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All the things that your mom sends me.


Did you just knock on the table? No. I'm sick and tired of your superstitions.


All the TikToks that your mom sends me, they are saying the AirPods use the exact same frequencies as the microwave. I keep trying to tell her that if that were the case, my head would explode within the first 15 seconds of me listening to a song.


It has been getting bigger a little bit recently, so I think it's expanding. Has it? It's a slow burn because it's a tiny little microwave, so every're going to have a little popcorn kernel. I'm going to walk into a bloody mess and I don't want to clean that up. I'm going to have to hire somebody. Then my money goes down the drain right before Christmas, right before I have to provide for my family. Not cool. I'm thinking about.