Transcribe your podcast

Do you think when they have celebrity people come- First of all- What? Dude, I can't speak to anybody in this room. I'll tell you what's going on. I'll tell you what's going on right now, and I don't like it. Okay, yes, sir. What's going on right now is because you're a podcaster-I was trying to take're taking over, and we're not doing this right now. Lean back. How far back? You got a little nervous. You're like, Well, I'm going to have to do my thing. You know what I mean? And show my muscle. Alex, we don't do that in this town. I was trying to strong arm the situation. Very wide of-I want you to be nervous girls have heard that same thing? No, no, no. That's very funny. Okay, I'll see here. No, it's five.