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It's the last day. My mom just wants to play board games with me. Jared hears about this party going on in LA. The girl that he is interested in is going to be there. He doesn't give me a chance to form more memories with my mom who has an illness.


Okay, first of all, she doesn't have an illness that we know about. I got freaking receipts for this story. Okay, continue.


We leave a little early and we head to this party and I'm just thinking about my family the whole time. I wish I could just form another memory with them. I wish I could have something to look back on when I'm on my deathbed to be like, Hey, that was a good day with them. That was a good memory.


Don't fucking fake cry right now.


You can't treat me this way.


Okay? Well, this whole story is a cracker shit.