Transcribe your podcast

If you were to switch bodies with me for a day, what would you do?


If I was at for a day, I think I would Venmo myself a bunch of money. What would you do if you were me for a day?


Okay, you remember at the beginning of this, whatever this is called, when I was like, She's only in it for the money. She doesn't care about you guys?


No, I want your money.


Yeah, I understand. But the first thing she did when she had the opportunity to be in the opposite sex's body and do something cool with a human being who's tall, since she's short, she could do anything. She could play basketball.


She was just still-Oh, I guess it would have been fun to play basketball. Or do if you were in my body?


I'd buy an economy seat on an airplane.Oh.


Yeah?on an airplane.On a flight?


And-just enjoy it.I feel good.