I do not play games. But if you seek answers, then come.


Maybe we should turn back. This cave has a dark energy. I don't like it.


Energy is neither dark nor light. It is just energy. And it is not the cave responsible for what you feel. It is the fade. The veil is fragile here.


I can feel it.


What about the eye? Can you feel that, too?


You said you had answers about what happened. Tell us.


I suspect that when Elio summoned his magic back on those docks, he unknowingly formed a bond with the eye, and it amplified his powers.


You better choose your next words very carefully.


What are you doing?


We never said it was at the docks.


Kindly remove your blade from my neck.


You start talking, I'll decide if I move it.


Do you think the threat of a knife brings truth?


The knife? It's just a promise, Nadia.


Put it down.




I heard word that the venator Ii had plans for the eye. I hired Olin to retrieve the relic before that could happen.


Why would you do that?


Because they do not understand its power. Or yours, magister.




There are things in motion that neither of you can fully grasp, and it is up to me to ensure that we arrive at the best possible outcome. But in order for that to happen, yes, I will need your help.


Why me?


Because you are a powerful rift mage, and your bloodline is tied to this relic. The dreamer that forged the eye bore the name of Andante.


My family created it.


It was no accident that Olin hired me, was it?


You're sharper than you let on.


It's a gift.


It's a frailty.


I was told that the eye would end the world, not mend it.


Some people confuse a reckoning as an ending.


So you seek reform.


I seek regeneration.


I've heard enough of this. Drek. Let's go. Elio. Elio.


I'll do it.


Um, can I speak to you for a moment? Are you crazy? There is no way we can trust this guy.


I understand your concern, but my purpose in the magisterium was to help the people, to invoke change. I can't do that. Now that life is overdeveloped, this could be my last chance to make a difference. And to find out that the eye was born by my ancestor's hand. I. I have to do this. It was fated.


Why must you be so noble?


We are who we are, my love.


What is this place?


An ancient city chamber, once home to unspeakable acts. Many were sacrificed on these grounds, and the blood that was spilled weakened the barriers between our worlds.


And the eye will help us fix that?


More or less.


And you're sure this is safe?


As safe as we make it.


I don't know. I've got a bad feeling about this.


Would it help if I told you that ring around your neck is imbued with the protective spell?


Maybe. Is it?




The relic is ready. Prepare your mind.




Guys, this is not real, right?


Silence, please.


Colin, please, we must stop. Keep your mind steady. I feel something present.


You have to stop it.


This is all to be expected. Remains burned. I can hold on. If you let go now, the eye will explode.




I'm here.




We must please. We must. Please.


Hurry up, Nadia.


Here, take my hand. He has crossed over.




We must escape. I'm sorry.


Elio, are you there? Elio? Solit. Hello? No. I will ask you one more time. Did you know about the vettatory?


No, I swear.


And Solas, did you know of his plan for Leo? Who?




What do you mean? Who's Solace? He's the guy you sent me to meet.


We never met in person, and my contact only referred to him by title.


And what was that?


The dreadful.




Nadia, please.


Where can I find this woman?


I don't know.


Well, that's too bad for you.


Wait. Wait.


I overheard my contact speaking to another about his plans to visit ancient burial grounds in the hitherlands. But that's all I know. By the maker, I swear.


There's your antidote. Careful not to choke on it.


I really am sorry, Nadia.




That's for Vic's family. Make sure they get it. And if they don't? I'll be back, Michelle.


On my grave.


Then we never need to see each other again. Easy, girl. We got a long ride ahead of us. Helio. Elio, where are you? Are you okay?


I can't escape without you. Hurry. You must. You must find a horn.


Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm coming. What do I do? Like, how do I get to you?


I'm here, Eliot.


Hell you. Don't worry, my love. I'm coming for you. Yeah.


Dragon Vowels in Vengeance is a production of electronic arts in association with pod people based on the award winning video game franchise from Bioware. Learn more about the world of Dragon Age and its latest game, Dragon the Veil. Guard by visiting Dragon rated M for mature. Directed by Matt Sav. Written by Will Melton and Jeremy Novick. Featuring the voices of May Whitman as Nadia Armen Taylor as Elio Gareth David Lloyd as Solis, Jessica Clark as Nevda. Also featuring Damian Gerard as Olin additional voices by Sabrina Fest Rosalind gentle Gillian Kinsey Daniel Lynch, Isaac Gonzalez Rossi, Sean Thomas Simmons, Charles Halford, and Brandon Gill as narrator. Creative and narrative direction by Todd Stahlkamp. Bioware narrative development and support by Mary D. Marle and John Eppler editorial direction by Will Melton. Producers for Electronic Arts, Alex Bader and Chris Beckett. Production management by Brian Rivers assistant direction bye Ashton Carter. Story development by Todd Stahlkamp, Will Milton, Matt Sav, and Jeremy Novick associate producing and script supervision by Hannah Ray Leach. Casting by Elaine Aldaffer, Lisa Donatio, Lindsey Plusard, and Alex Vicbanis. Sound designed by Michael Aquino, Morgan Foose, and Carter Wogan. Dialog editing by Michael Aquino and Carter Wogan.


Mixing and mastering by Morgan Foose. Featuring original music by Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe. Executive producers for Pod People, Matt Sav and Rachel King. Electronic art brand and marketing leads, Carrie Hale and Olivier Tse. Electronic arts design, Hugo Hugas and Jacob Meyer. BioWare special thanks to Ashley Barlow, Cody B. Hill, Hillary, Heidi, Steve Lamb, Crystal McCord and Patrick Weeks. Electronic arts special thanks to Kevin Mayer, Jacqueline Gilson, Rick Dressler, Marcy Gallia, Krista Tresais, Joe Gadula, John Bailey, Greg Josen, and ritual Connor. Dragon the Veil guard a single player rpg launches fall 2024 on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. Begin your adventure at dragon rated M for mature. Next time on dragon vows and vengeance.


There are just two things you get to be alive or dead. Decide quick which one you prefer.


Tonight, we shall teach these heretics what it means to demolish deathless one. You should have never come here, dwarf.


This is a fine mess you've gotten yourself into, Harding.


On my mark, pull.


That's it. Press forward, everyone. Form one giant line and push. I don't have time for a little side adventure. There's somebody else who already needs me. Help us and I'll help you find the dread wolf.


It would appear you have nothing left but excuses.