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This is what it felt like for me. It felt like in a movie world where everything is fast food and processed and made in a factory, it felt like a home cooked meal. I mean that in a very genuine way. That's a great way to describe it. I mean it in a very genuine way. That's a movie I left and I called anyone that's ever had a meatball in their life. I'm like, I'm pretty sure this is what your family feels like. T hat's stereotypical, but it's beautiful.


When Everybody Lives Raymond, it was specific to the Italians in Long Island, but it appeals universally because it's about people and families. It doesn't matter.


Where you're from. It feels like a home cooked meal because it's like if you went to Mario Batali's house, it would still feel like some master chef was cooking for you. But if you're going to a normal guy who just really likes Italian food and spends a lot of time on it, what I'm saying is we're inexperienced filmmakers, and so we just spent a lot of time and effort on every little moment.