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You know what was a bad day for me? 9/11, because I was alive. Thank you. Now I'm an American. I'm an American. I don't have an opinion about Pearl Harbor because I'm not Japanese. And also I wasn't alive.


Again, how are we supposed to know?


You can tell. What are the traits? Yeah, I've always been curious about that. I love it. I don't think white people have the eye of.


The tiger. No. Okay, that was racist.


No, I love that again. Okay. This guy is really good. I get why you have him. He throws the zinger.


Out there. Yeah, pretty good zinger. That one was a little racist, though.


Why tigers are all over the world? Yeah. Africa has them.


The main populations in Asia. Do you think it is? I know it is. Most wild tigers live in Asia.


Okay, Thailand, India, and Indonesia. You're going to pay for the coffee. I'll pay for.


The coffee. Okay. And that was racist. With that information, it's racist. And you fuck you.