Transcribe your podcast

I think it's turned into cancer.What do you mean?My whole body.


He was talking to my doctor. My doctor, he's talking to my sister who's an OB-GYN. We're sitting in the car, I'm talking to her on speaker, and then he whispers. He goes, Is that a real doctor?


Is she a PA?


She's an OB-GYN.


An Oggman.


That checks out vaginas. I know. It doesn't feel like you knew or else she would have checked out your vagina. But I figured-You are the biggest hyperchondriac I've ever met in my entire life. You are?


No. You've had the same back issue for six years.


Maybe that's just lingering.


Or maybe it's not real at all up here. It's a slip disk.


You fell on the stairs? That's real. You fell on the stairs and now you have the flu.


I was trying to put on a sweater, and I missed.